Poge 2 The Daily Nebroskon Editorial Comment Pemiv Carnival Wliy Penny Carnival? - If Coed Counselors duties are of value to the University administration, let the University provide it with funds. But if AWS refuses to allow sorority pledges to take part in activities during the first few weeks of school because of fear of grade averages being hurt, how can the same group allow a time wasting event like Penny Carnival? Sorority girl after sorority girl will con fess that great time is demanded of the pledges to prepare their booths for the sup posed gala event. A survey of University girls by a local paper earlier this year in dicated that Penny Carnival was among the events which most often received criticisms as time consuming, damaging to grades and capable of being eliminated without any ill effects except to the Coed Counselors treasury. The crowd is created not by the value of the event but by the requirement of the sororities that actives and pledges turn out In force to vote for their own booth. The girls' dates must drag along unless they want a long argument, a kick in the shins or a night alone at home watching tele vision. Attendance at the event consists of run ning from booth to booth, getting your tickets punched as qui -kly as possible in order to accumulate the prescribed num ber of holes in the 35-cent ducat. Then the sorority girl and her date vote for the booth made by the pledges in her house. Voting is some mystic event in which your ID card must be shown, your name signed in a book while an eagle-eyed creature looks on, then another official punches your ID, and still another official hands you a ballot and watches while you drop it in a locked ballot box which would make the originators of the Australian ballot extremely proud. ' The whole thing is nothing more than an outright money contribution although Coed Counselors and who ever allows them to hold the event probably have superlative terms to describe the affair. Each booth consists of three or four girls dressed in something supposedly designed to go along with what ever the theme of their booth is. After getting your ticket punched you are allowed to throw a hoop of some type at a moving leg or swaying head. You never win anything just throw things, but never stones. This then is Penny Carnival. Why? Can't the administration ar AWS eliminate this silly activity? Or isn't study time for pledges really important after all? TSetvspaper Week This is the week when nearly every paper in the country takes time to tell its readers how proud it has been to serve them, and how freedom of information is the greatest factor in a free society. The Daily Nebraskan would like to join the thousands of other publications, com mercial and college, which have written flourishing editorials on the accomplish ments of the press. One Nebraska paper told its readers that if all the newsprint used by all U. S. newspapers in a single day could be stretched out it would circle the earth 11 times or reach to the moon 238,000 miles -away. Three may have been times when our writing has seemed to have been done by someone stuck on the moon at the end of that stretched out newsprint. As a rule, though, we 'eel the Daily Nebraskan has been efficiently per forming a vital role on campus. Our paper isn't the most professional on tarth, but few are put together with more zeal and earnestness. The paper is free of censorship by the University administra tion and has suffered no undue pressure even on occasions when we have found fault with the administration or its poli cies. News wise, the Nebraskan tries to give fair and complete coverage; edi torially, we strive to be constructive and in good taste. And as a proud newspaper we take this opportunity to tell the Battalion, college paper of Texas A&M at College Station, Texas, that is it far from being the only completely uncensored college newspaper in the country. We, like them, function under the guidance of a publications board which selects the staff but does not attempt to police it with a dictatorial hand. We, like the Battalion, compose a separate student activity independent of the Department of Journalism. The journalist's critical ad vice is heeded when it comes to matters of' good or bad writing, good or bad makeup, but we proudly flaunt the good fellows of J-School when it comes to deciding the paper's policies, and many of us never see more than the outsiw doors of its halls. This is because the papir is a student pub lication belonging to all of you, and glad to have any of you working as a part of it regardless of whether you eventually run an egg beater, a grocery store or a battleship. From the Editor A Few Words of a Kind A letter signed Jose Diaz says: "Although I know this is not a 'The Last Word' column, I wonder if it is possible for you to render a scholarly opinion on what is the essential difference between the f oil win g: scan, browse, review." m : 1 &cnoiany opinions oe- k - ing my specialty, I am glad to illustrate the es sential difference between these words: Sctn This is what one 1 rz '' 1 does when he is assigned V- . v 200 pages of outside read- P ing for course each me week. Browse The manner in which one reads a book at the library when a girl very tightly contained in her clothing walks by. Review The intense concentration on detail which one manifests when compar ing the Playmate in the October issue of Playboy to the Playmate in the September issue. Let's hope this eliminates any confus ion the words may have caused you. I've been reading this book by some one who sounds a lot like Jack Kerouac. He goes by his last name Plato, I think it was. But he's got a great idea. All he does is put on a sheet each morning when he gets up and then goes around talking to other people who wrapped sheets around them. He gets all these people to talk and starts arguing with them. Then at night he goes home and writes a book in which he wins all the arguments. Tremendous idea! Everyone who argues with him thinks he's a dummy, but a couple thou sand years from now his book will have the world thinking he was very clever. What's good about this book of his is that it's not complicated. He just calls it the "Dialogues of Plato." Nothing fancy like "A Time to Eat Lunch, A Time to Catch the Bus," the kind of titles that seem to be so popular these days. My book, . . e. e. tines for example, could be entitled "Dialogues of E. E." I can go around talking to peo ple and get them to say things I want them to say. If they don't say the right things, 1 go home and write down what they should have said anyway. I'll have these guys talk about everything from student government to test taking ethics. Now cometh my first dialogue: J. S. "Let us start a secret society." E. E. "What would this be?" J. S. "I don't know. Let's call it the Student Tribunal. E. E. "A profound enough name. Pray tell, what would we do? J. S. Methinks we could pass judg ments on our fellow students for chewing Dentyne to cover up excessive imbibing of spirits which now haunt the WCTU." E. E. "But you forget our government be kept secret from our fellow philosoph ers." J. S. You give them too much credit. If we are clever enough we can convince them that our society should be estab lished. Once we organize this tribunal we will personally rule that our activities are secret, and they will be powerless to oppose our ruling. We shall reign supreme like the Gods of Mount Olympus." E. E. "But you forgot our government has issued decrees condemning secret so cieties. Even now the TNEs and Pi Xis feel the wrath of our government if they are caught performing their arts." J. S. "Our classrooms will assure us no trouble with this barrier." E. E. "No, even if the government al lows us to work in secret, the spirit of freedom is not to be denied. Our fellow philosophers would one day rise up and abolish us altogether if we were to at tempt to impose secret punishments. We would be the objects of great laughter and loud cries of deresion. A free man must be an informed man. Let us forget this sply idea of secret societies." J. S. "You have spoke wisely. Twas but a childish idea that entered my mind." Daily Nebraskan SIXTY-EIGHT TEARS OLD wettr. The r m. Nohnuku trr e jr- Meraber: AwacUted Collegiate Pre . FVZZ'ZIi?'"'' ' Intercollegiate Pre nuicrtpon nu m u m eemeator w tor the orademfe year. SeprMeotstlve: National Advertising Service, Entered n.. matter at me tmt trim t Incorporated UmoIo, Neoraaka, anaer the aet at aafuel , 1)11. FBbliiUcd mt: oom Z0. Student Union r.dir "?.!.!.,T. itrmt dim Lincoln. Nebraska JE1!" rn Mow lit A Senior Hraff Write Rnrimie Umpo Ittn m K 8irt Mftar Randall lamhert The fttfre Webnukaa la mtMlotiea1 Monday. Timrtar, toP Kdltort Carroll Kraut, kHaaa Maxwell. IVednetaeir and Friday earlnn the erhool- year, exrept . Nandra Knlljr, Gnarhea Rldei. Snrliia nwmtions and exam pertoda, by ntndenta of the Wrrtert Marti) Coffer. tnlmiraltv of Nebisnks wider the aathoniatloa of the Bondra wfealen, Wjttn Amlthluraer. ' Commltue ee ritelent Affair an aa eipmoina of (to- BL'SIVffts STAFF eol ontnloa. Pet.lloftmi ander the JnrUAIrtlna ef the lliiMnreo Manacer. . . j,- fi.n,i- tliiheommlttee on Mtedmt PirMlcatloni. hall lie l from Anltnt HtKlnrni Manarrre . Stan Kalma. eelrorlal enMinhlp on the pari of the Hnhcommlttrr or Charlene orom Rob HalL ' a the pari of ear member M the faculty ef the Cat- Clreolatloa Manager 7. Jerry Tnum I : 1! THE STKANGI WORLD V I !.!!! f.lUM 5 MINUTE CAR WASH X ! Pi ; '.- The Briar Patch By R. W. Ireland I understand a new found esprit de corp prevails in the much discussed Interfraterni tv Council. If this be so it is the first time since t e r e d the i. . . , j Dee r-siamea hollc nf Hear S NU. For years f IFC presi- dents have ; " i made the f plea for fra- " larnilv rft. I operation - a sort of a Ireland I en- IVVJ nis-shoed, tweed-riddled, happy-go-lucky, some eccentric, some stereotyped students who furnish the good times, the leadership, essentially the spirit of our University. (I can see some dormie polish ing his 4-H pencil, poising for a left-wing thrust at my lilly white column at this very moment). It is for these reasons that I am especially earnest today in my pool of prose. What the IFC needs to do is to organize the most ef fective lobby of its career. In the first place pressure should United Nations agrarian ! pat on the many influen style. For years cynics and tial fraternity alumni in the n'er-do-wells have been mjan- state so lnat they will in turn ing the supposedly be- put pressure on the powers muddled, confused, and fac- tnat be to make sure a favor-tion-torn IFC as if it were a abe atmosphere exists at the league of Russian counter-! university. My Weal or Woe . By Dick Basoco TT I 'Well they're at it again. Some of those mysterious little men were on' the loose after last Thursday's rally, painting "Beat Iowa State" on tne cam pus side walks. At least they used red paint, which was pretty patriotic and all that jazz. -But they j were so slop- f dv about the UL A. whole thing. Basoco Maybe they were in a hurry or something. Or maybe the streaks were caused by one of them trailing his tummy across it while the paint was still wet. I was told by a member of the clan that resides in that monstrosity of glass just be yond the weed patch that is being nurtured at 14th and R that the so called "secret so cieties" would be tolerated by the administration as long as they didn't make themselves objectionable. That was last year. I've always thought they were more than a little ob jectionable anyhow, but now at least the poor guys who had to run around washing off that red stuff will be in clined to agree with me. Harmless pranks? Maybe panty raids are too, but they have no place on this campus just the same. Perhaps the little paint dab bing episode was designed to show how daring these people are at flaunting authority, but I don't think so. I think it's all psychological they prob ably had a traumatic experi ence in their childhood (which they've never outgrown) and had their pudgy little hands slapped for painting' mom my's living room wall or floor. Too bad Mommy Adminis tration doesn't do any slap ping. e e And what in the world is this "legatard" bit that all our coeds are wearing these days? I mean it's nice and all that, but if it's a sign of things to come, it just has to go. A few years back all the girls were wearing nice, reasonable, ankle high socks. ("Socks" may sound like a crude word, but I just can't come up with dantier nomen clature for something that goes around feet.) Then some brilliant high pressure salesman decided he j could make more money if he sold knee high socks to go with "bermudas. j And now look what they've i done! These girls are wear-; ing socks that come up to their waist! If this keeps up, pretty soon we'll see a girl dressed in nothing but a sock with maybe a turtle neck at the top. Yes, by 1960 long-johns will be back not bigger, but may be better than ever. e a e I guess Co-ed Counselors should be congratulated for putting on the biggest mad house in my three years of Penny Carnivaling. All the ROTC students in the world growling at o n e time couldn't make half as much noise as the crowd tromping around the M and N drill deck did last Friday. After failing to fly with the AOPis, not understanding the garbled mumbling that were supposed to be instructions from the DGs, missing the Pi Phis and being unable to even get close enough to the Theta booth to find out what was going on, I said to hell with the whole thing and vowed that next year I'd be another Steve Schultz and ab stain from everything that .means getting tangled up with a crowd. e And speaking of the cam pus bard, e e nines' reign is all over. His red sweater 'can be talked about no more. Steven could be seen from as far away as Sputnik III (so unconfirmed reports say) last Friday wearing a piercing red blazer that would make him stand out in a crowd of red sweaters. But as I hear it, the trend from red sweaters to r e d blazers is going to spread even further. Corn Cobs that group that referees the fights at rallies is abandoning their traditional sweaters in favor of Schultzian red blazers. This will probably cut stu dent attendance at football games in half. After all, who could possibly face a group of blinding blazers after dulling his eyes at a primer? spies. It has been said that now. as never before, the IFC must pursue its principles in order to preserve the fraternity sys tem. Although I hesitate to push any panic button, I must say that this assertion is par tially true. We've been told through grapevines and over clande stine coffee that the Univer sity will ultimately require all freshmen males to house themselves in dormitories as opposed to fraternity houses. We've been told (hundreds of times) that the fraternity sys tem is gradually decreasing In the second place the IFC should attempt to exert more influence on campus politics. For example, despite the usu al pettiness which prevails weekly, the Student Council once in a while passes a mo tion which affects fraternities. Special care should be taken so that fraternity interests are represented to the fullest degree when such measures are proposed. The days of the faction and Boss Tweed must return. Cer tainly all matters must be discussed above board, but nevertheless things should be- number. We've been told gin to. PP instead of flow in that fraternity scholarship is also lagging. Now for the medicinal ap plication. Contrary to the opinions of many, fraternity systems still play a crucial role at any college. They represent, among other things, the cam pus elite. They are the ten- sluggishly. When i was a freshman there was still some intrigue in campus politics. Now ev erybody is goody-goody. The IFC needs to central ize and to exert more pres sure on campus policy through legal channels and through a vice called politics. Bulletin Board October 6 Far. Home Ad, a m.. 313 MX Luncheon. 12 noon, Z Inter V irmly 12:30 p.m. lit. I'n. Art. Hoc. Comm. 4 p.m. 111. Taaeeli. 5 p.m., 31. Towne Club Dinner, f p.m., X. AAl'P Dmner, :30 p m., YZ. BABW. :15 p.m., 316. ! WtdgaptcmI I I 15 A5 FAR AS I I'M GOING j Compositions Needed For Music Symposium Wide Category of Entries Expected KU to be Host to April Presentation k 500N ASTMTrRajfiM -rDDeopowoFsoioa! 1 I rflHrttumni&fc nn I 0J1 . University musicians are in vited to submit original com positions to be presented dur ing the first Annual Mid-America Symposium of Contempor ary Music at the University of Kansas. For four days, April 6-9, the unpublished, unper formed compositions of Amer ican composers will be played at the first symposium of its kind in the mid-west Forums Norman Dello Joio, a lead ing American composer, will lead forums and offer master classes in composition. .The Fine Arts Quartet will "play the string quartets submitted. A dozen professional musi cians from the Kansas City Philharmonic orchestra will be added to the K.U. student orchestra for symphonic pre sentations, to be conducted by Professor Robert Baustian. Works may be submitted in any category symphony, wind ensemble, concert choir, string quartet, chamber and vocal solos and will be pre sented If they are found to ! have merit, said John Pozdro, assistant professor of music theory at K.U. and director of the symposium. As an added feature, tape recordings will be available to ach composer. Recordings and scores of the leading com posers will be welcomed to all prominent conductors. Deadline The deadline for the sub mission of manuscript scores ' is Feb. 1. Interested compos-1 ers should contact Professor Pozdro. Visiting students and com posers will bewelcomed to all performances, which will be held in K.U.'s Music and Dra matic Arts building. KUON Monday, Oct. S 5:30 Number of Thinei 5:45 Sin Hi-Sin I 6:f Evenings Prelude :Sf TV Clanraom 7:00 Sport and youi FUmre 7:SO The Graphi Art ID Industry on Pared 1:15 Backyard Farmer :00 Greet Ideal a Swingline Stapler no bigger than a pack of gum! 98 Indudinf SWINGLINE no Millions now in use. Uncondi tionally guaranteed. Makes book coven, fastens papers, mm and crafts, mends, tacks, etc. Avail able at your college bookstore. SWINGLINE "Cub" Stapler $1.Jf INC. IONQ ISLAND CITY, NtW YORK, W t THERE'S NOTHING THAT CAN HACM A PtZSCH MORE THAN TOO m RJt?MAL EDUCATION! If SPECIAL GET-ACQUACiTED OFFER Student Union Bldg. Wednesday, Oct. 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 1 CIGARETTE LIGHTER or 1 PR. TOP QUALITY NYLON HOSE FREE o wlrii purchase ef either 5 peck eg Old Gold, S package Kent, or S packages Newport cigarette November 1 Pershing Auditorium Tommy Dorsey Orchestra 8:30-11:30 $3.00 Couple