The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 29, 1958, Image 1

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sfttfSWn n 11 JJ JJ L X I .vU
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Vol. 33, No. 26
1, . C- V 1 r !
WHATEVER IT IS, it looks substantial.
That's what might be said of Delta Tail
Delta's homecoming display building at
715 No. 16th St. Steel rods are being at
No Amazon, But Casting
Complete for Lysis trata
Linda Williard to Play Tille Roll
By Diana Maxwell
No amazon turned up, but
casting for Lysistrata has
been completed anyway. t
Director Don Russell com
mented that when a person
can't be found for a part who
exactly suits the character
ization "then you adapt."
Title Role
Linda Williard will play the
title role in the Greek drama
to be presented Dec. 10-13.
Other major parts in the play
are: Lykon, Doug McCartney;
College Federal Aid
Creating Problems
Research Depends on Grants
From Government-Dean Weaver
"The utter dependence of
our universities on govern
mental aid is now firmly es
tablished," said Dean John
Weaver of the University
Graduate College.
Addressing the Ass n. of
American Universities and
the Assn. of Graduate Schools
Tuesday in Chicago, Weaver
added, "Federal aid is adding
great strength to research and
graduate study in the nation's
universities and colleges, but
at the same time creating
Owens Plan
Harvey Hinshaw and Joseph
rWons nf ttm University Mu
sic department, will present j
a recital xnursaay ai :ju
p.m. in the Union Ballroom.
Hinshaw, a pianist, will
play a Mozart Sonata in F
Major and Shubert Impromp
tu in G Flat Major. He will
also interpret two numbers by
Chopin, Mazurka in C Sharp
Minor and Etude in C Sharp
Owens will play the trom
bone with Audun Ravnan at
the niano. His numbers will
include the four movements of
Vivaldi Sonata in A Minor, ,
which was written for the
cello and piano but tran
scribed for trombone by Alan
Ostrander, and a trombone
concerto by Gordon Jacob.
Former Student
Killed in Crash
A former University stu
dent, Navy Cadet James
Humphrey, was killed near
Kingsville, Texas, Monday.'
His Cougar jet fighter
crashed by the Naval air sta
tion in Baffin Bay.
Cadet Humphrey attended
the University before enter
ing the Naval Aviation Cadet
Program through the former
Naval Air Station at Lincoln.
He lived in Auburn, Neb.
Cornhusker Pics
All sorority girls who want
to reschedule their Corn
husker pictures , must have
them taken tonight.
Appointments must be
made through the Cornhusker
, office.
Display Builders
tached to a telephone pole by
Khrounek (left), Dick McBride,
Tooley and Joe McWilliams.
Myhrennie, Sandi Heffelfin
ger; Lampito, Sue Carkoski;
and Kinesias, John West.
Lysistrata should be unique
in certain respects, Russell
said. For example, no cur
tains will be used. Scene
changes win be Indicated by
changes in lighting.
"We will .try to fit the au
dience psychologically into
the play by using such de
vices as using the steps in
front of the stage as props,"
Russell said.
problems which call for
thoughtful caution."
More Federal Aid
Weaver noted that two
thirds of all research expen
ditures in American institu
tions of higher learning came
through federal grants and
contracts this year, and that
the continuing and multiply
ing research needs -will as
sure an accelerated growth of
federal support.
He added thct faculty re
search offers vitality to the
classroom and opportunity es
sential to high faculty morale
and provides facilities which
could not otherwise be pur
chased. Suggesting, however, a
wary appraisal of the effects
of government-supported re
search, Weaver listed five
principal reservations to the
Inadequate Coverage
The projects are not always
adequately covered by grants
and contracts and university
funds must sometimes be
used, he said. Nearly 95 of
the money last year went to
the natural sciences and over
looked the social sciences and
Graduate students are de
prived of independent and in
dividual study when assigned
to the fragments of an in
structor's project, he conthv
ued. professor, because of
an extra salary grant, may
accept projects which he
would otherwise not under
take and be tempted to be
come a full-time researcher
instead of a teacher.
A premium is placed on
new graduate programs, he
said, when it is needed for
existing programs.
Ag Engineer
To Demonstrate
E. A. Olson, University Ex
tension engineer, will help
conduct a demonstration on
the tilt-UD construction of a
beef cattle shelter in Concord !
The demonstration will be
held at the Northeast Nebras
ka Agricultural Experiment
Station. Larry Donegan of the
Portland Cement Association
will assist Olson.
The tilt-up method was orig
inated and perfected by engi
neers at Texas A.&M. Col
lege. It has been termed a
revolutionary idea in farm
building by some observers.
The Daily Nebraskan
The play will be performed
on platforms. Lights will di
rect audience attention to dif
ferent parts of the stage.
Production manager for the
play is Bill Larson. Alice
Baumgartner is assistant to
the director.
The cast and their parts
are: Ida Mae Ryan, Megra;
Lynda Jesson, Persephonia;
Ina Margolin, Kratilla; Myrna
Ems, Amyklai; Sydney Sears,
Helen; Penny Sandritter, Jo
casta; Pat Burney, Arcania;
Phil Nelson, Drakes.
Jim Chingas, Strymodorus;
Stan Rice, Theseus; Andy
Wolvin, Philocleon; Andy
Backer, Demostratus; Dick
Marrs, Phadrias; Terry Sav
age, Rhodippes; Chuck Piper,
Kleomenes; Ted Rethmeier,
Nikais; Grover Kautz, Try
geus; Eric Prewitt, Pollydor
us; Bill Cooper, Dorian; and
Larry Coen, Laconius.
Still Vacancies
There is still room in the
group scenes for both men
and women, Russell said. In
terested students may con
tact him anytime.
Fir9t rehearsal was held
Monday night. First crew
meeting will be 8 p.m. today
in Howell Theatre.
Since the dominant theme
in what Russell terms this
"raucous comedy" is that war
is stupid, costumes may re
flect an international air.
Russell said that they have
been toying with the idea of
dressing the Amazon women
in such a way that each would
be dressed representative of
a different country, such as
Russia, China, France and
The implications of such
costuming would be that no
matter who originates it, war
is a ridiculous thing.
Where Your Money Goes
AUF Gives to Crippled Children,
Muscular Dystrophy Association
This is the third article in the series,
"Where Your Money Goes", concerning
contributions collected by the All-University
Fund. The articles will explain each
of the charities that AUF will donate to
ihis year, and the various purposes the
charity serves.
Thirty-five percent of the money col
lected by AUF will go to the Muscular
Dystrophy Associations of America and
the Lancaster County Committee for Crip
pled Children.
The Muscular Dystrophy Associations
will receive 20 percent and the Committee
for Crippled Children will get 15 percent.
200,000 Suffer
Conducting and sponsoring research,
establishing clinics and distributing infor
rca -;n about the disease are some of the
functions of the Muscular Dystrophy As
sociation. An estimated 200,000 children
and young adults suffer from the disease.
At present, the Institute for Muscle Dis
ease is being built by MDAA in New York.
The building will be a center of research
and a repository of information on all
aspects of muscle study.
The Association gives grants-in-aid to
research and disseminates new knowledge
about the disease among professional
groups. There are 316 active MDAA chap
ters with representation in every state but
Trick er Treat'-
Tiny Spooks Do
Well on Campus
Should you bump into a spook or witch about 3 foot
high Friday night, treat it kindly. It probably has a paper
sack in its hand and is invading campus intent on tricks
and treating. .'
Each year a few little beggars dressed in sheets or
rags or black dresses wander inttS the Union, looking for
candy or food to put in their sacks.
Little Spooks Treated
And the little spooks are usually treated to a coke or
an apple, the student union manager said.
But when spooks approach the 6 foot high level and
wear ivy league trousers, the free food doesn't flow so
Sorority houses prepare for the invasion from Never
never land by stocking their pantries with pop corn, candy
kisses and other goodies.
Spook Show
In honor of Halloween, the Union is featuring a double
feature spook show designed to "scare the yell out of the
stoutest men," said John West, film chairman.
Boris Karloff stars in "Bride of Frankenstein" and
Otto Kruger may be seen in "Dracula's Daughter." Both
movies will be shown in the Union ballroom Friday at 8
p.m. Admission is 10 cents per person.
Although few pranks are played on University campus
on Halloween, some precautions are necessary.
The constructors of the Union addition are posting
guards at the site that night to insure adequate protection
of the construction material.
What with the excitement of homecoming display
Judging and the crowds viewing the work of weeks, the
tiny goblins may be lost in the shuffle.
Polls Open
Day Early
On Campus
Election polls open a day
early on the University cam
pus. A model election will be
sponsored Monday by the
Young Republicans who hope
to discover what the students
think will happen the next
The bsllot will be similar to
the official ballots that will
be used by Nebraska voters
Tuesday. The Congressional
and gubernatorial positions
will be included in the elec
tion, as well as other state
positions and proposed
amendments to the state con
stitution. "This will give the students
a realistic idea of the voting
process," said Beth Wilson,
YR model election chairman,
"and will make them more
aware of their government."
Voting desks will be in the
Union lobby, Love Library
lobby, near the north door of
Social Science, and in the Ag
"All students are urged to
take this opportunity of ex
pressing their opinions," said
Miss Wilson.
Prof Elected
A University engineering
professor has been elected
president of the Kansas-Nebraska
section of the Ameri
can Society for Engineering
James Blackman was elec
ted during the annual meet
ing of the society at the Uni
versity. He will serve for one
year and preside over the so
ciety's 1959 meeting at Kan
sas University.
Wednesday, October 29, 1958
Of the
Page 3
Ray Frantz, University pro
fessor of English, will contin
ue a discussion on "Gulliver's
Travels," tonight at 8:30 on
Frantz will appear on the
weekly program "Conversa
tion Piece" which features
panel discussions of familiar
literature. Franz is a special
ist in 18th century English
The C o 1 o r a d o-Nebraska
game will be shown in a spe
cial program Thursday at 9
p.m. Dick McCashland, cap
tain of the University football
team, and J. G. Geier of the
athletic department, will ap
pear' on the show.
Spanish Film
Features Dance
Flamenco, the first in a
series of three Spanish films,
will be shown tonight at 7:30
p.m. in Love Library Audi
torium. Tickets for the three films
are $1. Single admissions are
I not available. Memberships
may be purchased in 304 Bur
nett. The other films are Cradle
Song and La Forza Del Des
tino. In Flamenco, English
narration is dubbed and songs
are in Spanish.
South Dakota.
The chapters assist in purchase and re
pair of , wheel chairs, braces, lifts and
other orthopedic devices; arrange for
transportation of patients to clinics,
schools and recreation centers; and have
developed social and recreational pro
grams. Eighty-one scientific projects are spon
sored by MDAA. These studies are in the
field of muscle structure and function, in
cluding specific work on muscular dys
trophy. The Lancaster County Committee for
Crippled Children is an affiliate of the Na
tional Society for Crippled Children and
Adults, Inc.
Station Wagon Purchased
The Society buys wheel chairs, braces,
hearing aids and orthepedic equipment
for crippled children. A special station
wagon was purchased to transport chil
dren to and from school.
Children handicapped in speech or hear
ing may attend the University daily pre
school clinic sponsored by the Society.
Classes are also available on Saturday
morning for school age children with
speech handicaps.
The national society has helped train
more than 2,010 doctors, therapists, teach
ers and social workers through scholar
ships and fellowships.
Sororites Say No
AUF Auction
To Go; Lincoln
Drive Remains
Sororities will sot partici
pate in the AH University
Fund auction or independent
solicitation drive this year.
The results of the sorority
vote, computed Tues
day morning, were 14-1
against participating in these
events, according to Mi s s
Madeline Girard, Panhellen
ic secretary.
John Glynn, AUF president,
said that the Lincoln indepen
dent solicitation drive would
stidl be held this year, al
though the auction would be
cancelled, i
Dance Ticket
Sales Rise
Mums, Buttons
Also Selling Well
Sales of dance tickets, mums
and buttons have picked up
since the beginning of Home
coming Week.
The sale of tickets to the
homecoming dance Saturday
evening has improved as the
date approaches, said Burt
Weichenthal, chairman o f
ticket sales. They may be
purchased in the Union, at
the Pershing Auditorium box
office and from any Tassel
or Corn Cob for $3.
"More mums were ordered
than last year," said Georg
ann Humphrey, Mortar Board
treasurer, "and we expect to
sell them att. Mums will be
sold by Mortar Boards for $1
each until Thursday."
"Button sales are going quite
well," said Judy Douglas,
YWCA public relations repre
sentative. "We've had fine
response from clubs down
town who have purchased at
least 200 already."
The 15-cent buttons will be
sold all week and at the game
Saturday by YWCA freshman
girls. Those girls who were
given buttons to sell to cer
tain organizations have been
asked to turn them in to
Chairman Polly Doering by
Cadets Honored
Seven University Air Force
ROTC Cadets were named
Distinguished AFROTC Cad
ets by Col. W. B. Atwell, pro
fessor of air science.
They were selected on the
basis of outstanding demon
strated qualities of leadership,
high moral character, apti
tude for military service, high
academic standing and par
ticipation in campus activ
ities. They are eligible to ap
ply for a direct commission,
as a regular officer in the
Air Force after completing
college studies.
The Distinguished Cadets
are Gary Berke, Gary Ja
cobs, Glen Schmeiding, Lau
ds Whitehead, Kenneth Mc
Kee. Howard Lange A Law
rence Fricke.
Cha Cha Steps
Outlined Tonight
The Cha Cha will be feat
ured today at the Union dance
lessons from 6:45-7:45 p.m.
in the Ballroom.
The lessons are instructed
by the Arthur Murray Dance
Swing and foxtrot, the first
two lessons of the series, will ,
be reviewed.
FIRST ENTRY from the University for the Miss Ne
braska Press Photographer is Charlene Gross, Kappa
Alpha Theta junior. Miss Gross is being sponsored by
Kappa Alpha Mu, honorary photojournalists fraternity
for the title.
"I'm confident that AUT
win do the best job possible
under the circumstances',
Glynn said.
The question of whether or
not the sororities would con
tinue their participation in the
auction and the drive t h 1 1
year was discussed in a spe
cial meeting of sorority presi
dents Thursday night and ia
the regular Panhellemc meet
ing Monday.
The house president!
stressed that they wished to
continue to contribute to AUF,
raising as much money as
they could through house
functions, solicitations, etc.
Single Donation
The consensus of the group
was also to contribute the
money through one lump Pan
hellenic donation, not 15 in
dividual donations.
If individual girls in the
houses still wish to help with
the independent solicitation
drive, they may, Miss Girard
pointed out.
Glynn pointed out that Pan
hellenic had offered some
good criticisms about the auc
tion and the independent
drive, such as the amount of
time spent and the question
able neighborhoods which the
girls were often assigned.
Short Notice
"I question the proceedings
of PanHel on such short
notice one week before the
drive and five weeks before
the auction", he added.
"Why didnt they think of
this nine months ago so we
could plan to make up for the
$4,000 deficit," be comment
ed. The average AUF auction
brought in about $3,300. Lin
coln solicitations usually net
ted about $900, according to
Sue-Ann Schnabe, in charge
of the Lincoln independent so
licitations drive, and Sally
Wilson, in charge of the AUF
auction, were not available
for comment.
AUF Support
Voted by Meds
The Student Council at the
College of Medicine in Oma
ha has voted to continue stu
dent body participation in the
AUF drive.
The Pulse, College of Medi
cine newspaper, reports that
AUF representatives will con
tact students between Nov. 4
and 18.
Dentistry Alums
To Hear Massler
The chairman of the depart
ment of pedodontics at the
University of Illinois will be
guest speaker at the annual
Dentistry College Homecom
ing Reunion this weekend.
Dr. Maury Massler, also an
Illinois professor and lectur
er in oral medicine, will
speak to the 200 alumni ex
pected. He has published
more than 150 articles in
major scientific journals and
has appeared before profes
sional meetings throughout
the United States, Europe and
South America.
A dinner will be held at 6
p.m. Friday at the Lincoln
County Club in honor of Dr.
and Mrs. B. L. Hooper. Dr.
Hooper is the former dean of
the college.
Sigma Delta Chi
Sigma Delta Chi, profes
sional journalistic fraternity,
will hold a meeting today at
4 p.m. in Room 306, Burnett