The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 07, 1958, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Poge 2
The Dailv Nebroskan
Friday, November 7, 1958
yvrTH.l -
Editorial Comment
What Is a Democrat?
This question isn't really too silly for
a University student to ask. The simple
fact is that most University students have
never known what a state-wide Demo
cratic representative looked like. Back in
1941 or so when the last Democratic gov
ernor was serving out his term in the
Capitol, most of the studentbody wasn't
much past the learning to walk stage.
Even for many Korean War veterans a
Democrat is something that he only heard
talk about until this week; folks 22 or 23
were only starting in the kindergarten or
first grade back in the early 40s.
What does the election of a Democrat
or two or three or more mean to Ne
braska? This question is even more significant.
The answer will probably never be com
plete and can't even begin to be made
until the Demos have a try at their new
Jobs. Was tt Just time for a change? Did
Nebraskans finally tire of a conservative
Republican government which ran the
economy platform into the ground? There
isnt a single person in the state who can
give you an honest or comprehensive an
swer at this moment.
It is certain that the few Democrats in
power won't be able to make a great
change in the state scheme of things dur
ing the next two years. Republicans, as
of now, are still very much in control of
the strings throughout the state. Come
next election end Nebraska will probably
see one of the most interesting campaigns
it has ever known. Republicans will be
anxious to regain the ground they lost and
Democrats will be enthusiastic to see con
tinuance of the "trend" away from solid
Republican conservatism in the state.
More than 50 per cent of the persons
who are now enrolled in the University of
Nebraska will be eligible to vote in that
next big election. That k one of the ma
jor reasons why they should begin now to
take a greater interest in the ways of gov
ernment. Students and their counterparts
would have enough votes in 1960 to swing
the governor's election if it were as close
as it is this year. One by one the votes
could pile up to compose a powerful voice
in Nebraska.
In a way, it's kind of prophetic that the
year of the establishment of a Young
Democrats club at the University was the
year for the Demos to break GOP's vise
like grip on government posts. If any
thing should serve as a spur to the Young
Demos, it is the glimpse of victory the
Democrats have known. The same elec
tion results should likewise kindle more
fire among the Young Republicans.
Apathy is a term that may or may not
be appropriate to use in describing many
of Nebraska's past elections. One party
power for long lengths of time sometimes
breeds this. It seemed at times that this
was occurring in Nebraska. Again,
though, this is a thing we are too close to
to clearly evaluate. But we most assur
edly shouldn't see apathy in 1960. And we
say, "Hurrah!"
No Man Is an Island
Robert E. Gordon, associate director of
the Wesley Foundation on the University
of Nebraska campus, is author of today's
A student at the University of Minne
sota composed the following prayer:
Our God: In the next few minutes
we want to find you to know that you
are. Because of the hurry and worry
of our lives here at the University,
many of us apparently have felt that
we do not need God any longer. We
have gone on without having time for
God, then suddenly we have found
that there is a great emptiness in our
lives. Suddenly, we ask: "What is it
all about? Why go to school? Why
live?" We discover we have no peace
or rest; we discover that we need
something else; we need insight and
peace and calm; we need you, God
. . . Make us awake. We want to live.
We need you more than any genera
tion ever has. Come down to us, 0
God, and we'll go up to you.
Who of us does not feel this craving?
And where can we find help in achieving
for ourselves a more vital experience of
the divine presence?
Of necessity, an experience of God must
be our very own never a duplicate of the
experience of someone else. We can make
use of some things in life at second hand.
We can wear other people's clothes. Or
we can give expression to their ideas.
When it comes to finding God, we must
do It for ourselves, In our own way, or we
do not do it at all.
Furthermore, finding God is largely a
matter of letting God find us. Some
times we talk about seeking God as though
He were lost or hiding somewhere. But
the plain truth is that God is not lost or
playing hide-and-go-seek with us. God is
here, where we are.
Ii. order that we may be found of God,
we need to remove any barriers that tend
to shut God out. Sometimes these bar
riers take the form of preoccupation with
secular affairs, moral failures, intellec
tual confusion, or emotional tangles. It
these things be removed we can more
readily make a response to God, who is
continuously and patiently seeking us.
There are certain areas of spiritual ex
perience, common to almost everyone, by
which many have found God. A trans
forming experience of God, when it
comes, is not something utterly new and
strange. Rather, it is the discovery of
new depth, new meaning, and new di
mensions in experiences which we have
been having all along, so that, like Jacob
rising from sleep, we exclaim, "Surely
the Lord is in this place; and I did not
know it . . ."
Finally, we should not become unduly
disturbed because of the ebb and flow of
religious emotions. Rather, we should
give ourselves steadily to doing the things
that God presumably wants done. There
is something like a tide in our moods. A
sense of God is at one time clear and at
other times rather vague and unreal.
When our mood is at its lowest, we can
find encouragement in the Bible, whose
writers lay stress on obedience to God's
will. They see discipleship as not being
dependent on intellectual acrobatics or on
high-powered emotions. Action is the key
word obeying God day after day.
Let us be assured, then, that God is not
far from any one of us. It is only our
response to Him that is missing.
From the Editor
A Few Words of a Kind
. . . c. c. hincs
The W3!.ie mat 's out for nearly 700
Nebraska high school Journalists who are
making a two-day visit at the University
to think about the "Rewards of Journal
Ism." I note that they come from 52
schools, including my
alma mater Grand Island.
The program is terribly
impressive and indicates
that the pros are ex
tremely interested in the
development of the next
generation of professional
reporters. Reporters and
editors from some of the
state's top dailies and
professors from Journal
ism school are all enthusiastically
porting the convention.
Journalism in high school was the first
break for many of us who now labor on
the Nebraskan. There was the mimeo
graphed Junior high school paper, which
must now be yellowing somewhere in my
pile of things I decided long ago never to
throw away, but the glossy papered Is
lander was the big time. It's impossible
to evaluate how much high school journal
ism classes helped. There is no doubt,
however, that it Is there that many begin
s; J
' ).
to adopt or discard the idea of journal
ism as a career.
Reporting is a field in which you never
gain perfection. One day's or one week's
edition is no more than to the press when
you have to begin thinking about the next
day's. You learn very early that report
ing isn't like the movies, which Is I be
lieve the first thing that was told me by
Arch Jarrell, editor of the Grand Island
Daily Independent. (He's among those
helping out with the convention.) Report
ing also entails countless routine, what
seems like endless rushing, and only now
and then a by-line.
The most valuable lesson you learn
from working with good journalists and
on reputable papers is that facts are
sacred. You can't be continually careless
or negligent in . gathering facts or you
never get past calling the hospital for
birth notices.
But how did I get to that? This is sup
posed to be a welcome, not a long disser
tation on the practices and philosophy of
journalism. Again, welcome to the high
school journalists. And I'm sure they'll
learn much from the convention. Jour
nalists never stop discovering that there
is more to learn.
Daily Nebraskan
Member; Aeeuted Collerlate Frets
Intercollegiate Prem
SopratntatfYti National Advertising Berries,
Pobllahed at: Boom 24, Student Onion
Lincoln, Nebraika
14th A E
Ttm PJ3y (ftDmskM l publisha Meadar, Taesdas,
reriaeeea nl Vri aurlns. Hi eeaeol year, unM
fw-Snj nwthHH aae KM perleas, toy students of the
tSnlvertlr? ef sHeraeke aniler Mm swthortretlmi M the
Committee aa S.Jilmt Affairs a aa expressien of atu
ens anloa. Fsfclkwtlna under the Hirts!lUa at taa
Buheommlttee on Student Publications hall be free from
al tonal easieanhlB aa la aart af In Subcommittee or
aa tee part of any member of the faculty of the Unl
varalty, Taa numbers of tba Nebraokan staff ara per-
nnairjr rat noun! hla far what they aay, ar io or nun to
aa artntea. rsbnjars f,
Subscription rate are S3 per rrnM tar ar la far tha
sVteaamle year.
Entered seem eiai matter at tha post efflee la
Uneola, (feeraak. ender taa act of aaaaet a. 111.
Bfltor , Ernest Hum
Maaarlat Editor fleorre Moyar
Renter Kraft Writer Kmmlr Mmpo
Sport Filter landau Lambert
Ce editor. Carroll Kreas, Diana Maxwell,
Randra Holly. Oreteben aides.
taff Writers
Mondra Waalen, Write gmUBberfer.
Staff rbotnrtaoner
Business Manacer .
Assistant Business Manerera
fjharlena ilross. Norm Riihlfln
fJIrralatloa Manaerer Jerry Trupp
MartlFB Coffer,
Mlnnette Taylor
Jerry Pltntln
.Ktan Katman,
Conservative Estimate
By John Hoerner
Nebraskan Letterip
Hurrah for the In-Effigy-Hangers,
at the University of
Houston that is.
A sign on a dummy prom
inently hanged at Houston U.
"The coach :
d o e s n 't
need it,
R easons
given were
failure to sup
port the ral
lys, failure to
give support
at the games, and failure "to
support a good football team
in general.
Well at last one mob of
dummy builders placed the
blame a little bit closer to the
One of the duties of the stu
dent council is to serve as
ballot validators or judges at
campus elections.
At the last election it seems
that only four members out of
33 could make it.
Senior Girls
Gibbs Scliool
Offers Two
Two national scholarships
for college senior girls are
offered for 1959-1960 by the
Katharine Gibbs School.
Each scholarship?' consists
of full tuition ($785). for the
secretarial training course,
plus an additional cash award
of $500, totaling $1,285. Win
ners may select any one of
the four Gibbs schools for
their training Boston, New
York, Montclair or Providence.
Winners are chosen by the
scholarship committee on the
basis of college academic
record, personal and char
acter qualifications, financial
need and potentialities for
success in business.
Students interested in com
peting for one of the awards
may obtain information from
the business teachers educa
tion department, Room 104,
Teachers College.
I Are the five "raiders" go
i ing to be punished .... or is
just one of them going to take
I the rap for the rest? The Lin
coln police evidently aren't
I going to press charges.
Really though it was kind
i of funny, a!! that money and
long hours of work going up
1 in flames. Really makes you
laugh when you stop to think
about it. I wonder though
j if the four raiders who went
free aren't laughing the loud-
est of all.
; Amidst the tremblings and
; shakings of falling organiza
! tions and activities a n e w -I
comer rears its head.
Name: Student Apathy and
Parasite League. Meet
ings are in the C rib on
Wednesday night. Anyone in
terested is eligible to join but
there is only one catch . . .
come to a meeting and you're
automatically out.
The campus beautification
committee wants to remove
the 27 parking spaces that
block the view from Love Li
brary to the coliseum "a nat
ural Mall" they called it. This
isn't terribly shocking until
you hear the advance-advance
planners discussing the
removal of all parking on
Write your congressman or
something before you come to
class some morning and try
to park in a reflecting pool
with the goldfish or in a bed
of flowering lobelia.
This question I hesitate to
ask, it may cause some hurt
feelings -or raise a lot of rab
ble but here goes: "Why
aren't there any windows in
the back of the geography
The Dsllr Nrbrasksa will rublisb
only tksse letters which are sifnrd.
Letters atlacklnr Individual, must
carry the author's asme. Others may
ase Initials or a pre asme. Letters
should est exceed WO words. When
letters exceed this limit the Nc
hraiikaa reserves the rlfht Is con
dense them, rrtsinlnl the writer s
Queen Election
The Nebraskan this week
carried an article about the
revision of the Honorary Com
mandant election procedure.
A vote of confidence should go
to the ROTC department for
allowing all-campus elections
for this campus queen.
More important, it is finally
an end to the old idea that if
the finalists for any event are
released beforehand that
there will be too much poli
ticking. Now an interested
student will be able to find
out about the different final
ists and when he goes to the
polls he will be able to cast
! his vote intelligently.
Hats off to the Military Ball
' committee and here is to the
; hope that some of the rest of
the groups on campus use the
! same method.
j Richard M. Tempero
YWCA Chaplain
Workshop Set
A chaplain's w o r kshop,
sponsored by YWCA, will be
held Sunday at Rosa Bouton
Hall. j
Beginning at 2 p.m., the'
workshop will feature Rev. i
Rex Knowles who will discuss
the promotion of religion on
campus. The group will re
view resources material for
devotions and discuss prob
lems and ideas. Refreshments
will be served.
Everyone is welcome and
chaplains of a 1 1 organized
houses are particularly urged j
to attend. '
NU Studying
13 Counties'
Leisure Likes
The University's Council i
for Community Study is gath-,
ering information about the
leisure and recreational likes I
and dislikes of residents of 13 ;
Kansas and Nebraska coun- j
Questionnaires are being
mailed to 4,000 residents!
picked at random. Dr. "Rich-1
ard Videbeck, assistant pro-j
fessor of sociology, and a
crew of graduate students
will visit the area next week
to interview 100 to 125 indi
viduals. ':
The survey will attempt to
determine what part Enders,
Swanson and Strunk Lakes
play in serving the recrea
tional needs of the residents
of the counties. From the sur-;
vey, the University hopes to
be able to suggest improve
ments, value of the lakes for
recreational purposes and the
lakes' use.
A $12,000 grant from the
National Park Service and
the National Bureau of Recla
mation is financing the sur-:
AUF Support
Panhellenic, speaking for
the 15 member groups,
pledges its full support to the
Md. Parents,
Hear Saylor
"The first prerequisite in
planning programs of educa
tion for the new era is that
we keep the doors of oppor
tunity open to all children
and youth."
This was the opinion of Dr.
Galen Saylor, treasurer of
the National Congress of Par
ents and Teachers and chair
man of the University depart
ment of secondary education.
He spoke to the annual con
vention of the Maryland Con
cress of Parents and Tparh-
ers in Baltimore, Md., Thurs
day. Dr. Saylor suggested that a
broad program be developed
"with a varied approach to'
learning, with the learning
activities for each child
geared to his own individual
ized set of standards, so that
he is called upon to stretch
All University Fund as it
opens its drive on the Nebras
ka campus.
The worthwhile causes that
j will be aided by these monies
deserve our very real con
cern and active effort. We in
dividually pledge support and
urge campus wide participa
tion. The slogan of the campaign,
"We are giving not to ALT
but through AUF," has real
meaning for every one of us.
Here's hoping this will be an
other huge success,
i Panhellenic Executive
Dear Sir:
Is this or is this not a dem
ocratic campus? We of the
Women's residence Halls
would like to express our
doubts concerning this mat
tor. Recently the question of
elating dorm officers arose.
We were told that, we could
recommond nominees for of
fices, which we did. However,
the girls we recommended
were not placed on the elec
tion slate. We feel that this
apparently deliberate neglect
is due to prejudice on the part
of housemothers, dorm coun
selors and the dorm director!
Who, by the way, are the
ones who selected the girls
for the election slate.
We feel that our rights are
being infringed upon. Every
one should be able to nomin
ate any person of their choice.
Discontented Dorm Residents
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