The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 10, 1958, Page Page 2, Image 2
Poge 2 Wofinpsdav. December 10, The Doily Nebraskon Editorial Comment- Unwanted Gifts Registrar Floyd Hoover has replied to student criticism of the planned switch to alphabetical registration with a jolly laugh that Is normally thought to charac terize a certain North Pole figure at this time of the year. The big difference be tween St. Nick and Dr. Hoover is that students don't care to accept the latter's gift. The first reasons given for the discard ing of the hours accumulated system of pulling cards was that it caused crowd ing at certain periods of registration and was difficult to police. Now students are Informed that the registrar's staff feels "we have a moral obligation to the stu dent. Like missionaries of old the group has taken it upon themselves to convert students from a heathen registration sys tem to a divinely Inspired alphabet soup plan. The fact that students have been very content with their traditional way of registration life doesn't seem import ant. Of equal unimportance to the regis trars is what one might consider their "moral obligation" to respect student opinion at least once in a while. Dr. Hoover proclaims that his emanci pation of students from registration bulges "won't save us five minutes." He adds that it has been more than eight years since a senior had to spend extra time in school in order to graduate because he could not register in a class he needed. This means that the old system has been successful and that, if the whole 6tory is being told, the new system won't save the registrars any time. Add to this the fact that general student opinion IlJI cates that birth of this new brain child would carry the tinge of illegitimacy, and then figure out why Dr. Hoover still insists on the change. The only possible conclusion: something is rotten in Ad ministration Hall. If the registrar does feel that an alpha betical system is so desirable, why not have cards pulled alphabetcally accord ing to class rank of the student? Then if a section were filled during the early period, a new section could be quickly established or more students accepted in one of the original systems. This plan could include the revolving alphabet method proposed by Dr. Hoover. The senior would still receive special consid eration and the sinful bulges could be smoothed far, fat away. Individual Staff Views , By Diana If you are a believer in progress, or think things really change much around this place, try file cleaning as a grand awakener and antidote for overly optimis tic illusions. Try it on the records of almost any campus or ganization. We tried it down here in the Rag hole and good brief, what an awakening. Back in the recesses of the editor's of fice stands a greenish cabinet which before "The Housecleaning" held not only such useful items as a pair of fuzzy blue ear muffs and an electrical socket but also the Daily Nebraskan edi torial files. Tucked in among folders labelled Stu dent Health, Budget, IFC, and elections was one with an intriguing title, Campus politics. Back in '51 it seems the editors of the paper decided to try to explain politics on campii to the student body therefore leaving in print an interesting record of Nebraskana. A few excerpts will show how little things have changed: "When freshmen enter activities, the one who knows the officers or some influ- Diana Maxwell ential member of the organization is the one with the best chance of getting ahead. If a fraternity brother or sorority sister happens to hold influence, the worker's future is pretty well assured regardless, a great deal of the time whether he de serves promotion ..." Another editorial, headlined "A Party ing of the Ways" noted: "On the University of Nebraska cam pus, an unhealthy situation has been in effect for the past several years. There have been no parties to compete in stu dent elections. At least there have been no legal parties in existence." Or, as was printed in the primer on this group of editorials, note the following facts of life: "The goal of most activity minded stu dents on campus is to become either a Mortar Board (for women) or an Inno cent (for men.) These senior students are picked each year at Ivy Day. They are reportedly chosen upon the basis of their participation in activities, support of the school and their scholarship. Students can work up in various ac tivities until they reach a high position to be in line for either Innocents or Mortar Boards. Activities usually considered most helpful in gaining these include ..." But there's no need to go on . . . it's the same list. From the Editor A Few Words of a Kind e. e, hines The scene is a coffee shop in a college do you? You don't really think he would student union. try some crazy scheme like that? 1st Crib Rat: I tell you I saw him. 1st: No. He couldn't. No one would stand 2ndt Wait, I see his face now! No! That or ButT the !e waf YlH about? Who did you see? f vem1e "creamed in protest he just m, v laughed louder. Almost like a madman. 1st: There he is I M 2nd: Look! He's disappearing. He isn't 2ndi Yes, I see him 1. J real now. A laughing man fc-,.-., J lsi: But we saw him! We both saw him. with a strange suit and 4 r what could he have been? tie. What is that written J f i 2nd. T dont know x never have seen all over his clothes? f, fTr anything like this before. If it weren't for 1st: Why it looks like a . the fact that I knew there aren't .... bunch of letters. I V' ' No! That's ridiculous! 2nd: What are they? I Xjs? ist: What's ridiculous? forgot my glasses. .4 ? k 2nd: It couldn't have been a ghost. 1st: Let me see ... Oh, $y & 1st: You're right. No one sees ghosts. 11' r ; 5 "JTt e ?tt" 2ndl Shh! Here comes Hank Hamlet. J-K-WVI-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U- Do,t say anytmng He'll think we're V-W-X-Y-Z. crazy 2ndt If that all? Hamlet: You guys seen the Rag? lsti Yes. Strangest thing. Just the lgt Crjb Rat. wnat's up? alphabet written over and over again. The Hamlet: Look at this head on page 4. man seems to have a strange obsession "Alphabetical Registration To Be Used for the alphabet. in January." Most stupid thing I ever 2nd t Wait I see his face now. No! It heard of. The registrar talks about can't be the registrar! smoothing out bulges. Not a thing about 1st: No. You're right. That's who it is. the fact it would be lousy for seniors. 2nd: But what in the devil is he doing 2nd Crib Rat: You're not serious! parading around in an alphabet costume? You're kidding us! Let me see. . 1st: My dream! Just like in my dream! 1st Crib Rat: My God! Jim. It's true. 2nd: What dream? 2nd: No. It couldn't have been true, just 1st: I had almost forgotten about it. as we couldn't have seen a ghost. No! No! Early this year I dreamed that the regis- The two crib rats run screaming out the trar began talking one day about moral door. Hank Hamlet sits very stilT in his obligations and alphabets and bulges and booth. His eyes have a glass-like appear- smoothing things out. And he seemed to ance. He is muttering to himself: "Ghosts, say something about changing registra- What were they saying about ghosts? tion. Then I heard A-B-C-D-E. Just then They can be thankful they didn't have the something woke me up. I remember I was same dread nightmare I had last night, in a cold sweat and a pledge told me I had The registrar was all dressed up in an been screaming, "No. Not that. Anything alphabet costume, and he couldn't stop but that Not registration in alphabetical laughing. Everytime I screamed "no," he orderl" s laughed a little louder and threw a letter 2nd: I still don't see the connection. at me. The ghost must have been an omen 1st: He was "wearing the same stupid for this. No! I'm going crazy!" costume, and everytime I screamed "no" The lights fade as Hamlet begins to he laughed and threw a letter at me. bash his head against the side of the 2nd: You don't think this is a bad omen booth. The curtain falls. Particular Husband Working wives take heed. Phillip E. Bettis, 19, said he couldn't A University of Tennessee student is study because his wife went out at night divorcing his wife because she distracts with friends. He asked that she pay the from his studies and has not put him court costs for the divorce suit because through school as she promised. she is working and can afford it. Daily Nebraskan 11.1' K -EIGHT YEARS OLD aim air reaponrinl for what they w, ar mo or mim to . printed. February . 1AM. i'tSJSZbW- AwoctStea Collegiate Press ftubecrlptloa rate an S3 per seroeetar ar 8 for the IntercoUejIat. Press ZSiT.Xd th. p fc BepreseataAive: National Advertising Service, Uaeoin, Nebraska, matt u set mt aae 4, wis. laeorporated editorial staff Published at: Eoom 20. Student Union . , , K,v .fc. Man agin r E&ter Own Moyer USeem, Nebraska senior staff Writer Eam, Umpo Hth R Sport Editor Katiaall (mUnt WeAttaaar on FrMajr nrin the boo year, oiee ,. writm Martin Coffer loi-tna at)oi an inn periods, bj tndent of the gondra Wnalrn. Wynn gmlthbemr. CMvernlf of Ner.ra.ka nMr I be authorisation of the gtafl Fhotocranber .. . ..Mlnnette Taylor Cemmitw ea Student Affaire aa aa einrewloa of eta- - ......-., ' ' " eat plnioa. Pablleatloa ander tne InrlndleUoa of the BUSINESS ST A FT SuneommlttM on Student Puhllratinna (hall he free from Bualnem Maaater Jerrj Selinrtla eel tonal eeaeorehln on the part of the Subcommittee nv Aaalatant Bualneaa Manager! Stan kaimna, a the part of an member of the faculty ef the CM- tharlene Orou, Norm Rnhlfing vanlir. Xas amtnben mt the Nebraekna taff ant per. Ctraalatka - , ,u u tl jrm Trupp Hand of the Almighty! I i-4 bfefjHV J (kit ip S 1 mm- I f kiln i iiimi .-- i-!J thru the peep-hole BY DICK TEMPERO 1 cues- hat Tempero One of the worthwhile tradi tions on the University cam pus seems to have been chucked in a smoKe 1 1 1 1 e a i o mewnere,? somet i m e this last se mester. Yes, in case you wonder, I 1 am referring' to the regis-' tration hours tern. The tions t lie at the bottom of the whole mess are Whv is this chanee being made? and Why hasn't the new clan been completely explained to the student bodv? Last F ridays snort press release did not answer some of the most vital stu dent questions about the plan. It seems to the writer that the least that the administra- ion could do is to explain the system fully so that the stu dents could form a valid opin ion on the whole case ana not on a synthesis of half truth. The two reasons giv en for dropping the old svstem were: to smooth out the bulges in registration and to stop people from getting pull cards early. More Imnortant. this re lease did not include anything about how the plan would work in the future. It has now been confirmed that the alphabet will be rotated, and this conld have been easily Included in the first release. This being true alleviates much of the student opinion against it. This type of registration has worked successfully for many years in several large YOU LIKE TO SH6 A ItrlRlLLCD.' j, fflNLVSIXMOtt DAKS 'TIL S1X-IX-5IX...0M.Y SIX MKEDAte Til- Universities in the country and there is no reason why it can't work here. Any time that something new is insti tuted, someone usually gets hurt and it looks like maybe it will be us seniors this time For that reason, we would feel much better about it (1) if we knew what was going on now, and (2) how the plan will work in the future. Now to greener pastures Builders is to be highly com mended for kicking off a cam pus wide drive to support the Kellogg Fund Campaign. Here Is an event that is happening right in our midst and something that will have a direct bearing on each of our student lives. Thus far the student population has leaned back and taken a disinterest ed if not lackadasical attitude toward the whole proceeding. This is one of the many steps that has been taken in the last several years by the current administration to give the students at the Uni versity of Nebraska not only sound, adequate facilities that we can be proud of, but fa cilities that will make our University unique as far as college campuses are con cerned, It is a step, however, that must be shared not only by the administration and the people of the state of Nebras ka, but also by the students. The best way to build pride in our school is to have a feeling that we did our share toward making it what it is, and there is no quicker way of doing it than by seeing that our part of the job is well done. ALT Deadline Tomorrow is the deadline for applications to be turned in for AUF Board. Interviews will be held Saturday. Applicants should sign up for interviews outside the AUF office on 3rd floor, Lnion. Nebraskan Letterip retaining the wntere ww. Disgust! Hats off to John Hoerner for being the first to express publicly what I believe to be the general student reaction to the new alphabetical reg istration system disgust. Being able to choose the best profession or best time for a particular course is often a matter of great con venience, yet how many of us have been turned away from a closed section be cause our taking the course at that time was not a matter of "necessity?" I have always looked upon the ability to exercise free choice as to course and sec tion as a privilege conferred because of work satisfactor ily completed, not because my name happened to begin with the proper letter. I have always considered the "hours earned" system most fair, because it gave the advantage to those stu dents who most needed it; upperclassmen, who usually have the most outside activi ties and interests, and who are more likely to have fam ily obligations, and those students who carry the heav iest study loads. I urge everyone who feels as I do to make their opin ions known to the Adminis tration by any legitimate means at their disposal. FRANK B. 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