Friday, December 19, 1958 The Daily Nebraskon Paqe 3' Big Eight Bowling Tourney To Be Held At Kansas City During the Big Eight Bas ketball Tourney that runs De cember 26, 27, 29, 30, the first annual Bruce Rice Big Eight Bowling Tournament will be held at the Pla-Mor Bowl in Kansas City. The bowling tourney, which runs during the same days as the Big Eight Basketball Tournament, in no way con flicts with game times of the basketball tournament. Preliminaries The preliminaries will be rolled on December 26 and 27, and may be bowled any time on any of the Pla Mor alleys after 9:00 a.m. Bowl ers will roll four games, but may re-enter and bowl four more games, with the highest score applying. The entry fee is 2.50 per person and there will be no handicaps. The top five bowlers from each school will qualify for the finals, making a total of 40 finalists in all. Each of the five finalists from each school will receive engraved tro phies and, in addition to these, the winners will get largeF trophies. Winners Winners will be announced following the finals of the Big Eight Basketball Tourna ment. Bruce Rice, sports director of KCMO radio and TV in Kansas City, Missouri, is the namesake of the tournament; and he will have the winners appear on his televised sports cast on December 31. Any University of Nebraska students that are interested in entering may do so by go ing to the Pla Mor Alleys and paying the entry fee any time during the days the prelimin aries are bowled. Those wanting definite times reserved for them should either call the Pla Mor Bowling Alleys in Kansas City, Mo. or write them reserving a time. However, in order to enter it is not necessary to write or phone for reservations. Since the Pla Mor contains 54 alleys there should be no trouble se curing an alley at certain time. Husker 32-0 By By Randall Lambert The, Nebraska wrestling team was shut out 32-0 in the season's opener by last year's national champions, Okla homa State. Although the Huskers didn't win a match, they only were pinned in three of the seven matches wrestled. The eighth match at 123 pounds had to be forfeited because Nebraska had no one who could wrestle that weight. There was not much doubt of the outcome after Husker Coach Bill Smith introduced Wrestlers Beaten Oklahoma State the members of both teams. The Cowboys fielded a team that Included two national champions, Dick Beattie, 157 pounds, and Duane Murty, 177 pounds, plus three na tional runnerups, and one foutrh place finisher in the nationals. The other two members were sophomores. Nebraska went against the Oklahomans with three letter men, two sophomores, an ath letic trainer, Dennis Aten who had never been in a wrestling match before, and Bruce Rus sell, a tennis letterman who CAMPUS CHATTER Janet Hocppner Sharon Anderson It's an Old Fashion Christmas with an old fashion wish. It is candle glow and mistle-toe, a sparkling tree with gifts beneath. Good friends knocking at your door. May these Joys and many more make your Christ mas merrier than ever be fore! Have a wonderful vaca tion and may all the Joys of Christmas cheer usher in your happiest year! Remember Gold's when you're finishing your last minute shopping. See you soon, Sharon Anderson and Janet Hoeppner Voss Leads Swimmers Dale Voss, Dakota City soph omore, leads the Nebraska swimming team in scoring after two meets. Voss, a dis tance man, is undefeated in four races and has 20 points. Another sophomore, Roger Bosveld, Mason City, la., is runnerup with 14 points . Other top scorers are: Ron Bucklin, Lincoln junior, 14; Joe Stocker, Omaha sopho more, 13Vi; Branch Walton, Lincoln sophomore, and Joe Gacusana, Lincoln sophomore, 11U: and Co-Captain Bill North, Lincoln senior, 10 points. Barth Gets Top Frosh Average Phil Barth, Omaha Central graduate, is the current lead er among the University of Nebraska freshman basket ball scorers. i After five intrasquW games, Barth has 65 points for an average of 13.0. Jan Wall, former Lincoln North east star, is next with 6 for 3 for an average of 12.6. Nebraska Faces OSU In Tourney Nebraska will face Okla homa State in their first game in the Big Eight basketball tournament. The game is slat ed for Saturday, December 27, at 9:30 p.m. The winner of the Nebraska Oklahoma State game will go against the winner of the Kansas-Colorado contest. They play at 9:30 the following Mon day night. The winner of this game plays for the champion ship on Tuesday night at 9:30 p.m. The upper bracket will pit Kansas State against Missouri on Friday night at 7:30, whlie Iowa State goes against Okla homa in the 9:30 game. The winners of these two games don't play until Monday at 7:30 p.m. The losers of the first round games play three games as do the winners. Teams in the consolation or loser's bracket will play their games in the afternoons. First game in the afternoon contests is at 2 while the second starts at 4. had been wrestling only three days. The best two matches were turned in by sophomores Pat Fitzgerald and Harold Thompson who wrestled against the two OSU national champs. Neither was pinned as they gave good accounts of themselves before dropping decisions to their more exper ienced opponents. Results Wgt. 130 Herald dec. Luff 7-2 137 Chesbro pinned Aten 2:22 147 Wilson dec. Baum 9-2 157 Beatie dec. Thompson 5-2 167 Campbell pinned Cooper 2:29 177 Murty dec. Fitzgerald 3-0 Hwt. Kaisy pinned Russell 1:58 K-r - f'5'H' -fry 'i:.v I "L y y J. ft ' ... . - " ' i ' Sig Chis Win Bridge Tourney Morris Christensen and Don Waltemath, Sigma Chi, won first place in the intercam pus bridge tournament held in the Union ballroom Satur day afternoon. Second place winners of the annual competition were Ger ald A d c o c k and Harold Christy, who represented Gus II. Other top players were Marvin Kesler and Richard Dunn. Delta Sigma Phi, third: Alice Jennings and Alice Knudson, Alpha Chi Omega, fourth; Rod Clifton and Charles Stacey, Phi Kappa Psi, fifth; Keith Stevens and Paul Thomas, Sigma Nu, sixth. Robert Kaff and Al Haugue Delta Upsilon, seventh; Tom Bock and Richard Sokol,- Gus I, eighth; Jim Risser and Rob ert Marks, Theta Xi, ninth; and Pam Davis and Eloise Newberry, Delta Gamma, tenth. Phi Delts and Phi Psis in Intramural hockey action at Pershing Auditorium last Mon day night. The Phil Delts managed to take a close 4-3 decision. University Offers Ice Hockey As New Intramural Pastime ACROSS 1 Moro domesticated I Young of sheep 10 Musical work 1 4 1'erceplion 19 Style of type 21 Ox of Celebes 22 Bristle U Young herring (pi.) 24 Colorful bird 2e Korm of insurance 2H Uleani 2 Arabian raiment 10 Suffix: indicating quality 22 Chinese weight (nr.) 13 -Ileal estate map 34 Cravat 3 a Hurmene demons 37 Falsehoods J St I'ronoun 40 Decree 41 Storage 42 Native Latvia 44 Missive 4 s Female College student 47 Tolls 48 Organs of hearing 50 Conductors 62 Moat In air S3 Paid notice bb Grain 7 Symbol for ruthenium S (iaelie M Shallow part of stream to Initials nf ft President boxes ot 2 Unm t4 Clayey eartb a l'rin ter's measure 6s Pronoun Accepted standard 70 (ceaii 71 Separate 73 Part of body 75 Obtain 77 Pronoun 7 Kaln and hall Ro Kilns si Mukic: as written 2 Values h't'hly h 4 Kcours tt AI)u n ST Bishop 5irl s nsme 92 lessen & Kast Indian pepper ! Switches Labored Ml Well-born 101 Comb, form: far 104 Poem lo.i Tense H4 I'.lver in Italy 107 King of Haxhan ion -Arm bone I Hi Noise 1 11 Prefix: dnwa 112 Algonqulaa Indisns 112 Native Kgyptian llf--Sinnifb article I IT I'n rt of window frnrns 111 Cooled lava 12' Ready money 121 Satisfied 12 Food proirrsm 1J Yellow of egg 127 At this plate 128 Ps'ked one within another 1. 10 Fruit cake 132 Animal coat 133 Food fish 134 t Consumed 135 4 io by water 137 Flock 139 Kvervone U0 Trad fur money 141 Km raa 143- h t've.-.t Hi J' s-Ian village 146 Kmliraced 4S Man's name 1 AO Trickle 152 Walk nnstesdily 1,S3 Indigent 154 Ancient Creek city 15 Hogs down 1 r.7 1 .uscious H Imitated 159 In India, a froom ,ock of hair DOWN 1 Powerful person ;--Kfi tledrum 2 Sea cow 4 ouido's high note I Outfits C Note of scale 7 Kmmet s Debatable t lrih female spirit 1 willow 11 Famous Quaker 12 Souihwer tern Indian II A continent (abhr.) 14 Part of fireplace t Bitter vetch lTldler 17 Beer mug 18 Slaves ' 20 Wainscot 22 Narrow, flat board 25 Hurtle 27 Liquid measure 28 Happy il Want 33 Desserts 26 Heavenly body 38 Mix 40 Advanced 41 Trinket 43 Decorate 45 Most exact 46 Pamper 47 Mold 4 Strikebreaker (slang) 51 liundle up 52 Most painful 53 Mountains of Kurope 64 Face of watch 5(1 Incorrect 59 Prophesies tio A bound il Male sheep (pl.) 62 llo before i5 Meadows 67 Mountains (pl.) Creek letter 70 Shrouded 72 Narrates 74 Conjunction 70 Symbol for calcium 77 Doctrine 79 Afternoon party M- Vat 85 Connect 86 Aleutian island 87 Prge on M Was borne 8f Indian mulberry - Testify 91 Take as one's own 92 Time gone by !)3 Generates 94 Indelinlte article 96 Liamb's pea name 97 River m Siberia 100 Pronoun 102 Wife of Geralnt 105 Chore 109 Landed 112 Seasoning 113 Center 114 Machine for stretching cloth ll Allows 118 Wife of Jacob 120 Compare critically 121 Room in prison 122 Sewing implement 123 Beloved 1 '.'. yuake 1 26 Color 127 Retain 129 Kxpired 131 Quavers 132 Agreements 133 Prophet 134 Honor 136 Malay gibbons 138 Garment 140 Barracuda 141 Footwear 142 Slippery 144 The Great Commoner 147 Sainte (abbr.) 148 Policeman (slang) 149 Thus 151 Prohibit 152 Parent (colloq.) 15S Compass point By Larry Novicki I Tired of the everyday grind? Ever dream of a life of romantic adventure? Want to get away from it all? We offer you intramural ice hockey, an escape into the realm of savage delight. A violent outlet for penned up inner emotions and physi cal energies. So sharpen up your blades during vacation and polish up your" speed skating. Join a team when you return. Seven Teams Seven teams took the ice this year, and Les Roberts, who is in charge of the new IM sport, hopes that enough interest will be shown in the future to field around 16 clubs. Gus I, Gus II, Phi Del ta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Alpha Gam ma Rho, and a team of inde pendents who call themselves the Royal Canadians are the squads who are in action this year. Games are played on the regulation hockey court at Pershing Municipal Auditor! um. Each team has to pay $7.50 per game for rental of the ice and equipment. Equipment, which includes sticks, shin guards, pucks, and protective helmets, is all furnished by the intramural department. Skates, of course, must be furnished by the individual. Games are played in three t 5" H It t tl I I? I III If I'S 7" T" IT 19 -m. 2j """" " 1 il" Il J&i h5 w si sz TlZWZZ'LWZWZZW lfE ill!" Jl Ti 7? 5 " (f7 o ?J M 77 95 yfc 97 zz'wjzzzwzzwzw w jzzzwlzzzwlzzzz:zwlzzz -7 " "V g?T'mmf "" " " n 7 " iff TiT " ' mmm " t T"" i I I 1 ' i I iii s Uttu. fc Vniw ftslate aeuu. i . ssssisssssssbssbsssssssb 15-minute periods. Each team is supposed to furnish a ref eree. Everything is regulation, fast skating, body checking, tumbles, board crashes, fly ing pucks. But in regula tion hockey the players not only wear shin guards, but also hip pads, rib and shoul der pads, knee and elbow guards and calf protectors. So the intramural version of the game produces a few bumps and bruises. But the fellows seem to like it. And some of the players are even quite proficient at the sport. Royal Canadians The spiked up Royal Cana dians tore through their first two encounters easily. They drubbed Gus I 8-2 in the sea son opener last week and came back to rack up 12 goals against the Betas while their goalie Bob Otten fashioned a neat shutout. Track star Joe Mullins scored seven goals and two assists in the two contests Mullins and several of his mates are natives of Canada, where the national sport is hockey. Despite their defeat at the hands of the high-powered Ca nadians, Gus I seems to shape up as the second best team in the league. Harvey Jen sen, a fast driving, good stick ing wingman has kept pace with Mullins in the scoring department by netting seven goals. He led the way as Gus I rebounded to belt Phi Gam 8-2 Tuesday. The Phi Gams, headed by Joe Vaccaro, a transfer from the Canadians, humbled AGR in their fist outing 11-0. Vac caro zeroed in five shots for unassisted goals. The Phi Psi's have split their two starts, downing Gus II 7-3 and being nosed out by the Phi Delts 4-3. The Phi Delts, in addition to their win over Phi Psi, own a victory over the Betas, 6-1. Dick Kelley, a product of Omaha's amateur league, has scored four goals and two as sists. In the only other game played this week, Gus II out skated AGR 11-1. Art Witte scored four goals while Charles Charlton and Kermit Erickson each contributed three goals and an assist. SPEEDWAY MOTORS 1719 N St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Speed Equipment Hollywood Mufflers 11 . .it HOMER would have loved one . . an OfyuvpiGs precision portable! 1 i X v '1 ...who wouldn't, for roving poet or not, an Olympia is the letter-perfect portable whatever you do wherever you go! And, for the college guy or gal who's really "goin? places" it's a must. A breeze to operate, the handsome, compact Olympia is , fully-equipped with such efficient features as convenient half-spacing ideal for ruled index cards, mathematical problems and equations. But, visit your local Olympia dealer and discover aU of Olympia's outstanding features for yourself. Once you do you'll see why Olympia is your smartest college investment! THIS MACHINE SOLD ONLY AT BLOOM TYPEWRIT! EXCHANGE 323 No. 13th Answer To Puzzle On Page 4