mm mm m Vol. 33, No. 30 Innocents Select Six Finalists For Nebraska Sweetheart Crown Vivw- 'J i i y - . 1 I '"' I 1 lwwwww,wiwwfligB( i rn i if i win i ii i iiiiii iii t i ... . itn-iiiiriiiifiiiiifit-...--. . . . --- Judy Decker Sharon Quinn Metcalf, Stanford To App ear 'News Panel Boasts Senator Douglas Neal Stanford and John Metcalf are two of the news men to appear on the "Break the News" panel for the first A 1 1 - University Convocation Monday. Beginning at 11 a. m., the convocation will be open to the public and classes will be dismissed. Senator Paul Douglas of Illinois will be questioned by the newsmen on current na ational and world affairs. Fol lowing this the panel will be open to questions from the au dience. Stanford Mr. Stanford is a Washing ton diplomatic correspondent for the Christian Science Mon itor. He served for four years ps assistant editor of the American news department for the Monitor. He is a con tributor to various publica tions in the United States and Europe, including the London Sunday Times, Indian States man and Nation and Ameri can Mercury. ( Mr. Metcalf. panel modera tor, is the editor of "Back ground," Washington newslat ter on world and national af fairs. A prize-winning journal ist, he has gained a wide rep utation as an intemreter of American foreign policv. Traveled Extensively He has traveled extensive ly in the United States, Eu rope and Latin America cov ering international conference for leading publications. His ar i I c 1 e s from Washington, New York, Europe and Latin America have been syndicat ed throughout the world. Also appearing on the panel is Kenneth Crawford, News week bureau chief and senior editor for National Affairs. Senator Douelas will be on hand at 2:30 Monday in the Unin ballroom for an infor mal question period. Mr. Stanford will speak to jour nalism classes in the after noon. ASME to Pick E-Week Heads Election of the mechanical engineering department's E Week co-chairmen will take place at the meeting of the American Society of Mechan ical Engineers at 7 p.m. in Room 206 of Richards Hall, today. A film on the construction of a 10,000 mile, 30 inch trans Arabian pipeline system will also be presented. hives' e Daily Nebraskan Merca Dee Bonde The six finalists for Nebraska Sweetheart were chosen Monday by the Innocents Society. Finalists are Merca Dee Bonr?e, Phyllis Bonner, Judy Decker, Carol Kucera, Margaret Marshall and Sharon Quinn. These girls were selected from 23 girls representing each sorority house and women's residence hall. They were chosen on the basis of activities, appearance, personality and poise. The Nebraska Sweetheart will be elected by vote of all students attending the Kosmet Klub Review, Nov. 21. A senior in Agriculture, Miss Bonde is a resident of Love Memorial Hall from Callaway. She is a member of the Vocational Homemaking Education Association, Home Ec Club and the Farmer's Fair board. She is also on the Presbyterian Chapel cabinet. Miss Bonner is an Alpha Omicron Pi senior in Arts and Sciences from Imperial. Secretary of her sorority house, she is also secretary of YWCA and an AWS senior board member. She is secretary of Theta Sigma Phi, jour nalism honorary, and of Gamma Alpha Iota, romance language honorary, and Kappa Tau Alpha, journalism honorary, and is president of the Nebraska Collegiate Broadcasters Association. Vice president of Delta Delta Delta, Miss Decker is a senior in Teachers from Lincoln. She is a Mortar Board, vice president of AWS and on the Student Union Board. A University cheerleader, Miss Marshall is a Gamma Phi Beta junior in Arts and Sciences from Lincoln. She is secretary of AWS, magazine chairman of her sorority and the president of Magee's College Board. She was chosen Sweetheart of Alpha Tau Omega. Miss Quinn is a Delta Gamma junior from Lincoln. She has a double major in English and speech. She is rush chairman for her sorority, publicity chairman of Orchesis and on the AUF board. Miss State Fair for 1958, Miss Kucera was also state runner-up for the Dairy Princess title. She is a sophomore in Teachers from Clarkson. This year she was a Hello Girl finalist. She is on Coed Counselors Board, the Womens Residence Halls Council, and writes continuity for KUON. So One Peanut Could Wreck Entire Diet Study By Minitte Taylor She takes off her shoes and steps on the scales. She moves the weights back and forth. "Oh, No!" she groans. "I've lost weight!" No, she's not a silly girl. She's one of eight human "guinea pigs" on an amino acid study. The loss in weight means more fo ', since subjects must stay about the same weight they were when they started the study. No Pizza More food doesn't mean more pizza, steak, or pop corn. In fact, Dr. Links wiler, head of the a m i n o acid study, said that even a peanut can wreck a whole study. Food itself means a doily lined tray with a large glass of amino acids, a con tainer of sugar, a custard cup of butter, mineral waf ers, extra wafers for some people, plastic packages of jelly (such as those often Lincoln Alum Wins Frat Title Edward Frerichs, of Lin coln, was presented the "Master Builders Award" by national Farm House Frater nity. The award is presented to alumni for outstanding serv ice to the fraternity. Frerichs is the second member of the Nebraska chapter to receive the award. Chauncey Smith received it in 1954. Frerichs is vice-president and agency director of Secur ity Mutual Life Insurance Company. He served on the b6ard of directors of the Ne braska Farm House alumni association for 12 years and was treasurer for 10 years. Cosmopolitan Club Cosmopolitan Club will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Parlor C of the Union to dis cuss the smorgasbord. Carol Kucera Snacks, seen in restaurants), a beaker of cornmeal mush, 7-Up and fruit. These foods are required and all carefully measured. For anyone who never liked to exercise table manners, this is the perfect excuse. Every last crumb of food must be eaten. Amino acids glasses are rinsed with a washbottle three fees be fore guinea pigs return them to the kitchen. Sour Amino How do amino acids taste? They're sour. They're also the main complaint of subjects for the first few days. Subjects wonder at the remark that amino acids aren't bad at all are much better that wafers toward the end of Ihe study. Toward the end of the study, they begin to agree. The wafers look like cookies. They taste like them too. However, the waf ers are a bit more dry and rather flat. The sugar in the diet is carefully measured. The large quantities of butter are pure butter not mar garine or anything of t h e sort. However, the butter doesn't taste like butter. It's had the protein taken out. Some is Genuine The jelly, cornmeal mush, 7-up and fruit, of course, are real. Jelly and 7-Up are given to add calories. Corn meal mush isn't always a part of the meal. Along the fruit line, subjects are given orange juice for breakfast, applesauce for dinner, and either peaches or pears for supper. Besides the required foods, "guinea pigs" may eat a small and carefully measured amount of dill pickles and drink instant coffee. The dill pickles are some thing new: Subject Everett Crocker asked for s o m e thing sharp (such as mus tard or pickles) to kill the sweet taste left by the diet Wednesday, November 5, 1958 Phyll Bonner Martz Star Of Week Page 3 J 1 '1 Margaret Marshall Just Amino when no cornmeal is served. The pickles were carefully analyzed, and something new was added to "may have." Best Fed If the diet sounds unbal anced, it isn't. Guinea pigs have been told they're prob ably the best-fed girls in town nutrition-wise. Calci um pills and so forth supple ment the food. Amino acids form plenty of protein. Why have the diet any way? It's to find if threonine, an amino acid found in corn, can be used to help form complete pro tein as the synthetic threonine can. Why go on he diet? Mon ey and interest in the study seem to be principle rea sons. Foods major Dorothy Christensen, for instance, has been on about three .-, - -JB W M I III II M V j hhh I mil ) JH WllllJI JJI.I JUUmi;IUIrPJV-'we) 'f. , -y k ' f i "GUINEA PIG" Doralyn Stcincr scrapes a beaker of cornmeal mush. Miss Stciner is on an amino acids study and subjects on the study must eat every bit u their food. Candidates Named, Procedures Changed . . .Honorary Commandant Choices A revision of the Honorary Commandant election and thirty-eight candidates for the title have been announced by the ROTC department. Candidates will be inter viewed Sunday in Room 303 of the Union. Nine finalists will be chosen from the thirty eight, based on beauty, poise and personality. Halftime Announcement The finalists will be re vealed at halftime of the Ne braska - Pittsburgh football game Nov. 15. From these nine, the Honorary Comman dant will be picked by an all campus election Nov. 20. The nine are divided into three groups; three candi dates for Miss Army, three for Miss Air Force and three for Miss Navy. These three girls will be selected by vote of their respective services Nov. 24 and 25. In past years, the Honorary Commandant has been elect ed from Miss Army, Miss Air Force and Miss Navy rath er than from the nine final ists. Presented Dec. 5 She and her three attend ees will be presented at the Military Ball Dec. 5 in Persh ing Auditorium. Each organized women's house was allowed to submit two candidates. The candidates and their affiliations are Pat Gorman, Joyce Evans, Alpha Xi Delta; Beth Toomey, Mary Mc Knight, Delta Gamma; Ruth Gilbert, Alice Knudson, Aipna Chi Omega; Heather Will helm, Patty Ostdiek, Terrace Hall: Artha Lee Pacha, Mary Jo Reihart, Fedde Hall; Jane Savener. Marv Vrba, Love Hall: Nan Carlson. Sandra Kellogg, Kappa Kappa Gam' ma. Monica Ross, Mary Ann Harris, Pi Beta Phi: Mar garet Schwentker, Judie Wil Physics Colloquium Garnett Gray, a graduate student, will discuss "Basic Techniques in Nuclear Emu sion Research ' Thursday at a Physics Colloquim, beginning at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 211, Brace Laboratory. Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m. such studies. Others include a student from India, a graduate student who is now working with swine nu trition, two math students, a medical technology stu dent, a clothing major, and a home economics-journalism major. Years of Study The amino acid study be ing conducted this fall is a part of years of research concerning amino acids. There is usually about one such study at the Univer sity each year. Notices are usually posted on bulletin boards on Ag Campus. If students (whether Ag Col lege or not) are interested in the study, they apply. The study is explained to them before they go on it. Dr. Linkswiler explains the study. A test meal and a medical exam are given. liams, Chi Omega; Mary Pat rick, Elaine Eggen, Alpha Phi; Marilyn Arvidson, Ann Meyer, Zeta Tau Alpha; Bren da Naber, Mary Lou Valen cia, Womens Residence Hall; Ann Nordquist, Marily Sue Thurman, Kappa Delta; Phyl lis Bonner, Sandra Reimer, Alpha Omicoii Pi. Only One Student Charged for Fires Case Goes to Student Tribunal, Others Involved Being Sought Only one of the two men arrested in connection with fires in several Homecoming displays early Friday was a University student. Previous reports that both men are students are false, according to J. P. Colbert, dean of Student Affairs. To Tribunal The case of the student has been referred to the Student Tribunal and will probably come up for trial next week, Colbert said. Tribunal rules stipulate that a defendant be given at least five days notice before his trial. Fires were lighted some time between 4 and 5 a.m. Kick-off Dinner 2nd Part Of AW Stressed "To know, to care, to share". Thus Rev. Rex Knowles im parted what he termed a sec ond, most important part of AUF at the annual kick-off dinner Tuesday night. AUF is not just quotas and m o n e y-making events, he said. In this crisis year, we have the opportunity to tell every student on this cam pus what this second part is. Referring to the AUF drive, Dr. Knowles commented, "I hope you can find some very able assistence from the very fine people on the campus." He stressed the educational value of the sudden change of plans concerning the auc tion and independent drive. "All of you know that AUF must change its ways. In this crisis year we have an oppor tunity to change", he point ed out. An unexpected guest at the banquet was Mrs. Ruth Hanes Purkaple, program di rector of the Committee on Friendly Relations among Foreign Students. Mrs. Purkaple stressed tne importance of the World Uni versity Service. 'If we are to prove what American students can do about making their own stand in a world community, what better way than to give to this kind of fund," she stated. She compared the attitudes of some Soviet students to that of American students in regard to "voluntary work in building up the country." The Soviet students seemed to be more active, according to Mrs. Purkaple. Dr. Dudley Ashton, AUF advisor, noted that in the pat terns of living that are now being formed, AUF enters the pattern of sharing with oth ers. John Glynn, AUF presi dent, presided at the banquet. Friendship Dinner Tomorrow The International Friend ship Dinner will be tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. in tne union Ballroom. Between 250 and 300 Ameri cans and tneir toreign stu dent guests are expected to attend. Tickets are $1.75. The program will show how historical events in the United States have produced certain musical forms. Ralph Bennet will present Aboriginal songs while Terry Young and Merlyn Montgom ery will sing Negro spirituals. The Sinfonia quartet will sing several Stephan Foster songs and Leonard Ki'Hhe will sing Western numbers. The Uni v e r s i t y Square Dance Club will also dance. The theme of the dinner is Highlights of American Music." Rosalie Jocobs, Jacque Hig bee, Towne Club; Rychie Van Ornam, Kolleen Kerr, Delta Delta Delta; Deannie Died richs, Nancy Fowler, Sigma Kappa ; E d y t h e Morrow, Mary Lynn Stafford, Kappa Alpha Theta; Terry Mitchem, Margaret Marshall, Gamma Phi Beta. Friday on the Sigma Kappa, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha Xi Delta displays. Lin coln police arrested two men in connection with the fires later that day. "Allegedly three of the men involved were students and two were not," Colbert said. He said he could give no def inite information on this be cause he had no firsthand in formation on it. Five Involved Several eyewitnesses to the fires stated definitely that at least five men were involved in setting the blazes. Lincoln police have indi cated they will not press charges in the case. "Regardless of what the city or county does with it Student Affairs is referring the case to the Tribunal for alleged conduct detrimental to the University," Colbert said. Several students who were witnesses to the fires will be requested to appear before the Tribunal to testify, he added. Information Sought "We would certainly en courage anyone who could come in and give information to this office (Student Affairs) for transmittal to the Tribunal to do so," the dean said. Information is especially de sired on the other persons in volved in setting the blazes, Colbert said. Names of the persons al ready arrested have been withheld pending further ar rests. Farmer's Formal Ommission Necessitates New Vote Elections for Farmers For mal Queen will again be held in the Ag Union Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Because some names of eli gible candidates were omitted from the former ballot, the vote last week was cancelled. Candidates are senior wom en in the College of Agricul ture with at least a 5.5 aver age. All Ag College students are urged to vote for six of the candidates, said Joyce Evans, chairman. The queen will be presented at the Farmers Formal on Friday, November 14. KK Tryouts Scheduled Thurs. Eve Skit try-outs for the Kosmet Klub Fall Review will be held in ten fraternity houses Thursday. Each group is expected to be ready to perform at the appointed time. Judges are Miss Mary Jane Mulvaney, Dwaine Rogge, Van Westover and Linda Walt. The houses entered, their skits and scheduled times are Sigma vm, -reaness Fallgren's Folly, 7 p.m.; Del ta Upsilon, "Invention of the Wheel," 7:25 p.m.; Delta Tau Delta, "Little Babner Goes to College, 7:50 p.m.; Sigma Phi Epsilon, "Witches for the Prosecution." 8:15 p.m. Phi Kappa Psi, "November December Remember," 8:40 p.m.; Phi Delta Theta, "TV in the Ozarks," 9:05; Theta Xi, "Butt Really," 9:30 p.m.; Beta Theta Pi, "Our History Beginneth," 9.55 p.m.; Alpha Tau Omega, "Mutiny Over the Bounty," 10:20 p.m.; and Zeta Beta Tau, 10:45 p.m. Civil Engineers Meet The American Society of Civil Engineers will meet in Room 217 Ferguson Hall for Cornhusker pictures at 6:45 p.m. Wednesday. A business meeting in Stout Hall win follow.