The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 31, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
The Doily Nebroskon
Friday, October 31, 1958
All University Program
To Boast Sen. Douglas
Newsmen to Interview Democrat
Sen. Paul Douglas, Demo
crat from Illinois, and three
top Washington news corre
spondents will be featured in
the year's first All University
The "Break the News" pan
el will be held Monday. Nov.
10, in the Coliseum. Classes
will be dismissed for the 11
a.m. program which will be
open to the public without ad
mission charges.
Sen. Douclas will be aues
tloned by newsmen on current
national and International at
fairs. The panel will then be
open to questions from the
Newsmen appearing on the
unrehearsed program will in
elude Kenneth Crawford,
Newsweek bureau chief and
senior editor for National Af
fairs; Neal Stanford, ChriS'
tian Science Monitor bureau
chief and national columnist;
and John Metcalf, editor of
"Background," Washington
newsletter on world and na
tional affairs. Metcalf will
Typical News Conference
"The newsmen will go after
their story just as they wo'jld
in White House or State De
partment news conference,'1
said Dorothy Hall, student
chairman of the convocation.
The University presentation
will be the first of four stops
Custom Revived
The Sig Eps will revive a
latent tradition Saturday with
a breakfast-dance at the Sig
Ep house. Duke Coonrad and
his combo will play at the 7
10 a.m. eye-opener. The dance
will be open to the campus.
Tailors & Weavers
Pre While-U-Wor?
Ona Day Cleaning Service
24JH. 13th 200 Ft.N.of Y.M.C.A.
Phone 5-9223
to be made by the panel dur
ing their one-week tour. The
convocation is sponsored by
the University Convocations
Committee and the Union
Talks and Topics Committee.
Sen. Douglas will be in the
Union ballroom at 2:30 p.m.
Monday for informal ques
tioning. Journalism classes
will hear Stanford in the after
noon. Serving Second Term
Re-elected in 1954, Sen.
Douglas is serving his second
term in the U.S. Senate. He
has been active on the Bank
ing and Currency Committee
and the Labor and Public
Welfare Committee.
The author of several books
on economics, the senator was
awarded a $5,000 prize in in
ternational competition for his
book, "The Theory of Wages."
He was named to the presi
dency of the American Eco
nomic Association in 1947.
J f f '-- if
Annual Crowd Expected
Above 30,000 to View Displays Friday Eve
Approximately 30,000 p e r
sons are expected to view
the campus Homecoming dis
plays tonight.
The displays must be oper
ating by 6:30 p.m. with judg
ing beginning at this time
and lasting until possibly 10
From there, all traffic will
proceed west to 14th, north
to S st, east to 16th and then
north to Vine.
The displays will be turned
off at 10:30 p.m.
Homecoming chairmen are
expected to be near their dis
plays from 3 until their dis
plays are checked. The chair
men must have their evalu
ation sheets available and
filled out completely.
The participating houses
and their display themes
Theta Xi, "The Big Red
Budda"; Sigma Phi Epsilon,
"It's No Gamble"; Pi Beta
Phi, "I'm lost in This Field";
Sigma Alpha Mu, "Topple
those Tigers;" Kappa Delta
2-Hour Parking
Is Here to Stay
Council Rejects 3-Hour Zones,
Selects Pub Board Member
V'Vv I
l '
Wendy Makepeace
Rainy day on any Cam
pus are m dreary occasion.
Here is a chance for yon
to brighten them up.
Debutogrs suggests this
new all weather eoat. The
outsanding factor of this
natural colored coat is the
lining and matching scarf.
Bright orange, canary
yellow and a splash of
green are combined for a
gay addition to the lining
of this stylish coat.
Ton have to see it to be
lieve it Only 17.98 in six
es 7-15. There is one for
yon in Gold's Campus
Shop Second Floor of
The University has reject
ed the Student Council's re
quest to extend the two
hour parking zones on the
campus to three hours.
In an extensive report to
the Council Wednesday, Jack
Nielsen, chairman of the
council Darkine committee ex
plained the reasons of t h e
Nielsen pointed out that the
dental clinic in Andrews Hall
and the planitarium and Mor
rill Hall museum were used
by the public and they need
ed a Dlace to Dark.
The only objection voiced
by the University to tnree
hours limits other than around
these places was the fact that
it would cause a contusing,
hard to enforce split system.
Nielsen asked tor sugges
tions from any member of
the council or from any in
terested students concerning
improvement of the parking
Renny Ashleman was select
ed by the Council as sopho
more representative on Pub
lications Board.
Ashleman is a member of
the debate squad, the IFC
rush committee, a former re
porter on the Daily Nebras
kan, and treasurer of Kappa
Sigma. He is in Arts and Sci
ence college.
The council activities com
mittee reported that they
had been requested to investi
gate the worth of certain cam
pus activities such as Coed
Follies and the Kosmet Klub
fall show.
Tom Smith, chairman of
the committee, told the Coun
cil that, in the opinion of the
Open to the Public
Saturday Nire, Nov. 1
Adm. 90c Dancing 9-1
Coming N.xr Saturday, Nov.
committee, the decision
to participate in these activi
ties is up to the individual
and it is thus up to each in
dividual student to regulate
his own time.
This opinion was endorsed
by the Council.
To Support
AUF Drive
$1,300 Granted To
1 1 imgarian Pro ject
The Interfratcrnity Council
unanimously voted to back
the Ail University Fund in
any drive it may sponsor.
A resolution passed by the
IFC Wednesday night read:
"The Interfraternity Coun
cil recognizing the obligation
of leadership borne by fra
ternity men of this university
encourages its members to
back the All University Fund
solicitations and actively sup
port any fund raising cam
paign which the AUF may
,In discussion on the motion
it was pointed out that since
Panhellenic had withdrawn
their support of the Lincoln
solicitations seven days be
fore the drive started this
would be a good opportunity
for fraternity men to show
their support of AUF. j
The IFC also appropriated)
approximately $1,300 to the j
support of two Hungarian stu- j
dents now attending the uni-1
versity. !
They will receive $5 per 1
week spending money and I
$50 per month will be paid to j
the fraternity where they are ,
staying. j
AUF Collections-
Commimity Chest, LARC Help
Youth, Aged, Needy, Retarded
This is the fourth and last article in the
series, "Where Your Money Goes," con
cerning contributions collected by the All
University Fund. The articles wiH explain
each of the charities to which AUF will do
nate this year, and the various purposes
the charity serves.
Ten per cent of the money collected
during the All University Fund drive will
go to the Lincoln Community Chest, and
five per cent of the money will be given
to the Lancaster Association for Retarded
Children. Both are local charities.
One of the Community Chest's main pro
visions is to provide permanent care for
aged men and women. Twenty-six organi
zations are supported by the Community
Chest. Among the organizations it sup
ports are the Y's, the Ag YMCA and the
University YMCA, the Boy Scouts, Girl
Scouts, the Salvation Army, Community
Centers, Missions, Family Associations
and Veteran's Services.
There are six general types of services
given by the local Community Chest agen
cies: Relief and Rehabilitation, Commun
ity Health, Care of Children and Aged.
Military Services, Youth Guidance and
Coordinating Services.
Studies indicate that in most communi
ties each year 40 out of every 100 families
benefit directly from Community Chest
drives. Less directly, but just as con
cretely, everybody in a community bene
fits when a homeless child is given a
home, when boys and girls find whole
some outlets for their energies in youth
centers, clubs and summer camps, when
community health is guarded and im
proved, and when family life is steadied
and strengthened.
The Lancaster Association for Retarded
Children school was founded four years
ago by the parents of retarded children in
Lincoln. Tuition is around $20 a month
per child. It is supplemented by charity
contributions. The only other sources of
income for the school are the annual Na
tional Association for Retarded Children
drive in Lincoln and individual contribu
tions. Through LARC school, many retarded
children are taught to take a measure of
responsibility and adapt themselves to
useful lives in a community. LARC school
recently moved to new headquarters, a
state-owned farm formerly used as a Ne
braska home for boys. Nebraska Univer
sity's old Student Health Center building
was obtained by LARC to house a shelter
Besides contribution to these two local
charities, AUF will give to World Univer
sity Service, an international charity, the
American Cancer Society and Muscular
Dystrophy, two national charities, and the
Nebraska Society for Crippled Children,
a state charity. The annual drive will be
gin Tuesday.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, "No
Sweat"; Alpha Xi Delta, "Ti
ger Shoot"; Zeta Beta Tau, ,
"Fry the Tigers"; Phi Gam
ma Delta, "What, Me Wor
ry"; Pi Kappa Phi, "Hare
Raising Game"; Delta Tau
Delta, "Cornhusker Carni
val." Alpha Tau Omega "Sew
Those Cats Way O'rt " here'
Phi Kappa Psi, "Spirit
Juice"; Alpha Chi Omega,
"T o u-Shame M i z z o ur
Puddy"; Djlta Delta Delta,
"Skunk 'Em"; Kappa Sigma,
"Nail 'Em to the Wall".
Delta Sigma Phi, "The Corn
Huskers Den"; Sigma Nu,
"Masters Voice"; Gamma
Phi Beta, "Mow Big Mo";
Chi Omega, "Tiger Tiger";
Sigma Chi, "The Old Pro";
Alpha Phi, "So Solly."
Delta Upsilon, "Cat on a
Hot Tin' Roof"; Kappa Alpha
Theta, "We've Got -the Spir
it"; Sigma Kappa, "Tilt Those
Tigers"; Sigma Delta Tau,
"Cage the Tigers"; Phi Del
ta Theta, "No Chance for Miz
zou"; Beta Theta Pi, "Satur
day Men u Tiger Steak";
Kappa Kappa Gamma,' "Skin
Those Tigers"; Beta Sigma
Psi, "Flatten Felix."
Alpha Omicron Pi, "It's in
the Bag"; Zeta Tau Alpha,
"Joust Another Victory";
Acacia, "The Big Eight Museum."
Sunday Movie 'Five Fingers'
"Five Fingers" is the fea
tured Sunday night movie this
The true story of a spy
working as a valet in Turkey
during World War II, the
movie stars James Mason,
Danielle Darrieux and Mich
ael Rennie.
Admission is by Student
ID's and showtime is 7:30
p m. Shorts to be presented
are the "Three Little Bops"
in technicolor and "The Art
70th & Sumner
For Rmn-vmtlmw Phone 4-3X26
Keep progress ond prosperity
in Nebraska. Vote "yes" for
ANDERSON for governor on
Nov. 4.
(Republican Women's Clubs,
Mr. John Btfntley, President.)
- IIANCOltl, W. T. WarM M.
. HUROK p.
company of 20
-""Mi 1
Announcing Your FIRST
, Lincoln
u Community
presentation . .
Tuesday, November 4, 8:15 p.m.
Sorry, Admission By Membership Only!!!
5: JO A Number of Thinus
5:45 The Friendly Giant
6 Evening Prelude
6:30 TV Classroom
7 Kaleidoscope
7:45 United Nations Review
8 Channel 12 Presents
9 Searchlight on Delinquency
Our NtwMt
If You like Chicken
You'll Lore BROASTED
V Oftfer or bf e
Te full . . , It'i reotff tm
Juti Six Mlnutet
Dining Room Service t
Free Delivery
2420 "O" St. Ph. 2-5124
each 3 for $5 50
Neck Sizes: small, medium, large
Postage Paid. No COD's
Order by mail
- 615 North Manhattan,
Manhattan, Kansas
on laundry bills
and shirt cost
Stays down
White Oxford
with Ivy collar
Wear It
over T-shirts
b You Think for Yourself ?
t(D . ji
Do you try to keep from getting
angry because you feel that emotion
can interfere with your judgment?
.'I Do you like to "show your stuff"
! t v:-r-J when VOU know vou are rpallv onnA
. "J
-I MJ v $ 8t sometn'ns?
-:vk.;-;.w Vm
3i -
.... I . t
Can you honestly say you like to be
entirely independent of others in
- most things you do?,
In the morning, do you carefully
choose a tie, matching jacket, etc.,
instead of grabbing the first thing
you see in the closet?
TTT1 . . . .
W wnen you are criticized do you
iAs fitnn tfi nnnlvtv tha nritxmam
before retorting?
Do you sometimes go to a public
1 event, such as a football game,
even if you have to go alone?
In a discussion, do you like to eo
on record early with a definite
i viewpoint of your own?
Are you able to stay cheerful
even when you are alone for a
considerable time?
Do you ignore extravagant
J claims and think for yourself
f when making your choice of
I filter cigarette?
The fact is, men and women who think for
themselves usually smoke VICEROY. Their
reason? Best in the world. They know only
VICEROY has a thinking man's filter and a
smoking man's taste.
If you have answered Yes to 6 of the above
questions . . . well, you do think for yourself!
15, Brans Williamson TobKoCto.,
The Man Who Thinks for Himself Knows
V ' if 1. w .
frW$ " Familiar'
X. 'Sff crush.
if Proof