The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 16, 1958, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Tuesday, December 16, 1958
The Daily Nebroskan
Page 3
Husker Machine Grinds Out
54-46 Win Over Texas Tech
Texan's Man-to-Man Defense Proves Troublesome
Just returned from the Land
of Sky Blue Waters where I
had the opportunity to watch
the Minnesota-Nebraska bas
ketball game. In my opinion,
contrary to the opinions of
several people I have talked
to since returning, the Busk
ers did not get trounced as
badly as the score indicated.
The Gophers were big (three
starters 6-7 or over) and they
were pretty hot (40 per cent
from the field).
I personally believe that the
officials blew their whistles
a bit hastily on several occa
sions. Three times they called
Hersehel Turner for traveling
when he was going through
his usual faking routines.
Hersch finally got disgusted
and refrained from all such
attempts. In essence, the
boys in black and white hog
tied the Huskers' main offen
sive threat.
The Gophers were big and
good, but under different cir
cumstances, Nebraska could
probably grind them into the
Gopher Troubles
Minnesota is having a big
hassle over athletics. The
varsity 'M" club voted their
disapproval of football men
tor Wes Fesler, basketball
Coach Ozzie Cowles, and ath
letic director Ike Armstrong.
When Coach Cowles was in
troduced at the' game the
other night, he was loudly
Speakers, Amplifiers, Kits,
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Come in and Browse Around Look Over Our Studios
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Space travelers be on the alert! Make
sure there's a cargo of Coke tucked
away in the rocket! You may not be
able to buy your favorite sparkling
drink on the moon ... but that's just
about the only place you can't. So
when you're ready for the big lift, be
sure the cheerful lift of Coca-Cola
goes along!
booed by the some 5,000 fans
who were gathered in the
mammoth Williams Arena.
Several students I talked to
said that the same disgrun
tled feeling has been shown
for Fesler, who has been
charged with favoritism and
All in all it appeared that
the administration is pointing
toward a deemphasls of ath
letics at the huge Western
Conference school. The admin
istration indicated their confi
dence in Fesler, Cowles and
Armstrong, but due to alum
ni and student pressures were
forced to appoint what they
termed a "common sense"
committee to investigate the
situation regarding the ath
letic program.
From what I gathered from
the Minneapolis Tribune and
from heresay about the cam
pus, the Minnesota president
hopes to "go Ivy," i.e., he
things that a school can get
along without athletics much
as the Ivy League schools
have done.
I don't think he'll succeed
in his attempts. All that will
happen is that the whole pro
gram up there will go to the
dogs and take the University
with it. -
A few interesting things I
noticed about the University
of Minnesota made me glad
I'm going to Nebraska. Ev
erything is big. There are
MAf" it a M'tTfw
Mttf MIN. O
C o
O v2lE o
of this world!
Bottled under (authority of The Coca-Cola Company by
Coca-Cola Bottling Company of
by larry novicki
some 25,000 students enrolled
in the school. Only about sev
en pej cent of the students are
members of sororities or fra
ternities. The main reason
for this is that a great
portion of the student body
resides in the Minneapolis
St. Paul metropolitan area.
The whole Greek system is
Lost Students
Things are so big up there
that many students do not
know where various parts of
the campus are. We asked
several people the location of
a couple fraternities and they
did not know the information.
We also asked for the loca
ation of the ROTC and Bio
chem buildings, and we
couldn't get the dope.
The campus itself was big
and bulky. Buildings were
old and ugly and tightly
crammed together. Williams
Arena, where the game was
played, is supposedly the larg
est indoor arena in the world.
It has seating capacity of
21,000 for basketball, and that
only includes about two thirds
of the building. An ice arena
takes care of the rest of the
ponderous structure.
The football stadium is a
3-quarter bowl and must seat
around 60,000. The Field
House is about twice as large
as ours is.
Student Support
The question is: What are
they going to do with all
these giant athletic facilities
if they deemphasize sports?
Of the 5,000 fans on hand at
the game the other ni g h t,
there must have been only a
few hundred students. S t u
dcnts did not all sit in one
body and cheer for the team
like they do down here.
They did have cheerleaders
but the fans did not make a
wholehearted effort to assist
them in the four cheers they
It's pretty nice down here.
and it's warm. Up there the
temperature never got above
three degrees, during the
whole weekend. Saturday
morning the mercury dipped
to minus 15 degrees.
I'm supposed to be writing
intramurals, but when I got
back and read a few of the
papers around here, it was
apparent to me that there
not many reporters from Ne
braska in attendance at the
game. So I decided to throw
in my two-bit scoop.
tW e Ml
By Randall Lambert
Nebraska, triggered by the
shootine of Albert Maxey and
the nost Dlav of Hersehel
Turner, swept past Texas
Tech 54-46.
After leading 35-23 at the
half, the Huskers shot to a
44-27 lead before the frigid
Texans hit a field goal with
10:04 gone in the second stan
za. Rally
From there the Red Raid
ers began a rally that picked
ud momentum and lastea up
to the final gun.
with the Husker- leading
50-35 with a little less than
four minutes left. Texas Tech
began a climb behind a free
throw by Leon Hill, a long set
shot by Sid Seligmann, and a
lay up by Gerald Myers after
he had stolen the ball as the
Huskers brought if from out
of bonds.
Wavne Hester duelled the
Raider' outburst with two lay
uds. the latter stemming trom
a beautiful bit of ball handl
ing and passing by Hersh
Turner on the post.
Comeback Agan
However, the boys from
down Rio Grande way weren't
finished. With 1:09 left and
heine down 54-40. Charlie
Keys, a fine defensive guard
hit a long jump shot.
There was one second leu
when Texas Tech scored an
unbelievable four points.
First, Keys made both of his
free throws on a 1-1 free
throw situation. With the
clock stopped Nebraska took
the ball out-of-bounds. A long
pass downcourt failed to
touch anyone and the ball
went out. Since someone in-
bounds has to touch the ball
before the clock starts, there
was still a second left.
The ball was awarded to
Texas Tech under the Ne
braska goal where it had been
originally passed in. The ball
was flipped to Leon Hill, 6-6
forward, who missed a jump
shot from the corner, but was
fouled. Amid several hundred
jeering spectators standing
around the keyhole,,, he
swished the two charity
Maxey High
Albert Maxey was again
the high scorer among the
Huskers with 16 points, 11
coming in the first half.
Leon Hill, high scorer last
season for the Red Raiders,
led the Texans with 11 mark
ers. Genial Texas Tech Coach,
Polk Robison, had high praise
for the Huskers. "Nebraska
The intramural track meet
gets underway this week. It
looks like the Phi Delts will
be able to successfully defend
their team title. The '57
champs won the fall meet
rather handily, and their
point-getters from last year
have returned. Nels Kjeldsen,
who gained individual honors
in last year s meet will also
be back to defend this title.
Handball gets into swing
this week too. Here again the
defending champs are favored
to retain their crown. Delta
Upsilon, led by rangy George
Fisk, should romp to another
victory. Fisk has won the sin
gles title for three consecu
tive years. His doubles part
ner from last year has grad
uated, but he has an ade
quate v replacement in My
ron Papadakis, who at times
shows the excellence of the
smooth Fisk.
Enough is enough. I've got
to hurry off to watch my first
intramural hockey game. I
understand that some of
these hockey teams have pos
sibilities of shaping up into
pretty good clubs when they
gain a little experience and
Without further ado, Merry
Christmas and Happy New
Year fans.
Grad Christmas Party
The Graduate Club will
hold a Christmas party Tues
day at 8 p.m. in the Union fac
ulty lounge.
The party will feature en
tertainment and refresh
ments. All graduate students,
faculty members and their
guests are welcome.
There is no admission
Have ear. am trve!lni to New York
City Dec. IB and returning Jan. 2 or
3. One person to share expenses.
Phone 4-6014 or Contact ff. Stave,
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WANTED: Ride to Kt. Wayne Dee.
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Young; man who wants to share two
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er students. Plena call 3-O208.
SO t . -
If ith t
I f"1
, i m iii ii i ii n- in n 1 --rTil -nr niniiiiiir i n l
Albert Maxey is fouled by 6-6 Leon Hill as he attempts to lay in the ball after driv
ing in for shot.
has a fine, scrappy outfit and
showed they had been well
coached by Jerry Bush," said
Robison. "We have no alibis,
we were off our regular
game, but the Nebraska de
fense had a lot to do with
that." He went on to say that
Nebraska also had some fine
individuals, especially Her
sehel Turner who worked well
off the post. When asked
whether Turner's passing an
tics bothered Tech, he re
plied, "I wouldn't exactly call
the antics so troublesome, but
it was the fact that he Is a
fine all-round player who we
had to defense tightly. He re
bounds well, passes well, and
we knew he shot well. He was
exceptional against the
height he was defensed by."
( I t
5 0-1 10 l.undholm
3 1-2 7 Maxey
O 0 3 0 Swank
4 3 1 II Kiiwalke
n (i-O 0 Shipurwht
3 1-2 7 Hester
O 0-1 0 CahiU
0 3-3 3 Turner
1 2 3 4 Harry
1 2-3 4
O O-l 0
r r i
3 0-0 6
5 6-7 16
0 1-1 1
3 0 1 6
2 1-3 5
3 0-2
O 1-3 1
3 5-7 11
0 2-5 2
Total, 17 12-11 4 Total IS IB M 54
will be represented
Thursday - Friday
DECEMBER 18, 19, 1958
BOEING A friendly progressive organization contributing a qual
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Wichita, Kansas
N lntrmorl Basketball Leanet
Leant 1 A
Phi Delta Theta J O
Siuma Phi Epsilon 3 1
Alpha Tau Omega 2 1
Delta Upsilon 2 2
Beta Theta Pi 1 2
Siama Chi 1 3
Phi Kappa Psi 0 3
League 2 A
Sigma Nu 4 0
Alpha Gamma Rho 3 0
Phi Gamma Delta .... 2 1
Theta i 2 2
Farm House 2 2
Kappa Sigma 1 3
League 3 A
Alpha Gamma Sigma 3 0
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 3 1
Ag Men 2 1
Beta Sigma Psi 2 2
Delta Siema Pi 2 2
Sima Alpha Mu 0 3
Brown Palace 0 3
League 4 A
Acacia 3 1
Pioneer Co-op 3 1
Cornhusker Co-op 3 1
Pi Kappa Phi 3 2
Delta Sigma Phi 12
Theta Chi 0 4
League 5 A II 3 0
Hitchcock .....2 1
Gus 1 1-1
(anfield 1 1
Benton 0 4
League A
Seaton 1 J J
MacLean 2
Seaton II 2
Andrews 1 2
Burnett 0 3
League 7 A
Manatt 2 1
Bessey 1 1
Boucher 1 3
Avery 0 2
League I Burr Hall A
Van K 3 1
Kiesselbach 3 1
Gooding 2 2
Smith 0 4
You'll Be Welcome
League t
Phi Epsilon Kappa I O
Chemists 3 0
Phi Delta Phi 2 2
Navy ROTC 1 2
Geotographers 2 2
Physics Department 0 2
Dental College 0 2
League 10
The Scholars 3 0
Wesley House 3 1
M Street 3 2
Newman Club 1 J
Alpha Tau Alpha 0 I
Road Runners 03
Sou Insiders 0 2
Economists 0 0
(Continued on Page 4)
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