The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1958, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Tuesday, November 4, 1958
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
Sigma Nu Drops Dents 19-13
In IM Football Title Game
Dents Lead 7-0 At Half; Force Sig Nu Rally
Friday afternoon the Sigma
Nu football team copped the
all-University I.M. champion
ship by edging the Dents 19-13.
Once again Yogi Hergenra
der showed his mastery of the
art of forward passing and
alertness. The Snakes also
showed they have the ability
to come from behind.
Dents Score First
The Dents scored first on a
short pass from tailback Phil
Eyan to Mike Edwards. The
extra point was good on a
pass from Eyen to Ron Noel.
This concluded the scoring
in the first half as the Sigma
Nu Seven couldn't provide a
scoring punch.
The second half opened up
with a fired up Siea Nu ball
club, marching 54 yards in
five plays. The TD.came on
a 15 yard pass from Hergen
rader to Dud Walker. Her
genrader then passed to Bob
Top 1M
ma Nu; Betas, Dents Next
By Larry Novicki
Top Ten
Sigma Nu
Beta Theta Pi
3. Dental College
4. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
5. Sigma Phi Epsilon
6. Hitchcock
7. Phi Kappa Psi
8. Gus II
9. Sigma Alpha Mu
10. Beta Sigma Psi
Sigma Nu won the all-university
intramural football ti
tle to earn the top peg in the
Daily Nebraskan's final rat
ings. The Snakes lost only one
Oscar Robertson, Cincin
nati's "Big O" could become
the first junior in history to
win the national scoring
championship twice. The only
other double winners De
paul's George Mikan and Fur
man's Frank Selvy and Dar
rell Floyd each won his sec
ond crown as a senior.
Captain's Mate
of the Week
No. 4
hi.j.,i.uiuii.lii win ii mi minimi mm i i W" i uiu-hmi "'o.ip- i - mm wssnu'J ' sssssssssssssssssi
h fir
1 ,
K)t Captain's llalk
Sullivan for the extra point.
Hergenrader Goes 40
Ths Dents took over on their
15 and were forced to p u n t
after three passes went
array. Eyen punted to the Sig
ma Nu 20 where the ball took
a Sigma Nu bounce. The
Dents thinking the t!I dead
stood in amazement as Her
genrader scoooped up the pig
skin and raced 40 yards to
paydirt. The try for extra
point was not good.
The Dent's wasted little
time in making it a new ball
game as they scored on a pass
from Eyen to Noel. Eyen then
completed a pass to Edwards,
but he later was stopped on
the one foot line.
After exchanging the ball
the Snakes found themselves
deep in there own territory
with time running out. On the
first play Hergenrader tossed
a short pass to blocking back
Football Spot To
game during regular season
play, a 19-14 decision to Sigma
Phi Epsilon early in October.
They then rolled over most of
their opponents enroute to
the title. Their closest call
was a 6-0 squeek past Beta
Theta Pi.
Betas Runnerups
The near upset of Sigma
Nu boosted the Beta's into
second place on the c h a r t.
They finished undefeated in
a tough 2-A league. Although
they did not score heavily,
their defense was the tightest
in the M setup.
The Dent's could have been
rated higher had they played
a more complete schedule.
They reached the finals by
winning five games including
a couple of forfeits.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon won
3-A league laurels and w.s
rolling along in fine style un
til blowing up against Sigma
Nu 26-0.
Defending Champs Drop
In fifth place is the two
time champion Sig Ep's. They
were the only team to beat
Sigma Nu, but they couldn't
quite turn the trick in tour
ney play. They lost 15-13. A
couple of close calls to weak
opposition earlier in the sea
son cost the Sig Ep's a high
Jerry Levy who picked up a
first down. On the next play
Sullivan found Tom Mathews
in the end zone, but Mathews
couldn't find the handle.
Winning Score
Things looked bad for the
Sigma Nu team. Hergenrader
faded back and hit Sullivan
on the five who went into the
end zone. The extra po i n t
failed, but it was all over ex
cept for the shouting.
With the completion of the
last TD pass, Hergenrader
topped off a season with 32
touchdown passes and ran for
four himself.
Special praise should be
given to the fine defensive
team employed by Sigma Nu.
Among the outstanding were,
Wally Wilson, Ace Holsher,
Jin Hergenrader, Cracker
Wagner, Vera Olson, and Ed
er final rating.
Hitchcock, the dorm
champs, Phi Kappa Psi, who
scared the Beta's 0-1, Gus
II, the dorm's second best
team, Sigma Alpha Mu, the
all-fraternity runncrup, and
Beta Sigma Psi, whose only
loss was a one-point decision
to the Sammies round out the
top ten roster.
Notes on Homecoming . . .
All the houses came through
in fine style with their dis
plays despite attacks by van
dals. The decorations were big
and flashy just opposite of
the football team.
It seems to me that bread-and-butter
football is for the
heavy, fast teams, and that
the teams that do not fall into
that category should revert to
a more razzle-dazzle syle of
Not only the Innocents
failed to recognize the Nation
al Anthem. Apparently there
was one Lincoln Journal-Star
reporter watching everything
else but the flag during the
"Star Spangled Banner."
The Cornhusker Hotel was
full of alums again. The grads
Huskers Travel To KU For
Jay hawk Homecoming Tilt
Next Saturday Nebraska
will travel to Lawrence Kan
sas to take on another team
that has caught fire in Big
Eight Conference competition.
The first was Kansas State.
Last week it was Missouri.
The Jaybirds opened up the
season by losing consecutive
games, to Texas Christian,
Oregon State, and Colorado.
It looked like a long season
for head coach Jack Mitchell,
who had never gone through
a season with below a .500
KV Record 3-4
However, the former Okla
homa quarterback and h i s
Dal Ward, in his eleventh
year as football coach at the
University of Colorado, has a
record of 56 victories, 37 de
feats, and six tics . . . His
Buffaloes have been shut out
only twice.
guzzled away the afternoon's
big disappointment and still
made a happy ending for the
1958 Homecoming.
However, some people were
not so happy after the week
end of festivities. Win Smith
berger tripped over a wire
while helping on the Kappa
display; she broke her nose
when she bashed against the
sidewalk. A couple of her sor
ority sisters suffered blood
poisoning from cuts inflicted
by chicken wire.
Sigma Nu won the all-university
football title last Fri
day by beating Dental Col
lege 19-13. The Snakes really
came along fast after drop
ping a game to the Sig Eps
early in the campaign. Yogi
cultured a powerful and ac
curate arm playing baseball,
and he used it to full advant
age in the pass-happy intra
mural league.
Towards the end of the
week, the Daily Nebraskan
will come out with its all-university
football team. All rec
ommendations from fans will
gladly be accepted by the
sports department.
Uiii Club
Loses Meet
The University club were
defeated by the league chanv
pions, Omaha Lithuanica, at
Peter Pan Park on Sunday,
by 5 goals to 1.
It was one of the worst de
feats of the Husker Club since
it was formed over a year
ago. The score did not reflect
the difference in the teams,
however, for the Husker for
wards missed several
The defense also had its
bad moments, but the team
failed through the inability of
the forwards to pierce the
Omaha defence. The only goal
come from a shot by Bow-den.
Sam Simpson . . .KU End Mi&XMS m&K 'Xr
Jayhawks met and defeated
the Iowa State Cyclones a
week after the Cyclones had
been dropped by Nebraska.
The next week Kansas was
routed by Oklahoma (which
isn't uncommon). Since then
the Jayhawks have hit both
Tulane, in a real big upset,
and Kansas State, who ripped
the Huskers 23-6.
Saturday Kansas will be
after another win in order to
even up their record at .500.
Mitchell will especially be
after the Husker game be
cause the following weekends,
the KU squad will play Okla
homa State and Missouri. It
Jayhawks ...1 938
I , I 1 C 1 pS Rudy Mauser. . .KU Tackle
! : I h I '" ' ' Nrt. T. t lS s f
; If ill- - Om. To M M
, . . I I T '' V WOKING
W fl TD A. M. A. M. A. M. FO P
- - - - 1 t ! McCashland ..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- ' r - I McDole i ooooooo
' - I Fischer 10000000
' -.21 - VT i' - J Zarub. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 It
: - af - ,1 iiiiini i
mx9mm f'k- f 4 i
ilSilfe op. to a is ii t l o t lso
iiyfS ; d;;;s: 7::- pass feceivinc
liMiilff If 7 :S Caurbt l.rde Atc. TD
U ' '" ' yI8 , , i Sapp 1 21 21.0 1
'.- i rl, , ., - A 3 -J white 3 i5.o o
' .'ifdl McDol ....2 30 15.0 1
it ' f ' a , 1" Eger 4 SI 12
X - J m i - ' 1 1 Bohanan ...4 27 II
I f '-TT" jf' ' ? 1 Naviaux ... 12 M
:C;5;;ip5f .: v; Minnick ....1 3 J.O 0
m fWrS''t f -if, , Neb. Tt. . .M 207 11.4 1
M X Ai " ... Op. T.t. ... 401 14.4 f
U f rtWy&4'i PUNT RETURNS nX, xilc , EST S S!
IrVr iV l' -- ' . .rSS:::::::::' 2 iiS
U. ti:&:'iM&yA- , yX. ' v'teSf ' Neb. Tet W M "l4-
Harahman 2 2 14.5
John Peppercorn . . . KU Tackle waa".'":. I iJ
Nebraska Opponent!
46 First downs rushinir 114
11 First downs passim 16
1 First downs penalties
SO Total first downs 133
995 Yards gained rushiiui 2,143
245 Yards lost rushing .If
750 Net yards gained rushing 2,01
305 Number of rushing plays 427
2 5 Average gain rushing 4.7
4 Passes attempted
20 Passes completed Zj
8 Passes had intercepted 2
207 Yards gained passing 409
4 3 Average gain passing JJS
353 Total offensive plays Wl
S.:7 Net yards d lined J.42J
2.7 Average offensiv iain 48
50 Punts 35
38.5 Punt average
37 Penalties J
288 Penalty yardage "JJ
26 Fumbles fj
12 Fumbles lost "
Carries Gain Lost Net Ave.
White 20 113 2 lU 5.6
Zaruba 2 89 3 86 4.3
Bineiow .? . '
Naviaux 46
Martz 34
McCashland .... 55
Dickson 4
Fischer 32
Minnick 9
Tolly 44
Flock 4
Stinnett 9
Harshman 29
Center pass .. 1
Nb tot 305 095 245 750 t.i
oil. tot. ......417 2.143 1! 2.017 4.7
Alt. Comp. Ptc. Yds. TD Into.
Tolly . 21 11 .524 100 0 4
Harshmu .... J -368 100 2 S
Stinnett 3 1 .333 t 0 0
Fischer 4 i
Martz 1 0 .000 0 0 1
Neb. tot.
Opp. lot.
is highly doubtful if they
could win both these games,
and that is exactly what they
would have to do in order to
stay even for the season.
Nebraska will also be meet
ing the Hawks on their home
coming weekend, which may
make them even more tough.
Homer Floyd
Kansas will be led by Homer
Floyd, their candidate for Big
Eight honors this fall. Last
year co-captain Floyd led the
team in rushing and total
offense with 505 yards. Floyd
has never completed a pass
in two years in the role of a
of Nebraska
Plays Yds. Gained Ave.
White 20 ill
Zarub 20 86
Bigelow 2 7
Naviaux 46 159
Martz 35 114
McCashland 55 156
Dickson 4 11
Tolly 65 16J
Fischer 36 (1
Harshman 48 71
Flock 4 5
Stinnett 8 1
Minnick 9 16
center pass 1 -26
Neb. tot 151
Op, tot 801
No. Tot. Tds. Ave. Blocked
Fischer 1 55 65.0 0
Martz 2 U5 S7.S 0
Harshman ...26 980 37.7 0
Stinnett 3 113 37.7 0
Tolly 18 654 36.3 0
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Next to Comhuikn HotsJ
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starter. However, the Massil
lon Ohio senior has only
thrown two passes in his var
sity career.
Huskers On TV
The University of Nebraska-Kansas
football game will be the
Big Eight regional telecast
this coming weekend. This
is the second straight week
that the Huskers have been
one of the Rig Eight par
ticipants in a regionally
telecast game. The telecast
will origimte at Lawrence,
Tot 15
No. Yardag
McCashland .... 1 22
Stinnett 1
Fischer 1
Naviaux 1
Neb. Tot.
Opp. Tot. .
t i
215 North 14th
m . A.I..
Open Thursdays to 9