The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 16, 1958, Image 1

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TV Classes
Page 4
Vol. 33, No. 50
The Daily Nebroskan
Tuesday, December 16, 1958
Women's Side
Of Fund Drive
Gives $50,700
The women's division of the
statewide drive for the p r 0'
posed Kellogg Center present
ed Chancellor Clifford Hardin
with $50,770 yesterday.
Mrs. Hazel Abel, chairman
of the women's division, made
the presentation. The contri
bution brings the present to
tal to $843,770 with 15 days
Near 810,000
Returns Unofficial;
Drive Ends Soon
Estimated student pledges
for the Kellogg Center to
date total about $10,000, ac
cording to Don Herman,
Builders president.
The estimate was based on
unofficial returns from a few
of the organized houses and
is not definite, he stressed.
Wednesday Deadline
Students may contribute to
the Center through Builders
until Wednesday. The dead
line for contributions is 5
A Builders Booth in the
I'nion Lobby will be open to
accept pledges today and
Wednesday from 12-1 p.m.
and again from 3-5 p.m.
Results of the drive will be
announced at the Builders
Banquet Wednesday evening.
Thursday morning, the pledge
cards and cash will be
turned over to Chancellor
Clifford Hardin.
"I feel that it (pledging) is
an i ' vidual responsibility,"
said ..erman.
"A student should contrib
ute not enly as a member of
the University but as a future
young participant in his com
munity," be said.
We, as students will be sup
porting the Center witn our
interest in the future; we will
be the ones who must be
willing to accept startling
new conceptions that may
come out of such an institu
tion; we will reap the bene
fits from the Center as well,
the Builder's president com
mented. More a Part
Td like to stimulate stu
dent interest so students will
become more a part of the
Center," Herman said.
Students must be ready to
participate in such education
al advances not only now
through their pledges, but
when it is completed by their
continued interest, he added.
Key to Speed
"Flexible, not fast readers
are the purpose of the Univer
sity speed 'reading course,"
said Miss Oliva Carino, in
structor. "If a student dou
bles his 6peed and still com
prehends effectively, thus six
week course has been valu
able to him."
Each of the 46 students in
the no-credit course attends
two hour lectures and two 30
minute labs each week. No
credit is offered for the course
so that only those students
with an interest in improving
will enroll.
Personal 'motivation and
small classes are the best
formula for good reading.
Miss Carino said..
In lecture sessions, students
discuss the mechanics of good
reading and habits hindering
it, she said.
In labs students read ma
terial placed in a machine
which controls the rate of
reading from 350-1,200 words
per minute. Material read
ranges from psychology books
to the Readers pigest and
Time. . j
The principal behind flexi
ble reading, Miss Carino ex
plained, is to show a slow
reader of science books bow
to read general literature,;
and general readers bow to'
get the most out of science
matter. i
The course which began
Pec. 1 "" """ trough Jan.
remaining in the drive. .
Dec. 31 Deadline
The University must raise
$1.1 million by Dec. 31 in or
der to accept the $1.5 mil
lion gift from the Kellogg
center will cost $2.6 million.
"Construction will begin in
March, if everything goes
as we hope," Chancellor Har
din said, in explaining the
center to the approximately
35 women present.
"We hope it will be a ma
jor factor in getting" industry
into the state," he comment
ed. "The center will do a
great deal for Nebraska and
the Midwest as a whole."
Many Friends
He added that he thought
the drive had demonstrated
how many friends the Univer
sity had.
Included in the total from
the women's groups was
$16,500 from the fifteen cam
pus sororities and Mortar
Boards. The money was col
lected by the sorority alum
nae chapters.
The American Legion Auxil
iary gave a $10,000 pledge,
with the Junior League team
giving $5,000. The General
Federation of Women's Clubs
also gave $5,000.
Other groups participating
in the women's division in
clude Junior Women's Clubs,
the Lancaster County H om e
Extension clubs, Gamma Al
pha Chi, advertising fraterni
ty, 19 PEO chapters, and In-
terclub Council of Women's
Income Tax,
Course Set
A two-dav course in In
come Tax and Social Security
coverage will be offered in
the Student Union Ballroom
today and Wednesday at 9
The course, sponsored by
the department of agricul
tural and Extension division,
will be divided into two parts.
Income tax will be dis
cussed today. Major points
for discussion will be deduc
tions, tax credits, expenses,
dependents and deprecia
tion. Wednesday various phases
of Social Security, such as
effect of amendments on
b e n ef i t s, disability pro
visions, farm coverage and
termination of benefits will
be discussed.
Speakers will be D. M
Henry and R. P. Jones of the
Internal Revenue Service.
Also speaking will be LeRoy
Larson and A. F. Silber of the
Social Security Administra
tion. Agriculture Vioneer-
- C.V. "Cy" Thompson,
Board of Regents presi
dent, was named honor
ee of the year Mofiday night
by the Nebraska Hall of Ag
ricultural Achievement.
The West Point pioneer in
Nebraska agricultural cir
cles was honored as a "fine
gentleman of good humor,
great faith, immense vi-
sion, deep humility and for
whom integrity is not a
word but a way of everyday
Suggesting that few men
have done as much for Ne
braska agriculture or to
ward the support of higher
education. Dean W. V. Lam
bert of the College of Ag
riculture said, "He has pio
neered in bringing new
practices into use on the
farms of the state; he has
been a leader in the devel
opment of many important
agricultural organizations
and lie has been a staunch
advocate of farming as a
way of life."
This coming January be
will retire as president of
the Board of Regents aft
er having served on the
board for 24 years. Dean
Lambert noted that through
out "this long period of
unselfish service be has
been a constructive leader
in helping build a well bal
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A CHECK WORTH $50,770 was presented to Chancellor Hardin Monday from Mrs.
Hazel Abel, chairman of the women's division of the statewide drive for the proposed
Kellogg Center
Weekly News
Reviews Begin
First Program to Feature Cbina;
Nebraska Papers Will he Studied
The first in a series of 13
critical weekly reviews of the
nation's press and other news
media will be presented over
Channel 12 Thursday at 9
News from China will be
featured in the first program.
Louis Lyons, daily news com
mentator, will moderate the
Theodore White, former
chief of Time magazine's
China bureau, and Professor
John Fairbank of Harvard
University, former director
of the U.S. Infomation Serv
ice in China, will appear on
the program.
Lincoln Paper
The shows will be filmed,
taped, and on the air within
five days to insure maximum
timeliness. American publi
cations from coast to coast
will be studied each day by
a research staff. The Nebras
ka State Journal and ihe
Lincoln Sunday Journal and
Star will be included in this
Rodeo Club
A film on quarterhorses
will be shown Thursday at
7:30 by the Rodeo Club.
Produced by the American
Quarterhorse Association, the
film will be shown in the Ani
mal Husbandry Building at
the College of Agriculture.
anced institution."
Thompson obtained a law
degree from the University
in 1897, but decided to
switch to farming. After
completing a short course
at the College of Agricul
ture in 1899, he proceeded
to "shock" the people of
Cuming County by planting
alfalfa and sweet clover.
Next he purchased the
first riding lister, a me
chanical elevator for corn,
a tractor and the first farm
telephone in the county.
Farm Groups Established
He helped establish the
Cuming County Farm Insti
tute to bring agricultural
Extension workers to the
area. Later he helped incor
porate the West Point Com
munity Club which inaug
urated the Cuming County
Fair and later proved to
be an important force in
bringing rural electrifi
cation to the district
Thompson helped found
the Nebraska Farm Bureau
Federation, serving at
president for 11 years, and
the Nebraska Crop Im
provement Association,
serving as president In the
drought years of 1332-36.
He was president of the
Nebraska - Highway Users
Association at a time when
that organization was work
r ! ! !-
All v
The first program will re
view some of the press cov
erage given to the Cbina situ
ation and the development of
that country. An attempt will
be made to evaluate the
amount and type ef news
from China getting to Ameri
ca's citizens through the me
dia of radio, television, maga
zines and newspapers.
Penn Kimball, former New
York Times and Time maga
zine reporter and Colliers ed
itor, will ask the men ques
tions that an average news
paper reader would.
Press Review
The series will act as a
weekly review of the per
formance of the American
press on the most crucial
news stories of the time.
Program guests will include
those from the field of jour
nalism as well as specialized
fields related to the top stor
ies of the week.
Nuclear bomb tests, Can
adian news, economics re
porting, China news and nine
other subjects will be dis
cused in the series.
During the holidays, the
programs will be seen Fri
day, Dec. 26 at 9 p.m. and
Friday, Jan. 2, at 7:30 p.m.
The Thursday schedule will
resume Jan. 8 and continue
for the balance of the 13
weeks. Each program will be
a half hour long.
Gets Farm Award
ing to get farmers out of
the mud.
"In bis Nebraska Farmer
column, 'CY. Says,' which
f. :
Thompson ... farmer, lawyer Regent
Salary Boos
"-i P.l-i r til
f r.- f
Texas Tech
Nebraska won their fourth
game of the season Monday
night, topping a tall but rag
ged Texas Tech five, 5446.
For game story see
Page 3
Nabs B&B
Contest Title
Jayne Hepperly, a sopho
more in home economics, has
been named "Miss Moonbeam
She was announced as win
ner Friday night during a
ham auction conducted by
the University Block and
Bridle Club. Carol Brening
was revealed as runner-up.
Person who ordered hams
through the club prior to 7:30
p.m. Friday were eligible to
cast 10 votes for the candidate
of their choice. Other finalists
were Marianne Castle, Kay
Stute and Judy Sieler.
More than 3,000 pounds of
ham have been sold to date,
according to Eli Thompssen,
student ham sale chairman.
Proceeds from the sale will
be used to finance student ac
tivities in the department of
animal husbandry.
has appeared since 1912, he
has exoounded a philosaViv
for better living," said
Dean Lambert.
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To Reach Midpoint
In National Pay Scale
By Minnette Taylor
Requested increases in staff
salaries would place the Uni
versity at about the mid
point salarywise in compari-
Say Hearing
Shortest Yet
No Enrollment
Trend Seen
Observers remarked that
the budget hearings this year
were the shortest they had
attended in some time. The
hearing lasted a' little over
an. hour. .
Some principle questions
concerned raises in Univers
ity enrollment and the sand
hills experiment station.
Governor Victor Anderson
asked if increased enrollment
weren't responsible for some
raises in the budget. Hardin
said that increased enroll
ment would not affect the
budget being presented.
Hardin also said that there
was no upward or downward
enrollment trend. He said that
the highest enrollment had
been about 8,500 in the fall
of 1956. He said that last year
it had droppd to about 8,150.
Part of the drop, he thought,
was caused by a tightening
up on requirements. This
year enrollment rose some
Hardin added that he
thought a raise in tuition
probably accounted for an
enrollment drop of about 300
between the fall of 1956 and
the fall of 1957. '
"If you started this (sand
hills experiment station) pro
gram, wouldn t it be a re-
occurring item in the bud
get? Anderson asked. Uni
versity officials answered
that it would only be partly
so: that a large part of the
expense would not occur
Tremendous Service
"I realize that you do a
tremendous service to agri
culture, but if you go out to
the average farmer and ask,
'What has the University
done for you?', he doesn't
know," Anderson commented.
He added that he realized the
state was largely dependent
upon agriculture for econo
my. Hardin replied that he felt
farmers realized what the
University did for them.
To Recommend
Both Governor Victor An
derson and Governor-elect
Ralph Brooks will submit rec
ommendations on the Univer
sity budget.
However, these recommen
dations will not be made until
the state legislature meets
Jan. 6. Anderson must sub
mit h i s recommendations
within three days after that
date. Brooks has 15 days in
which to submit his.
Later probably in March
or April University officials
will be asked to explain the
budget again, this time to the
legislature's budget commit
tee. The budget committee may
or may not follow the recom
mendations of either Ander
son or Brooks. It will report
to the legislature, which win
make the final decision, prob
ably in May or June.
Salary Comparisons
Salary reauests for undergraduate college faculties for
the 1959-1961 biennium. Comparison of salaries budgeted,
and with regional averages for 1958-1959, summary of
averages Dy academic rank:
Colieit at Acrieoiuirt
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sons with other schools, ac
cording to information dis
closed in Monday's budget
The University is asking
$26,894,000, a $5,894,000 in
crease for the' 1959-61 bien
nium. Chancellor Hardin, who ap
peared with Comptroller Jo
seph Soshnik to present the
budget to Governor Victor
Anderson and Governor-elect
Ralph Brooks, said of in
creased salaries:
"The sums requested for
this purpose will not place ns
at the top of the faculty sal
ary heap In this region or
even among the institutions
represented in the studies .
They will place us at a mid
point in . . . surveys of 1958
59 salaries."
Chancellor Hardin referred
to studies presented by Sosh
nik. One study of 23 public
universities in the Midwest to
Pacific Coast area showed
average faculty salaries at
Nebraska rank 21st from the
top for professors, 23rd for
assistant professors, and 19th
for instructors.
Land Grant Colleges .
A second study concerning
46 land grant colleges and
universities made by the U.S.
Office of Education shows
that average university sal
aries are well below regional
and national averages, Sosh
nik said.
The University presented
two budgets for the first
ii in i j
ume inis jear: an a duo
get for the maintenance of
present programs at existing
levels and a 'B" budget for
Budget "A" requires an ex
tra $4.2 million in additional
state property tax funds. The
expansion budget requires
$1.6 million.
Faculty Addition Wanted
Expansion requirements in
cluded addition of faculty
members, teaching assistants
and equipment for existing
programs as well as provid
ing new ones.
Soshnik claimed that files
additions were not related to
possible increases in enroll
ment. The larges -equest in Bud
get "B" was one for a new
sandhills experiment station.
Soshnik said that the U.S.
Forest Service would make
available at no cost 10,009
acres of sandhills range land
for research work. About
$190,000 would be required to
develop and operate the sta
tion. Surgical Unit Requested
Another large item in the
budget was a request, for an
additional surgical unit at the
Medical Center in Omaha. It
would require about $108,800.
Arguments for the expan
sion were the provision of a
greater variety and number
of general surgical cases for
medical and nursing students
and an ability to meet the
increasing number of cases
beinz referred to University
Hospital by Nebraska coun
ties. A second major item In the
Medical Center expansion
program was the employ
ment of a physical therapist
and a physical therapy aid.
Sigma Delta Chi
Sigma Delta Chi, profes
sional journalism fraternity,
will meet in room 306, Burnett
Hall at 3 p.m.
The business meeting will
be brief to allow members to
take part in the annual Jour
nalism school Christmas par
ty. IU-M lM- lM-
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