The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 10, 1958, Image 1
Social Column Page 4 i in'? r?Y Preview w Vol. 33, No. 47 The Doily Nebroskon Wednesdoy, December 10, 1958 ARfiilii'Fl Need a Shave Floyd? Ftaftl Report One in Four Are Down Slip Odds NU Conduct Code Distribution Asked SC Sends Campus Bodies Letter Down slips greeted about dents last week, according to Dean Lewis Fowles, Assistant . Dean of Student Affairs. A breakdown of the report shows that 53 per cent went to Junior Division students and 47 per cent to upper division students. The dean was unable to give comparable figures on the final downs of first semester last year. A total of all the downs also was not available. In the women's residences, 233 women accounted for 855 down hours. The men's residences collected 2,701 down hours for 435 men. Last year, 171 women received 622 down hours In women's residences. Figures on men's downs were hot available. "There were more incomplete downs this period than last," Dean Fowles commented. In answer to the many comments heard about downs, the dean said, "Some departments gave more downs, but others reduced the number sent out. Thus, the downs balanced." Fifteen Houses Enter NU Bridge Tournament Representatives Names Due Friday; Winning Team to Get Two Trophies Fifteen houses have entered the Campus Bridge Tourna ment. The Tournament, which is sponsored by the Union, will be held Saturday in union parlors A and B at 1 p.m. Places Still Open Houses which have not Kellogg Students 'Enthused? ByD rive Students were described as "enthusiastic" about the Uni versity Builders' drive to col lect funds for the Kellogg Cen ter, Dick Basoco, publicity chairman, reported. "I don't know what results other people are getting, but all of the individuals and or ganizations that I've talked to seem very enthusiastic," Ba soco said. Gratification "We are particularly grati fied with the support other organizations are giving the Kellogg drive," he added. Builders' pledged $1,000 towards the Nebraska Center ni'T.". of . K in lf.flff Innrhpnn in the Union Monday. Of a coal of $1.1 million, ap proximately $800,000 has been collected. Nearly $400,000 more must be raised byDec. 3 1 if the drive is to be success- ful. Student Continuation The student drive will con tinue until Christmas vaca tion. Donations from those not contributing through an or ganization may be mailed or delivered directly to either the University Foundation office in Love Library or the Builders' office in the Union. The cost of the Kellogg Cen ter will be approximately $2.6 million. The Kellogg Founda tion will give the University a $1.5 grant if the remaining $1.1 is collected by the December deadline. Yule Vespers Slated Thursday Theta Chapter of Delta Omicron, a University music sorority, will present its an nual Christmas Vesper Ser vice Thursday. Beginning at 8:30 p.m. in the Lutheran Student House Chapel, 535 N. 16th, the ser vice is dedicated to the Gold en Anniversary Year of the founding of Delta Omicron, The choral ensemble will present nine selections. The girls are directed by Myrna McClary and accompanied by Janet Sundberg at the organ. Therr is ?o admission targ "a e public is in viti. ' Solar Expert To Speak Here Solar expert Dr. Keith Pierce will speak at a Physics colloquium Thursday at 4:15 p.m. in Brace Laboratory. Dr. Pierce, associate direc tor of the National Astronomi- cal Observatory at Kitt Peak, Ariz., will discuss the new wa- tional Observatory now under construction and his own work tn the field of solar physics one of four University stu signed up will still be accept ed if they turn in the names of the team representing their house to the Union Activities office by Friday noon The winning team will re ceive a traveling trophy for the house they represent and a trophy to keep- second place winners will receive two decks of cards engraved with the name of their house. Contestants Contestants include: Al Dha Chi Omega. Alice Knud- son and Alice Jennings; Al pha Omicron Pi. -m carpen ter and Bobbie Butterfield: Alpha Phi, Nancy Hallam and Helen Pedley; Kappa Alpha Theta. Susie Swinele and Sal ly Wilson; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Mary Dee Patter son and Phyllis Yoes. Pi Beta Phi. Emmie Lim- no and Bev Dotv: Zeta Tau Alpha, Marilyn Arvidson and Rita Carroll; Delta Delta Del ta, Jeanie Armstrong and Sue Morgan: Beta Sigma Psi. Elliott Lentz and Tritz Stell- ing; Kappa Sigma, Dennis Stack and Tom Erickson. Siema Alpha Epsilon, Wil liam Hemmer and Dick Mo- nell; Sigma Alpha Mu, Nor man Phillips and Jerry Mar golin; Phi Kappa Psi, Rod Clifton and Charles Sta cey; Tneta tm, jonn crooKs . ' , ' ,r.-v ta Xi, Jim Risser and Bob Marks. if- . DlOOt LOUYt Ww y , n I of Announced Four University law stu dents will argue in the final round of Allen Moot Court Competition in April. AlvinRoss and Richard Fell man -form one team and Larry Sandburg and Frank Carroll make up the other, according to the College of Law board of advisers. These four students were successful in the semifinal competition held last week at the College of Law. Seven teams winning in the Qualifying rounds will com pete again in March. They include itoger L,ang enheira and Richard Petrie, Claude Berreckman and Al Grove, Charlie Wahl and John Sullivan, Larry Frazier and Bill Gilmore, Robert Knapple and Robert McCalla, John Haessler and Richard Hueb ner and Don Leonard and Robert Walker. Nu-Meds to Hear Parasitologist David Becker, parasitolo gist with the Nebraska State Health Department, will speak to the Nu-Meds Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Bessey Hall auditorium. Becker's talk, "Rabies in Nebraska, 1957," will be il lustrated with movies, photomicrographs and Ne braska statistics on rabies. Meetings are open to any one interested in medicine, medical technology, nursing and related fields. "Zhivago' Review "Dr. Zhivaeo" bv Boris Pasternak will be reviewed dy Lr. wiiiiam fc. nau oi me educational Psychology -de- partment tomorrow ai 4 p.m. in Room 316 of the Union. V l : : DR. FLOYD HOOVER, University reg istrar, has this suggestion for students objecting to the alphabetical registration system. The sign has been adorning the registrar's counter on the first floor of the - 1 Modernized'Lysistrata' Opens in Howell Tonite Linda Willard Has Ligh hting to Show Scene Changes "Lysistrata," .a moder nized version of a 2,000-year-old story, opens to night at 8 p.m. in Howell Memorial Theater. Linda Willard will play the title roll in the Greek drama which will run through Saturday. The theme concerns how she and all the other women of Athens join forces to make their husbands maintain peace after 20 years of war. Acropolis Setting Action takes place on the hill of the Acropolis in Ath ens in 411 B.C., but the en tire cast is costumed in modern dress. Scene changes in the play will be indicated by changes in lighting. The play will be performed on p 1 a t forms. Lights will direct audience attention to dif ferent parts of the stage. No curtain will be used. "I want to urge everyone to come early, Director Don Russell said, "because they aren't going to want Faculty Dance Club The Faculty Square Dance Club will meet Friday at 8:00 p.m. in the activities Building "on Ag campus. Lincoln Girl's Life Weather Throws Wrench in Daily Routine By Sondra Whalen Although the life of a freshman dorm girl is much discussed, the life of a fresh man Lincoln girl has been sadly neglected to say the least. One of the gravest problems this for gotten soul faces is that no. one realizes that there are such persons. Take as an example a cold, snowy, December morn ing. Our girl, whom we shall call Gwen dolyn, is sleeping peacefully in her warm bed when the alarm goes off at 7 a.m., a half hour late, as usual. Stunned Staring She opens one eye and raises the shade to discover a vast expanse of white. After a minute or two of stunned staring, she realizes that it has snowed during the night. Gwendolyn Is overjoyed! School will be called off! She can go back to her warm bed! With glad cries, she pulls the covers up to her nose and prepares to go back to sleep. Alas, the sound of the radio and her mother's voice Interrupt her slumber. "All schools in the Lincoln area have been called off except for the University of Nebraska which will hold classes as usual." N;? Nightmare Gwendolyn is sure that this must be a bad dream and that if she shuts her eyes, it will go away. Her mother's voice per sists, however; and finally Gwendolyn crawls out of bed and staggers to break fast.' Now the fun begins. How is our Gwen dolyn, going to get to school? She could drive the car, as she does every other morning. But the snow is 14 inches deep, and because it is only Dec. 17, neither snow tires or chains have been put on the car. The battery is also dead, her mother announces, because Gwendolyn left the radio on all night. f I c on mV;! ' ..Flo 4 Title Roll; to miss the prologue." Doug McCartney will play Lykon, another major part in the play. Sandi Heffel finger will interpret Myhrennie and Sue Carkos ki will play Lampito. John West will pe rform as Kinesias. Technical Staff Don Russell is director of the comedy. He is assisted by Alice Baumgartner. Bill Larson is production man ager, and Dorothy Maxwell directs choreography. Set tings were designed by Charles Lown Jr., assisted1 by Bernard Skalka. Other cast members in clude Ida Mae Ryan, Lynda Jessen, Ina Margolin, Loris Lovejoy, Judy DeVilbiss, Bunny Higbee, Ann Pren tice, Myrna Ems, Pennie Sandritter, Patricia Burney, Richard Marrs, Terry Sav age, Andrew Wolvin, Stan ley Rice, Andy Backer. Eric Prewitt, William Cooper, Theodore Retheier, Grover Kautz, Phil Nelson, George S p e 1 v i n, Ruth Blank, Janet Dworak, Laura Garcia, Edythe Mor row, Kay Nielson, Diane Rainey and Cindy Zschau. That seems in n i f c I six in1. H o v r Administration Building since the new registration procedure was announced. At the left is a piece of pumice stone pro vided by Hoover for students wishing to sharpen their knives. - Barnard To Head Prof Group Officers were elected for the Nebraska Chapter of the American Association of Uni versity Professors at a meet ing Monday evening. Newly-e 1 e c t e d president Niles Barnard, professor of mechanical engineering, will replace outgoing president William Allington, prfoessor of plant pathology. Other officers elected are: Allan Axelrod, professor of law, vice president; Jane Ste wart, associate professor of business teacher education, secretary; and Henry HoltZ' claw, professor of chemistry, treasurer. Members of the newly elected executive committee are Arthur Ward, associate professor of vocational educa tion, elected fcr a one-year term; Lloyd Teale, assistant professor of romance lan guages, elected for a three year term, and hold-over member James Olson, pro fessor of history. Adam Breckenridge, dean of faculties, gave a resume of the University building pro gram at the chapter meeting. Religious Council The Council on Religion will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Lutheran Student As sociation for a regular busi ness meeting. Not Ideal to eliminate one choice. She could ride the bus. Of course! The bus! Why didn't she think of that sooner? The radio now gives further information. It seems that the busses are running an hour behind schedule. Neighbors No Help Well, she could always get a ride with the neighbors. A glance out the window discloses that one neighbor has run into a car parked in front of his house, and that the other is stuck in a snowdrift down the street. The only way left is to hitch up the family cocker spaniel and go to school by dog sled, or to wait on the corner In hopes of a bus. She decides on the latter, and so, after donning numerous coats, bearskins, boots and other necessary apparel, she starts out for the bus stop. After waiting the pre scribed hour, she spies a bus, weaving and sliding toward her. Short' Ride She and the busdriver are the only occu pants of the vehicle and have a nice chat on the way downtown. Forty-five minutes later they arrive at 13th and O, where Gwendolyn stumbles roff and begins her trek to the campus. The walk doesn't take too long, consider ing that our Gwendolyn has fallen down twice, and stepped in four snowdrifts. Too, the back of her neck seems to be frost bitten where two pounds of snow fell off a branch down her back. In fact, she has made such good time that she is going to be able to go to her 11 a.m. class! Encouraged, she lurches into the room, brushes snow out of her eyes and is greeted by a sign on the black board. "There will be no class this morning, or lab this afternoon, due to the fact that Professor. Greensleeves could not get to school this morning." Student Council has sent a letter to the president of var ious campus governing bod' ies asking that copies of the Student Conduct Code be dis tributed among their mem bers. Groups that the letter has been sent to include IFC and the RAM Council. No Knowledge 'The reason for the letter is that almost all of the stu Conference To Feature Job Info Reports Planed On Ag Industries The annual job opportuni ties conference will be held Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Biochem istry and Nutrition building on Ag campus. ' Dick Bonwell, manager of college employment for Rath Packing Co. at Waterloo, la. will appear on the program to discuss what one should ex pect in a job interview and in the first job and what the employer expects. Job Reports Another feature of the pro gram will include job reports from local, regional and na tional agricultural industry representatives. They will represent such industries as food technology, seed and feed, farm equipment, meat packing, civil, extension di vision and banking. Among the representatives planning to attend are Bon well; D u a n e Loewenstein, state leader of studies and training, University ag exten sion service; W. D. Rutz of Fairmont Foods of Omaha; Andrew Comerford, recruit ing representative of the 9th U.S. Civil Service district in St. Louis, Mo. and Roger Cunningham, vice president of the First National Bank of Lincoln. Senior Interviews Comerford will remain in Lincoln Friday to interview seniors. Bonwell is interested in juniors for the summer training program given at Rath Packing Co. The conference Is open to all students. 500 Voices To Blend In 'Messiah9 Five hundred voices will blend in Handel's "Messiah" Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Coli seum. Making up the Choral Union are five groups. They include University Singers, University Chorus I and II, Madrigal Singers and Ag Chorus. Earl Jenkins, assistant pro fessor of voice, will direct the annual production. The soloists are Susan Rhodes, contralto; Paula Roehrkasse, soprano; ' Rod ney Walker, baritone; and David Mullin, tenor. The orchestra will be di rected by Emanuel Wishnow, chairman of the department of music. Ed Carstens will play the traditional carols before and after the concert. No admission is charged and the public is invited. Red Cross Exec Positions Open Filings for Red Cross execu tive positions are now open. Application blanks may be obtained at the Red Cross Office, Room 306 of the Union. Interviews will be held to night. Positions students may ap ply for are president, vice president, treasurer and sec retary. 4-H Meeting The University 4-H Club will meet tonight at 7:15 in 244 Agronomy Building. The guest speaker will be Joyce Carlson, who was a delegate to the International Farm Youth Exchange to India in 1957. During the business meet ing officers will be nominated. dents who have come before the Student Tribunal this year did not even know that such a code existed," D w a 1 n t Rogge, president of Student Council, explained. The letters request that tht presidents of the groups mim eograph several copies of the code and send at least one to the president of each mem ber group. It also recom mends that the code be post ed on bulletin boards, be read at meetings and distrib uted to members of the house. 'Each student for his own benefit should ask his govern ing organization for conies f this conduct code." Ropm . oo- said. He added that a limited number of them were avail able at the Dean of Student Affairs office. The code of conduct e x plains the Board of Regents' rules concerning honesty, de struction of property, riot ing, alcoholic beverages, li brary regulations and nark. ing regulations. lhe code discusses the pen alties a student mav receiva for breaking rules. It also ex plains me restrictions of a student on conduct nrnhstiAn Procedures in discipling stu- uenis are discussed. 'The code is the same that appears in the Husker Hand- dook," itogge commented. "But UPDerclassmen lisnniw lose or misplace the book aft er ineir freshman year. " YWCA Bazaar Business Booming "We're really pleased" With the YWCA Phristmos f bazaar sales, said Bettv James, chairman of the ba zaar committee. "They're going really well." J As a fund raising project, the YWCA is selling Christ mas gifts. Handicraft items made by the girls and im ported gifts are being sold today and tomorrow in Rosa Eouton Hall from 1-6 p.m. Kissing Rings Kissing rings to hold mistletoe were made by YWCA members. Headache bands were made from velvet and ribbon "guaranteed" to cure the most painful headache. laughed Betty. Salt spoons with tinv ele phants carved from bone on the handle were imported from India for the bazaar. Candy dishes candlestick holders and metal jewelry from India also will be sold. Wood Figurines From the Scandanavian countries and northern Eu rope come figurines, egg cups and candle holders all carved from wood. "Mood Barometers" to tell whether you are grouchy or gay can also be purchased at Rosa Bouton Hall. Many of these gifts were displayed at organized houses Monday night. Teas to be held in the afternoon feature foreign stu dents who will tell about Christmas customs in their native lands. Religious books also will be sold at the bazaar. YW Board Post Intervieics Open Interviews are Thursday for executive board positions on YWCA. Students wishing to file may pick up application blanks at Rosa Bouton Hall. Interviews will begin at 3 p.m. for district representa tive, Student council repre sentative, treasurer, secre tary and president. A slate of omcers wiu De selected at this time and elec tions will be held at a later date. Course Drop Deadline Near Dec. 13 is the last day to file first semester drops in the Registrar's Office. Students may receive an X in a regis tered course only if they file a drop in the Registrar's Office and are in good standing at the tim&-of the drop. Courses not officially dropped automatically be come failures. tvf-JI'M? T-Vrt-!';i- fl4-S- -