The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4

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The Daily Nebraskan
Thirty Years in Army,
Austin Not Retiring
ROTC Sergeant EnlistedWhen
Horsedraum Ambulances in Style
Tuesday, December 9, 195
By Sondra Whalen
Next month will mark 20
years of active military ser
vice for M a s t e r Sergeant
Frank Austin.
And not yet content to re
tire, the University Army
ROTC instructor hasre-enlist-ed
for another five years.
Horsedrawn- ambu
lances were used in the 11th
Medical Regiment when he
originally enlisted. At the Chi
cago World's Fair in 1933 he
was a member of the, Army
Honor Guard. -
During the second World
Ag Studies
Pellet Forms
Of Feeds
Roughages and concen
trates in pelleted forms are
being studied in a beef cattle
research project at the Uni
versity Agricultural Experi
ment Station.
Dr. D. C. Clanton and Dr.
John Matsushima of the de
partment of animal husband
ry are in charge of the prov
ect. Pelleted rations result in
better feeding control the re
searchers report, because the
animals cannot easily sort out
the various ingredients in the
The researchers plan to
compare methods of prepar
ing roughage and con
centrates and to determine
the effect of pelleting rough
ages on palatability and ef
ficiency of their use. They
also hope to develop a feed
ing technique which would
provide for more control in
feeding experiments.
War, Sergeant Austin became
a German prisoner of war. He
was captured at the Battle of
Kasserine Pass on Feb. 22,
1943, remaining a prisoner for
almost two years.
An eight-day forced march
from Funstenburg to Lucken
wald during the Russian drive
to the Oder River rates as his
most harrowing experience.
Rations for the march consist
ed of one liter of soup and
one loaf of bread.
Freed by Russians
During his Army stint, Mas
ter Sergeant Austin was
awarded the Bronze Star, the
American Defense Medal, the
Europe Africa Middle East
Medal and the American
Campaign Medal. He has also
received the World W a r II
Victory Medal, National De
fense Medal and the Combat
Infantrymen Badge.
Outside World
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Gov. Victor Anderson proclaimed Wednesday as Human
Rights Day of Nebraska. The day marks the 10th anniversary
of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948.
Liner Launched
A 32,000-ton trans-Atlantic luxury liner named Leonardo
Da Vinci was launched by Italy, replacing the ill-fated An
drea Doria as the nation's flagship.
Fists Fly in Korea
President Syngman Rhee's Liberals and opposition Demo
crats started a fist-swinging brawl in South Korea's National
Assembly Saturday after debating on the government bill to
broaden police powers so as to crack down on Communists.
Help, Police!
A small boy appeared In the Norwich, Conn., police sta
tion to ask for help in finding his stolen hula hoop!
Dogs Find Friend
A Louisville, Ken., man was fined $10 after being caught
releasing dogs from a dogcatcher's truck.
Chopsticks Forbidden
The possession of chopsticks made in Red China has been
banned in South Viet Nam. Such imports were already for
bidden, but some chopsticks have been smuggled in, bearing
slogans as: "China-Sovit friendship."
Stu nts Aided
A public room has been set aside by Hollywood Beach
Hotel in Florida for use as a study hall for students during
Christmas vacation.
IVoisemakers Nabbed
When Yale campus police were called to stop a disturb
ance among students in New Haven, Conn., they confiscated
a trumpet, bongo drums, three tape recorders and a hi-fi set.
Solar Expert To Speak Here
4:15 p.m. Thursday in Brace
The associate director of
the National Astronomical
Observatory at Kitt Peak,
Ariz., will speak at the Uni
versity Physics Colloquium at
... and you can get your
own gift FREE I ! ! ! I
1 Cigarette Lighter or
1 Pr. Top Quoliry Nylon Hose
will be presented yen with your purchase of eithei
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Wednesday, Dec' 10, 8:00 A.M. -5:00 P.M.
lfaf&w&iXttf&xv&w&&&vx&& I partment.
He is Dr. Keith Pierce, who
will discuss the new National
Observatory now under con
struction and his own work in
the field of solar physics. "
He spent part of his under
graduate career at the Uni
versity and later transferred
to the University of California
at Berkeley, where he re
ceived his A.B. degree in 1940
and his Ph.D. in astronomy in
Dr. Pierce is the son of the
late Professor Tracy Pierce
of the University department
of mathematics and brother
nf Prnfoccnr Tnno!! Piorno rf
$1 1 the engineering mechanics de-
Big car bills cramping your social life?
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. . . New Plan
(Continued from Page 1)
10 minutes easily."
"The only way under the
sun to progress," said the
registrar, "is to make
changes. Maybe they won't
be as good as we think they
will be. Then we'll hunt a
new solution."
Each semester, if the new
plan is continued, ti e alpha
betical list will be rotated so
the same students will not
register first, semester after
No Time Sav de
The alphabetical system
will not save the registrar's
department any time.
"It won't save us five min
utes," Dr. Hoover said.
Seniors who need classes in
order to graduate will receive
special permission, as they
have in the past, to register
for the course.
"It is very rare that a stu
dent is barred from a class
he needs for graduation," Dr.
Hoover pointed out.
Moral Obligation
"I feel we have a moral
obligation to the student. We
accept to provide for him
those courses needed to make
normal progress through the
It has been more than eight
years since a senior had to
spend extra time in school in
order to graduate because he
would not register in a class
he needed, the registrar said.
Mrs. Irma Laase, assistant
registrar, said she felt the
number of special permis
sions granted to students to
enter closed classes would
not be increased under the
new system.
By spreading the registra
tion of each class over sever
al days, the people register
ing the students can see the
classes fill up.
Classes Opened
As they fill up, arrange
ments can be made with pro
fessors to open new sections
or to allow more students in
the closed class.
Under the old system, Mrs.
Laase said, all the seniors for
a particular subject would
show up to pull cards at the
same time. If a class were
closed, the student would be
forced to return again and
again to the registrar's office
to see about special arrange
ments. The classes will not fill
suddenly, but as the registra
tion progresses, fewer special
permissions will have to be
arranged by the student and
more will be arranged by the
I registration office's contact
with the department and
Second semester, Mrs.
Laase said, is a good time to
initiate a new method of en
rolling for classes because,
"there is space enough for
everyone and some to
spare, in the second semes
ter, classes are scheduled on
the basis of the first semes
ter enrollment which is usu
ally higher than second se
mester enrollment.
Rough Registrations
Registration hasn't always
been as smooth as it is now,
Dr. Hoover said.
Shortly after the second
World War, he said, some
3,000 students bulged the ent
ryway to the Temple Build
ing in an attempt to register.
The close quarters caused
some of the coeds to , faint.
Progress was slowed to a
Mrs. Laase said that when
she first began working in
the registrar's office in 1948,
appointment cards .were
handed to the student to de
termine his time of registra
tion. Students jammed to the
registrar's office in order to I
get the cards. The first there 1
were the first served. j
"One year at 5:30 in the j
. . . Fashion
(Continued from Page 1)
And women could nod in
assent at closing remarks
of fashion in general:
"Now my f a c e s parade
before you my triumphs,
my failures. Do think you
know me now? Do you un
derstand me at last, my
critical judges? Especially
you men!
"The next time you feel
tempted to laugh at your
wife's new hat which is
sprouting flowers and veg
etables or growing feathers
and fur, remember that
men at some time in his
tory have worn ribbons,
bows, plumes; they have
carried muffs, worn satin,
ruffles, wigs and perfume
on their lace-trimmed hand
kerchiefs." But men could get their
last laugh' in as the closing
goes on "Do you under
stand me, you women who
state brightly at bridge
parties that you wouldn't
be caught in an out-moded
style and look with distaste
upon last year's fashions
while wearing a dress which
was first fashionable 50
years ago . . ."
Fashion Shows Dull
Mrs. Barbara Jackson,
home economics instructor,
and writer, director and
brain of the show, claimed
that she felt most fashion
shows, were too dull. She
likes to try to write them
with life.
Mrs. Jackson assigned
work on the show to mem
bers of a small history of
costume class. Models were
volunteers, all from the
home economics department.
Physics Colloquium
Dr. Keith Pierce will de
scribe the new National As-;
tronomical Observatory at I
Kitt Peak, Ariz., at the Thurs
day physics colloquium.
The Associate Director of
the Observatory will speak in
211 Brace Laboratory at 4:15
p.m. Tea will be served at
3:45 p.m.
Bonner, Wright
Present Program
Phyllis Bonner and Marion
Wright presented a program
for Phi Sigma Iota, national
romance languages honorary.
Miss Bonner read a paper
entitled "Comparative study
of Dona Perfecta as a novel
and as a drama."
"Darwinism in the works
of Alphonse Daudet and in
Paul Bourgefs Le Disciple"
was the topic of Miss Wright's
The Vocational Homfmak
ing Education Association will
hold its annual Christmas tea
Wednesday in 301 Food and
Nutrition Building.
Dr. William Hall, profes
sor of educational psychology,
will speak on "The Positive
Approach." All vocational ed
ucation majors should attend.
Use Nebraskan
Want Ads
Pop Klein Hurl
In Auto Crash
' Lloyd (Pop) Klein, Univer
sity athletic department con
cessions manager, was exam
ined and released from a Lin
coln hospital today.
Klein was held at the hos
pital for observation following
a two-car collision at 11th and
Harrison Monday. He was a
passenger in a car driven by
Haven (Ike) Hanscom, an NU
assistant coach. He suffered
slight head injuries.
5:30 FiKnewton's Newspaper
5:45 Sing Hi-Sinf Lo
6 Evenittf Prelude
6:30 TV Classroom
7 Sports and Your Figure
7:30 The Graphic Arts
( World Affairs Comment
t Briefing Session
Expert Shoe Servict
Renew your Shots t
Reitor That "New" Look
Save Money Save Shoes
1JIJ N i-783
Out of Dickens' stormy masterpiece
h'w rn9n pe battle... a roaring
ariv of hate and revenge as
a nation goes up in names!
morning, Dr. Hoover was here
handing out cards," said the
assistant registrar.
Ideal, from the viewpoint of
a registrar, is the registra
tion system used by theUni
versity of California, said Dr.
The 30,000 students arrive
the first morning of classes
and simply go to the class
room of their choice. When
the room fills, the instructor
closes the door and the stu
dents inside are considered
registered. Those in the hall
rework their schedules.
lo tarring
ma mi- now playing
It u .... i
Mr. Chaucer
could have used one... an
OfymzUu precision portable!
ft -
. . . who couldn't for this handsome, compact portable it
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Fully-equipped with the most advanced and worth
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Olympia makes short work of any assignment easier,
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complete with handy, light-weight carrying case.
Costs just pennies a day to own. Full one-year national
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Olympia is your smartest college investment!
323 No, 13th