The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 12, 1959, Image 1

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DonH Look JmdpDo They?
Vol. 33 No. 56
The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, January 12, 1959
fif msmm
A PUZZLED GROUP of PI Beta Phis can't understand why they can't sleep, or at least
that's part of their Coed Follies skit plot, "Insomnia." Practicing for Tuesday tryouts are:
(from left, standing) Carol Langhauser, Mary Kay Coonrad, Sally Mardock and Wendy
Wood. Seated (from left) are: Linda Oakeson, Sue Stock, Nancy Todd, Jan Myrberg,
Mamie Gardner and Monica Ross.
Sororities Try Tues.
For Follies Berths
To Audition
In Ballroom
Tuesday will be the day of
reckoning for 14 sororities.
That is the day AWS has
set for Coed Follies tryouts.
The auditions will be held in
the Union Ballroom.
Skitmasters must bring an
alphabetically typed list of
their entire casts using legal
names, not nicknames. They
must also bring colored
sketches of the planned seen
ery and costumes.
rroaucuon cost limit is
Judging the skits will be
Dean Helen Snyder, Associ
ate Den of Women, Miss
Mary Jean Mulvaney, Asso
ciate Professor of Physical
Education for women, Miss
Sue Arbuthnot, Assistant Pro
fessor of Elementary Educa
tion, Van Westover, Assitant
to the Dean of Student At
fairs and Richard Wagner.
Manager, Pershing Municipal
Skits will be judged on clev
erness, originality and audi
ence appeal. The judges will
not be looking for perfection
in the tryouts, according to
Linda Walt.
Groups trying out for the
follies, their skitmasters and
their auditions times are 6:30,
Delta Delta Delta, "The Suc
cess of Rock Hunter, Janet
Dresher; 6:45, Kappa Alpha
Theta, take-off on a silent
movie Prudie Morrow; 7:00,
Alpha Xi Delta, North
ward Ho the Dogsled," Pat
Salisbury; 7:15, Chi, Omega,
"From Riches to Rags (or)
That's the Way the Mop
Flops", Beth Wilson
7:30, Zeta Tau Alpha. "La
dies Day", Rita Carroll; 7:45,
Kappa Kappa Gamma,
"Hoop Scoop", Kati Dailey;
8:00, Sigma Kappa, "Don't
Come Near the Waves", Nan
cy Fowler; 8:15, Delta Gam
ma, "Hannah Hits Harvard",
Donna Scriven.
8:30, Kappa Delta, "Pre-
medicated Fate of a Cap
tivated Mate," Anne Nord-
quist and Roberta Rack; 8:45,
Pi Beta Phi, "Insomnia",
Mary Anne Timmons and
Mary Anne Ryan; 9:00, At
pha Chi Omega, "Snow Red
and the 7 Bolshevicks", Pat
roner ana Joni Keeves; 9:
Alpha Phi, "Harvest Moon
Ball", Jan Dwarak and Anne
9:J0, Gamma Phi Beta,
"Willing Debutantes",
Martha Letzkus; 9:45, Alpha
umicron n, ' MacBeth
Bobbie Butterfield.
Tassels Head
Clarifies Queen
Election Changes
Clarification of the changes
approved by Tassels o n
Homecoming queen elections
was made by president
Georgann Humphrey.
Only three of the changes
approved last week by Tas
sels require changes in the
constitution. They include:
having two instead of three
Tassels on the 7-man inter
viewing board, having 10 in
stead of five finalists, having
a queen End three attendants
instead of a queen and four
Other changes approved by
the group will be in the form
of recommendations to next
year's group. These include
the early announcement of
the queen's name, the timing
of the letter sent to houses
asking them to nominate a
candidate and timing of the
election to determine finalists.
Outstanding Nebraskan
Two Profs, Student Nominate
Ihree more nominations
Terry Mitchem, Dallas Wil-
liams and Louis Crompton
have been received for the
biannual selection of "Out
standing Nebraskan."
Further nominations must
be submitted to the Daily Ne
braskan office in the base
ment of the Union by noon
Tuesday. One senior or grad
uate student and one faculty
member will be selected as
"Outstanding Nebras
kan" and will be announced
Friday in the Daily Nebras
kan. Scholastic Record
Miss Mitchem was cited
for her exceptional scholastic
record showing a 7.6 overall
average and recent selection
to Phi Beta Kappa.
"Nowhere can one find a
person with a more varied
background in extra-curricu-
Big 8
See Page 4
Eta Kappa Nu
Elects Smith
Paul Smith was elected
president of Beta Psi chapter
of Eta Kappa Nu, national
electrical engineering honor
Other officers elected for
second semester are: Charles
Kress, vice-president; Gordon
Hunter, corresponding secre
tary; Carroll Novicki, bridge
correspondent; Don Cox, re
cording secretary; and John
Kane, treasurer.
Math Colloquium
Dr. Bernard Harris, as
sistant professor of mathe
matics, will discuss "Deter
mination of Bounds on In
tegrals Subject to Moment
Constraints" at the mathe
matics colloquium Tuesday,
3 p.m., 209 Burnett Hall.
Junior Division Report
60 Per Cent Frosh Return;
Sophomore Scholarship Up?
By Carroll Kraus
About 60 per cent (ap
proximately 1,000) students
from the September, 1957
freshman class returned to
the University as sopho
mores this semester.
The mean grade average
of returnees is 5.489.
The above information
was made available from a
.survey by the Junior Divi
sion, in cooperation with the
Data Processing Depart
ment and the Bureau of In
structional Research.
Higher Quality Believed
Complete comparable da
ta for classes previous to
this are not available, but
it is believed that the schol
astic quality of the current
sophomore class is some
what higher than' previous
Or the 40 per cent of the
1957-58 freshman class who
did not return to the Uni
versity last Septtmber, 21
per cent were dropi?! from
class roles because of poor
scholarship or other rea
sons, while 19 per cent have
not returned for reasor.s of
their own.
However, some 73 per
cent of the "eligible" non-
I lar activities. She has lust
stepped down as president of
YWCA, she is vice-president
on the Student Union Board,
a past member of the AUF
Board and Student Council.
"She is a member of Phi
Sigma Iota, language hon
orary, Alpha Lambda Delta,
freshman women's scholastic
honorary and a Mortar Board.
Her activity load has not
kept her from taking ac
tive part in her sorority. She
has been social chairman,
vice-president and is now
secretary of Gamma Phi
Summer Hostess
"The administration rec
ognizes Miss Mitchem's con
tributions and named her the
official summer session host
ess last summer. In this ca
pacity she met and extended
the hand of the University to j
Comstock Says
Statistics Bring
Efficient Projects
Statistics are one means of
bringing about more efficient
agricultural research pro
jects, n. t,. comstock, profes
sor of animal husbandry at
me university of Minnesota,
told the Nebraska Agricultural
Experiment Station confer
ence. The conference met Thurs
day and Friday.
"Through statistics, scien
tists are able to summarize
large bodies of data, evaluate
reliability of experimental re
sults and design experiments
so that information is obtained
at minimum cost in terms of
time, effort and materials,"
he said.
The dean of the University
College of Agriculture, W. V.
Lambert, also spoke at the
"We must be constantly on
the alert to be sure our ag
ricultural research projects
are not obsolete before the
studies are completed," he
told the group. "This means
more efficient research work
through comprehensive plan
ning." returnees had grade aver
ages below 5. About 30 per
cent were below a 4.
High Average Returnees
About 4-5 of the returning
sophomores had averages of
4 to 6.99. Some 94 per cent
of 1957 freshmen who scored
higher than a 6 average
came back to NU this fall.
For freshmen who had
averages above 4, the re
turn rate was 89 per cent.
AH the students who re
ceived higher than an 8 av
erage returned this year,
but their numbers made up
only about one per cent of
the total.
About 58 per cent of the
freshmen who had poor
years below 4 grade aver
age didn't return.
Top Quartile Scores
The report showed that
top quartile high school stu
dents lived up to expecta
tions rather well.
Only 2 per cent of their
numbers have below 4 aver
ages. Nearly half had bet
ter than 6. Some 58 per cent
of the students in the high
school second quartile
scored less than a 5 aver
age, and 77 per cent of third
Regents Elect
New Board
Summer Session Increase
Approved in Other Action
Clarence Swansor of Lin
coln was elected president of
the University Board of Re
gents at the Board's first
meeting of the year Saturday.
Swanson succeeds C. Y.
Thompson, retired West Point
farmer, a regent since 1955.
Eliot New V.P.
J. G. Eliot of Scottsbluff
was named vice president of
the Board.
Speaking of Thompson,
many visiting personalities."
Mr. Williams was nomin
ated for his "consistent ef
forts to bring to the Univer
sity the finest drama of
which the University Theatre
is capable."
"As director of University
Theatre, he has established
himself as an artist of integ
rity. He has brought to the
University stage his own high
standards of artistry, infused
them into his casts, and
turned out a consistently
high level of production.
"At the same time, he has
shown his classes an exact
ing standard of scholarship
and has proven himself an
administrator of considerable
Howell Theatre
"Due in large part to his
efforts, the new Howell Me
morial Theatre a building
of which the University can
be justly proud was built."
A freshman In English
nominated Louis Crompton,
assistant professor 1 Eng
lish, for his "firm but good
humored insistence on clear
thinking which helps to im
prove one's writing ability.
"His classes are as fine an
example of the Socratic
method as any this writer
has encountered. He lectures
occasionally but spends
much time deftly prodding
his students into using their
heads and suggesting their
answers themselves.
"The usual freshman com
bination of muddy thinking
and pompous expression has
little chance in his classes,"
the student commented.
Dr. William Hall, director
of the school of journalism,
and Lyle Hansen have pre
viously been nominated.
YW Posts Open
Chairmanships and assistant
chairmanships are now open
in YWCA.
Applications may be picked
up in Rosa Bouton Hall. They
are due Wednesday. Appli
cants should also sign up for
an interview. Interviews will
be held Thursday from 1 to 4
p.m. and Friday from 2 to 4
quartile students had below
Fourth quartile students
landed 7 per cent of their
numbers in above 6 aver
ages; 19 per cent from 5 to
5.99; 29 per cent from 4 to
4.99 and 45 per cent nearly
half finished under 4.
Most From Top Quarter
Top quartile high school
students scored 100 per cent
in grabbing the above 8 av
erages the University hand
ed out last year. However,
approximately 2-3 of the
University freshmen in
September, 1957, were from
the top quartile of their
freshman high school class.
About a fifth were from the
second quartile.
Only about 3 per cent of
NU freshmen in 1957-58
were from the 4th high
school quartile.
Percentage of
students I
who could be identified by
each high school quartile
who returned for the sopho
more year is: Top quarter
70 percent; Second quar
ter 58 per cent; Third
quarter 44 per cent; and
Fourth quarter 21 per
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
said: "His has been the kind
of dedicated public service
that makes for maximum
progress in an Institution of
this kind."
Before turning over the
gavel to Swanson, Thompson
termed the University the
"mainspring to the progress of
Thompson's successor as
representative from the 3rd
District, Richard Adkins of
Osmond, also was seated.
Summer Budget Approved
In other action, the Regents
approved a 1959 summer bud
get of $319,726, an increase of
$26,211 over last year's sum
mer budget.
Dr. Frank Sorenson, direc
tor of summer sessions, noted
three main reasons for the
requested increase: 1) An
expected increase in enroll
ment: (2) Extra graduate stu
dents for Increased lab offer
ings; (3) A larger number of
senior staff members.
The Regents also appointed
Bruce Nicoll director of the
University's press and publi
cations. Nicoll succeeds Miss Emily
Schossberger, who resigned
from the position in June. Ni
coll joined the University staff
in 1946 as assistant director of
public relations.
Since then he has served as
administrative assistant to
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson
and to Chancellor Hardin from
The Regents also accepted
these resignations and made
these appointments:
Robert Cooke, associate in pathology.
College of Medicine.
Neai Shater, associate professor of
Judith Ramey Egbert, TV -correspondence
Leavet of Absence
Paul Schich, professor of Germanic
David W. Seyler, assistant professor of
College of Agriculture
Henry K. Jedlinski, assistant in plant
pathology extension.
Jess Kovanda. assistant county agricul
tural extension agent.
Charles Aohtie. research associate in
James Wiltban. research associate at
Fort Robinsons Beef Cattle Research Sta
tion, Crawford.
Vocational Homemaklng Supervising
Instructor, Feb. 1 to March 31, 1.V
Mrs. Janice Martin, Fairbury High
Marjorie Rolofson. Slanton High School.
Mrs. Judith Schutz, Milfnrd High School
School of Journalism
R. Neale Copple. part-time instructor,
named assistant professor on full time
basis, effective September, 1939.
Health Service
Dr. Kenneth Dwight Rose, staff physi
College of Medicine
Thomas W. Howell, instructor in Intern
al medicine.
Johanna Becker Wilcott, clincical psy-
i-noiogisi, mental retardation project, de
partment ot neurology and psych atry.
Bernard Magid. clinical instructor in
oostetrics ana gynecology.
Audubon Tour
Features Lake
The Audubon Screen Tour
will feature "Earthquake
Lake Friday at Love Li
brary Auditorium.
Tickets are available form
the University Bureau of Audio-visual
Instruction, the Ex
tension Division, and the State
Museum in Morrill Hall.
Rag Applications
Application blanks for posi
tions on the spring semester
staff of the Daily Nebraskan
may be picked up in Burnett
Interviews will be held
Oil Jobbers
To Meet at NU
Oil jobbers from four states
will attend a three-day con
ference on development in
the business at the Union
Approximately 50 petrole
um, jobbers will hear, ap
praise and discuss various
points of view dealing with
their day-to-day business
Speakers at the conference
will include B. R. Davis,
manager of distributor and
dealer relations of the D-X
Sunray Corporation, Tulsa,
Okla.; L. T. White, vice presi
dent and director of Cities
Service Petroleum, Inc., New
(York City, and John Shields,
director of training and busi
ness research of the Bennett
Pump Division of the John
Wood Co. in Chicago.
Besides the Nebraska dele
gates, oil jobbers from Iowa,
Wyoming and Colorado will
I) if
; V ' f
tfV'.'v f
Swanson . . . heads Regents
AF Team
To Inspect
Plans on Agenda
A team of inspectors from
the national AFROTC pro
gram will discuss the reor
ganization of the Nebraska
University unit during their
inspection tour Jan. 13-14.
Lt. Col. Robert Burnham
and Lt. Col. Tom Foulk, Jr.
will inspect the University De
tachment to "ascertain tho
proficienty of operations at
the University under the goal
set forth by the Air Force"
according to Major Richard
Hamilton, director of educa
tion and training here.
The inspection will begin,
with a formal briefing by the
cadet staff officers headed by
caaet col. Robert Aden, Win:
Commander, and consists of
visits to classrooms and of
fices. Aden said the formal brief
ing would be a review by the
staff of their positions and
duties and also an outline of
the reorganization program to
go into effect next semester."
On their tour of classes the
team will inspect the appear
ance of the cadets, the quality
and methods of instruction,
and the efficiency of the ad
ministrative operations.
Col. Hamilton emphasized
that the entire inspection pro
cedure had to be worked out
by the senior cadets and that
the difficulties they encount
ered were similar to those
they would meet on active
duty as AF officers.
2nd Edition
'Scrip' Sales
Start Todav
"Scrip," a literary maga
zine composed of work by
University students will go on
sale today.
Similar to the first edition
published last April, it will in
clude short stories, poetry,
special articles and essays
based on themes which will be
of interest to the college stu
dent. Copies will be available in
Andrews Hall, Miller's Book
store and the Union.
Dzenis Designed
The covers of both editions
have been designed by Karlis
Dzenis, who is in his fourth
year of architecture at the
University. The Lincoln artist
described his cover for the
new edition as "shocking . . .
bold," and "unlike other cov
ers seen on this campus be
fore." Interested to discover the
reactions of the student to his
design, Dzenis colored it with
equal amounts of black and
magenta on a background of
white. The design is composed
of symbols of writing.
Schultz Is Editor
The magazine, which is pub
lished by the University
Press, is edited by Steve
Schultz. Associate editors are
William Johnson, Dick Gilli
land and Mary Lou Iteece.
Other staff members are ad
viser Robert Hough, assistant
professor of English, and
business manager Clark Nelson.
Drug Test
At Psychiatric
1 liter-State Center
A newly announced three
year grant of $291,498 from
the U.S. Public Health Serv
ice will allow the Nebraska
Psychiatric Institute in Oma
ha to set up the first co-ordi-naled
state center in the coun
try for evaluation of drugs in
the treatment of mentally ill.
The first-year amount of
$79,790 was accepted by the
Board of Regents Saturday.
The University operates the
Institute jointly with the State
Board of Control.
Dr. Ce II Wittson, director,
said the Institute will receive
$105,854 for each of the follow
ing two years.
Dr. Jackson Smith, associ
ate director, will be in charge
of the project.
During the past three years,
the Institute and two units in
Nebraska state hospitals have
evaluated 19 preparations. A
period of 6 to 8 months and
72 patients are required to
evaluate completely a product
that shows promise, Dr. Smith
The addition of two units in
the Dakotas state hospitals
at Yankton, S.D., and at
Jamestown, N.D. will permit
the Institute-directed program
to have access to more pa
tients treated under various
At Confab
Minnesota Profs
Speaks to Counselor
Nebraska school counselors
were told "that counseling is
a means of helping education
develop individuals develop
to the utmost of their capa
bilities and potentialities."
Dean E. G. Williamson, pro
fessor of psychology at the
University o f Minnesota,
spoke at a one-day conference
on school counseling held at
the University Friday.
Necessary Conditions
Dean Williamson outlined
certain assumptions and ne
cessary conditions for effect
ive counseling.
Among these was the cen
tering of attention upon the
uniqueness of each individual,
helping him to explore and
exploit this uniqueness.
He noted that experience in
dicates that the best counsel
ing takes place "when the
student wants to be counseled
and wants to establish and
continue the relationship with
the counselor."
Dr. Robinson
Dr. Francis Robinson, pro
fessor of psychology at Ohio
State University, discussed
recent studies of experienced
counselors and analyzed some
of their work at an earlier
Dr. Robinson stressed the
importance of the school in
the problems of the young
person's personal adjustment.
The meeting, which also in
cluded group discussions, was
sponsored by the University's
department of educational
psychology and measure
ments, the Guidance Services
division of the Nebraska State
Department of Education and .
the Nebraska Personnel
Guidance Association.
Prof Co-Authors
English Book
Dr. Dudley Bailey, associ
ate professor of English, is
co author of Form in Modern
English, a book published by
the Oxford University Press.
Other authors of the book
are Dona Worrall Brown and
Wallace Brown of the Uni
versity of Kansas City.
Another 13 articles and
technical writings by Uni
versity instructors and staff
members were published in
recent or annual technical
journals and magazines.