The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 04, 1958, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Tuesdoy, November 4, 1958
Editorial Comment
Fire Muddle
What next?
The University administrative machin
ery, usually efficient and cooperative, has
apparently lapsed into utter confusion.
Thursday night, five persons committed
an act of wanton vandalism, burning or at
tempting to burn several Homecoming
displays which were then just beginning
to take shape on sorority, dormitory and
fraternity yards.
The individuals were apprehended by
University students and later arrested by
city police. They spent the night in jail at
the city police station and then were re
leased to University officials.
Right here the trail starts to get mud
dled. The Daily Nebraskan made an attempt
to find out the names of the people in
volved. It was reported that at least
two of the people involved were University
students, giving the student newspaper a
legitimate interest in the matter.
The names were withheld "pending fur
ther arrests."
On the basis of a verbal promise by
campus police that a written report of the
matter would be released to the Daily Ne
braskan Monday, the Nebraskan made no
further attempt to find out the names of
te two persons arrested.
Sunday, Associate Dean of Student Af
fairs, Frank Hallgren, said he was not at
liberty to release any information about
the affair. This was to be expected, in
view of the written report promise.
But Hallgren could release information
to the Lincoln papers which quoted him as
saying that the cases of the two boys un
der arrest would be referred to the Stu
dent Tribunal
Monday came with no written report
available. Nor any kind of report for that
matter. Monday, Hallgren said he was still
not at liberty to release anything to any
body. Any news, according to him, must
come from Dean of Student Affairs J.
Phillip Colbert.
The campus police had nothing further
to say Monday either. They to, referred
Nebraskan reporters to Dean Colbert.
And Dean Colbert? He said he didn't
know enough about it because he wasn't
in touch with the campus police all week
end. Colbert did say, however, that he "un
derstood that the others involved were not
This leaves a few questions still to be
First, how many students really were
Second, will charges be filed, as Ser
geant John Furrow of the campus police
originally indicated?
Third: What will be done about those
persons involved who were not students?
Is the University preparing charges for
them or are they free to "go their way
and sin no more?"
Fourth: Who were the students?
Rumor is a nasty, vicious thing. A good
rumor well planted in an uninformed and
youthfully credible community can ruin
the person involved in the rumor for life.
Several eye witnesses to the Friday
burnings can swear to the identity of the
persons involved. But it was dark, the
light cast by street lights and fires was
unsure, and eyes were heavy with sleep.
Such conditions are fertile ground for the
growth and spread of rumors.
The Daily Nebraskan is not prying when
they ask for the whole story behind the
burnings. Our wish to know comes from a
sincere desire to protect innocent people.
In the past, the University administra
tion has taken every precaution to ad
minister just and honest discipline to of
fending students. Their one fault has been
a dangerous propensity toward secrecy.
The Daily Nebraskan is not out to
smear anyone or irresponsibly publish
things in bad taste. If this is our aim,
and it is clearly understood, there is one
more question to ask the University.
Fifth: Why no cooperation?
Good Work
Congratulation to the Corncobs on a
really fine Homecoming Dance.
The Tommy Dorsey orchestra was not
what might be called a "great" band. Its
leader, though prominent enough in music
circles, was not billed as one of the im
mortals of American music.
After listening to and dancing to the
Dorsey music for an hour or so, it was
easy to understand why the band did not
have the national reputation that some of
our past Homecoming musicians have en
joyed. They played dance music. They acted
like they were at Pershing Municipal Aud
itorium to provide entertainment in which
all could take an active part. For once,
the Homecoming dance looked more like
a dance and less like the concert that it
has been in the past.
And the crowd liked it. They liked it so
much, in fact, that the magic closing hour
of midnight was somehow overshot by a
good half hour.
No one minded a bit.
Dust Storm
Pretty soon we're all going to form a
circle on the mall, get the witch doctor
all rigged up, and do an old fashioned
rain dance. It seems that rain just
enough, but not too much, is the only
solution to the perpetual dust storm
that is swirling around the Selleck park
ing lots every day.
Yes, the lots were in bad shape. They
were full of chuck holes, and every
time a few drops of rain came down
they became mud bogs. Something did
need to be done. But laying down a sheet
of dust . . .
We understand that many improve
ments that are neglected on the lots are
due to one thing lack of money. Okay.
But when an "improvement" is made, it
should be something that betters the cam
pus, and laying down a cover of powder on
two of the largest lots on campus can
hardly be termed improving the campus.
Coeds walk by brushing grey-white
powder out of their eyes and off their
shoes. Cars are becoming blanketed with
the dust, and trying to park in a dust
storm does nothing to improve the campus
safety record.
Individual Staff Views
By Diana
Mounted on the Daily Nebraskan bul
letin board (which incidentally is one of
the most interesting catch-alls on campii)
is an official looking document that was
presented to us in scroll form, emblem
and alL And if the blotches
don't receive, it arrived
sealed in brown wax.
Subject of this docu
ment is a controversial
character named Mum,
an individual who wanders
around a distorted comic
world of his own, usually
escorted by a nondescript
dog of unidentified breed.
The timers of the scroll
had this message: "Dear Daily staff, We
don't want to sound cranky, but . . . GET
RID OF MUM!" With much embellish
ment, and the use of numerous lan
guages, symbols and signs, this idea was
presented in a way designed to tickle the
fancy of staffers one and aB even those
who get large chuckles out of the Mum
It was hard not to be amused, though,
that one day's omission of Peanuts in fa
vor of Mum could arouse such activity
on the part of several students. This scroll
Ys J
TV -
was the product of active imaginations
combined with a bit of talent and some
humor. It would really be nice if people
could put that much energy into express
ing themselves on some of the more sig
nificant aspects of campus life.
Offerings lately for the Letterip column
have been particularly sparce. It just is
getting to seem that the only opinions any
one has are anti this or arrti that, or worse
yet, zero opinions. Mondays, Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, staff members
cross the campus knowing that before
reaching their destinations they will be
accosted by at least one friend who has a
fiery opinion to express about something
on campii.
My, we tell ourselves, the University
is teeming with individuals just dying for
the chance to express their views. We're
loaded with issues! Controversies abound,
and all our friends are potential humor
ists. So ... we check the mailbox to see
what sterling ideas have been submitted
to ths Letterip tod?y. None. Or if there is
something, 9 times out of 10 it is a per
sonal diatribe launched against whoever
wrote a column or staff view two days
ago. So we shrug and insert another Mr.
Daily Nebraskan
Membert Associated Collegiate Press subscription rate u per semester m is tot the
Intereolleglate Press zntnr Km4 xm matter the effiee ta
KepretenUtire: National AdvertUins Serriee, um. Nebneka, matm tw . mi.
Incorporated eoitobiai. staff
Published at: Room U. Student Union gj- .v.V." V.V.V.V.:V.V.V.V. :S? S5S
Lincoln, Nebraska m staff writ. ... Emmie umtm
14th t at Sporte MHor sUadatt Lambert
Cepr fcdltors Carroll Ens. Dlaaa Maxwell,
Tne "ebraakaa la auMtakwf Monday, Toaster. Meadra Holly. Gnrteaea Sloes.
Kaca an 4 Frlaaf daring ta at hoot rear, eieept guff Writer MarUra Coffer,
taring vacation mat exant periods, br students of tha amtn Waalea. rVrna Snuthberger.
JaJrerslta of Nebraska snider tha aathorliatloa of the guff photographer Mlaaette Tar lor
C'OTientttee ea Bloom! Affairs aa aa erprrMloa of iiitviii eras-v
mt oatoioa. PahlMtloa wader tba larlsdletioa at tha BLSl.'XKas
avuhfuntmlttM oa Klnorat PaWieatlnns ahall be free from Business Manacer Jerry Sellentla
tfltortal eeoeorshle oa the part af the Knbenmmtttce af Assistant Business Maurm Staa Kalman,
aa the part af au awmlDor of the faculty of tha I at- tharlene Croaa, Norn Rohlflng
vanity. The aaamMra of taw Mebraekaa etaff at ear- Cb-cnlatloa afaaaaiaT iterr Trap
m and vtwpN
HE (juASN T bO
HvHf PIP Hbfi
My Little World
This past week has been one
of those that you look back
n and wonder how you ever
managed to live through
or at least live through it and
retain all
your facul
ties. The
h o m e
coming dis
play was a
thing that
loomed huge
and com
pletely un
c o m p r e
hensible in
the mind. I
knew that I was working
hours stuffing crepe paper
but minute examinations of
- it. '
Dear Sir,
One of these days some
bright young official will
explain to me why the library
is not open Sunday nights.
In spite of the apparently
prevailing social sentiment,
some of us do utilize Sunday
as a study night. Study . to
me, an upperclassman bur
dened with outside reading
and term papers, means li
brary time.
Also, I am in poor shape
financially and must work in
the afternoons. Thus, the li
brary is only open to me at
night and then only four
nights a week.
I am certain there must be
someone else on this campus
who will back me and my con
tention that the library should
be put to the use for which
it was built on Sunday nights.
Orville Clout
Great Opportunity
Dear Sir:
University student convoca
tions are notorious for their
poor attendance. Next Mon
day morning the inhabitants
of this institution of higher
learning have a chance to
hear one of the outstanding
politicians of our time, Sen
ator PmuI Douglas, be quizzed
by three newsmen.
This past week the students
of a Freshman English class
were asked what Quemoy
meant to them. A decided
majority did not know what
it was, and whats more most
of them had no desire to
know. Finally, one student in
class volunteered that Que
moy was a small island in the
Pacific that the Chinese Com
munists and the Americans
were fighting over. We
Americans are living in a
time of world politics. Just
because we are university
students does not aleviate our
responsibility to know what is
it is the duty of each and
every university student, as
potential leaders of the
American community, to be
well informed in the field of
world affairs, and there is no
better way to start than to
attend the University Convo
cation to hear the views of
Senator Paul Douglas.
Sincerely Yours
Dick Tempero
Final Dance
Set Tonight
The last in the series of
free dance lessons sponsored
by the Union will be held to
night at 6:45 in the Union Ball
room. Supervised by the Arthur
Murray Studio, the lessons
include instructions in the cha
cha, jitterbug, foxtrot and
Tonight's lesson will fea
ture the cha cha and the jit
Kay Hirsciibach, chairman
of the Union dance commit
tee, said that the students
have made considerable prog
ress and improvement in the
basic fundamentals of danc
ing during tne past iout
TfjX A N jf" ALTO
abets slaw
NtJomD? 1ag r eed
sTcTr a1pT,-Z1 a p pl e
th e hjuMan i t i e s
arcqTTTd a l 3 j. a t
EMTi.3 fR 0 ! JFAUT
Swich -from Mots
to Snow Fresh KGDL
the plans didn't tell me a
thing about how this monster
was going to be gotten up in
to the air.
Tuesday I fell into the creek
in zoology lab. This is told be
cause some wise guy laughed i
and said he would like to read
my column this week when I
told about it. What is funny
about falling into a creek and
nearly catching pneumonia
after all, it could happen to
anyone who happened to be
sitting on wet mud looking at
a glob of something that was
supposed to be the hind paw
print of a male beaver.
However, finally the week
"i i"i i n in nnrl f t.-n. 1 ill
lame iu an ciiu. a n aa auu
alive, the homecoming dis
play was up and looking good,
no one had fallen off the scaf
fold as I had direly predicted
and I was congratulating my
self on my tremendous contri
bution to its success.
This is what is so nice about j
things like that you can ac-
tually feel that you had a !
great big part in helping build j
it. Maybe the whole week was
worth it after all. My date did !
not really care that I f e 1 1
asleep at eleven o'clock on
two o'clock hours.
Just a word of complaint.
Why does Bob Ireland get all
requests for names to be
mentioned? Granted, this
probably isn't read on t h e
same par with Mad Comic
Books, but my feelings were
sensitively wounded to think
that not one soul on this cam
pus would even like to see his
name in print. The one time
many weeks ago that I did
mention a name. I about got
sued for libel. This does not
Via Af nrri I'm rrf- Vr r
ging for supporters, merely f.
tm. MUM
The Briar Patch
By R. M. Ireland
Since it's election day I've
decided to mount my infam
ous soap box and begin a cru
sade. Arise down-trodden stu
dents of the
wondering if the clippings I
send my folks are the only
ones read.
Aside from the better
known groups on this cam
pus, there are a few func
tioning that deserve a cheer,
a pat on the back, and the
question what are they.
The Delian Union is meet
ing next Saturday night in
Temporary J at 7:30 p.m. At
this time Samuel tddy of tne
history department is going
to give an informal lecture.
This is a pure plug for this
group but I promised upon
my solemn word of honor to
do it justice.
They want all to come who
are interested and could think
of no better way of advertis
ing than through a column. I
hated to break the news that
there just might possibly be
other ways, but didn't have
the heart to do so. So if
you haven't a beer party or
some other scintillating en
tertainment planned, this i
could be a worthwhile (I hate
that word) evening.
For those of you who were
not up out of the sack Satur
day morning, the parade was
really good.
world and
join the move
to convert
Tower into a
rnrn rnh stnr. 4
Not only AW,
the s t u f f At -V
they. fowfXViJ
jut in the
lusty fields Ireland
of our beloved state but also
the geek who runs around the
track during football games
should be placed in our tow
er of power.
And all of his red-coated
friends too. And all of their
white-sweatered associates.
In fact the entire card sec
tion. This conglomeration of cobs
and people would not only
deaden the horrible sound
which adds to my Monday
morning shell shock but , 0f empty rooms which once
good case but they should
have expressed it long ago.
Also the notorious Penny
Carnival has bitten the dust.
And now Kosmet Klub finds
itself with a bare minimum
of skits for the Fall Revue.
It's a shame that KK ap
pears to be dwindling for this
organization is one of the few
worthwhile ones on campus.
In fact even the minutes of
the Tuesday night meetings
are examples of literary gen
ius. I may print some choice
selections if I can evade the
slimy hand of the censor.
Apparently students either
have less time to devote to
extra-curricular pastimes or
they just don't give a darn.
Some people assert that col
lege is getting tougher. Or
maybe the woods are farther
away which necessitates more
time for driving.
I predict that in 10 years
the 3rd floor of the Student
Union will consist of a bunch
housed a vast conglomeration
of committee nests.
would also solve the lack - of
door - space - accommoda
tions - for - the - millions - of
students - who - enter - Bur
nett Hall problem.
There seems to be a gen
eral reaction developing
against the activity system.
For instance the ALT ac
tion has been boycotted by
an overzealous Panhellenic
Council in a move which
showed no forethought or con
sideration for honorable char
ity. Granted the girls had a ; membership only.
Ballet Opens
Concert Series
The Roberto Iglesias Span
ish Ballet will be the first
presentation of the Lincoln
Community Concert series.
The ballet will be seen to
night at 8:15 p.m. in Pershing
Auditorium. Admission is by
No. 7
1. Sum
6. Get into tbo
10. Harden
11. Everfreen
12. Native of
Kond Urreet
IS. Palo
It. Helpe
15, Cabbaf dish
IS. Neat IVr.)
17. The Pre.
18. Impaaiive ,
22. Said "yet"
2b. There'a a
filter on the
of Kinf-Size
it. Period of time
17. Squabble
90. Just takee one
bad one
It. Cultural
(2 words)
88. Type of light
. Kind of wave
40. Cawar-s
language (abbr.)
41. See Kool
43. Klnr-Size
Kool has a
44. Seaweed
46. Give out
46. Potential fish
47. Comma II
48. Units of
49. Squiggly letter
60. Ash, for
1. Big men from
ancient state
2. Half of a
quarter?? words)
5. Penguin's
4. 1 smell
(2 words)
6. They make
of them
(. In Germany,
they're bad
7. Kools' penguin
8. Volume absorbed
. Talked cat
It. Girl's naraa
20. Opposite of
21. Clerical degree
22. Poet Houaman
23. King Arthur'a
men sought It
24. Absorbed
27. Triter
28. Car "jewelry"
29. Draw back
81. From
to post
82. American.
National or
Women Voters'
88. The Press ia
the Fourth
85. Boa for cutting
St. Good-by
to amigoe
37. Parts of necka
42. Knights (abbr.)
44. Back there
1 I' P T 1' AR VOU KODL 7 9
19 20 2 1 1 22 j 23 24
25 I 24 W.M., !
35 1 36 (37 "
Tt ' r To
71 j5 "niT
48 -55
l -I 1 ' 1 1 I I 1
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Enjoy the most ref reshins; experience
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fresher taste all through the day!
Answer on Page 4.
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