1 i Poge 2 The Daily Nebraskan Friday, October 31, 1958 Editorial Comment Frantic Frats Anyone who has been around a frater nity house where actives and pledges are trying to prepare for two major tasks at one time namely homecoming and the Kosmet Klub fall showwealize that a little bad planning has occurred some where. The date of homecoming was set long, long ago and is significant to the entire University. The date of the fall show try outs also may have been set well in ad vance, but it is obvious that it was not wisely scheduled. If a fraternity hopes to have a fitting jskit ready for next week's trials it has to knock itself silly working on the production at the same time that it is trying to put together a winning home coming display. The result is added con fusion, added wee morning work hours, less and less time for study. Homecoming displays and Kosmet Klub shows are fine things. They are not, how ever, important enough to rob students of so much study time. It would appear that the major difficulty could be erased by better advance planning; that is, sched uling of tryouts for the fall show at least a couple of weeks after a major event like homecoming. Fraternities aren't, as a rule, filled with as many activity busy people as you'll find in sororities, but when two events like these conflict it is impossible for them to avoid damaging a few grade averages. The wise thing would be for the Inter-Fraternity Council to assert a little more in fluence in the future to see that such a foolish double scheduling does not occur. Model Election Nebraska voters will visit the polls Tues day to select a state government and num erous national representatives. Univer sity students, however, have a chance to get a jump on them by voting in the model election sponsored by the Young Repub licans. The votes may not count on the official tally but they could give a good indication of how University students feel the incumbent government has operated and whether other candidates could do a better job than those running for re-election. Voting desks will be placed at handy lo cations: the Union lobby, Love Library lobby, near the north door of Social Sci ence and in the Ag Union. Beth Wilson, YR model election chairman, has given , another good reason for interest in the campus voting. "This will give the stu dents a realistic idea of the voting process and will make them more aware of their government," she says. Awareness of government definitely should be a major part of every student's life. College students, we hear it preached, . are the cream of the crop of America's young people. An interest in the process of the democratic voting process would thus seem to be an obligation of all of us. Why not drop a ballot in the box and let your still small voice be at least faintly heard? No Spooks Homecoming and Halloween a strange combination. Each word summons mem oriesmemories of tedious hours stuffing paper into chicken wire and memories of draping a sheet around ypurself in order to go trick or treating. And where in the bustle' of the Univer sity's "Welcome Home Alums" season is the old fashioned jack-o-lantern, the witches and the broomsticks? From the list of house decorations, it appears that not one group thought of combining the spook theme into some appropriate title "Spook the Tigers," or "Hex Mizzou." It's rather sad to be so old and sophisticated. Individual Staff Views By Carroll Kraus The Interfraternity Council Wednesday night gave a unanimous vote to back the , All University Fund in any drive which it may sponsor. Last week 14 members of Panhellenic decided in a straw vote it would be a good idea to drop their support of the Lincoln independent solicitation drive and auction. They were backed up Monday night when campus sororities voted against partici pating in these events. ' The IFC said in a resolution that it rec ognizes "the obligation of leadership borne by fraternity men . . ." and encourages "its members to back the All University Fund solicitations and actively support any fund raising campaign which the ALT may sponsor." With this statement it seems the IFC is taking a swing at Panhel by stressing the "leaderehip" bit. Could it be Panhel lacks leadership, or is it that the IFC doesn't understand the sorority action. Or perhaps support given by the men's and women's ' Greek organizations doesn't parallel in AUF. Panhellenic members said sorority women thought both the auction and solici tation were too time-demanding and that the neighborhoods in which all the solici tations were taken were not the best. John Glynn, president of AUF, and who just happens to be vice president of IFC, had some strong arguments, too. He con ceded the faults of the AUF Lincoln solici tation drive and auction but hit on the real point of the whole argument when he ques tioned the short notice given by Panhel lenic to drop their participation in the two events a week before the drive and five weeks before the auction. He says the deficit in funds AUF hoped to raise may reach $4,000 because the so rorities decided to shut the doors on the drive and auction. The IFC has resolved to help AUF. Will it alone try to pick up the slack cread by the sorority decision? Or was the resolution made merely as a comeback statement to the sororities. Seems doubtful that fraternity men would participate in interfraternal auc tions or go out into Lincoln on a solicita tion drive from independents. Daily Nebraskan SIXTY -EIGHT TEAKS OLD tonally responsible for whst they u;, ar It or earn to k prints. February S, 1955. Member: Associated Collet late Press subscription rate ar $3 per semester or $n for the IatercoUe.-i.te Press "rrV.TUoo e,... m.tte, ,. r-.t .,, . Representative: National Advertising Service, uneoin, Nebraska, under to act of aarot . wit. Incorporated editorial staff Published at: Room 10. Student Union Editor .. ... . Eme T in...i Managing Editor George Mover Lincoln, Nebraska Senior staff Writer Emmie l.lmno 14th A R Sport Editor Randall Lambert . . . . , . . . Copy Editor Carroll Kraus, Diana Maxwell, The Dally Henraskaa I published Monday, Tnertay. Nandr. KuUy, Gretehea side. Wednesday aad Friday daring tb- schooi I year, ejeept ,. writer Marllya Coffey. faring vacation and exam period, by tadnt of the Hondrn Whalen. Wyna Smlthberter. University of Nebraska wider the aathonzatlon of the suf( photographer ....Minoetto Taylor Committee oa Student Affair a aa expression of sin- dent opinio. Pabllretloa under tbs lurisdJetloa of the lUSIVBSS STAFF Subcommittee oa Student Publications aball be free from ftustne Manager Jerry Sellentlo editorial censorship oa the part of the Subcommittee or Assistant Business Managers Stan Kaiman, an the part of any member of the faculty of the Cm- t harlrne Gross, Norm Rohlflng vanity. The member of Mm Nebraskan staff are per- Clrculatloa Manager jerry Trupp j ML W HAVE TO DO 15 GoV luPTOTHeHOySENSTWEf pELL, AND SAY, IN OS Od TREATS f I'M SCARED, I WHAT IF KNIFES ME? I I M asa. 1 11 -arttts i - pi sit 1 Mm GOING TO kNlflE YOU M3U0JECE RIGHT.. T OJAS REAL EA5V....THERE WASN'T ANVBODV HOME! "If Conservative Estimate By John Hoerner Age No Barrier In Model Election YR Opens 4 Polls Monday; Ballots Similar to Real Thing What evere happened to teacher evaluation by stu dents? - Last March the Student Council prepared a suggested evalua 1 1 0 n of' 1 - Hoerner sheet and sent jt to the Faculty sub committee on s t u dent af fairs. This sheet included such c r i teria as knowledge of subject, 0 r ganization of course mate rial, value of text assigned, value of lectures given, ability to lecture effectively, and fairness in tetsting and grad ing. I for one haven't seen any thing even resembling such, a sheet since then. Could it be that this matter is being quietly passed over by a few faculty members who feel that there is no room for faculty improvement or if there were room, stu dents wouldn't know anything about it. Let's hope not The sheet was suggested as a guide for instructors to use for themselves or as a guide for making their own sheot. Have they had the opportun ity, and if so have they taken advantage of it?" Dr. Leroy Laase of the speech department, who has experimented extensively with teacher evaluation, told the Daily Nebraskan last March that he "had found them (evaluation sheets) extremely helpful in improvement of in struction in the department." In Laase's experiment in structors were rated in 1949 50; 50-51; and again in 1954-55. As a result of the survey there was improvement in the average score of the eight staff members in 1950 over 1949 and relatively permanent improvement in 1955 of the areas rated lowest in 1949. What better reflection of relative strengths r ad weak nesses of both instruction and courses than the composite opinion of many students in multi-sectioned courses? Notice I said instruction this point is important. Instructors are not rated as individuals but only as in structors. While for the most part in Laase's survey, student atti tude toward the ratings was constructive, instructors oc casionally had to face such heartwarming comments as "Drop Dead", "You Think You're the God Almighty!" and "You ought to be fired." Such comments were the exception rather than the rule however. Most suggestions vere on the order of "Not enough time for quiz", "We need a new t?xt,", "cut down the recitation time," etc. ' Come on faculty, give us a chance. You rate us as stu dents every so often with downs and final grades, put yourselves to the acid test. You'll pass. For what its worth depart ment: Captain J. R. Hansen writes in the NEBtune, NROTC newspaper, "During the past years, I have visited well over 35 campuses of well known and large universit ies in our own country and in Europe. And I can say with out any reservation that our campus and its facilities here in Lincoln equals, if not sur passes, the campus and facil ities of any other university that I have visited. "I have received the im pression from some of the un dergraduates that they be lieve this university is not well known nor is it recog nized by industry or other universities. Such an impres sion could not be more er roneous or incorrect. This university is well known and rates very high, not only amongst all other universities but also, it is highly regard ed by the business, scientific, military, and industrial in stitutions of our country. "All the means, facilities, and the instruction necessaiy for you to be a success in nny specialtv you desire or choose are available here. Are you man enough to accept them and to take full advantage of them?" Congratulations to the bene factor over in Buildings and Grounds Dept. who ordered the dust for the Selleck lot. It's just what the campus beautification committee is looking for ... . something to hide the cars. Though some may not be the legal voting age of 21, all students will have the oppor tunity to vote in a model elec tion Monday. "Many students feel that the voting age should be lowered so all young adults would have a voice in their government." said Beth Wil son, Young Republican model election chairman. "There fore all students may express their opinions in the Monday model election." Ballot boxes w ill be located in the Union lobby, Love Li brary lobby, near the north door of the Social Science building and in the Ag Union. YR members, sponsors of the model election, will be at the voting desks all during the day to distribute the ballots. Ag Schedules Rooters Day The 23rd annual Rooters Day on the College of Agr culture campus is being held today. The day long program in cludes a live hog evaluation, reports of swine studies, talks and a carcass evaluation. H. B. Puckett, a member of the Agricultural Engineering Research division of the USDA, will speak at the aft ernoon program. Since the ballots will be similar to official ballots in the Tuesday election, the names of candidates for Con gressional and gubernatorial state posts will be listed, along with proposed constitu tional amendments. Mock Primary Some 429 voters went to the polls last spring for the mock primary, also spon sored by the Young Republi cans. "In only three cases did the primary results diiter from the actual slection made by Nebraska voters the next day," said Miss Wilson. "These elections reflect the young adults' ability to par ticipate in the governing of the nation. The amount of stu dent interest in this election determines to some extent the interest they have in their government," she-added. Voters are encouraged to mark their ballots carefully. Many ballots were disquali fied last year because of im proper balloting procedure. Wrong Marks Dr. Phillip McVey, profes sor of Business Administra tion who oversaw the election tabulation, commented that many students put "checks" instead of "X's" and that marks were extended outside the squares. Election results will be an nounced Tuesday morning. Horror Movies Two horror movies are be ing featured in the Union Ball room tonight. They will be shown contin uously from 8 p.m. on. Admis sion is free with Student Identification cards. The first film, "Bride of Frankenstein, stars Boris Karloff, Valerie Hobson and Colin Clive. The second movie is "Dracula's Daughter" star ring Otto Kruger. Dessert Slated Tickets for the Coed Coun selor Friendship Dessert may be purchased from all Big Sisters. The 35 cent tickets will also be sold in the Union Nov. 7 and 10. Nebraskan Lctterip The Daily Nebraskan srlll publish only those inters which are sirnrd. Letters attacking individuals must earry the author's nmr. Others may ase Initial or a pro name. Letters sbould not exceed 20A words. When letters exceed this limit the Nc hraskan reserves the rirht to con dense them, retaining the writer s views. Rational Dilemma I am sure that B. M. de serves some merit for his counter attack on Miss Cof fey's article if for no other reason than that he is defend ing the stand of his candi date's party; however, I should like to make a re-stand in favor of Miss Coffey and throw in a few comments of my own. Frankly speaking, I think that Miss Coffey's article con tained a very rational dilem ma which perhaps too few voung voters are cognizant of. The dilemma is, that they are called upon to exercise their vote, but, on close observa tion, can find little in either platform as a rational guide to what this vote should be and who it should favor. Now, in answer to B. M.'s retort concerning Miss Cof fey's reluctance to vote for a Labor backed candidate, I think a good many points can be made in her favor. There are a good many reasons why people refuse to vote Demo cratic because of its Labor backing (and I am sure Miss Coffey meant organized Labor) than the blatant fact of corruption in Labor man agement. By endorsement, I am sure she means that endorsement furnished in writing by Ne braskan Labor headquarters to their members clearly out lining Labor's choice of can didates, as well as the fact that Oranized Labor con tributes to Democratic cam paign funds. Money, which by the way, is donated with out the precise approval of all the contributing members. I do not think Miss Coffey intended to imply that she was not concerned over the plight, of the farmer. I dis agree with 15. M. that every one understands the term Bensonism, I do not believe that B. M. does himself, and I am sure that most Nebras kans including the average farmer do not understand the true import of the .word. It is a vague term, but be hind it if properly evaluated one can find a man who real izes that all of the Demo cratic sponsored grab bag, give away programs of the past or the Republican pro grams of the present will never provide a solution to the farm problem in Ameri ca; a problem which has far deeper roots than any price support scheme can find. Mr. Benson has consistently done the best he can consider ing that he knows how little value give away programs, or to suit B. M., high parity price supports, have for the average farmer. He is basic ally following a program 'hat I believe the greatest majori ty of professional economists favor far more than high price supports. In closing. I can only say that Mr. Morrison's attack on Senator Hruska's sign hanging habits does nothing more than waste time time that could be spent on im portant issues. JOHN HEECKT !" - f itii , We're rolling up our sleeves, and working to make this an outstanding HOMECOMING!! So, come on-HUSKERS top if oil off with a ALPHA CHI OMEGA ALPHA OMICRON PI ALPHA XI DELTA CHI OMEGA DELTA DELTA DELTA DELTA GAMMA KAPPA ALPHA THETA KAPPA DELTA PI BETA PHI KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA AASIZOU ZETA TAU ALPHA DELTA UPSILON FARM HOUSE PHI GAMMA DELTA SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON SIGMA ALPHA MU SIGMA PHI EPSILON THETA XI ZETA BETA TAU 1 '