The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1958, Image 1

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Vol. 33, No. 45
quet of white rosei after receiving her military honors Friday night at the Military Ball.
Flanking her (from left) are the service queens, Miss Army, Phyllis Bonner; Miss Navy,
Nan Carlson; and Miss Air Force, Joyce Evans.
Mitchem Named Honorary
Commandant; 2500 at Ball
Evans, Bonner, Carbon, Service Queens
Terry Mitchem, 21-year-old
senior, was comissioned Hon-
orary Commandant of the
University Theatre Has
New 'Lysistrata' Setting
Willard Lead
"Lysistrata," a 2,000-year-
old story, will be told anew
Wednesday night in Howell
Memorial Theater.
Curtain time for the second
University Theatre production
of the year is 8 p.m. It will
be" the first use of the mod'
ernized adaptation of the
Greek play by Aristophanes,
according to director Don
Modern Dress Worn
Although the action takes
place on the hill of the Acrop
olis in Athens in 411 B.C., the
entire cast is costumed in
modern dress.
Linda Willard will play Ly
sistrata, the leading role. The
story tells how she and all the
other women of Athens join
Tops State
In Cornhusker
Editors Contest
Some 20 Nebraska publica
tions edited by members of
the Cornhuskers Editors As
sociation were judged by
members of the faculty of the
School of Journalism in the
first CEA competition.
Top honors were awarded
to the University of Nebraska
alumnus, edited by Sally
Adams of Lincoln. The Alum
nus received the Nebraska
Farmer plaque for being the
best in the 0 v e r-All Excel
lence division. The Alumnus
also won honors in layout and
article categories.
In presenting the award the
Judges said,. "The skillful
blending of art, typography
and story gives the Nebraska
Alumnus a unified effect that
commands and holds the
readers' attention."
While the judges were
unanimous in their choice of
the Nebraska Alumnus, they
noted that all publications in
the competition showed an in
creased awareness of the roll
of typography and photogra
phy in presenting story ma
terial effectively.
Dr. William Hall, director
of the School of Journalism,
presented the other awards
which are: 0 v e r a 1 1 Excel
lence, second place, The
Lincoln Telephone News of
the ijiircoln Telephone ,a n d
Teieeraph Co.; third place,
the Sovver of Bankers Life In
surance Company of Nebras
ka. Best Article
The Best Article awards
were: second place, Nebras
ka .Alumnus; third place, Lin
COK5 Telephone News.
The Best Layout awards
were: Second place, the Sow
er; third place, the Electric
Farmer of the Nebraska Rur
al Electrification Association.
The Photography awards
were: first place, the Sower;
second, place, the Broadcast
er of the Bankers Life Insur
ance Co.; third place, Lincoln
Telephone News.
Military Royalty
; ; Y
Honorary Commandant, wears her
46th annual Military Ball as
the University winter social
season got underway Friday
in Adaptation
forces to make their husbands
maintain peace after 20 years
of war. i
In the adaptation the Spar
tans represent today's toiali
tarian nations and the Athen
ians, the, democratic nations,
Russell said.
Dorothy Maxwell, assistant
professor, directed the chore
ography. Settings were de
signed by Charles Lown, Jr.,
assistant professor. He w a s
assisted by Bernard Skalka.
Bill Larson is production man
ager and Alice Baumgartner
is assistant director,
Cast members include Ida
Mae Ryan, Lynda Jessen, Ina
Margolin, Loris Lovejoy, Judy
DeVilbiss, Bunny Higbee,
Sandi Heffelfinger, Sue Car-
koski, Ann Prentice, Myrna
Ems, Pennie Sandritter, Pa
tricia Burney, Richard Marrs,
Terry Savage, Andrew Wol
vin, Stanley Rice, Andy Back
er. Eric Prewitt, William Coop
er, Theodore Retheier, Doug
las McCartney, Grover Kautz,
John West, Phil Nelson,
George Spelvin, Ruth Blank,
Janet Dworak, Laura Garcia,
Edythe Morrow, Kay Nielson,
Diane Rainey and Cindy
To Feature
500 Voices
Handel's "Messiah" will be
presented by the Choral Un
ion 3 p.m. Dec. 14 in the Co
liseum. Earl Jenkins, assistant pro
fessor of voice, will direct the
500-member group in this an
nual presentation.
Groups making up the Chor
al Union are: University Sing
ers and University Chorus II
directed by Jenkins; Madrigal"
Singers and University Chorus
I directed by John Moran and
Ag Chorus directed by Mrs.
Frank Wells.
Soloists will be Susan
Rhodes, contralto; Paula Roe
hrkasse, soprano; Rodney
Walker, baritone and David
Mullin, tenor.
Emanuel Wishnow, chair
map of the department of
music, will direct the orches
tra. . .
1 Ed Carstens will play the
traditional carols before and
after the concert. No admis
sion is charged and the pub
lic is invited.
Home Ec Frat
Initiates Four
Four new members have
been initiated into Phi Upsi
lon Omicron, national home
economics fraternity.
They are Virginia McClure
Steele, Elizabeth James, Shar
on Sterner and Laura Wun
derlich. The girls were Initiated
Thursday in the Home Eco
nomics Lounge. A coffee hour
was held after the ceremony.
Members of the fraternity
are selected on a basis of
scholarship, activities and
1 tr:
crown snd carries her bou
Miss Mitchem, chosen by
student vote in a November
election, was queen of the ball
which drew an estimated 2,-
500 dancers and spectators.
Three Attendants
She was attended by the
three service queens, Joyce
Evans, Miss Air Force; Phyl
lis Bonner, Miss Army; and
Nan Carlson, Miss Navy. All
are seniors.
The new Commandant is a
member of Mortar Board and
Alpha .Lambda Delta is
president of YWCA and vice
president of the Union Board
and Gamma Phi Beta.
Crowned and given her
scepter by Chancellor Hardin,
the English and romance lan
guage major was presented
by Cadet Col. Robert W.
Aden, wing commander of
the sponsoring Air Force
ROTG unit
Grand March
Miss Mitchem and Aden
led the traditional grand
march of more than 100
ROTC cadets and their dates.
Pershing Rifles' served as an
honor guard.
The Honorary Commandant
received a bouquet of white
roses,' while the service
queens were presented bou
quets of red roses by the
military commanders of the
respective ROTC depart
ments. Escorts for the service
queens were: Navy, Cadet
Capt. Lyle Hansen; Air
Force, Cadet Lt. Col. Joe
Gorley Jr.; and Army, Cadet
Brigadier General arl Jett.
The Pershing Auditorium
dance floor was crowded with
dancers through the evening
as the Glenn Miller Orches
tra, under the . direction of
Ray McKinley, played Miller
tunes and other favorites.
Entertainment was offered
during the two intermissions
by the Sinfonian Hi Fi's,
Four Hits and a Miss and by
a group of Calypso singers.
Drop Deadline
The deadline to file first
semester drops is noon Dec.
Students must be in good
standing in the course at the
time they drop it.
Courses not officially
dropped by the deadline
automatically become fail
ures. Wees Has
Donald Wees, senior in
architecture, has prepared an
exhibition panel which is now
being' shown in Washington,
The panel is part of an ex
hibition representing work of
students in architectural
schools throughout the couu
try. Thirty-eight schools are
participating in the exhibit.
Each school prepared its
own exhibition panel, demon
strating the educational pro
cesses and the kind of work
resulting in the school. From
the work shown here, a jury
will select panels to be sent
later to Germany for the in
ternational Student Exhibition
and Conference.
The work is being shown at
the Octagon till Jan. 4.
Wees is past president of
the student branch of the
American Institute of Architects.
The Doily Nebraskan
Council Officers Oppose
New Registration Program
Dwaine Rogge and Gary
Frenzel, Student Council pres
ident and vice president, have
announced opposition to the
new plan of registration by
alphabetical order.
"Gary and l are going w
try to obtain more facts from
the administration Monday
(today) as to why the change
was made," Rogge said. "The
results of this investigation
Karen Schuster
Elected kUF Head
Karen Schuster has been
elected to head the All Uni
versity Fund for the coming
Other officers elected
In Kellogg
Fund Campaign
The Builders student fund
drive for the Kellogg Founda
tion will officially begin this
noon with a special kick-off
Builders will present Chan
cellor Hardin with a $500 bond
and a pledge for $500 at the
Builders-Union sponsored lun
Representatives from the or-
ganized houses and the organ'
izations on campus were in
vited to the luncheon. ,
B u il d e r s plans to work
through representatives in the
organized houses who will so
licit the pledges for the foun
dation, said Dick Basoco, pub
licity chairman of the drive.
Treasury Contributions
The same procedure may be
used in organizations except
that the organization will
probably be asked to contri
bute through its treasury,
Basoco said..
A pledge can be made now
and paid within the next four
years," Basoco explained.
The pledges will go toward
making up the $1.1 million
goal the Uni v e r s i t y must
reach by Dec. 31 in order to
receive the $1.5 million gift
from the Kellogg Foundation.
SC Approved
The Builders campaign was
unanimously approved by Stu
dent Council last week.
At a Builders mass meeting
Saturday Hazel Abel and Dean
Adam Breckenridge explained
the details for the Center for
Continuing Education.
Five finalists in the Miss
Moonbeam McSwine contest
have been chosen by the
Block and Bridle Club.
"Miss McSwine" will be
chosen by the purchasers of
ham from the club. Each pur
chaser is entitled to 10 votes
during the Block and Bridle
Ham Sale which will run
through Friday.
The finalists are:
Jayiie Hepperly, sophomore
in home economics, corre
sponding secretary of Alpha
Chi Omega, member of AUC.
Builders, Rodeo Club and
University 4-H Club.
Judy Sieler, junior in home
extension, secretary of Ag
Union Board, Ag Exec Board
and Epsiloh Chi Tau and
member of Coed Counselors
and Delta Delta Delta.
Marianne Castle, junior in
home economics, member of
YWCA, Builders, Rodeo Club
and Kappa Alpha Theta.
Kay Stute, sophomore in vo
cational education, member
of Coed Counselors, Tassels,
BABW, LSA and Love Hall.
Carol Brening sophomore
jn vocational education, so
cial chairman of Fedde Hall,
member of Coed Counselors
and Home Ec Club.
Hams may be purchased
from any Block and Bridle
Club member by calling
2-7631, Ext. 7149.
Rogge, Frenzel to Talk to
ana students desires, as
shown by Council members,
will probably govern any ac
tion taken by the Student
Premium Lost
"The poor guy whose name
is Z--- is doomed," Rogge
said. He commented that the
new system definitely takes
away from the premium that
is normally given to students
Thursday were Fred Bliss,
vice president in charge of
solicitations; Linda Walt, vice
president in charge of public
ity; Sharon Quinn, secretary
and Frank Tomson, treasurer.
Miss Schuster, a junior in
Teachers College, is editor of
First Glance, Pi Lambda
Theta, Teachers College Ad
visory Board and Association
for Childhood Education. She
is social chairman of Chi
Candidates for officers were
interviewed by the past ex
ecutive board of AUF and the
advisers. A slate was then
presented to the board.
According to retiring presi
aent jonn uiynn, tnis year s
drive has not been completed
Independents who were not
contacted will be sent letters
asking for donations.
No totals are available for
this year's drive.
Applications Due
For AUF Board
Applications for AUF board
and -assistants are tlue in the
AUF office by Thursday. In
terviews will be Saturday.
Everyone is encouraged to
sign up, whether they have
had any previous experience
in AUF or not, according to
Karen Schuster, president.
Applicants should sign up
for interviews outside tne
AUF office on 3rd floor, Un
ion. Danish Gym
Due Tuesday
Twenty-eight Danish gym
nasts will present a two and
one-half hour program in the
Coliseum Tuesday at 7:30
This is the third group of
young Danish men and wo
men to tour the United States
and Canada giving gymnastic
performances. Their tours are
Members of the University
Gym Team and the Union
planning committee will hold
a dinner for the visitors Tues
day at 4:30 p.m. in the Union.
The event is under the joint
local sponsorship of the Un
ion, Phi Epsilon Kappa, the
Gymnastics team, Women's
Athletic Association and the
Woman's Physical Education
FIVE COEDS. Carol Brening.
Castle, will vie for the title
with more hours of credit and
those who carry more hours
per semester.
"The least that could be
done under the new system
would be to rotate through the
alphabet to determine who
registers first," Rogge said.
He suggested that to make
student opinion better known
for or against the change,
each person should be sure t
tell his Council representative
his feelings.
Frenzel added that he would
like to return to the old sys
tem since he feels that it gave
more privilege to the upper
classmen and that they de
serve it. If they plan to use
the new plan, he added, it
could certainly be improved
Arbitrary Method
Among other campus lead
ers to comment on the regis-'
tration change was Gary Cad-
wallader, president of IFC.
It seems to me that registra
tion by alphabetical order is
unfair to those at the end of
the alphabet since they can't
No Big Welcome
Ready For System
By Sandy Kully
"I am furious!"
"It's ridiculous!"
"They can't do ' this to
If these comments are in
dicative of the opinion of
the entire student body, al
phabetical registration will
not receive a red carpet
Of 25 students inter-
viewed, only two had an af
firmative comment about
the new process.
"This plan will be all
right if provision is made
for people who need special
classes and sections," said
Ken Price, senior in Teach
ers College.
Allen Krizelman, sopho
more in Arts and Science,
said he thought that the new
plan would be more fair
than the old one of regis
tration by hours.
"The classes that most
juniors and seniors take are
only offered at one time
anyway, so they shouldn't
have too much trouble," he
Three Classes
Objection to alphabetical
registration seemed to fall
into three classes: it is un
fair to seniors who must
have certain courses 'to
graduate, it "pulls rank" on
upperclassmen, and it is for
the benefit of the faculty
and the administration, not
the students.
Commented one junior
boy, "for my own benefit
it's fine, but for seniors who
are working on hours, it's
Jane Savener, Junior In
Vocational Educationl said,
"I don't see how juniors and
seniors who need certain
classes are going to get
Jsyne Hepperly, Kay Stute.
of Miss Moonbeam McSwine. The
Ag Block and Bridle dub.
Monday, December 8, 1958
register as early as they could
had they registered by hours,
he said.
Cadwallader continued that
this system is arbitrary while
registration by hours Is not
Nancy Copeland, Mortar
Board president, felt, on the
other hand, that the new
method is "certainly worth a
try." She added since there
was such an overflow at times
during the registration period,
she could understand why
they wanted better distribu
tion. Try Wanted
"By the time one is a senior
his more specialized courses
aren't so much in demand that
it will make a big difference,"
said Panhellenic president
Lynne Meyers. "I think It
might be a good Idea to give
the new method a try."
"It might work out okay,
said RAM Council president
Bob Grimmit. "It itemed
fairer to the seniors when
they could pull cards first,
but I suppose that worked a
hardship on underclassmen."
Both freshmen and sopho
mores seemed to agree
with the upperclassmen.
Sophomore in Arts and
Science Sue Goldhammer
felt that upperclassmen
should be able to pull their
cards first since "they have
the hours and need the
"It's a good idea now, but
I won't like it when I'm a
junior and senior," com
mented freshman in Arts
and Science Phil Baron.
"Seniority should rule," he
"Registration by hours is
a better system," said soph
omore in Teachers Dick
Whitcomb. "It gives people
who have worked hard a
chance to get their classes."
Seniors appeared to be of
one accord.
Jim Harpstreith, Arts and
Science senior, stated, "It
doesn't give any weight to
seniority. It makes me feel
that the University is being
run for the faculty and the
administration, not the stu
dent. It should be the other
"Somebody who is a sen.
ior has the right to register
early," added a senior girl.
Another senior in Arts
and Science, Marilyn Cof
fey, analyzed the new sys
tem in this way: "On the
surface it doesn't seem to
be too fair of an arrange
ment unless they plan to ro
tate the alphabet Next year
if they let a different sec
tion of the alphabet, rather
than the A's, go first, It
might be all right'
Another senior girl con
cluded, "It will not stop
people from pulling cards
for other people. If any
thing, it will increase this.
Judy Sieler and
contest is sponsored by the
. T
f r