i'-'.'i Poge 4 On the Social Side House Parties Head Busy Slate Oa the heels of busy migra- tion and homecoming week- ends, several fraternities and sororities have announced plans for house parties this tfkend. The weekend's social calen - dar looks like this: Friday, the Alpha Phis and Acacias will hold an hour dance while Beta Sigma Psi plans a costume party at the Band Goes ToKU Lent to Take 88 for Performance The 88-man University marenmg Dana will give a performance at the Saturday football game between the University and Kansas Uni versity. The band, under the direc tion of Professor Don Lentz, i plan a supper. Pi Beta Phi will march onto the field for j and Phi Delia Theta pledges a simple drill and join the : will hold a picnic. Both fune Kansas University for the ! tions will begin at 5 p m. nlavinff nf th Yalivnnl in- I them preceding the game. During the first 5 minutes of the half the University band will perform precision drills after which they will form a large design with the KU band for Homecoming cere monies. The group will travel by bus to Lawrence, Kansas Sat urday morning, assistant di rector Jack Snider said. They will eat at the KU Union at 1 noon and will return imme-, diately following the game, i The game will be televised : n Channels S KMTV) and ! 10 KOLN-TV). Union Bulletin Board Friaay MI tiTXTA KAPPA ! Weerlne. 8. 212 luncheon 12. X Conference Group Meetings 3. 313 , 115 Tiinner. . X Entntnolnw meetine, a m . 916 high school press asstk i Ttcfristratlon, 8. lobby i Meetlnn. 10. Bnllroom Advisors tfflicheon, 12. T Tlnnw. S:Sn, Ballroom Inter Varsity, 12:30. 31 Delta Stem" Pi. 2- A Saturday Phi Ttelts Knpns Mte.. B. 212 Phi Kelts Kappa Mtg., 9, 3U. Slo. : 'rii( School Press Advisors Break- j tn. . Z JTIen School Press Ass'n Kesistration. . l,obby flieh School Press Ass'n TJincheon. 19:Sft. Unllroom i Tsenltv Tinnrlni! Clnn TMnner. 7. ABC Tnculty Dane'1"! -Cob. 8:30. Ballroom j Sunday wore T;ieci" ' l. si a Coed Counselors 2. 31fi firrhes! Meetme. 2. 21S I Talent Show. , Ballroom NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIEDS One-stop fiervlea Laundry, shirt fin ishing dxy cleaning. ATs tt Hour IMS So. Idtb. jw f)nnle; Hhr moms; t beSroonw: .sum;; canwe-stsble; 4-1)151 nrter C. Small fumlshsd apartment for rent to f'nlversltv oouple. Just rertecorated. SS6.00. HIS "G". BSOASTED CHICKEN swnr cksgIem j Our HmvA Spactolry I B torn Ukc Oaickesi Y1 Low BROASTTD OffCKEN! Oasfar w Is sv Mffvvfw Dlninf ftoom Service & COOPER'S 2420 "O" St. Ph. 2-S124 Sav I ' f j ( y : , .'rrcC'l r - S2 eacK. 3 for $5 50 Neck Sizes: small, medium, largt PostRpe Paid. No COD 's Order by mail KGKRMN CO. 61S North Manhattan, Manhattan, Kansas i Lincoln Hotel. Both events i start at 7 p.m. ' Saturday afternoon, eight groups have planned listen to the game sessions. Combined croups with this in mind in- ' elude the Alpha Chi Omegas and Rota Sigma Psis. Alpha Xi Delta actives and Theta Xi actives. Alpha Xi Delta pledges and the Delta Upsilon pledges, and Kappa Delta and Alpha Gamma Sigma. Saturday at 7 p.m.. Resi dence Hails and Seaton I will hold an hour dance. Alpha Gamma R h o, meanwhile, I plans a "Rho Rendevous" at ! Coiner Terrace. Other Saturday night par jties are Alpha Gamma Sig ma s "South bea lsianas house party at 9 p.m.; the Fairfield House's "Soccer Club" party at 7:30 p.m.; Phi Gamma Delta's "Gam- i bling Party" at 9 p.m., and tive Sigma Xu's Beachcomb er" house party also at 9. Two pledge events are also scheduled for Sunday eve ning. The pledges of Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma Xu Debaters Prepare To Travel Three University debate groups will hit the road this j weekend for tournaments in j Nebraska and Kansas. Speech assistant Karl Harshbarger will take two teams of beginning debaters to Manhattan, Kansas for the annual Kansas State College beginners' tournament. Last year, Nebraska's beginners won 15 of 16 debates for the best record in the tourna ment. Those going to Manhattan are: Doug McCartney and Dick Nelson; and James Eh ret and William Cord. Another group under the tutalage of speech assistant Robert Kimball will go to Omaha for a tournament at Omaha University. Teams scheduled for the Omaha trip are: George Mover and Biff Keyes; Bob Ross and Melvyn Eikleberrv and Wanda Head and Phyllis Elliot. Professor Donald Olson, di rector of discussion and de bate activities will squire the third group, which will pre sent a series of audience de bates in Kansas. Teams going are: Judith Hoeman and Ei leen Warren and Nancy Cope land and Barbara Bacon. Teams on the audience de bating tour will debate at Kansas State. Washburn, Kansas University and the University of Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo. Second A Prof 'Pot Luck' Set The second "Pot Luck with the Profs" of the semester will be held in the Ag Union Lounge on Nov. 16. All students may attend the free supper and entertam- ment which will be furnished I by the Ag College faculty. Students will have the op- portunity to meet the follow j ing faculty members during I the evening: A. B. Schultz. Warren Atyeo, Donald Clan ! ton. Thomas Doryland. Elvin Frolik, Charles Gardener, Francis Haskins. R o 1 1 i n Schnider, John Skinner and Howard Wittmus. The wives of these men will also be present. KVOX-TV Friday, Nov. 7 I 5:30 A 'Number of Thins, j r Evening Prelude 6:30 TV Clamrram i 7 KssentialB of Freedom 7:30 Industry on Purarte 7:40 II. Review I Clv.nnel 12 Presents - A - Shirt lor campus wear Savci on laundry bills and Bhirt costs Stays down White Oxford with Ivy collar Wear It under sweaters over T-shirts . . Aivarils Continued From Page 1 pictures to be sent to home town newspapers. KUOX-TV and the Journal Star printing company will be toured by conventioners Friday at 4:30 p.m. Two photo exhibits have also been scheduled for the highschoolers. "The best news pictures of the year," an exhibit sponsored by the Encyclopedia Britannica, Na tional Press Photography As sociation and the School of Journalism at Missouri Uni versity; and the annual $25, 000 International Photography contest winners. The pictures are on display in the base ment of Burnett. Nebraskan Rated 1st Class AH American Honors Missed The Daily Nebraskan has been awarded a first class honor rating by the Associ ated Collegiate Press for the second semester of 1957-58. Tk Ne braskan was i X"" listed topsso b among il school papers which re ceived this high award A pers at Iowa I Vo State, Okla homa State and Kansas State were m I tarn Shugrue the only ones in the Big Eight to equal the Nebraskan's rat ing. Five papers received All American honor ratings, the highest given, which is just one notch above a first class award. The University of Cal ifornia at Berkeley, Wayne State University at Detroit, the University of Texas, the University of Southern Cal ifornia and the University of Minnesota published these prize-winning papers. Dick Shugrue was editor of the paper last semester. Ern est Hines was editorial editor and Mack Lundstrom was managing editor. Emmie Limpo was news editor; George Moyer, sports editor; Gary Rodgers, Diana Max well, Pat Flannigan, Carroll Kraus and Gretchen Sides were copy editors. Jerry Sel lentin was business manager. His staff included Tom Neff, Stan Kaiman, Bob Smidt and Jerry Trupp. The first semester Nebras kan in 1957-58 received a sec ond class rating under the editorship of Jack Pollock. Parade Honors 13 Cadets Capt. Wayne Frye and 13 Distinguished Military Stud ents were honored at a Uni versity Army R0TC parade I Thursday. Col. V. R. Rawie presented Captain Frye the Commenda tion Ribbon with metal pen ; danit for meritorious service ; performed as an ordnance ad- visor to the Vietnamese Army in 1957. ' Congratulatory letters from the commanding general of the Fifth United States Army j were also presented by Col. itawie xo u aisunguisnea mu- s itary Students. The students honored were: : Cadet Brig. Gen. Carl Jett, Cadet Col. Richard Falconer, ' Cadet Col. Raymond DeBow er, Cadet Col. Richard Han- zel. Cadet Col. Pat Kuncl, I r.arlpl r.nt rinuirl T.inn flarlm . Lt. Col. Ronald Maiwald. Cadet Lt. Col. Burton Wei I chenthal, Cadet Maj. Paul Smith, Cadet Maj. Dwaine Rogge, Cadet Capt. Robert Moran, Cadet Capt. Byron Speice and Cadet 2nd Lt. Larry Baker. Square Dance All University Square Dance Club will meet from 8-12 Friday mght at the Col lege Activities Building on Ag Campus. Anyone may attend. Admis sion for members is 25 cents for members; for non-mem bers 35 cents. SPEEDWAY MOTORS 1719 N St. LINCOLN, NEBR, Speed Equipment Hollywood Mufflers Trie Doily Nebroskon lh, hi' Bachelor, Beauty Queen 1 1 1 A J Candidates Announced Eighty-five candidates for Beauty Queen and Most Eli gible Bacheor have been an nounced. Beauty Queen interviews were held last night in the faculty lounge of the Union. Most Eligible Bachelor inter views were conducted by the Mortar Boards Wednesday evening. February Announcement Forty-four coeds are vying for the six Beauty Queen ti tles, while 39 candidates are running for the six Most Eli gible Bachelors. The 12 Beauty Queen finalists and 12 Most Eligible Bachelor final ists will be announced at Co ed Follies in February. The six Beauty Queens and 'Monitor Reporter To Speak Neal Stanford, correspon dent for The Christian Science Monitor, will speak at a spe cial convocation for journal- ism majors and minors at , 1:30 p.m. Monday in the His torical Society Museum. " Stanford is one of the mem bers of the newsmen's panel who will question Sen. Paul Douglas at the All-University convocation Monday morn ing. A color film, "'Assignment Mankind", concerning a day at the Christian Science Moni tor will follow Stanford's speech. Questions from the audience will also be an swered. Stanford covers the Wash ington diplomatic and eco nomic scenes for the Moni- tor. He has been associated with the Monitor since 1937, and served as assistant edi ; tor of the American news de partment of the paper for four years. i The 30-minute film is being flown m especially for the convocation from the Monitor offices. f i I 14 Vr- jiXjLEI s.J Eligible Bachelors will then be pictured In the 1959 Corn husker. The number of candidates for the titles that each house could submit was determined by Cornhusker sales. One Beauty Queen or Eligible Bachelor candidate was per mitted for every 25 Corn huskers sold. Judging Beauty Queen candidates were judged on appearance, beauty, poise, personality and photogenic ability. Most Eligible Bachelors were judged on the definition of "the man you'd most like to be seen with." Factors con sidered were personality, ap pearance, eligibility, 'sharp ness' and photogenic ability. Beauty Qneea candidates and their affiliates are: Susie Stone. Donna Radnor. Beta Sr'numarber. Alfha Xi Dell. Mi- Goltlach. Marry Sullivan, Delta IVlta JVIla: Pat Rutt. Yvonne Tounl, RstJi leea Fisk. Alpha Omtrmn Pi; Elisa beth A Jt en. Janice Peterson, Lmrta Oakeson. Pi Rets Phi; Paula Roehr kaie, Sirma Kappa; Ann NordQuiat, Jane Kramer, kappa Delia. Kunnv Hitrbee. Recma Spanhake. Alire KnlKiww. Alpha Chi Omeea: Jwn Wassermin. Svhia Bathe. C.afl Gray, Kappa Alpha Theia; Ana Meyer, Film Society To Limit Membership Less than 175 Film Society memberships remain to be sold, according to Larry Cohn, publicity director. He added that close to 900 tickets have been sold and sals will be limited. The number of faculty members who have bought tickets has increased by 75 over last year. Memberships for all 10 fea tures cost $3 for students and $3.50 for faculty members. They are available from Ne braska Union Film Society, Box 1, 14th and R St., Lin coln. Self-addressed, stamped envelopes must be included with orders. The first movie, "The Blue Murder at St. Trinians." will be shown Wednesday, Novem ber 12. 4 jnd West. Ila T Alpha: Carol Pohlman. Terrace Hall; Merca lee Boiiie. TtvU Hell. Love Hall; Artha rx-lu. Pat Kaia. Fedde Hall. Sherry Johnson, Carol Fre. Julie Sroil. Alpha Phi; Naomi Kaufman. Su ms Delta Tau: Judy Berry. U-y Web ster. Kappa Kappa Camma: Jmlie Wil liams, JoAra Simpsms. Oii Omega; Merry Lynn Skarda, Barbara Carey. Gamma Phi Beta. Barbara Jahn, Jeanne Whrtner. Di ana Mavmll. Jackie Fendnoh. Wom en's Rejudenet UaUs; Kaths Brett, kay Lev area. Im Ituhi. Delta Gamma Most Eligible Bachelor candidates and their affilia tions are: Chsrk Huston. Carl Baumaa. Alpha Taa Omeca; Jerry Selleatin. Dave (rod hey, Theta Xi: Marty Sophir, Jerry Rosea. Siema Alpha Mu; Joha Kinnter. Gene Nurber. Jerry Cushiny. Conhusker Co-op; Joe Viccaro. Phi Gamma Delia. Don Herman. Bob Danaert. Rob Schmidt, Don Giesler. Norm Rohltinc. Fred Rliss, Vem Fet. Archie Clees, Morris Beerbohm. Don Epp. Farm house; Roeer Meyer. Jon Bicha. Beta Sisms Pa; Bill North. Duke Conrad. Surma Chi; Rocer Uehrtaen. Bob Paine, Alpha Gamma Rho. Jim Walker, Delta Tan Delta; Chuck Stacey. Tim Barnes, Jim Good, Tom Fulkemon, Phi Kappa Psi; Bob Blair. Siems Alpha Fmilon; Gary Cadwallader. Phi Delia Tlai; Dick Shipwrurbt, Tim Sohnta. Surms Phi Epsiloa. Larry Rom oe. Beta Theta Pi; Al McDoaell. Bin Keyes, Kappa Sirma: Jerry Warner. Surma n; Nei Ruxdasrhal. Bui West. Delia Vpsilos. CORNHUSKERS ALL! Congregate at the HOTEL CORNHUSKER LANDMARK TEE PEE Open 'til 1 A.M. weekdays ond 'til 2 A.M. Fridays ond Saturdays ENJOY SUNDAY BRUNCH . . . Served from 1 1 ;30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Adults $2.00 Children $1.00 '"; ''if'-".- ' .-- .-..:;(. .i . . . : y : .. ..... '- . - .V.:v:v;V.i:,i,,..i(ai,i y y J' : .-. '' w.:' "" :;:"" 'iS - "...:i; - :x . ,:! . i, . ! . ISVS;; .11 ' K i S- t:': ':v..v::.: Anyivlierc, any weather, you look best in this Alligator All-Weather Coacher. $19.95 Friday, November 7, 1953 KUON Celebrates Fourth Birthday KUOX-TV is celebrating its fourth anniversary this week, rw nf the maior aeeomp- llishments during this time srss4 TV last year, mauni-i a s schedule of evening programming has been in el fect since a year ago yester day. Daytime telecasting also began originating from the studios last falL Patronize The Nebraskan Advertisers j DANCING i Ope to Hi Public Saturday Nite, Nov. 8 VAL RUSTIN ORCHESTRA Adm, 90c Dancing 9-1 C Miles Next Satnraa. Ns. II JOHNNY JAT ORCHESTRA EAST HILLS 70th & Sumner Far lteaervattm rheaM TEE PEE PCW WOW ;,1