The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 21, 1958, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Dailv Nebraskan
Tuesday, October 21, 1958
Editorial Comment
University Rush
Several groups from outstate high
schools have visited the University cam
pus in recent weeks.
High School cheerleaders, "debaters, and
even part of the senior class of Grand Is
land's top rated prep school have been on
the grounds for indoctrination into the
mysterious ways of a large state univer
sity. It appears to be a part of a trend. Now,
not only do sororities and fraternities car
ry on rush programs, but the University it
self appears to be trying to entice high
schoolers Into joining the campus scene
whesi they graduate.
To such a campaign, the Daily Nebras
kan says "blessings." We hope it works.
Back in the days when we were in high
school, it used to be a real thrill to come to
the Lincoln campus for football games and
speech tournaments. It gave us a feeling
of belonging, and increased our desire to
usa these facilities which our fathers had
provided for us.
These visits made the fast approaching
freshman year at college much less terri
fying for us and increased our desire to
continue our education.
In short, the trips served a useful pur
pose. As a matter of fact, they served a much
more useful purpose than did the dozens
of other outings to other events which our
high school sponsored.
Though he wouldn't admit it (and high
schoolers still won't) one trip to the Uni
versity campus gave us as much valuable
experience as any out of town basketball
or football games, music clinics, band
concerts, career days, etc. ad nauseum
that our school administrators dreamed up
for us during the entire duration of our
high school careers.
So here is a helpful hint to the state's
school administrators. Why not concen
trate on giving your students a solid back
ground for that terrifying day when they
must attend their first University class?
After all, someday these kids are going
to have to jump into the pond and learn
how to swim.
Individual Staff Views
By Emmie Limpo
I'm sorry, but I don't have any views
today. v
I just don't, that's all.
Funny, I always knew there would be a
day like this.
I can't think of a thing
to gripe about amazing,
isn't it??
Actually, I'm pretty
tired of all these astound
ing declarations, criticiz
ing this and that. Maybe
I'm just tired there must
be some reason.
Now I'm griping too,
about all the griping that's
going on. Oh well, every
body does it.
However, quite a few people have real
ized the amount of general displeasure on
campus. Everybody seems to be complete
ly fed up with everything. (You must ad
mit that takes in quite a lot of ground.)
I suppose I could develop that topic a
bit, but as I said I don't have a view.
I'm completely neutral today.
No deep perplexing challenge will be
thrown at the reader in this column today.
Look around the page a bit and see the
plans being made to overthrow the Divi
sion of Student Affairs, Kearney high
school, the Chinese Communist Army,
Steve Shultz and all beauty queens.
You name it, somebody doesn't like it.
I guess I'll like everything, just for a
change, just for about an hour or two.
Don't get me wrong, though. I may be
void of all earth-shaking and -timely con
troversies, but I would like to see a few
changes, (naturally)
For example, let's abolish all afternoon
and eight o'clock classes, have a month
for Christmas, two weeks for Thanksgiv
ing, no finals, no Saturday classes, serve
beer in the Union and I can't think of any
thing else right now.
If you have any good practical ideas
such as these womout ones, you might
write a letterip. They're always good for
a chuckle.
And people need a chuckle now and then.
Of course in the underground Union,
known as the Rag subversive offices, we
don't laugh much anymore.
The practically all-girl staff has taped
shut their mouths for fear giggles might
escape. After a few hours down here any
thing can happen. And anything makes us
laugh from meetings in the Horse Barn to
one writer calling Mr. Jehle (pronounced
Yea-a) Mr. Jelly. The latter went over
From the Editor
A Few Words of a Kind
I sit down in my office and wonder how
it ever happened my being here. And
Jerry Sellentin opens the door and asks,
"How's it going?"
"I'm beat," I reply.
Tough weekend?"
"Partly, . but mostly a
tough day of constant de
fense." Then Jerry says, "Well,
IH leave you to your
tomb then." And he closes
the door and leaves me
sitting over my typewriter
with an aching head filled
w i th questions, doubts,
fears, off color jokes, and
a picture of how the sky
looks when the sun disappears leaving be
hind a temporary red veil.
This afternoon, as the front page story
will indicate, I attended a review of the
criticisms of the Student Tribunal. The
hearing was conducted by the Student
Council Judiciary Committee under the
chairmanship of Gary Frenzel. Tribunal
judges, including Dean Belsheim; a couple
of interested students, including Dave
Keene', who worked long and hard to help
establish the Tribunal while he was on
Council, were present along with a Ne
braskan reporter.
. The session ofien developed into a re
view i the competence ef the reporting of
the Dally Nebraskan, which is of course
nly fair. There are two sides to every
I could not claim that the Daily Nebras
kan has not made mistakes because I
know of no paper which does not make
mistakes. But I could point, somewhat
proudly, to the fact that at least our mis
takes were in black and white.
The end result of the session was a clear
picture of two opposing philosophies meet
ing bead on. Right to privacy fought right
to information. One would be unfair to
say that there are not plausible arguments
for both sides. The review showed that the
. . . e. e. hines
judges sincerely felt the sessions should be
closed if the student desired such action,
and that I as a newspaper person inter
ested in freedom of information felt that
bearings should never be closed.
It U fwsible that someday I may awake
and feel that my philosophy toward closed
sessions is wrong. At the present time, I
doubt it This may not be the great world,
but it shouldn't be pictured as a unique
society in which no methods of procedure
in the outside world apply.
Keene is a very sincere person. He has
worked as hard for the Tribunal as anyone
has ever worked for the development of an
organization. I respect him for this, but I
cannot agree with him the present
Tribunal is effective. I feel that we have
merely created a listening board with ab
solutely no power. The administration may
use such a group to argue fairness in its
methods of discipline, but it is obvious
from discussion that the Tribunal has
heard only cut and dried cases. This leads
one to wonder if such a function is justifi
cation enough for a Tribunal's existence.
One reason why I object so strongly to
closed hearings, even when the student
desires one, is that they automatically of
fer the opportunity for false rumor to de
velop. Also, unless all meetings are open
it is impossible to get a complete evalua
tion of competence of Tribunal members',
the fairness of their recommendations,
and the actual value of the Tribunal in
both principle and operation. The Tribunal
should be in existence primarily for the
student body, and the student body should
have the right to decide upon a pro
longed review of its actions whether the
Tribunal is doing a job worth doing.
Right now, it seems to me, we have a
semi-private listening lab where we should
have a student court. We may have a fine,
worthwhile organization but again I
doubt it. And what bothers me is that it
isn't always possible to find out if my
doubts are justified.
Daily Nebraskan
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Hcmtar: AMeia!4 Co'lefUU FreM nu, mn u Knmr ar ft tar taw
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ELECTRON 1 i "n1
The Briar Patch
By R. JW. Ireland
The Student Tribunal is in
Ever since its inception
many students have been ap
prehensive about its role on
doubted this n
judicial body
would ever f
amount to I
much. They' rt
My Little World
By Judy Truell
Monday the Judiciary Com
mittee of the Student Council
was to meet with the mem
bers of the Student Tribunal.
I'm Ooing to be there with
reams of pa
pers, folders
of pertinent
poop and the
hope that
from it the
Tribunal will
be a b 1 e to
ing the news
of the mo
ment and try
to satisfy eight thousand stu
Speaking of "br;- kicked
in the groin and slapped in
the face", has anyone actually
stopped to think about this
controversial subject, or do
they realize that along, with
some substantial criticism,
the Tribunal has been t h e
doormat for a biting wit and
a large vocabulary. The pow
er of words and the power of
the press are really some
thing. While sitting outside Bessey
Hall frantically studying for
a zoology test, I heard my
first tiger growl and I really
was impressed. It was a large
growl (perhaps becase it came
from about twenty hearty
young males) and really done
in all seriousness.
As for all those who find the
growl a bit on the humorous
side, didn't you quite make
the grade; feel that your tal
ents were needed elsewhere;
or couldn't they find a uni
form to fit you?
Migration is just about up
on us and in two or three days
the hoard of thirsty students
will descend like the prov
erbial locusts on Boulder. But
alas, there are those of us
NU Grad Gets
National Post
A University graduate has
been named as solicitor for
the Interior Department by
President Eisenhower.
George Abbott, 35, of Grand
Island, was appointed to the
position, replacing Elmer
Bennett who was promoted to
under-secretary of the De
partment. At present Abbott is an as
sistant to the Secretary of
the Interior Fred Seaton.
who will 'wave good-by and
trudge in to spend an excit
ing weekend stuffing crepe
paper. We will sit by the tele
vision set and think of the
mountains, curse the profes
sor who was so fiendish as to
plan his tests on the day of
departure and- rationalise
about how much money we
are going to save.
Actually, when it comes
right down to it, why worry
and plot dark revenge? You
can always have some sym
pathetic friend tell you about
the brawl at the Sink There's
..always another year. Besides
who will be there that isn't at
Casey's or the Grill?
Moss Discusses
Family Relations
Dr. Joel Moss, head of the
University family relations
and child development divi
sion, spoke to the National
Home Demonstration Council
convention in Wichita, Kan
sas. Dr. Moss, in his talk,
"Family or Farce, Open
Doors Tell the Story," ex
plained that the work of mar
riage consists of the "open
ing of mental and emotional
doors that stand in the way of
understanding," and the un
derstanding of another's point
of view by challenging one's
own views.
seemed du
Mous over
its effective
ness in the
light of t h e
omnipot e n t
Division of
Student Affairs.
Now that the self-righteous
people on the Tribunal have
seen fit to oppose open hear
ings and thereby flaunt every
remnant of democratic pro
cedure, the vast majority of
interested students have given
up this body of amateur judges
as a thorough fraud.
I thought .so long ago.
Of course the Tribunal had
a point in closing its doors to
the press. But it was pretty
It seems that in order for the
defendant to open his hearing
to the press he must ' submit
a written request. Well, our
public enemy failed to do this
and was therefore denied his
From this bit of rigid -ule
application we may conclude
that the Tribunal does not be
lieve in equity, flexibility or
anything else which charac
terizes a competent bench of
If I were a student defend
ant (of course my unblemished
record at this social haven de
nies such a possibility) I would
refuse to appear before the
Tribunal until it cleaned up
its rules.
I've even heard of a move
by certain enthusiastic cam
pus groups to bring the Tri
bunal Charter to another vote
in the spring and thereby
purge it forever from the Uni
versity scene. Not a bad idea
;in!nss reform begins.
There are even people on
the Student Council -vho op
pose the Tribunal. I under.
tand certain influential mem
bers Here are seriously con
sidering usurping the preroga
tive of the Tribunal to estab
lish its own procedure. Al
though it would seem that peo
ple mature enough to judge
other students on very contro
versial issues should be able
to provide fair standards of
procedure it appears that this
is not so.
And if this is not so then
the whole works5hould be ab
olished. Anarchy !
Foreign Careers
Interviews Set
Students interested in ca
reers with U. S. industry and
government abroad can talk
wan Dr. Manion von urabiil
in the Occupation Office,
Room 109 administration, today.
I Dr. von urabiu is the vice
president of the American In
stitute for Foreign Trade.
The institute is a priva!e
school open to college gradu
ates interested in careers
! abroad, according to J. P. Col
j bert. Dean of Student Afairs.
It provides a one-year in
tensive study of the geo
j giaphy, economics, and langu
age of the country in whk-h
the student would want to
Although the Institute does
not guarantee employment at
'the close of its course, it has
; a very good placement record,
; Dean Colbert said.
Arnold Society
The Arnold Air Society
will meet Wednesday
at 7 p.m. in room 203 .
of the M & N Building. All
cadets, both basic and ad
vanced, who are interested in
joining are invited to attend.
Degree Applications
All students expecting to
receive bachelor or ad
vanced degrees or teaching
certificates at the end of
first semester must apply
at the Registrar's Office by
Nov. 1.
The office is located at 208
Administration Hall. Office
hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. Monday through Friday.
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