The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4
i i (4 . Poqe 4 Best Travel-Study Combine Object of European Seminar Program Designed to Eliminate 'Wandering By Wynn Smithberger "Renaissance 1959' the ti tle given to a traveling sum mer seminar In Europe, rep resents the efforts of two or ganizations, the British Assn. for Cultural Exchange and the Netherlands Office for For eign Student Relations, to find the best possible combination of travel abroad and study abroad. "The 65-day program was planned to eliminate the su perficiality of simply touring (and tearing) about Europe," said Berndt Westermann, president of the Netherlands Office. In a letter to Dean of Arts and Sciences Walter Militier, Westermann added that it of fers an itinerary covering some of the key spots of Eu rope, lengthy stays in each country visited, and a subject for which Europe offer a wealth f material for study. Six seminar centers Ox ford, Nrjenrode Castle, Hol land, Vienna, Florence. Rome and Paris each with a par-! ticular theme and emphasis, : tune oeen cnosen. i Context I The idea of the seminar is Grid Win Nets KVON New Show Whracta'c iHn p,, State did more than T , raise vornnusKer spirit, it Dred a new program on KUON-TV, "Cornhusker Football," which appears on Channel 12 Thurs days at 9 p.m. "It's so informal we go in with no format," was how Jake Oier, gymnastics coach and one of the two persons conducting the "bull session" on last Saturday's game, de scribed the tone of the pro gram. McCashland Dick McCashland, captain of the football team shares the camera with Geier. From week to week, Geier said, they hope to have guests ! who can add sidelights to their discussion of the previ-j ous game and speculations on ' the next one. j The program starts w i t h j films of the previous game,! liit'U turns mw a uiaiusaiuu of key plays, with McCash land giving the team's eye view of the whole thing. Recognition Last week, McCashland gave a 2-deep sketch of the players, so when they ap peared on the TV screen for the Purdue game, they would be recognized. This week, discussion should center around the Iowa State defense, Geier said. K Sigs To Told Hula Hoop Tilt Hips will rock and hoops will twirl Saturday morning as the Kappa Sigma pledge class holds its Miss Hula Hoop contest. One girl from each sorority pledge class will compete in the event to be held at 10 a.m. on S St, between 15th and 16th. Each participant wiH be given three tries with the hoop; the try which lasts the longest wins, Dave Anstine, Kappa Sigma pledge class president announced. An inscribed trophy will go to the sorority whose repre sentative keeps the tricky hoop spinning the longest. THE FOUNDATION ... IT BENEFITS YOU rzi L I -III I v i I - i j r I ' . iL,,lilllir,r r ff--T.rtfr-KmMy'"Mwtfrwittrtn iiiiiiiiiiiiiii' i.aniJ " Vapor Fractometer Department of Chemistry nting 19ST the Foundation provided more than $114,000 to the University for research project and pe ialise4 equipment. Aid well at tbia Insure that NIT will have a stronf research program, a mum for an outstandinr University. These funds were made available from interested alumni and friends who are helping to make your Uni versity better for VOL': U OF N FOUNDATION 105 Love Library that the art of the Renais sance is the clearest expres sion of the spirit of the times, but that it can be fully ap preciated only in the context of the political, intellectual, aesthetic and economic devel opments which it produced, Westermann said. In both Britain and the Netherlands the tour offers real contact with the people by a stay with private fam ilies. Time will also be pro vided for s o c i a 1 activities, general sightseeing, recrea tion and free time. Transatlantic passage, ac commodations in student lodg ings, hotels, or with private families, meals, transporta Teachers Adjust to Telecourses KUOWs Experiment Makes Students Form Own Solutions 'Suddenly there was no-1 thing." It was like ending a speech in a large hall and having the audience get up and walk- out! without making a sound." ! That's how Roscoe Shield,! lone of KUON-TV's battery of;hv swiai tAis nvon hv tho television teachers described Koundation to students parti his first day in front of the These compare(j witn camera. j tests given to students in Telecourses j schools using only television The vacuum quickly filled. insfriI.1ion srhrwils min? nnlv i hweVf Tl Shie!d faidJf I , : x v-- appear in screens in icui- ia high schools. Shield said he gets to know his students fairly well.. "You get the feeling that yon are talking to actual, spe cific students, not just a cam era," the art instructor said. Nebraska's experiment in telecourses is unique. Finan ced largely by the Ford Foun dation. KUON and the Exten sion division unite efforts to bring to classrooms that would otherwise not have such courses, algebra, Spanish.a rtv geometry, physics, chemistry and general mathematics. TV-Correspondence Other states offer television courses. Other states have correspondence program, but only in Nebraska do students take their instruction from television and then do corre spondence assignments which are sent in to the extension j Lew Rhodes, one of the two director-producers of the pro grams, described the situation as one where a student has three persons helping him. I The TV teacher prepares the material and presents it. A different person grades the material which is sent in to the Extension div ision. Then, in the classroom, a supervisor, usually another teacher, though not of that particular subject, is present to do administrative work. With no hesitation, Rhodes calls the TV staff of teachers "the best." "There is no sense putting mediocre teacher on televi sion." Preparation Time The system as used at KUON enables the TV teach er to spend much more time on preparation of material than he could in a classroom situation, Rhodes said. Last year was the first year in the Ford Foundation study of methods of bringing better instruction to the schools of the nation. Results are still very sketchy, but Rhodes said there had been no negative re sults from the television-cor- purchased for the tion in England and on the continent, tips, entrance fees for sightseeing included in the itinerary and four special per formances will be included in the tour price of $1155. Leaders Anthony L. Crowe, Ph.D., Director of Studies and an Ox ford history graduate, will lead the seminar, assisted by Joseph Acheson, painter and art historian, and a Dutch stu dent guide. More information may be obtained through Dean Milit ter's office and applications may be sent to NBBS, 29 1 oadway, New York 6, New; York. respondence courses. Thisier's impulse is to help a stu - year, with eight different ! courses Deing presented in JO schools, more results should, oe avanaoie. Special Tests ..,,. ar1 htain.H correspondence instruction, and in schools where there is ; a teacher in the classroom. 1 One possible advantage of I TV instruction was pointed out by Shields as he talked about art instruction over tele vision. "They have to solve their own problems first," he said. In the classroom, the teach- Fashion Scenes Bulky, Casual Styles Invade Closets As Fall Weather Overtakes NU By Sondra Whalen Fall and winter arrived on the campus fashion scene early this year. University coeds have donned skirts and sweaters for daytime wear as a fulltime practice now, although afternoons are still likely to be warm. Sweaters Grow That old favorite the sweater has grown this year, not up but down. Both sweaters and blouses reach the hipline, and the style in both calls for a bulky, casual look. The chemise has not disappeared on col lege campuses, but is more popular than last y ear. The extreme chemise has under gone a few modifications, and the trapeze and empire fashions are reaching new heights. Blue's the Thing Blue is the color of the year, as coeds emphasize new startling color combina tions, with an electric blue and green plaid being seen everywhere. Plaids have reached all time popularity, especially in stitched down, and loosely pleated, skirts. The plaids are big and bulky, many of them in a blanket material and weave. Blouses are being worn outside skirts, instead of being tucked in, and many of "Only time he The Daily Nebroskan Ag Rodeo Club Plans Meeting The University Rodeo As sociation will hold a meet ing Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Horse Barn on Ag campus. All students interested in joining the club are required to fill out an application form at the meeting The group picture for the Corn husker will also be taken. "kuon Schedule Tuesday, Sept. 30 S 30 Sine Hi-Sin U: "Onions and Poutoea. :$ Matte TVwrwayi: "Freddie, tli FreUlit Elevator." EveninC Ptlud Great Idea 7 INK-overy the Brookfield In :St The Criminal Man I luifun and Linguistic 1:3 From Capital Hill t The Graphic Arts dent over a problem foo quick - jv when there is no one to run to. the student must think out his own solution. Shields' said Over-Protection "Most of us were over-protected as students." Even in college, m a n y of us never really had to solve our own problems. This sort of instruc tion forces a student to solve the problem first, then the in structor can make criticisms, Shields explained. Another advantage men- tioned was that all routine aork is eliminated for the TV Teacher. Discipline is a proDicm. oui an airpiane go- j student per subject. The cost ing overhead may be. j wou(j considerably more For example, Shield said, if j if Ford funds were not in someone is going down the I volved, Rhodes said. comes down is when he wants a Camel! Maude Hasn't Lost Any Sleep Over Million a Month Job After handling a million dollars a month for 30 years, Maude Bryant, University cashier, is giving up her job. An employe of the Uni versity for 37 years, Maude has succumbed to the man datory retirement age rule which is set at 65. "It's the people at the other end of the money that I'll miss", Maude said. "After a while, the money is just like worthless pieces of paper." Her boss, Comptroller Jo seph Soshnik, estimates that Maude receives or hands out an average of a million dol lars a month in payroll and scholarship checks, dormi tory fees, athletic receipts, and tuition payments. All the money comes from or hall, this presents a distrac- ! tI0n for the class that the teacner is unaware ot. irooa training nnoaes mentioned mat IV i courses have taught students to concentrate and to take notes. Knowing that no one will repeat missed material I gives me nign scnooi siuaeni college-like training, he said. Stressing the closeness felt by students and instructors, Rhodes told of a student in a Hagerstown, Md. school who, when the TV teacher asked how their work was coming, grabbed his paper and held it up to the television screen. Tuition for the TV-corre spondence courses is $7.50 per them feature a chemise-like fullness in back, with a belt at the bottom. Sleeves are still roll-up in style. Sportswear gives off a new flavor this year, as big plaid Bermuda shorts and slacks replace traditional solid colors. Kilts have come forward again, and huge bulky knit sweaters are making a stronger bid than last year. Changing Footwear Fashion dictates a change in footwear, with suede boots in every color of the rain bow. High heels still call for needle pointed toes, as heels grow thinner. Straps across the instep are another fashion re peat. Your legs match your gown this year, with the latest in hosiery showing every color imaginable, from black to red, green, blue, orange and pink. Tights are fashion news, both for wearing with sweaters and skirts and kilts. Black and red are the color leaders in this field. Chucky charm bracelets, with every thing from fish to rocks hanging from them, jangle from wrists in classes. Gold circle pins are just the thing for sweater necks, and a single pearl on a gold chain is a must in every coed's wardrobe. Maude is deposited daily with the State Auditor's office "It's surprising bow little trouble we have in balanc ing at the end of the day," Maude said. "My friends worry more about the job than I do. They say that they couldn't sleep at night if they knew that they were responsible for so much money." "But one gels used to it. If I do have an error, I sleep on it, and the next day everything seems to straighten out" Maude joined the staff in 1921 as an assistant book keeper. Seven years later she was shifted to the cash ier's job. Nearly all of the University staff members of the Lincoln campuses came to her window to re ceive their monthly pay checks until the late 40's. Phi Upsilon Omicron A get-acquainted meeting for actives and alums of Phi Upsilon Omicron will be held at 7:30 p.m. Today at uni versity High School. Bulletin Board Tuesday, Sept 30 Camma UmVi Loncheos 12 Wl nntm V Gamma Lambda Luncheon 12 tMi notm Y Ivr Varsity 12 30 SIS rU ScienrM Conncil 12 3d lli Jr. Div.. Board Counwlnra 3 RA 212 Inier Coof Ccsnril ID lit I'nion Art. HtApiUiiU' Public Relations I N il 5 Comm. m "11 IntfT Varaitsr 4:fl 311 Cum Cotw i im X Phi Cht Thta S im sis Coed Counwlora S.-flS SI XHHKF Dinner i 7. Xi Pui Phi 7 J X Spanish CluS 7:3 31 J NVCWA 7:3. J15 Coed ConoaeUira t IK) 21 LED Switch -from Wots to Snow Fresh KQDL TEiSULpQit luMP L;E 6irL7LiERMSP;A T;Ri flR;E F'EjSiHED E D.NI A '?T'Ei'rlu;DiE A;C:H ,E A D OR N SHUN Vi?. R!u!PjEE T O 6 F T H E Rgs'Eir.A RlUGR E'GJ I JSiTiR!A;R 1 1A BlA'SjErfAl I i 11 LlM,EiLiEiEIS;LY For real, down-to-earth smoking enjoy ment, there's nothing else like CameL No other cigarette brings you the rich flavor and easygoing mildness of Camel's costly blend. More people smoke Camels than any other cigarette of any kind. Today as always, the best tobacco makes the best smoke. R;'se abort fodt IKiave cigarette - liave a CftMEL J a. Tuesday, September 30, 1953 2 Bryant "Now, about half of the employees have their pay checks sent directly to the banks. This takes some of the fun out of the job." About 250 members of the University staff held a rerp tion for her last Friday. She was presented a set of lug gage for her trip in Novem ber to California, where she plans to visit relatives. A native of Stromsburg and a graduate of Lincoln High School, Maude plans to enjoy her retirement in Lin coln. She'll continue sing ing in the choir at Grace Methodist Church. TODAY ENROLL AT ARTHUR MURRAY'S Dance your wy to new popular ity by viiting Arthur Murray's now! Even beginner! can dincc like polished performers in a few houra wirh che Arthur Murray Majtic Step method. Foa Trots ... Rumbas . . . Sambas . . . the Majrir Step it the key to them II! Come in today! ARTHUR MURRAY 1232 "M" St. Arron from Cornhutlur HoUi Phone 2-5800 Open 1 1 a.m. to 1 1 p.m. and fancy stuff . . . a rea M. avaaldi TokuM Cs. WkvbavSate. . . W W I ' " ."" ' 1 1 '''l 1 v