The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 19, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4

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m toe UaivaraUi' looaJIr.
Crime does pay.
At least it has for Dr.
. James Reinhardt, professor
of criminology, one of the
most noted men in his field.
A 28-year veteran of the
University faculty, Dr.
Reinhardt has lectured at
the FBI National Academy
in Washington, D. C, as a
visiting faculty member for
the past 13 years. He has
received two visiting lec
turer certificates of appre
ciation signed by J. Edgar
Hoover, director of the FBI.
Seven Books Published
He is author or co-author
of seven books. His latest
work is a study called "Sex
Perversions and Sex
Crimes," published by
Charles Thompson. He is
under contract to Thompson
for three more boks.
He described his Interest f -
In criminology as comins
about in a "snowball ef- r.
r L if
"I just got interested in
it," he said. "It's like a
snowball, you know. I insti
tuted some short courses at
the University many years
ago, began to write a little
on the subject and soon I
found myself getting more
and more interested in that
His current interest is
occupied by a study of three
multiple or "chain" mur
ders, including Robert
Mertz, Nannie Doss and
Charles Starkweather.
'Most Interesting Criminal'
"I think Nannie Doss was
Med College
A postgraduate course in
gynecology and oncology will
be held at the College of Med
icine Jan. 15 and 16.
The course is conducted by
the University in cooper
ation with the Division of Ma
ternal and Child Health of
the Nebraska State Health
Department. Dr. Roy Holly,
professor and chairman of
the department of obstetrics
and gynecology, is course co
ordinator. Other participating mem
bers of the College of Medi
cine are Dr. Hilton Salhanick,
research assistant professor
of obstetrics and gynecology
and assistant profesor of bi
ochemistry and Dr. Colin
Schack, instructor in obstet
rics and gynecology.
Guest faculty members in
clude Dr. James Nolan, as
sistant clinical professor of
obstetrics and gynecology of
the University of Southern
California School of Medi
cine; Dr. Ben Peckham, pro
fessor and chairman of the
department of obstetrics and
gynecology of the University
of Wisconsm Medical School;
and Dr. Roger Scott, associ
ate professor of obstet
rics and gynecology at West
ern Reserve University School
of Medicine.
Op to th PuMfc
Saturday Nif, Dec. 20
Aim. 90c Dancing 9-1
Pick Up Your New
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70th & Sumner
to Rnarvotteai Phone 4-MU
Congregate at the
TEE PEE Open 'til 1 A.M.
weekdays and 'til 2 A.M.
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Served from 1 1 :30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Adults $2.00 Children $1.00
Pavs' for Dr. Reinhardt
'Snowball Effect' Brings About Career
the most interesting crim
inal I have interviewed," he
said. "She murdered four
husbands with arsenic,
never giving them a lethal
dose at one time, but de
grees of the poison over a
period of several weeks."
He described Miss Doss
as a "gentle, mild appear
ing creature."
"She actually found un-
Saeger Gets
Red Cross
Smith, Santin,
Heyne Elected ,
Gretchen Saeger has been
elected president of the Red
Cross College Unit
The new vice president is
Elizabeth Smith with Eileen
Santin as secretary. Beverly
Heyne is treasurer.
The new officers will be in
stalled Jan. 7. Applications
for Red Cross board positions
will be available Jan. 5 out
side the Red Cross Office,
Union 306.
Miss Saeger, a junior in
Arts and Sciences, is a mem
ber of Builders' Board, Alpha
Lambda Delta and activities
chairman of Gamma Phi Be
ta. Miss Smith, a junior in Arts
and Sciences, is a member
of YWCA, Coed Counelors and
Zeta Tau Alpha. Miss San
tin, a junior in Teachers, is
a member of the YWCA cab
inet, ACE and treasurer of
Kappa Delta.
Miss Heyne, a sophomore in
Agriculture, is a member of
the Lutheran Student Associ
ation and panhellenic delegate
of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Illinois Trip Due
For T' Members
Ten members of the YW
YMCA will attend the sixth
annual national assembly of
the groups in Illinois over
Christmas vacation.
Carole Nausler, ' Lynne
Meyers, Robert Rhoades, Er
wina Hutchinson, Robert Mc
Neff, Kay Preston, Jane Sav
ener, Gary Vencill, Marcia
Boden, Kathleen Roach, Polly
Moller and Don Chin will at
tend the assembly Dec. 28 to
Jan. 3.
Approximately 1,000 stu
dents are expected to attend
the meet at the University of
Twins man who wanti to than two
bedroom, thre fireplace, (urnlnhed
bachelor headquarter! with threa old
er atudenti. Pleaae call 3-0208.
FOUND Car keyi for Chrynler prod
uct. Owner may have by Identlfylnn
case and paying for ad. Call Arllt
Thayer, 2-8853.
i " f 'V- i? '
A , i
bridled satisfaction in nurs
ing and waiting on these
, husbands," he commented,
"while all the time she was
aware that she had the sit
u a t i o n completely under
He cited the Mertz mur
der of a mother and her
daughter as his "most baf
fling case," because there
was no apparent reason for
the crimes.
Dr. Reinhardt was born
in Georgia, and went to
Berea College in Kentucky.
He received his Ph.D. and
Masters Degree at the Uni
versity of North Dakota.
On Own Early
Orphaned when he was
three, Dr. Reinhardt related
he was on his own from the
age of 14. He was an en-
listed man in the Army dur
ing World War I.
"My happiest experiences
have been my friendships
with some of the most in
spiring scholars of the
world today and the friend
ship, consideration and fas
cinating interests of my
He added that he felt a
special satisfaction to have
Lincoln Covered
Radio Journalists Establish 'First'
A University radio-journalism
class recently estab
lished a first in the journal
ism school by splitting up
into two groups and taking
over as reporters for sta
tions KFOR and KLIN in
On Dec. 12 the team of
Dixie Helms, Fred Gibbs,
Jack Rogers, Bob Wirz and
Bob Martel went to work
for KFOR news director
Bob Jeamby.
The students covered
municipal government
roamed around Lincoln in
the station's mobile ".nit, re
wrote wire copy, .overed
the statehouse and conduct
ed several feature inter
views. A few of the stu
dents managed to get on the
Marcia Ray, Mel Hen
ning, Dan Lutz and George
Raymer went through much
the same procedure for
KLIN news chief John Han
lin on Dec. 15.
Jack Dooley, in his first
year at Nebraska, teaches
the course.
Dr. William E. Hall, di
rector of the School of Jour
nalism, said the ultimate
goal of the school is to have
radio-journalism students
WOW to Air
Singers Concert
Monday Evening
The University Singers, di
rected by Professor Earl Jen
kins, will present a half-hour
program of Christmas music
over the CBS-Radio network.
The show will be heard na
tionally Monday evening from
8.30 to 9 p.m. (est). In East
ern Nebraska, Radio Station
WOW, Omaha, will carry the
program from 11 to 11:30
p.m. Monday.
Besides the 102-voice Sing
ers, others who will partici
pate in the program are My
ron Roberts, organist; Glen
da Klein, accompanist and Al
Hotaling, producer-director at
KUON-TV, as narrator.
James Fassett, CBS pro
gram director, invited the
University music department
to represent Nebraska in the
network's annual pre-Christ-mas
7:4S ,
Evenini Prelude
TV Clansroom
Adventuring In the Hand Art
Industry on Parade
U.N. Review
Channel 12 Preaent
Atomic Primer
fi ill
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Coupon Good for Friday and Saturday
25c OFF ON $1.39 PIZZA
Order by Phone 2-5098
The Daily Nebraskan
the children of his students
of 25 years ago in his
classes today.
High Praise
Dr. Reinhardt had high
praise for Dr. Carl Borg
mann, past dean of facul
ties, and former Chancellor
R. G. Gustavson, whose
picture hangs above his
"Dr. Gustafson was a
great scholar and stood up
for scholarship. Dr. Borg
mann was incapable of mis
representing the faculty and
was always sympathetic to
wards the faculty members'
Dr. Reinhardt, who says
he has been married "so
long I've forgotten the
date," has one daughter
and two grandchildren.
"I've taught at quite a
few colleges, but after com
ing to Lincoln, even though
I came at the beginning of
the depression and a
drought, I decided imme
diately I wanted to live here
the rest of my life," he said.
He added that only once
in his 28 years of teaching
had a student spoken un
kindly to him.
accompany newspaper stu
dents on field trips, taking
over the radio station news
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BOB WIRZ, University journalism student, chases down
a lead on a news story. Wirz was one of nine radio-journalism
students who took over as reporters for stations
KFOR and KLIN for one day.
Women Marine Officers
Have 'Definite Position'
Limited Number of College Coeds
Considered for Training Classes
"Name it and they can do
it" seems to be the new
theme of American women
if their role in the military is
any indication.
According to Captain
Thomas Kelly, lociJ Marine
Corps women officer selec
tion officer, the role of wom
en officers in the Marines is
well established.
Recognized by Congress
"After only fifteen years,
their position is carefully de
fined, and even recognized by
the Congress," he explained.
"The woman who was
called in first to 'replace a
man to fight' now has proven
herself as a worthwhile mem
ber of the peacetime team."
Captain Kelly cited the fact
that women Marine officers
are assigned to duties
throughout the United States,
Europe and Hawaii.
"Women officers serve not
only in the administration of
women," he adde''. "but in
general administr jD, com-
municati -, suppiy and fi
nance, pu ic reiauons, au
cation and teaching, aerolo
gy, historical writing, law
and recreation services."
The college girl wtiu be
comes a woman Marine 0111
cer finds she is, in effect,
entering two careers as a
Marine and in the specialized
assignment she receives in
the Corps, Captain Kelly
commented. Because of the
relatively small number of
& K
Most Happy Fella
"V .
y T V , I
ROBERT KNOLL, University professor of English, ac
cepts a scroll presented at the annual Student Council
Christmas party in recognition of his six-years service as
adviser to the Council. Prof. Knoll praised the Council
for its "objective and fair decisions."
rooms as the
students take
over the
women officers in the Ma
rines, their jobs are especial
ly diversified.
A limited number of col
lege women are currently be
ing considered for the Marine
Corps Women Officers Train
ing Class. The course is off
ered to undergraduates and
graduates, but no commis
sions are effected until after
graduation from college.
Juniors and sophomores
entering the program spend
two six-week summer vaca
tions in indoctrination session
at the Marine Corps Schools,
Quantico, Virginia.
Seniors and recent gradu
ates attend one twelve-week
session after graduation in
stead. Upon successful com
pletion of the training, the
college graduate is commis
sioned as a second lieutenant
in the Marine Corps Reserve.
Captain Kelly now is inter
viewing candidates for. this
program. For complete infor
mation -contact him at 86th
Infantry Company, USMCR,
NAVMCRTC, 1625 North
10th Street, Lincoln, Ne
braska, phone 2-8139.
Dublin to tha Iran Curtain; Africa
to Sw.d.n You r, accomponl.d
not h.rdcd around. Coll. a.
only. Al ihort trips.
J5S Sequoia (Boa C),, Col.
ISIMLf l? fljC :
3! W$mzmmmr&
! iW'0A"fVm' ' Gentlemen
Ee ilerwrnst f P Jaiskkt us i
; isirtfiEiEiTf KEtioj tstvripEi nTMrfeif
. ..
Possible Navy
Research Job
For Seagren
A University electrical en
gineering senior has been se
lected for possible appoint
ment to the U .S. Navy en
gineering and rewrch pro
gram. '
Malvern Seagram of Wausa
will be flown to Washington,
D. C, Thursday for a per
sonal interview with Adm.
H. J. Rickover, who is in
charge of tb program.
Seagren is the first student
from the area considered for
this appointment, according
to Commander J. P. Ed
wards, associate professor of
navaJ scienc at the Univer
sity. Son of Mr. und Mrs. M. A.
Seagren, he will receive his
Bachelor of Science degree
from the University this
February. 'Upon graduation,
he will be commissioned an
ensign in th Nanjr.
at Christmas, gentljmen
Moat comfortable
Thraa new atylaa In naturae
Dearakin color.
Order by shoo size (length and width),
store, wo have record ol hia size.
Please send me the
Charge ( ) Check or M.U. enclosed (
Add sales tax It applicable In your area,
December 19, '.958
Soil Adviser
Duley Heads
For Pakistan
Dr. Frank Duley, veteran
U. S. Department of Agricul
ture agronomist stationed at
the University, will leave soon
for Pakistan to accept a posi
tion as adviser in soils.
Dr. Duley, known as "Mr.
Stubble Mulch" in soil conser
vation will go to Pakis
tan for two years under con
tract with Colorado State Uni
versity. Colorado is working
with the International Cooper
ation Administration to estab
lish the University of Pesha
war in Pakiston.
Under Colorado's plan to set
up a broader program at
Peshawar, Dr. Duley will als
do research and teach.
Dr. Duley will be accom
panied to Pakiston by his wifa,
Mrs. Nell Duley, who has been
district supervisor in the Agri
cultural Extension Service at
the University. They expect t
reach their destination about
the middle of January.
Keep On Your
Toes With
Now that you've got yourself
into college, let aafe, handy
NoDoz tablets help you get out.
Harmless NoDoi helps you
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NoDtu tablets are safe as coffee
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