The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 10, 1958, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, December 10, 1958
The Daily Nebraska
Page 3
Wrestlers Face
Slate In Husket
By Randall Lambert
Nebraska's wrestling team
faces the roughest schedules
in Husker mat history.
The Nebraska matmen,
coached by Bill Smith, for
mer 160 pound Olympic
champion (1952), will open
the season against Oklahoma
State on Saturday, December
18. The Cowboys were last
year's NCAA champions.
They have seven returning
lettermen this year.
Nebraska Outlook
Smith expects the Huskers
to have basically the same
outlook as they had last year.
'We have basically the same
squad as last season, with
the exception of Dan Brand,
fourth place winner in he
NCAA tournament last sea
son," Smith said.
However, the Huskers will
receive a lot of help from
two sophomores, Harold
Thompson, and Lee Bigelow.
Thompson is a 147 pounder
from Osage, Iowa. He was an
Iowa state champion during
his prep career. Bigelow, a
graduate of Omaha North,
also doubles as fullback on
the football team.
While at North, Bigelow was
state champion.
Six Lettermen
Besides the two promising
sophomores, Coach Smith
has six returning lettermen.
They are Gail Baum, 137,
Norlin Cooper, 167, Ken Lott,
177, Marlin Luff, 123, Ken
McKee, 130, and Kent Walton,
147. All are from Lincoln, ex
cept Lott who hails fron
Besides Bigelow from the
freshman squad, there are
five more football players
who should help. They include
Pat Fitzgerald, 195, Don
Heldt, 206, Duane Mongerson,
201, Joe Ponselgo, 177, and
Dale Selmer, 177-
Nebraska will also wrestle
against former NCAA title
holders Oklahoma and Iowa
State, runnersup in the NCAA
last year and defending Big 8
Champs. Iowa State tied Ok
lahoma State 13-13 during the
-Big 8 Drop Five of Six Foes
Conference Has Big Night
The Big 8 scored heavily in
basketball action Monday
night winning five of six non
conference games, but one of
the teams thought most likely
to win, Kansas, dropped a 73
60 game to Denver.
In other games, Nebraska,
Iowa State, Oklahoma, Color
ado and Missouri Tolled to vic
tory. Kansas State and Okla-
Have a MRU) of tM
travel with 1ITA
Unbafievobfo low Cost
60 Dap J, f $645
W43-6S Oayi J, htm $90g
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olf0t cradil.
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Hawaii Study Tour $549 up ana
Around no World t79 us.
Ailt Your Trav.1 Aaanl
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m St. Michiaan to.
INC. CMcoj. 4, HA 7-250
Wonderful '
as only fa u
Mot v
homa State were not sched
uled. Jayhawks Surprised
Kansas, seventh-rated team
in the nation, was surprised
by the hot Denver squad that
pulled away from a two-point
halftime lead to win going
away. Only a 21 point produc
tion by Ron Loneski kept the
Jayhawks in the game.
In another topflight game,
the Iowa State Cyclones edged
out Minnesota, Nebraska's
Saturday foe, in two over
times 81-75.
In a game tied 16 times,
the score stood at 62-62 going
into the first overtime and 71
71 going into the final extra
period. But Iowa State hit two
quick baskets to take the lead
for good. ,
Vandy Tumbles
Missouri topped Vanderbilt
78-72 in another closely-fought
game that ran into overtime.
Tied 69 all at the end of regu
lation play, Missouri scored
nine straight points in the
overtime to ease to the win.
It was the Tigers' second
overtime game out of three
played this year.
Oklahoma romped over Io
wa 80-57 for the easiest win
among the Big 8 contestants
last night.
The Sooners, who had lost
to Texts Tech and Arkansas,
jumpeu to a 31-18 halftone
lead and had little trouDie
keeping it.
Their scoring total was only
four points under the Norman j
fieldhouse all-time marie, set
in a losing cause against the
same Iowa team in 1954.
Buffs Romp
To end up a successful bas
ketball night for the Big 8,
Colorado blasted the Montana
Grizzlies 86-55 in Boulder.
The Buffs romped to a 22-8
lead early in the half as they
rolled to their third straight
non-conference victory.
Besides the Nebraska-Minnesota
game here Saturday,
these Big 8 games remain to
be played this week:
Wednesday night Oklahoma
State goes agair Texas and
Thursday the Cowboys go
against Baylor while Okla
homa travels to Minnesota.
Friday Iowa State goes to
Southern California, Kansas
State plays at California and
Kansas tackles UCLA as the
conference moves west-ward.
Saturday games include
Colorado vs. Air Force, Iowa
State-UCLA, Kansas State and
San Francisco and Kansas at
Southern California.
Huskers Head For Minneapolis To Meet
Gophers; Nebraska Averaging 74 Points
Nebraska's basketballing
Cornhuskers, after weaving a
three-game winning skein on
the home court, roll north to
meet Minnesota Saturday
night at Minneapolis.
Maintaining a 74-point aver
age in their first three tests
(Northwest Missouri State
College, Montana U., and
Marquette) the Huskers will
be playing their first game on
a foreign court.
Bush Elated
Coach Jerry Bush was
elated with the manner in
which Nebraska contained
the Marquette fast break.
"They broke out of the net
a few times but not often,"
Bush said.
Coach Eddie Hickey's War
riers had disposed of Wiscon
sin and Illinois in their two
previous outings.
Effective Press
The Huskers displayed an
effective full-court press at
times but based their defense
in the 1-3-1 zone which upset
Kansas, with Wilt Chamber
lain, and Big Eight Cham
pions Kansas State late last
Nebraska hit close in and
from the outside Coach Hick
ey described It as uncanny
at a 45.8 percentage in field
goals with 22 of 48 attempts.
They cashed 18 of 26 free
throws for 69.2.
Al Maxey, sophomore from
Three Game Statistics
Name KG FT PP RB Pt. Av. Pet.
Al Maxey IMS 15-22 4 5.1 17.6 44.8
Heinehell Turner M- 1M V 27 48 16.0 47.4
Warn Hwrter U-20 5-9 6 7 27 9 0 55 0
Bill Llindholm W " 4 S 18 6 0 64.3
Jim Kow.lke &-B 44 17 5.6 33.3
Geotte Swank -U 13 "
Boh Harrv 512 7 IS IB 5.S 41.7
John Cahlll MO 3-5 4 10 9 4.5 30.0
Elmer Walln 2-5 4-4 ? i " J " . 2
Dick Shlpwrirtit M 3-1 11 H Hi
Dean Prank M 1 0 250
Indianapolis, led the barrage
with 18 points, accruing from
eight goals and two free
Huskers Lead By Ten
The Huskers moved into the
lead after two minutes 5D sec
onds and were never headed.
At one point in the second half
they held a 10-point edge but
this shrank to one on two ocas
sions as the Warriers fought it
out to the final gun. .
Nebraska presented a bal
anced attack, all but one of the
seven players who saw action,
hitting the scoring column,
four of them in double figures.
It has been the playmaking
and ball handling of Herschell
Turner, 6-2 junior from Indi
anapolis, that has been the
prime factor in the Husker
rush out of the starting gate
this season.
Jim Kowalke, another soph
omore, has been coming fast
both as a board scraper and a
point maker. The Sioux City
dual season before a crowd
of 5,000 at Ames. The Iowans
beat the Okies in the Big 8
wrestling . meet, but lost to
them in the nationals as Ok
lr' na S ate piled up 77
points for a new national
Need Experience
Coach Smith hopes that by
adding Oklahoma and Okla
homa State, the Husker
wrestlers will benefit by the
experience later on in the
season. The Oklahoma teams
are scheduled for the
first and fourth dual meets.
Both are in Lincoln.
Open Bowling Saturday I Sunday
24 Lanes Automatic Pintetters
.Restaurant . . . Barber Shop
920 IV. 48th PHONE 6-1911
German Club Sets Yule Party
German Club will have a
Christmas party Thursday
at 7:30 p.m. at the Palladian
Included in the program
will be a Christmas play,
music and refreshments.
Everyone is welcome " and
members are urged to at-
i etittTftv new motion picture oj
immortal maHtrputt
I -Tff'l' Pn-n rvmrrnrt i .
tend, said Kent Walton, presi
dent. Palladian Hall is located
on Vine Street across from
the Sigma Chi house and
next to Bancroft.
lad is second to Turner in re
bounds with 24. Turner has 27.
fe wh.r. a:
g Quality I -zzz tJJ;
. and you can get your j
own gift FREE I I I I I
1 Cigarette Lighter or
1 Pr. Top Quality Nylon Hose j
will be presented you with your purchase of either i
S packages OLD GOLD, S packages KENT, or
S packaees NEWPORT cigarettes
TODAY, 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Qr ftflmer's
Shop Monday and Thursday 10 to 91
Main Feature Clock
Stuart: "Mardi Gras," 1:00,
3:05, 5:05, 7:10, 9:20.
Lincoln: "The Restless
Years," 1:00, 2:46, 4:32, 6:18,
Nebraska: "The Hot An
gel," 2:45, 5:39, 8:34. "When
Hell Broke Loose," 1:09, 4:04,
6:59, 9:54.
84th & 0: "Cartoons," 7:15.
"Villa," 7:30. "In Love &
War," 8:50.
Varsity: "A Tale Of Two
Cities," 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30,
State: "Mademoiselle Strip
tease," 1:00, 4:03, 7:06, 10:09.
"Scandal in Sorrento," 2:37,
5:40, 8:43.
Joyo: "Torpedo Run," 7:00,
10:05. "Sierra Baron," 8:45.
Starview: "Cartoon," 7:15.
"Torpedo Run," 7:25. "Beau
tiful But Dangerous," 9:15.
"Last Complete Show," 8:30.
1 5S .
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