The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 11, 1958, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebroskon
Tuesday, November 11, 1958
Editorial Comment
Political Interest
Members of the University of Nebraska
convocations committee, along with pub
lic relations and administration officials,
must have been almost universally pleased
with the large number of students who
turned out to see the "Break the News
Panel" convocation. There hasn't been a
bigger turnout for an all University con
vocation in recent years except for Ben
nett Cerfs appearance.
The Daily Nebraskan believes that this
refutes many who argue that University
students are unaware of what is going on
about them. Senator Paul Douglas ap
peared at a time when concern for poli
tics has begun to climb to a high interest
peak throughout Nebraska. The size of his
audience shows that students definitely do
care, and offers hope that many of them
will attempt to play an active role in poli
tics ala 1960.
We thank the University for authorizing
this all University convocation and voice
our desire to be afforded more opportuni
ties in the future to be a part of such
stimulating events.
' - -fe
Individual Staff Views
Is the activities picture changing at NU?
Looks like it could be judging from
some of the things that have happened
this fall.
Penny Carnival will be no more. Kos
met Klub originally had 17 skits sched
uled for tryouts in the Fall Revue. When
the choosing of finalists came around, only
five skits were presented for the picking
of four participating skits. AUF Auction
Is another thing of the past.
Perhaps it's because the worth of some
activities Just doesn't keep them living
and active. Or maybe students are be
coming more academic in their outlook
and would rather study than build booths,
plan musical skits and be put on the auc
tion block.
The Student Council activities commit
tee defended the worth of certain campus
activities such as Coed Follies and the
, KK fall show recently because the shows
were said to be voluntary. The committee
said the decision to participate in these
activities is up to the individual student.
But if a house decides to participate in
the Kosmet Klub show or the Follies, get
ting up a skit won't be very voluntary.
People have to be pressed into service in
the skits whether they want to or not.
Seems Its always hard to find enough vol
unteers to swing any activity, no matter
how much a house may profit by it.
Everyone may approve of the participa
tion, but they'd just as soon let the other
person do the work.
Some campus leaders have even gone
so far as to say that politicking is nearly
dead at dear old NU. Must be getting
harder and barder to pull deals.
But then comes along a new campus
group, the Young Democrats, to add an
other organization to the campus list. But
By Carroll Kraus
Young Democrats' present and future
success has hinged on the fact that 1958
was an election year. With Democratic
gains on Nov. 4, the group may hold a
position of some campus prominence, but
really can't be considered in the same na
ture of activities as Kosmet Klub, stu
dent publications and student governing
Some fraternities that didn't submit
KK scripts for the Fall Revue pointed to
the fact that Homecoming took enough
time away from pledges and actives alike.
Sororities pointed out the same thing
through Coed Counselors when Penny
Carnival was axed. They took the same
viewpoint towards the AUF Auction.
Maybe some of the more influential
campus intelligents are behind the whole
thing. They may be gunning foi a PBK
key rather than a Mortar Board mask or
an Innocents' hood. . .
A few things I've always wondered
How tome: ,
Panhellenic doesn't make ominous
sounding resolutions like the Interfratern
ity Council?
Love Library closes so early on Sun
day? The State Historical Society Building,
which at first glance appears to be sym
metrical, has more windows on one side
than the other?
Senior women have closing hours?
The Student Tribunal is called a Tri
Nebraskans and the University of Ne
braska for that matter, have an infer
iority complex?
Some people will be dismissed from a
class and walk away even when a very
top-flight All-University Convocation is offered?
Flickering Art
By John West
My Little World
I reDent in ten thousand I time
ways for ever having dark Speaking of movies, I am
a n d i thoughts about people who
moanea wnen mey were sick.
Right now I feel as though
I were sorne-
getting all excited about the
foreign films and wish they
would hurry up and start.
They are probably the most
exciting things of the whole
year. What with Foreign
Films, Broadway Plays, Com
munity Concerts, University
Plays my culture is just
I'm a sucker for a sales talk
and also for anything that
sounds worthwhile (there's
that word again it sounds
so puritanical). All of this is
one long beratement at the
From the Editor
A Few Words of a Kind
Monday noon I was privileged to sit in
on a luncheon for Sen. Paul Douglas,
Democratic senator from Illinois. After
a long, long diet of equivocating govern
ment and school officials, I walked away
on Cloud 7 because I had finally met a
representative who told you what he be
lieved and why.
If Nebraska has been hurt by anything
politically, it seems to be the lack of rep
resentatives in government of even half
the caliber of Senator Douglas. Students
who managed to take in his panel with
newsmen at the all Uni
versity convocation Mon
day morning will prob
ably agree that they have
known few persons with
as forthright and chal
lenging a manner espe
cially in answering ques
tions. My blood still boils
when I think of asking one
of our school officials a
certain question at least
three times last year at a luncheon ses
sion of the same nature as this. All I got
was three long orations on wholly unre
lated subjects. And afterward the person
had the audacity to ask, "Just what is
your pitch, anyway?"
The senator is a former professor. I
thought during the session that if he were
as good a professor as he is a senator
at least when justifying his belief in a
particular political stand that his stu
dents were extremely fortunate. His arti
culateness and willingness to discuss any
matter that members of the luncheon au
dience, primarily professors and news
men, asked couldn't help but win him a
place in the heart of anyone who has ever
wanted a straight forward answer from a
Senator Douglas has made a young convert.
o.t' V -rs .
Sunday evening the Union ballroom was
filled with a near capacity audience for
the annual all University talent show.
The crowd saw some promising young per
formers. Hats off to the Union and those
students who showed their wares.
. . . e. e. hines
Periodically I devote a few inches to
bemoaning my state of intellectual en
deavor. This is probably because I have
read too many sources which emphasize
that a college diploma doesn't make a
man educated and a good portion of your
college work is wasted time. An honest
man (see how I load my argument)
couldn't help but agree with this point of
The plain fact is that every person is
limited in the amount of culture that he
can absorb into his lazy and fleeting life.
Being the stubborn soul that I am, I find
it almost impossible to sit still in class
after class while a professor rants on and
on about subjects to which he has chosen
to devote his life, but which to me mean
only hours of subdued endurance in usually
stuffy, poorly ventilated rooms.
My subconscious decision seems to be
to devote my remaining college days to
stoic opposition against enthusiastic or
dutiful attempts by professors to liberal
ize or broaden my outlook on life. I am
not pleased with what I am, but I feel I
would be less pleased with what many in
structors would make of me.
In spite of this talk of faltering interest
in current intellectuals pursuits, I find
myself pleased with hav ing dashed through
Hamlet as preparation for my English
class this week. The drama is fascinating
and intriguing enough to capture the most
action demanding creature, and the
speeches are such that (as Dr. Dallas
Williams said in the Shakespeare feature
story Monday) they stimulate thinking. In
Hamlet, many of us woe is me crying
fellows find a companion who makes us
feel that our griefs are not all our own. If
I were the Bohemian student that I some
times feel I would like to be, the highest
tribute I feel that I could pay Hamlet is
that he seems like a fellow I'd like to get
drunk wKh. A fellow with as many facets
to his personality would assure you that
his words and ideas would be as stimulat
ing and intoxicating as the wine you
But alas, poor Yorick!
John Ford's production of I production.
"The Last Hurrah" (Colum- j green. It's 'Casey without
bia) could well have become the Dublin Players. It's unin
the most interesting picture I SDired Ford, but mapniOpnt
of the season. Its political i Tracy and, despite its tmnS that
theme, carefully translated ! shortcomings, is well worth I crawled up
from E:dwin 'Connor's 1956; seeing. oxt of the
bestseller, is particularly ap-1 Affable State theatre man-; g r o u n d
ropos to an election year; Us ager, Clayton Cheever is mak-! s 0 m etnmg
cast including Spencer i ing sure his aisle ropes, too ! left over
Tracy. Jeffrey Hunter. Pat' long in mothballs, are still; from the Fu
O'Brien and Basil Rathbone, capable of holding back the neral Partv
is ninrp than adeDt: its cood hun?rv swain v.ffontiva i h e 1 d last
humor is especially refresh-, Wednesday, regular study mSht and I
ing after the scores of shock- hour gaps between afternoon want sym"
ors nn first rim snrppne. IntP. 1 rlaseus aro avnaMarl t k i pathy. I want Judy
ly. "The Last Hurrah" is, i happily spent in two-hour vis- to say that 1 have never felt i students don tmnk ese
however, overly stereotyped, i its downtown to see a Missworse and have condolences opportunities are worth a
overlv saccharine and overly Bardot in her latest "The and Pats on tne neads and ! mgbt away from the habltual
long' Night Heaven Fell " ' and words of cheer. In; haunts. But I'm not crusad-
Frank Xugent's screenplay As was the case last spring i other words 1 have the flu 1 in& merely waving a sick
masterflv justifies the graft with her earlier abearance iand nothing is more miser- j hand.
and coercion of Frank Skeff- in that classic of flesh and ' able tnan to have your stom-! I will now quietly subside
ington (Tracy in a brilliant familiarity, . . . "And G o d ! acn in a constant state of agi
perfonnance), big city boss, i Created Woman," the man- tatlon- From now on anyone
old-line Irish-American pol- agement is in anticipation of ' wno doesn,t feel well need
itician and reputedly the bitter critical outcries from;0"1? cal1 me and tney wil1
strona narallel of former ma- adults with raised evehrnws I ,iave the most sympathetic
vor. James Michael Curlev of However, let it be nnintprl nut ear and the softest shoulder
Boston. He is nobin it o o a, that the film industry is one 1 u" WIll-" lo unouraen meir . suitable to an occasions. Ana
and benevolently bestowing based on the axiom of "giving! woes ! if one can't be witty oneself,
upon the poor. the people what they want."! Maybe part of my condition ! such a person is a fine sub-
Tracy s resourcefulness in And this is the anew tniis due to the movie that I ' stitute.
besting the stuffy local bank-; tne paltry grosses of such1 saw Friday night. I am not a !
ers, who oppose a loan for -! American classics as "Twelve i movie fan and loatn people pj giwma Jota
much needed low-rent housing 1 Anerv Men" "The Quiet! wno can name stars and titles B . . ,
development; his foiling of a American", "Desire Underlay but this deserves! Eievn "ndcrfaduate and
mercinary undertaker when the Elms"' and "Paths ofieven my unworthwile men- j graduate students have been
an old friend is buried (the Glory" to name but a fewition- lt is entitled "The De- j initiated into Phi Sigma Iota,
wake is turned into a political : 0f the more recent and most ' finant Ones" and did more to 1 romance language national
rally) - these are opportuni-1 undeserving .financial catas- my nerves than any brew hnr society.
couia ever nope to ao. 1 ieii; uu6iouumh ai c
like I had run every inch of i Carole Crate, Sally Downs,
the way with the two escaped Mrs. Virjean Hokanson, Jud
convicts and naturally shedjith Hughes, Marcia Laging,
and I'm sure the university
will go on quite in its present
state. As T. S. Eliot said "We
are living and partly living."
How apt. He really is a most
marvelous rcan with a quote
ties for memorable scenes, ! trophies
but the conflicts are too often
solved by the luck of the Irish. '. . ,
And the dialect and dialogue ! uri"ge Logons
of some of
the supporting j
plavers (O'Brien. Don aldibndge lessons will be held
Crisp, Edward Brophy, Wal- today in the Union.
lace Ford. Frank Mcllugh. 1 Advanced lessons will be at
The third in a series of copious tears at the sad end- j Ted Snedicker and Ericka
ing. But it was a superb end-! Starck.
ing and for those of you who Daniel Bernd Rafael Escan-
could tear yourselves away i don, Zephaniah Mahabee and
Jane Darwell and James Fla- 5 p.m. and beginners lessons from the enticements of the j John McPeck are the grad-
vin, mugging it up a m o n g ; at 4 p.m. i "Blob" it was well worth the uats.
them) make one wonder if di
rector Ford still thought he
i was working on "The Inform-
; er" or "The Quiet Man." The j
' production values are o n 1 y j
I 'a'r- !
i Without extending too manv i
of the details of the conclud-;
ing full reel of Skefiington's ,
' last hurrah," at 1 e a s t be ;
forewarned to extend a little!
patience and to duck the his-
i tronics. You will note that the
j only tears are on-screen,
j In summation, 'tis an effort
! of moments, great and weal ; :
'of humor, bad and good; of!
1 I.lnser
8 Iron
ll KoU-shapfd
IS United
19 Mir
I'rei-K.u- stone
-1 "ri in, led
' Hit ( t
Sld'n r.'.ce
-S mi. i I fur
-" as I.., ..taken
' iiu:.i .-i.i-are-
."l- i e tiiian
i li (!; letter
-: -'lai.ylonian
14 i ijstance
.I., SeetN
36 (Iroups of
-8 Colorlts.
40 Houlftte bet
41 iSovo Hies
4 iMx'.i
4; Hufi ix:
follower of
45 Makes
eomforta lie
46 Mans
47 Hawaiian
4R Keen
4 SiJlv
i)l Silti.-he
iii Registered
nurse labbr )
f,H l.atijprey
i4 Hairless
:,' Kti-h
7 f bf erve
I "art of (lon er
h I ri. i-1 al fruil
2 t iiiTu
M College defTM 13 Carpenter's
;" Preposition
is ( 'hie
67 Outsider
llfjhtlv '
M I-'iiiiyhed
1 1 KemaJe
(col Icq.)
73 Carnivorous
74 Walk
76 Mediterrane
an vessel (pi.)
79 Girl's nam
M Number
U3 New leal
agency init.)
4 Turpentine
Rii Inferior
7 Soaks
0 Habituates
52 Period of time
Go in
o Fights
between two
97 I 'i.sturli
!S Teutonic deity
9 A state
101 Satiatied
103 Ethiopian title
104 Feathered
105 Narrow,
flat boards
108 Thick, black
110 Indulgent
I f2 Consecrater!
1 1. 'I Race of lettuce
114 Spanish article
1 )a Macaws
!!Z'',k,ish pI
I IB Cooling
1 1 Quick
120 Artificial
121 .Smooth
12. 'l Place
14 Withered
125 Arrow
117 Sharper
12S Specimen
Ul Wooden pins
132 Strike out
13 : Goal
1!4 Cry of goat
1St Cook In watei
137 Solicitude
n Strong tie
1 Dental
(abbr. I
140 Caudal
141 Latvian unit
of currency
14J Domesticate
143 Stop
144 Forgive
14i Skip over
145 Badgerlike
149 F'ampers
lid Dense
lal Lower
1 Spins
2 Girl's name
3 Angered
4 Spread for
h A state
9 Kntreaties
7 liaise
5 Organ of
I Steamship
10 Dispatcher
1 1 Chastising
12 Part of
"to be"
1J Cover with
14 Angry
15 Woolly
14 Doctor of
Laws (abbr.)
17 Cyprli .M (lsh
11 Individual
22 I laughter of
King Minos
23 Obtains
25 Poem
27 Renovated
28 Holy
S' Covers
31 Toward the
sheltered side
S3 Foundations
::.'. Bucket
"6 1 .ocate
7 Heavenly
3s Possesses
41 Sense
42 Heap
SC Hinder
H8 Twists
M Chair
90 Conjunction
91 Symbol for
94 Kidney
9 Legal seal
95 1 lirection
99 Approached
100 Inclines on ons
102 Kats
104 Part of
10." Misplaced
41 (.rowing out of loii Harbingers
ii fMicei oi OOOK lOi .Most
4"i Knriched
60 Smooths
S4 I'trylilage
bo Goddess of
56 Church
9 Protective
tiO Soil
dl Indian
63 .Mother of
fii; Kxrlamation
67 Facsimile
68 Part of
climbing plant
pi. "
70 Forsake
71 Aeriform
72 Beverage
7a Pertaining to
the mind
75 Kellgious
77 Norse gods
78 Nahoor sheep
80 Peruses
H'9 Ranted
11 1 Food
112 Rabbit
113 Vehicles
116 Japanese unit
of currency
118 1 iropped
119 1 liniinish
122 Sweetheart!
124 Treats
125 Dismal
126 Pertaining to
old age
128 Forava
KIO Fxtinct bird
131 Noted
132 Portions of
13j ( 'entury plant
137 .Mohammedan
138 Greek letter
14 Also
142 Sesame
11.3 Strike lightly
144 Centimeters
14 j Symbol for
147- Behold?
148 Sun god
Daily Nebraskan
Member: Associated Collegiate Press
Intereoileriate Press
Representative: National Advertising Service,
PnMiahed at: Room 20, Student L'nion
Lincoln, Nebraska
Utb A R
The Pally Nebraska Is puMltketf Monday. Tseeday,
Wednesday asd enday dnrins the tebool year, exerpt
tnfttiB raestlons and esaa periods, by students at the
Cnlverslry of Nebraska nnder the aaihorltattkn f (he
Commute on student Affairs as as mnrenslna ef stu
dent opinion Pohliestlna snder the Inrkdietlna of the
Miibrommtttee nn Hlnnent Pnhllrstliins shall he free from
editorial eensnrshlp on (he part of the Hiiheommlltee m
mm law part of say member of the faculty of the rss
verslli. Th members ef the Mebnakaa staff am per-
snnsliy reapnnObls for what they say, or de or easts te
he printed. February . IU.
Hiiburrlptlna rates are $.1 per semestae sr fS for the
aeademle year.
entered a ernad eias matter at the post ofrlre ta
Llarola, Nehraak. sneer th art ef dsgnst 4, 11 1.
r.dltc.r .... , e Hlnes
Managing rdlton (ieorse Mnyer
Heninr Staff Hnler Kmmle Union
npnrti Kdltor Randall lnirt
Copy Kdltors Carroll Kraos. Ulana Maxwell.
wandra Kully. Oretrhea aides.
Staff Writers .
Hondrs Mhalen. Ttraa Brnlthberger.
Staff Photographer
ItuslneM Msoaget .
Assittsnt Hmlness Manasers
Charlem Grots, Norm Rohifing
Clrrlst1 Maaagsr Jerry Trupp
Marllya Coffey,
.Mlnnrtt Taylor
. Jerry fc'llrntln
. .man Haimsn.
i v. i
i i
i ' ' ;r I ' J F 7 f e h I i I 4 If U U'
I fl-'il FT l WW ih3!
: i W- "W
j J : w,-
r) w -w"
mki Z,ZZWZZ.tW W
Wednesday, Nov. 12 jtJ p 1"
8 P.M. A
Re.erv.d SeoM $2.00, $1.50 W, T? "
Cditdrdl Admission $1.00 -- rT------. mU- .
YZm m
Box Office Open 9-5 1 1
m m i mi 1
f mitn SyadMat. la. ""'""ssssBsssaBsl
Lincoln 7-3761 j
(SefaUoa sa rase
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