The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 06, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Paae 4
Mnnrlav. October 6, 1953
Th( Dailv Nebroskan
High Flying Cheerleader
. . . KDs Win
(Continued from rage 1)
rings," made of wire covered
with silver paper, at several
cardboard cigarettes in a KD
cigarette box, called "Queen
If a spectator ran the cig
arettes four times, he got a
chance! to ring Flamin' KD,"
a girl dressed in red satin,
who perched on the side of
the cigarette box. Booth
chairmen were Ginny Hansen
ana jo Ann Myer.
"Aim for the Skies with the
AOPi's," represented an air
plane runway. Participants
threw red playboard air
planes into holes in white
crepe clouds. Booth chairmen
were Sara Christensen. Kathy
Fisk and Bettv Jean Meyers.
The Pi Beta Phi booth was
decorated in pink and white.
Pies made of rubber were
thrown at girls who put their
heads through holes in the
background. Booth chairmen
were Mary Ann Ryan and
Glenda Luff.
Themes and chairmen for
the booths which won honor
able mentions were: Love Me
morial Hall, "Send Yonr Love
Airmail," Lorraine Hadley:
Kappa Alpha Theta, "Around
the World the Theta Way,"
Nancy Elliott and Lynn
The use of the Military and
Naval Science Building for
the Carnival was a ' great
success," according to Kay
marie Swarts, Penny Carni
val chairman.
No Congestion
"The room was so much
larger than the one we used
last year at the Union that
it eliminated much of the con-1
gestion and confusion former-; 11 llotrt oco f
associated with the Carm-i UJAISH i 1 JlCoSUl IU
she commented. !
I i ' ...... f
Cheer Clinic
Drmvs 400
An unexpected turnout of
nearly 400 Nebraska high
schoolers attended the NU
Cheerleader's Clinic Satur
day. Earlier only about 75 to 100
cheerleaders were expected,
J-School Interns Lauded
Summer Program Profits Students
"Outstanding" was
description given of the 1958
summer internship program
sponsored by the University
School of Journalism.
The program was termed
a success by both employers
and the student interns. Fif
teen interns, all juniors,
worked on news media
throughout Nebraska and In
Washington, D.C.
Money's Worth
"We got our moiley
worth", one editor com
mented about his intern.
"Clean copy, clear writing,
good grammar, good spelling,
the i were rated as exceeding In
ability what the employer
had expected of a junior in
college. Only one intern was
given an unsatisfactory rat
ing. Experience
"Internships give thse
youngsters good experience
and give the newspapers a
chance to see them in action,
Platte Telegraph-Bulletin;
Minnette Taylor, Western Ne
braska Observer; Rita Car
roll, Scottsbluff Star-Herald.
Bob Martel, Lincoln Jour
nal; Bob Wirz, Alliance Daily
Time s-H e r a 1 d; Ger
maine Wright, Lincoln Star;
Walter Patterson, Agricultur
al Marketing Serv ice, Market.
ine information Division,
Hall remarked. "Students t U.S. Department ot Agricui
come back better prepared tojture; Mary Jane Wilhite, Lin
ask meaningful questions j coin Journal; Ann Hale, Lin
during their senior years." coin Journal; Walt Switzer,
"The program also gives Lincoln Star; Dick Rammage,
as a check here at the School Lincoln Journal.
r T k. luoiliiiiail I
thorough copyreading.
A third editor said his in
tern "took a big load off the
rest of the small staff . . .
filled a needed place."
Professional confi
dence was the greatest gain
by the interns themselves.
I'm not afraid to meet
people anymore," said one.
wrote ! "we ,erB what difficulties Xxr Force-
the interns had and then we
are able to stress those points j
in preparation for the next
All interns, except one who ;
wrote TV continuity, were
Uained in reporting and fea- i
ture writing. Copyreading
was assigned regularly to
eight interns, and copywriting
and page make-up were as-
Open For
MERRILY KAISER, Omaha Westside cheerleader dem
onstrates a high kick for four of the almost 400 high
school yell leaders mho attended the clinic sponsored by
the University yell squad. From left are Mary Ahlgrin,
Lincoln Pius X, Dee Stuart, Lincoln Northeast and Masta
Schlotman, Valpariso.
I ve developed my curi
osity." ! signed to seven. Photography,
Another explained. "I found continuity, magazine writing.
I could do things the right picture cropping, advertising!
wav, and I found I could be layout, business otnee,
happy as a journalist." ing, circulation and the wire
Increased Bequest desk were other assignments
The success of the program made regularly.
yell king Bill McQuistan said, j has brought about an increase Interns
But numbers of the h i g h ! in the request for interns. Dr. The interns an(j ln,ir placcs
schools promising representa- j William Hall, director of the;0f empiovment were- Phi
tion went up and up, he ex- j School of Journalism, said. Bonner KOLN-TV Marcia
plained. "Even now we are receiv- Ra T'he xebraska' Farmer-
B5g Representation j j1 fre employers Marjanne Vhygeson, Nebras-
A1I in all. nearlv 100 state "" "" "r ",i"-r, ,ka Citv News Press: Del
Are you still under obliga
tion to the Air Force?
If so, you can take advant-
qcta t momKorcfiin in iYia
sell- , , c T
luvdl .-vii ruin icscic
gram. the 9736th Air Reserve
Squadron of Lincoln.
! Training positions of 24 paid
'periods per college year are
available to those who quali
fy. It offers a minimum of
$2.50 per hour.
Evening classes are held at
val display,
The voting setup, which
was increased this year from ;
two to five tables, also helped !
eliminate congestion, Miss
Swarts added.
Eleven booths will be shown
it the State Hospital Thurs-:
day. They are: Alpha Omi
cron Pi. "Aim for the Skies :
with the AOPi's; "Delta
Gamma, "DG's Anchors
Asway;" T o w n e Club,
"Towne Cats;" Zeta Tau
Alpha, "Zeta Zorro-al."
Alpha Chi Omega. "Alpha
Chi's Can Can-Can;" Delta
'Delta Demsels;chairman-
Give Recitals at Joslvn
Hinshatc, Crossan, Ravan Participate
n First Vniversity Concert Series
Three University music fae-' series, is former accompan
ulty members will present pi- i ist to John Charles Thomas,
ano recitals this year at Jos-; Igor Gorin and Albert Wil
lyn Memorial Hall in Omaha, cox. He received his master
The programs will be pre- of music degree from the.Un
sented by Harvey Hinshaw, iversity of Southern Californ
Jack Crossan and Audun Ra- ia-
Crosson. whose recital will
be Feb. 1, is also a former
accompanist to Thomas and
Gorin. In addition, he toured
the U.S. and Canada for two
eight internships last year to
15 this year, and we hope
i have 25 next summer."
! All 15 interns were rated as i Parker TaktS
having eagerness to learn, ;
after graduation if a staff; Shirley Parker, Alpha Xi
position were available. Four j Delta, hula-ed the hoop for
van, according to Emanuel
Wishnow. music department
Delta Delta.
in Distress;" Pi Beta Phi, ! Each of the three have in
"Here's Pies for Beta Phi's;" dividuallv given concerts in
Kappa Alpha Theta, "Around the United States, Canada and years as accompanist for op-
the World the Theta Way;" j Norway.
Chi Omega, "Chi O Casino:") This will be the first Uni
era and concert star Dorothy
Warenskjold. He received his
Alpha Xi Delta, "Alpha Xi's versitv concert series to be mastCT of music degree from
camornia at cos Angeles.
Ravnan, a native of Nor-
ani lirfvtAr Af cvrai maio ! staff because of other
Norwegian choruses in Chica-1 flicliT!S activities.
far thrPA wars anH ta. noi yei know,, wnen
Al Fuzzy;
Hall, "Send
Use Nebraskan
Want Ads
Main Feature Goek
West O: "Cartoon," 7:15.
"Adam And Eve," 7:20, 10:10.
I Bury The Living." 8.50.
Lincoln: "Gigi," 1:00. 3:10,
5:10, 7:15, 935.
Nebraska: "Top Secret Af
fair," 1:00, 4:30, 8:00. "The
Big Land," 2:45,6:13,9:43.
Stuart: "Attila," 1:35, 3:38,
5:41, 7:44, 9:47.
Varsity: "Damn Yankees,"
1:08, 3:12, 5:16, 7:20, 9:24.
State: "The Goddess," 1:17,
3:22, 5:27, 7:32, 9:37.
Joyo: "The Light In The
Forest," 7:08, 10:10. "Andy
Hardy Comes Home," 8.40.
Starview: "Cartoon," 7:15.
"The Reluctant Debutante,"
7:30, 10:45. ""Handle With
Care." 9:15.
4th & O: "Cartoons," 7:15.
"Silver Chalice," 7:30. "Land
Of The Pharaoahs." 9:00.
Memorial : presented in Joslyn Hall. The
Love Air-; free, public performances will i
be given Jan. 4, Feb. 1 and
:Feb. 22 at 4:30 p.m. in the
high schools sent cheerlead- j "a" "e gonf ,rom Hood
ers to the meet.
Skipped last year, the Clinic
drew only about 80 during the
spring of 1957 hen it was
held during the state basket
ball tournamtnt.
This year, cheerleaders
from as far away as Scotts
bluff came to Lincoln. Mc
Quistan said.
After Saturday morning
registration, the high school
ers and the NU yell squad
had a question and answer
session touching on coopera
tion at rallies, spirit drives
and other similar questions.
hollowing a noon luncheon, Society for Crippled Children
the cheerleaders attended the : Saturday to climax the organ-Nebraska-Iowa
State tussle, i ization's two dav silver anni-
the Veteran's Administration
Fremont G u i d e and ; Cu'W'ng at 1206 O St
.Tribune; Don Willey, North
Ci ildren Society
Post to Laase
I Dr. Leroy Laase, professor
of speech and dramatic art at i the cutest. Miss Parker and
NL, was installed as the new ! Miss ungmeyer were pre-
p.iuruv v. uic canted tronh es for the r hftiis.
Membership in the Lincoln
Reserve squadron will not
alter or change the partici
pant's military status.
For those who qualify, a 15
day tour of active duty is re
quired and will be on a pay
status. Generally this tour is
taken during summer vaca-
two hours, 33 minutes and; Uon m it can Ringed to
45 seconds to win first place !sujt stlI(,pt h
in the Kappa sigma hula
hoop contest held on the mall
Saturday morning.
Jodie Langmeyer, Delta
Delta Delta, won second in
and their cheering offered
"good competition" for NU
students, McQuistan said.
Hall Resigns
Bob Hall, assistant business
manager of the Daily Nebras
kan. has resigned from the
, Lecture hall.
j Hinshaw, who will open the
versary convention.
He succeeds Victor Smith
of Omaha.
Dr. Laase presented a
check for $3,825 to assist the
newly established Rehabilita
tion Center Inc. "to its offic
ers. The check was donations
from seven Nebraska coun
ties, including $3,000 from
Gov. Victor Anderson and
Sens. Roman Hruska and
es. ihey competed with 11
other pledges, each represent
ing a different sorority.
REST: On 4 room tparumnt;
pnvt ntriK; QuM hnmr fnr
msrrled woflentu; WWn(( facimxw,
Vw. 644 Pitm Sitmi, Phon
; Boonomn-tl bfwnilnir Piowwr Hou,
1 ISM 4 8tnT. CV)i)tm phmr
mad YourGrubr
-You Got Mel?
I Does this ever happen on
; our campus??
i According to the Univer
sity of Wyoming Branding
Iron, one of their profes
sors was stollir.g casually
along after noon one day.
A student suddenly stopped
him and chatted for a while.
After 20 minutes conversa
tion the student started to
move on.
"Which way was I going
when you stopped me?"
asked the professor with a
puzzled look.
"Why, nwih, sir," the
student answered.
"Well then." replied the
prof, with new confidence,
"I guess I've eaten lunch."'
bo tor rnree vears ana re
turned to Norway in 1956 to! a successor will be picked be-
.present concerts. He received ! ause uH members of j Carl Curtis were honored at
his masters degree from i u,e uoiicauons ecara nave ; me luncneon because of their
Northwestern University. ! not J'et n chosen by the service to the handicapped in
All nianists are assistant I uuc"1 I uir oniciai capaciues,
professors of music.
- - I
i :
"'. ' ' '" "WV? ' V " i.!. -!A j
,!' ... I .:.UTZ"m' I j
I ' -J f I
" ''.:' ' , ...
See Al, Tom & Jerry for your next KairruL
Al Iloward, owner of the shop, says that with
three barbers vi the job, your wait is a very
short and pleasant one. Drop in real soon
you're bound to like our work and out attrac
tive shop. Ample off-street parking is always
available, -
COO So. 27th
Th. 5-5467
Baker Appointed
Survey Director
Dr. Marvel Raker was ap
; pointed director of the
j University Self -Survey by the
Regents on the recommenda
tion of Chancellor Clifford M.
; Hardin.
j The assistant dean of agri
' culture will head the study to
examine the University's
; total program to provide di
rection for future planning.
Areas of the study will in
! elude space utilization, ade
I quacy of staffs, departmental
j relationships, student enroll
ment, class size, financial re
sources, adequacy of pay for
University staffs, and ap
Ipraisal of quantitative and
' qualitative goals of higher
teaa b'gfimtthfr vacation?
Many a vacation is ruined
just because of poor dancing.
Don't let this happen to you.
Come in to Arthur Murray's
now and learn all the latest
steps. YouU
at Arthur
Murray's. So
don't wait
enroll today and r,
be all set for good
times. Studios
open 10 A.M. jf
to 11P.M.
DeliRhtfiilly i 4
1232 "M" St.
Arrow from Com huwkrr Hotel
Phone 2-5S00
Open 1 1 a.m. to 1 1 p.m.
Typewriters For Rent
Try 0r tentd-Penkni fan
Special Student Rates
12S No. llfk Phone 2-42S4
Typewriter Ribbons Put On
b I II Lu I LSI 1 1 CiLl v.
- - i . ;
A proud profession in the
Age of Space" offers
special rewards to men
who meet the standards of
the U.S. Air Force. Wanted:
men of ability to keep our
country strong.
around the world with the
Air Force Men of America.
A- .aft , -amm&m l
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Nothing satisfies like the