The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Poge 4
ath Results 'Wonderful
New Program Challenges Better Students
The Daily Nebraskan
The results of the new
mathematics honors program
are "wonderful," said Dr.
Walter Mientka, assistant
professor of mathematics.
The program, directed to
w a r d stimulating and
challenging the b e 1 1 e r stu
dents, applies to students of
science and engineering who
will use mathematics as well
as to mathematics majors.
Divided into three sections, it
includes an undergraduate
seminar, a graduate seminar
and a freshman honors
course in mathematics.
"We are able to work at an
above-normal pace," com
mented Mientka, "because
the students are enthusiastic
and they never complain
8bout outside work."
Course Work
Faculty members present
one-hour talks on topics
which the students might not
Bulletin Board
Tuesday, Oct. 7
Horn Admtni-
t:00 ill
15:00 I
Gamma Lambda Lunch
Employment of Handl-
rapved l-.m
Inter Vanity 12:30
Inter Varsity 4:00
Public Relation Commit
tee 4:00 Jli
Stag Ticket Sellers 4:00 B
L'n. Act Hospitality Com
mittee 4:00 211
Pill Chi Theta 5:0 30
In. Activities Committee.. 7:00 212
Comhusker Meeting 9:00 212
Coed Counselors 5:00 316
Corn Coos 5:00 C
Employment of Handi
capped Dinner 6:00 1
Tassels 6:45 313
Jr. I. F. C 7:00 C
NHBHF 7:00 315
Un. Act. Music Committee 5:00 211
University Dames Begin
ning Bridge 7:30 316
RENT: Clean 4 room apartment;
private entrance; Quiet home for
enauTied students; Washing facilities.
155.00. 644 Plum Street, Plwna
Economical boarding. Pioneer House,
1S33 Q Street. Contact phone 2-3777.
ordinarily encounter in the
course work.
About twenty outstand
ing students attend the under
graduate seminar. They may
audit the course or register
for one hour credit and write
a paper or present a talk dur
ing the semester.
The purposes of t h e pro
gram were to acquaint inter
ested and able students with
some areas of mathematical
research, to offer majors the
opportunity of preparing and
presenting a talk, to encour
age good students to take ad
ditional course work or do ad
ditional reading, to allow
members of the department
to become acquainted
with the majors and to insti
gate informal discussion be
tween students and faculty
According to Mientka the
quality of the talks was bet
ter than expected and the
seminar has been a d d e d to
the University catalogue.
Since it will be offered each
semester with little or no du
plication, it may be taken for
credit as many as three times.
Grad Seminar
All graduate mathematics
students were invited to at
tend the graduate seminar
which was similar to the un
dergraduate seminar except
that topics were more ad
vanced and there was more
student participation.
Intended for freshmen who
have demonstrated outstand
ing ability and training in
high school mathematics, the
freshman honors course was
designed to increase the stu
dents' awareness of the scope
and nature of mathematical
methods and to organize the
material of analytic geometry
and calculus courses into a
single three semester course
for freshmen.
The course will carry five
hours of credit for each of the
three semesters and will
To Feature
Oct. 16 Stag
Marge Cameron, a 24-year-old
comedienne-singer, will
be featured at the third An-
Inual All University Stag, on
Thursday, Oct. 16, in the Un
ion Ballroom.
Miss Cameron is primarily
noted for her singing and imi
tations of people including
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Lib
erace, and Elvis Presley.
A fresh 'new' and different
meet five times a week.
After being tested at
rious intervals during the
summer and during fresh
man orientation week, twenty-one
students were chosen
to enroll in the course. In as;
signing grades, instructors
will consider that this is a se
lect group of students and
they must not be penalized
for taking the course. It will
be possible for a student to
transfer from the course to
the regular sequence in calcu
lus. An article written by Dr.
Mientka and concerning the
new mathematics program
will appear in the October is
sue of the inter-university
publication, "The Super
ior Student."
KlniA 'n Hridlc Johnson Speaks
Smoker Planned j Physical Handicap
SiTopic of Meeting
Block and Bridle club has
i announced a "g t-acquaint
ed" Smoker for Thursday
7:15 p.m. in the Ag Union j
Application for member
ship will be available to those
completing AH 1. .
Highlighting the evening
will be speaker Charles Ad
ams, assistant professor of
animal husbandry and nation
al Block -and Bridle secre
tary. The group will also see
What can the handicapped on ewiiuj !. .
j jJq? , cany naiiuicapycu.
I This subiect will be dis- j others included in the pro-
cussed at an employers' con- j gram are Mayor Bennett
ference today at the Univer-i Martin; George Risk, presi
sity dent of Dale Products, Inc.;
Atalk by Justin Johnson of. Dr. Harold Martin clinical
Culver City, Calif., a member ; director, of Adult Inpatient
.1 'SJ-4.. rmmitpp Service. Nebraska Psychiat-
vl Viz v- . . t 41
-jTop Frosh
Winners Told
Six University students
were announced yesterday as
Federal Job
The Civil Service Commis
sion has begun accepting ap
plications for the first written
test under this year's Federal
Service Entrance Examina
tion. College juniors, seniors and
graduate students are eligible
for the test to be held iNov.
15. Applications will be ac
cepted through Oct. 30.
Positions filled through this
examination are in 60 fields
for Employment of the Physi- ric Institute; urey deweu,
Zw wLlicaDDed and chair- personnel manager of West.
the B&B Nebraska livestock man of the California Gover- j em Electric u.; ana ur.
tour film. . . fiE, 0Zmee will highlight Dwight F r o st ctomnan
Refreshments are planned. ;lh nroeram 01 ine pv i t
me program, wihahiiiiatinn rlpnartment at
He will talk on "What Can j Universitv HospitaI in
the Handicapped Do? at a .
6 D.m. banquet in Union Par- mana;. ..,,., .
,iors a 4. f the university Exten-
l Johnson is also community i . ..;; onA r w r-
relations supervisor w' i masier, program coordinator
Hughes Aircraft Co., chair-1 flt fhe Universily Extension
man of the Governor s Confer-, Divjsi wffl also participate,
ence on Rehabilitation of the ! Regigtration begins at 1
Physically Handicapped, and Union 315.
ann'nach nf rnmmprrial sock Hip Inn frpshmnn schnlarshin and are located through
comedy will be presented by
WANTED: Retp. student! to
coll on trot, sore, and rei.
hold to demon, ond tell doily
used product. Earn $100-200
extra month. Writ for do
to ill for immediate start. (.0.
Box 497, Indplt, Ind.
Come in and brown around
ond set our studios.
1213 "M
the comedienne, according to
Roger Evans, Stag Chairman.
She comes to the Stag di
rectly from the Fontainbleu
Hotel in Miami Beach and has
recently entertained at the El
Morocco. Montreal : Casino
Royal. Washington D.C.: The
Elegante, Brooklyn, N. Y.
and the Beverly Hills Coun
try Club.
Her Variety review said,
"Marge Cameron is a neatly
slacked, well-groomed brunet
looker and for those reasons
she'll always find the first
five minutes tough. She uses
some chirping and plenty of
gags. She's great!"
Miss Cameron will have a
dinner engagement at the fra
winners by Miss Marjorie ! ut the United States. As a
Johnston, associate dean in '"U11 U1 ifa vuuKia.ul fl, ,
charge of scholarships. action startmg salaries for; .,
The winners, all recipients j lbs Mled through the exam-,
of four-year scholarships inatlon have been raised- Thc '.
ranging in value from $250 to Commission is also placing a;r-3
$750 are- i premium on quality and pro- j
General Motors - Stephen i vidinS a tonus for it.
nn rnii0 f Enrin! Under the Federal Service i-.m
r.iiuaiiLe iAdjiiiiitiuuii, p
habilltation Assn. and
Culver City Chamber of Com-;
merce. He is past president ;
of the National Vocational
Guidance Assn.
All meetings of the one-day .
session will be held in the'
Union. Some 75 to 85 employ- j
ers are expected to partiei-j
pate in the event, which is;
sponsored by the University
Estension Division and the
Lincoln Mayor's Committee
Active Meeting
7:00 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
Teaches Self-Confidence
at A rth u r Mu tray 's ,
and Architecture; James
Samples, College of Arts and
Science, pre-law major.
George E. and Mary K.
Haskell-Meadow Gold Dan
Blazek, College of Engineer
ing and Architecture; Linda
Schelbitzki, College of Arts
and Science, a chemistry ma
jor. Texaco Louis Lamberty,
J 30
proximately 5,000 persons are 'i ...
appointed eacn year to entry-, !:,,
Federal Civil Service. Five
additional tests will be held
this vear on Jan. 10, Feb. 14,
March 14. April 11 and May
Tuesday. October .7
Sin? Hi-Sin? Ii
Mann' Dimrway
Kventup Friid
'I A i-l)ll,
Ifs Viit School
I)icov-rv l BiDokfield zoo
Ijinuuaw nd Liniuisii
Fiom Capitol Hill
Written tests, given at more
than 1,000 points in the United
States, will be given in Lin-
cities. More information may
ternity house selling the most! Comnanv Allan Ever-'be obtained from the U.S.
uiJieis nu nm uuan ui .! Pptprsnn CnUeoo of Rn . ' Civil service vuiiiiiuaMuu,
College of Engineering andl
Stoops and Wilson Broker
act at that time.
iness Administration.
Mart Fees
Dae Soon
Organizations wishing to
participate in this year's Ac
tivities Mart must pay their
fees by Thursday.
I The fees, which cover the
i cost of using the Student Un
ion ballroom for the Mart, can
Wait Over
IFC Open
Rush Stalls
Open Rush has started.
Any man desiring to pledge
a fraternity is now eligible
to do so under Interfraternity
Council rules.
ine tnirty-day waiting pe-
Feature Clock
West 0: "Cartoon." 7:15.
"Adam And Eve." 7:20, 10:10.
"I Bury The Living," 8.50.
i Lincoln: "Gig!," 1:00, 3:10.
'5:10, 7:15. 9:35.
! Nebraska: "Top Secret Af
fair." 1:00. 4:30, 8:00. "The
Big Land." 2:45, 6:13, 9:43.
Stuart: "Attila," 1:35. 3:38, '
5:41. 7:44, 9:47. I
Varsitv: "Damn Yankees," I
1:08. 3:12, 5:16, 7:20, 9:24. !
State: "The Goddess," 1:17,1
3:22, 5:27, 7:32, 9:37.
Joyo: "The Light In The
doux's "Tiger at the Gates" j Forest." 7:08, 10:10. "Andy!
! trill ho nrpsented at 8:30 to-: Hardy tomes Home, 8:4U.
! night in Gallery B. Morrill' Starvlew: "Cartoon," 7:15.
Hall. "The Reluctant Debutante."
i The play-reading, directed 7:30, 10:45. "Handle With
ibv Steve Schultz, will be the Care," 9:15.
first of the University Art 84th & O: "Cartoons," 7:15
Galleries series scheduled for ."Silver Chalice," 7:30. "Land
this year. Of The Pharaoahs." 9:00.
1 Washington 25, D.C.
If A V-r!
'Tijjer Reading
A reading of Jean Girau-
"Shy people win new confi
dence and popularity when
they become good dancers,"
says Robert Almack, now
teaching at Arthur Murray's.
"The Arthur Murray Way"
makes learning to dance so
quick and easy.
1232 "M" St.
Ari-n from CornliuffLrr Hotel
Phone 2-5800
Open 1 1 a.m. to 1 1 p.m.
be paid Wednesday from 1-2 nod, specified by the IbL for
nm or inursaav bv u;:",v" ""ubuw"""
p.m. in ivosa uouion nan.
Activities Mart, sponsored
by the AWS Board to intro
duce freshmen women to
campus organizations, will be
held Oct. 14 in the Union ballroom.
Freshmen women may sign
and don't pledge and for men j
who don t go through rush '
week, is necessary to give j
these nx'ii a chance to look
over all fraternities and not
just one or two.
Any fraternity desiring to
register a pledge may do so .
,. fr oMitnti. t that time. I at Dean Hallgren's office in
They will be eligible to parti-i the Administration Building.
cipate in the organizations the !
following week. SOLUTION
vialk the plank...
or THI
WlfK 1
, 3 mmm mfm:
1 Brj
v tin Wjsk. w
.. , iusv. i , ...jr nr-vstscvsi. ..
Giving t fltiimg, wtding
""""" j ij 'MHtobenuriii. Srmbelu
l 'heir qvalify kcovry r
' I lj ft Mof 4ifiar)i.
0 If here
J Qualitr I -ri I
RODk' CTORF 1 li ff'liJ''i sf J
UJJf J I VltU ,J Oiomwidi - Wotchrs Jewslry - Gift.
1 i
Mi)t Cnptnm's;
Ever meet a Doubting Thomas?
A college senior once remarked to a Bell System inter
viewer: "A telephone career must be a mirage. I hear talk
about fabulous training, fascinating work, grade-A job se
curity, and rapid advancement in management. Sounds a
bit too rosy. Whpt's llie real story?"
The interviewer knew mere talk wouldn't sell a bkeptic
So lie bliowed him some "profiles" of recent college graduates
who had enjoyed that fabulous training, had worked at
intriguing jobs, and hid won early management promotions.
Our once-skeptical friend lias been with the Bell System
3 years now and is currently supervising the work of 55
We've converted a hunt of Doubting Tlioinnes. Whether
doubtful or not, you'll leant a lot about rewarding telephone
careers by talking with the Bell System interviewer when lie
visits your c ampus. Ako read the Bell Telephone booklet on
hie in your Placement Office, or write for ''Challenge and
Oppottunity" to:
Celiac impleymcnt Supervisor
Amarieon Telephone 'end Telegraph Company
1 95 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y.
Oiamvndt Watchn Jcwvlry Giftt
i '
iiili MiiiS,.! Jj il 'i) '0 ill' 'iUiS-m') 'li
i" .J- -iva ik-eifH-rt-
,.fv.t'vM'l.'.J., rfW