The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 31, 1958, Image 1

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1 Vf N HP MM W
To Speak
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Vol. 33, No. 27
The Daily Nebraskan ,
Friday, October 31, 1958
1958 gfg CDTrQoimg J958
NU Expects " 75,000
Genetics Work
Lands Prize
A University graduate has
been named one of three re
cipients of the 1958 Nobel
Prize for Medicine.
Dr. George Wells Beadle, a
native of Wahoo, Nebr., and
his colleague, Edward Law
rie Tatum will receive one
half of the $41,250 prize for
their studies in genetics which
could lead the way to a cure
for cancer.
Wisconsin Prof.
The other half of the prize
went to Joshua Lederberg,
professor at the University of
Wisconsin for his discoveries
concerning "genetic combina
tion and organization of the
genetic material of bacteria."
Dr. Beadle, currently at
Oxford University in England,
is a professor at the Kerch-
koff Laboratories ot Bioiogy,
Pasedena California. In 1949,
the University awarded hira
an honorary doctorate degree
Beadle and Tatum working
wth bread mold, altered sci
ence's entire concept of genes.
They were no longer abstract
units of heredity, but actual
livng things.
Gene Control
Rv bombarding their bread
mold with radiation, Beadle
and Tatum destroyed the
power of mold cells to pro
duce certain amino acids.
This led them to the idea
that genes might be controlled
to prevent them from grow
ing into harmful cancer cells.
Beadle grew up on a farm
near Wahoo and graduated
from the University in 1928.
Dr. Raymond Poole, former
' head of the University's bo
tany department, remembers
his former pupil as an excel
lent student, quiet, unassum
ing and serious minded."
Beadle continued his study
In Botany over the opposition
of his father, who wanted the
boy to take over the family
farming operation.
Coffee Hour
Coffee and cider will be
served in the Union lounge
immediately following the Sat
urday football game.
Kvervone is invited to at
tend the Coffee Hour.
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Grads to See Displays,
Rally, Parade, Football
Saturday Features Include Queen
Presentation, Open House, Dance
More than 75.000 Nebras-
kans are expected to help the
University celebrate its iso
Festivities begin today with
welcome to returning NU
A 12:30 p.m. luncheon at the
Union for the Directors of the
Nebraska Alumni Association
officially opens the two-day
Homecoming Parade Route
Band to Lead
Three Groups Competing
In Homecoming Parade
Floats entered by cam
pus organizations and or
ganized houses will parade
through downtown Lincoln
at 9:30 a.m. Saturday.
? Led by . the University
band, the Homecoming pa
rade will also feature the
Homecoming Queen candi
dates and the University
ROTC drill teams. For the
first time a" plaque will be ,
awarded to the drill team
showing the, best perform
ance. Three Divisions
Plaques will also be
awarded to the first place
winner of each of the three
divisions men's organized
houses, women's organized
houses and honorary fra
ternitiesin float competi
tion. To begin at the mall, the
parade will go north on 14th
to Vine, east on Vine to
16th, south on 16th to O,
west on O to 11th, north on
11th to R, east on R to
12th where it will disband.
Float Llne-Up
Competing floats in or
der of their line-up are: N
Club, "Come A Ruhnin',
Boys;" Alpha Gamma
Sigma, "Skung the Tigers;"
Young Republicans, "Tiger
. Hunt;" Burr Hall, "Burry,
the Tigers;" Block and
Bridle Club, "Tiger-cue;"
Towne Club, "Drag'n in the
Tiger;" Delta Sigma Pi,
"We'll Have the Tigers Be
hind the 8-Ball Tonight."
Farmhouse, "Sink the
Misery;" Builders, "Mum's
the Word on a Mizzou Vic
' Fedde Hall, "Let's
Mo. for a House-
cleaning:" Tassel's. "NU's
KiMf-nff to Victorv:" Ph
Gamma Delta, "Fiji Safa
ri," Student union
rinse the Book on Mo;'
Ag Men, "The Purple
Tir Fater:" Siema Al
nhn F.nsilnn. "Alums Re
member;" Rodeo Club,
"Wrap the Tigers;" i'er
race Hall, "Upset the Tigers."
Isn't It?
Homecoming the most
exciting, enthusiastc, ex
pensive time of the year
has hit NU.
For a comnlete weekend,
no fellow should be without
the following items (or the
following amount of cash):
Football tickets (2) $7
Homecoming mum $1
"N" flower .25
Homecoming button .15
Suit cleaned $1.50
Dance tickets (2) $6
Dinner (for 2)" $7.50
Total $23.50
Oh, yes; one mere vital
item: Aspirin, 25c.
Happy Homecoming
A rally starts tonight's acti
vities at 6:45 p.m. Animated
house decorations go on dis
play at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday morning will fea
ture a parade at 9:30 through
downtown Lincoln.
At 11-30 to 12:45 p.m., a
buffet luncheon for the alumni
will be held at the Cornhusker
The Nebraska-Missouri foot
ball game starts at 2 p.m. in
the Coliseum. The 19S8 Home
coming Queen will be present
ed at halftime of the game.
Climaxing the weekend, the
Homecoming Dance will be
held at Pershing Memorial
Auditorium at 8:30 p.m.
Following Saturday's game,
most of the organized houses
will hold special post-game
coffee hours for alums. Coffee
and cider will also be served
in the Union lounge.
Chancellor Cliford Hardin
will deliver a progress report
on the drive to raise funds for
llogg Center at the Saturday
' luncheon.
'Homecoming Dance
Will Be Best' Schrag
Ticket Sales Swing Uptvard;
Late-Comers May Buy at Door
Mums Available
A small number of the
Homecoming mums are still
available, according to ueorg
ann Humphrey, Mortar Board
chairman ot ine mum saies.
The mums are SI and may
be purchased from any Mor-
. ... mi :n
tntr Knara loaav. lney wiu
be delivered to all organized
houses Saturday morning.
Amplications for 1958 Hon
orary Commandant are due
ah ummen's houses are
urged to turn in 'their appli
cations to Jim Anderson at
1425 R Street. The Air Force
ROTC is sponsoring tm
year's Military BalL
Ticket sales for the 19581
Homecoming Dance Saturday
are on the upswing, torn
Cob president Larry Schrag
"There seems to be an in
creasing interest in the dance
this year," he- said, "from
the appearance of ticket sales,
this dance will be the best
we've had yet. More and
more students are going."
Tickets mav be purchased
for S3 from either Tassels or
Corn Cobs, or at the door that
night. The dance is being
held at Pershing Municipal
Auditorium at 8:30 P.m. In
previous years, it has been
held at- tne coliseum.
The Tommy Dorsey Orches
tra, under the direction oi
Warren Covington, wiupro
vide the evening's music,
playing many of the hits
Dorsey maae lamous on rec
ords. Sweet and swing num
bers will be mixed to suit
every taste.
During his lifetime, Dorsey
made over 300 record
ings with total saies exceeu-
ina seventy m 1 1 1 1 on.
His theme, "I'm Getting
Sentimental Over You," was
his most famous disk. Two
others, "Marie" and "Song of
India" are credited with set
ting two trends in popular ar
rangements that still exist.
Musicians .
Some of the musicians whe
got their start on the road to
fame with Dorsey are Bunny
Berigan, Glenn Miller, Ray
McKinley. Bob Crosby, Buddy
Rich, and Gene Krupa. Vocal
ists who served with Dorsey
include Frank Sinatra, tDick
Haymes, Jo Stafford and the .
Pied Pipers.
A number written by a
'young girl and published by
Dorsey's own music firm
was perhaps his greatest rec
ord success. Entitled "IH
Never Smile Again", it swept
the country in 1940.
Other recordings include
"This Love of Mine," "AH
The Things You Are," "Man-
hattan Serenade," "Biii,"
"Oous-No. 1" and "Sunny
OlUC 111 U1C iJUTOV,
Warren Covington, also a
trnmhnnest. learned to play
his instrument by standing in
front of his radio or record
player and playing along with
Dorsey recordings. Having
played in some of America's
top rated bands, Covington
has been featured with Hor
ace Heidt, Gene Krupa, Les
Brown and Ray Biocn.
As a singer, he appeared on
his own CBS radio show, "Co
vington sings." He re
linquished his position at the
helm of the Commanders Or
chestra to wield the Dorsey