-,k. Tuesday, November II, 1955 The Daily Nebroskon Page 3 Powerful Pitt Looks Like Bad News ti Soccer Team Wilis Midwest Tourney; Blanks Both Foes Saturday, the Nebraska Soc cer team blanked two oppon ents on the way to the Mid west Soccer Championship. The Huskers opened against Carlton (Minn.) College in a morning game that saw the Scarlet start slow but turn on the power at the half to pull away for the win. Lone Goal Martyn Bowden scored the lone goal in the first canto as the Huskers left the field at the half with an 1-0 lead. Dur ing the first half Martin Car rancedo, halfback, and Albert mgunaga, iuuDacK. tea ai stout defense against the Carl ton onslaught. The second half was a dif ferent 8 t o r y as the Nebras kans with a strong wind at their back dominated play Hith Herman Ridder scoring was the South Dakota Coy otes whom they soundly trounced 4-0. Large Crowd two goals, while Monsou Dan ashzdeh scored one to give braska a 4-0 victory. The Huskers afternoon foe Before a surprisingly large crowd the Scarlet and Cream dominated the play throughout the first half, but still could only come forth with a 1-0 halftime lead. The lone tally was made by Her man Ridder. Nebraska pounded the Coy otes for three goals which were made by R i d d er, Danashzadeh, and Bowden. Nebraska might have scored more if it had not been for the efforts of the Dakota gaol- ie-field captain. Carlton College was the run nerup as they whipped South Dakota 3-0. Wind Nebraska used only t h i r- teen men in tneir two con-i tests. Scoring was held down somewhat by the strong winds which prevailed throughout the tourney. A!- i - - 1..-...V. t Huskers fight for ball in match during Midwest Soccer Tourney that was held at Ne braska for the first time. The Nebraskans shut out both Carlton (Minn) College and the University of South Dakota for the championship trophy. Conihuskers by larry novicki Big 8 CONFERENCE W L Pet. Pts. Odd. O 1.000 126 13 1 O 1.000 110 4 t ,6M 107 S .00 57 Dick "Yogi" Hergenrader the Sigma NU passing flash who led all University selec tions threw 32 touchdown passes during the season. That's a pretty good output for a guy who has never played the sport before. Basketball starts tonight. What an operation it will be! last year. They not only ap pear to be the best choice for frat honors but for all-U hon ors as well. Phi Delta Theta will be hard to beat this year. Last year it appeared that they would wallow through all opposition without flinching too much, but they were throttled by the Delts in the tourney. They Oklahoma Missouri .... "Colored Kansas NEBRASKA 1 4 .200 3S Kansas Slate 4 .200 52 Iowa State 0 S .(KXp 12 'Conference schedule completed. ALL GAMES 2:1 75 8S 11 112 , ... ni i 1 I iuau1,iUll.aua.co.6;,v:v.,iave practically the same tip to play in 17 leagues. This . ;av.ers back from tnat prom. should put about 800 boys int jbjng team action on the maples during, & c'hi Si phi E the IM season. Along about I gil Canfield, Boucher .Beta the 8th of December when TWa Pi r,Pita Tflll rplta Epsilon "strong Oklahoma Oklahoma Sta Colorado Missouri Kansas Iowa State 3 NEBRASKA t Kansas State 2 L Pet. Pts. Onn. 1 .(57 193 42 .750 .714 .625 .mi .375 .250 .250 180 172 151 11 113 50 9 Scoring basketball, handball, swim- L-h cia'm Ainha ming, wrestling, and indoor might be rated as xracK aie an utMiig r , darkhorses uuaneousiy, mere snouiu ue about 1,500 men taking part in some intramural sport in the course of a week. Since baskeball is starting, I should probably try to make a couple of predictions again. If ihey turn out like my foot ball predictions did, I might as well not make them. Per haps it would be best if I were to go about this little chore in a slightly different manner than usual. Last Year's Champs All-University Hitchcock Fraternity A Sigma Nu Fraternity B Delta Upsilon Fraternity C -Delta Upsilon Ag College Alpha Gamma Blio Sclleck Hall Hitchcock Burr Hall Smith Independ ents 8 Newman Club It's hard to tell anything about the dorm teams because of the large scale turnover of men each year. However, since Hitchcok came up with a pretty salty football team, one odd guess that they have at least a better-than-average IM setup, and that they will again be tough in the round ball sport. Sigma NU I have a few doubts about their1 captiring the big trophy though. Sigma Nu, the defend ing fraternity champion, has most of their boys back from Have t MRU) of f Ml Travel with IITA lnbeievobt low Cost Europe 60 fct t- $645 Orient ,43-65 UnJSim-m $993 Mony tours include c"eoe credit. Alio low-coil trips to Mexico $169 up. South America Vk99 up, Hawaii Study Tour $549 up and Around the World $1791 up. Ask Your Travel Aoent Q 2 132 Se. HicaifM W ' ttit mm. MC Chicses 4, lit 7 255 Independents Down in the Independent j circles, it looks as if the New i man Club will not quite have &. 26th CI YtorU the stuff to win the title in that division again. Most like ly predecessors are probably Dental College and Phi Ep silon Kappa. Delta Upsilon will have plenty of trouble defending their "B" title, but they should hold their own in their attempts to retain the "C" plum. Most of the DU's who were members of the "B" team that easily romped to the all-university champion ship last year have either moved up to the "A" team or have graduated from school. This leaves the "B" race wide j open so wide open in fact, ; that I won't make any pre- E dictions concerning it. ! Hitchcock looks like the best bet for the dorm laurels. Out at Burr it should be Van i Es. The Ag crown could go to ', Farmhouse. Class "C" I From the looks of a few of j the pledge classes around; campus, there should be aj pretty spirited race for thei "C" championship. The de fending DU's have some good men as do the Delt's, Phi Psi's, Sig Ep's, and Phi Delt's. This could prove to be the most interesting title race of the season. Time will tell. And time will tell quite a bit about these predictions. Much of this has been de rived from heresay, last year's performances, and just a tad of guessing. We'll see. , CONFERENCE TD Kick Other FG TP Cook. CU 5 1 0 1 34 Snowden. MU S 1 0 0 31 Grnsse, KS z 1 0 4 26 Baker, OU J 3 1 0 23 Floyd. KU 3 O 1 0 20 J. Carpenter, OU . 3 0 1 0 Dowler. CU 3 C 0 (I m Sloan. MU 3 0 0 0 18 Other peorers: 13 Price of KS; RiiOi of MU. 12 Adams and Weiss of CU; Boyd. Pellow, Tillery and Hobby of OU; Harshman of NU. 11 Indorf of CU. 10 Hanline and Holt of OU. 7 Mor Tin of KU. 6 McDole. McCashland, Sapp and Naviaux of NU; Smith, Miles, Kuhlman, Stevenson West, Haas. Mehr er and Brossart of MU; Suder, Mar shall, Kraul, Mailen and Crank of KU; Harden and Nichols of IS; Semenko. Dove and Campbell of CU; Whitney and Kroll of KS; Gautt and Coyle of OU. 2 Osborn of KS; Merritt of KU; Cor nell of OU. 1 Steffen of CU. L AjfST- TENACIOUS WTT , V VViAr GUARD AND CO- trr.f if 1$ ELMIRA, N.Y.. - vi "JC V w to serve in , 190 LBS. OP f7 (2 L BLOOD & GOJS I f J. ...BUGGED ED It V f-S f OBLITCRATeS Jp--V. JfB0vl PANTHER. F rjf 11 1 Foes with L0&'yl jrt his vicious r! ii H SH BLOCKING AND Vr-' f JA fcAkW BONECftOSHINO J JiMi J TACKLINO. T"S''-,- ..3 Tl i , Saturday, Nebraska meets tne ntsDurgn anmers m me last home game of the sea son. The Huskers with a 2-6 record for the season will have their backs against the wall as they have all season when they meet the Panthers who are 5-2-1 for the season. The Pitt losses have been to Michigan State, 22-8, and Syracuse, 16-13. They were tied by Army 14-14. They have beaten UCLA, 27-6, Holy Cross, 17-0, Minnesota, 13-7, West Virginia, 15-8, and Notre Dame last weekend. The only common opponent has been Syracuse which Pitt defeated. Nebraska 1 o 8 1 to Orangemen 38-0. Leading the Panthers of fensively has been fullback Fred Riddle who has carried for about a three yard aver age. Riddle has been the workhorse of the team. Bill Kaliden and Ivan Toncic have given the Panthers a potent air arm. They have hit on al most 60 per cent of their tosses. Michaels: No Offers K fatty k J MILITARY BALL Just around the corner, so now is the time to brush up on your dancing steps. While we're thinking about it, we want to re mind you that HOUSE FORMALS aren't far away. Stop in and learn tome dances for the party. ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL OF DANCING 1232 'M" St. 2-5800 Across from Cornhusker Hotel Ed Michaels, Co-c a p t a i n guard from Elmira, New York, was an outstanding high school player, but many big time colleges coaches thought he never would make the grade because of his size. The 196-pound star earned a letter as a sophomore and is one of two monogram win ners on this year's team. Al though he played more as a sophomore than a junior, an injury hindered Michaels the latter art of the 1957 season. Nevertheless, he attended ev ery practice he could, even if the doctors didn't want him to. Determination "I've never seen a boy with more guts and determin ation, " said Howard Waite, Pitt trainer for nearly twen ty years. "Kids with minor bruises have missed practice sessions, but here was a kid who was in pain when he bent over. Yet, it was impossible to keep him from practicing." Michaels never thought of coming to Pitt when he was a high school star. "I wanted to go to school close to home. but nobody wanted me. I visit- X I ed Pitt, looked at the curricu lum, and decided this was the place for me." Ed is taking a. Liberal Arts courses and hopes to work in the Pittsburgh area when he graduates next June. He will be married to Miss Nancy Te sone, a senior, on Nov. 29, Continued on Page 4 after every shave Splash on Old Spice After Shave Lotion. Feel your face wake up and live ! So good for your skin . . . so good for your ego. Brisk as an ocean breeze. Old Spice makes you feel like a new man. Confident. Assured. Relaxed. You know you're at your best when you top off your shave with Old Spice! JOO uce AFTER SHAVE LOTION by SHULTON NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIEDS One-stop Bervloa Laundry, shirt fin ishing dry elMolni. Al a Vi Hour ib Bo. 16U Small furnished apartmsnt for rant to Untversltv couple, Just redecorated. $56.00. 1118 "O". FOR SALE: 1fR Ford Custom 30O. Radio and heater, white side wall tires. 1avln for Bouth Pole. Her bert Hansen. 410 No. 17. s-2fV00. n t $VtA6 More adventurers on the wing smote Camels than any other cigarette today. It stands to reason: the best tobacco makes the best smoke. The Camel blend of costly tobaccos has never been equalled for rich flavor and easygoing mildness. Year in and year out, Camel leads every other brand in sales. Don't fool mound with fads and fancy stuff.'.. "Good grief, I dropped the Camels! wmM y i I IV s. BomoMi lobseco Co., Wlnrua-Btten, If. ft h I i fir 4