The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1958, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
The Dailv Nebraskan
Tuesday, September 30, 1958
Editorial Comment
Tribunal Hearings
Perhaps the Tribunal's rules of proced
ure for hearings is a partial granting of
freedom of information. The provision that
a student must request in writing that the
hearings be open, however, seems to ruin
any chances of real reporting of the facts
ia conduct cases tried by the student
judges. About the only student who would
make such a request is one whose inno
cence is so apparent that the Tribunal
wouldn't be trying his case in the first
place that means that probably all of the
hearings will be closed. So there, in es
sence, is a Tribunal with closed hearings.
One student judge tells us this is to pro
tect the student. That's all very interest
ing and nice. The Daily Nebraskan sug
gests that the Tribunal suggest to civil
courts that their hearings and decisions
also be dosed. After all, if we are pro
tecting one violator let's protect them all.
The element of let's not hurt anyone's
feelings even goes so far that decisions
are secret, as far as the person or per
sons' namss concerned, unless the student
or students had earlier requested that the
meeting be open. Confusing? Silly? Some
thing new under the sun? Apparently.
The Nebraskan would just like to go on
record now as favoring the first sentence
of specification eight in the rules of pro
cedure, it reads: "Persons having a di
rect interest in the case are entitled to at
tend the hearing." This paper, as repre
sentative of students who can't help but
have a direct interest in the manner in
which they or their fellow students are
judged, feels it has a direct interest in any
and all cases the Tribunal handles.
Individual Staff Views
By Emmie
Seems to me I've been reading lots cf
criticisms lately about some of our campus
Let's see Builders is an oversized
whale; All University Fund is the the size
of the Chinese Army; Kosmet Klub is a
cocoon; and on and on and on.
Well, I'd just like to put in my little
word about a little organization that
hasn't been mentioned yet. Don't get me
wrong, I'm not going to criticize it. And
the reason no one else has
criticized it yet is be
cause nobody knows about
it. That is one of the best
ways to stay out of the
news and editorial pages.
Be select. (Definition of
select: unknown and for
gotten.) Anyone who belongs
will tell yoa that NUCWA
is select The minute
those letters are men
tioned pronounced NEW-KWA a choras
of voices arises, saying "WHAT is
NUCWA, for heaven's sake???" It could
be a watermelon or an old worn out fris
bee for all this campus knows about it.
Several vain attempts have been made
to publicize this organization, but evi
dently to no avail. The fact still remains
that nobody knows what NUCWA stands
for, what it does or what it's for.
So, here for the benefit of everyone
(Mother and Daddy back home) who
reads this newspaper, I would like to an
nounce that NUCWA stands for the Ne
braska University Council on World Af-
1 1 Jf
fairs. Now that you all have learned the
secret words, you too can be a member.
Maybe the title is a little too complicated
and long for the student to comprehend.
Ill be the first to admit I had difficulty
with it. Well progress moves forward
or at least it tries to, and NUCWA is dis
cussing changing its name.
Nevertheless, have you ever tried to
think of a synonym for such a name?
Dont. It's horrid. The only other possible
class. Or International Relations Club,
choice is World Affairs Club, which
sounds like a grade school geography
which only shows Bridgett Bardot meet
ing Elvis in Germanv. So there you are
right back with NUCWA.
Actually the select group does just what
it says in its elongated name. NUCWA
discusses all sorts of national and interna
tional affairs, has varied speakers on sub
jects pertaining to them, has panels, holds
a United Nations Convention in the spring,
etc. Honestly, it's a pretty worthwhile or
ganization to belong to and seeks to pro
vide an understanding of world affairs in
And I'm not saying this because I'm a
member either. I wanted to throw that
in cause you might think so! I just felt
like bringing into attention a "good group"
I didn't feel much like complaining
about something for a change.
You've gained at least one thing from
this. When your teacher pops a surprise
quiz in class and asks you what NUCWA
stands for. youH know! (Meeting time:
7:30 tonight).
From the Editor
A Few Words of a Kind
Women's fashions never go long without
a few comments. One of the current varia
tions of the neuter wardrobe, for example,
is the trapeze. This closely resembles the
profile of a sagging coke bottle, and is the
sure cure for women who
feel they are not being
talked about.
Car manufacturers have
discovered how successful
the forward look is with
the American public.
Dress designers might
take a bint
But this is not the sub
ject of my discourse. I
am concerned about what
to do with sundry items in
my wardrobe which prove of no value be
cause of the rapidly changing styles. Of
even greater concern, are all of my mate
less socks. I have a drawer of socks that
don't match.
There are several reasons for this. I lose
socks, the laundry loses socks, one sock
often wears out before its mate expires.
This means that I'm left with a perfectly
good sock that I can't wear anymore.
True, unmatching socks may be used to
apply shoe polish or dust shelves, but
social convention says socks which don't
match can't be worn.
No man is a single personality. He is a
Jumble of persons the playboy, the
athlete, the man about town. Present con
vention, however, allows him to show only
one side of Ms personality at a time.
Ridiculous, I say. Stifling individuality,
I add.
I propose that college men and women
revolt against this silly convention. Wear
socks that don't match. Make use of that
lonely argyle, that solo sweatsock, that
single checkered sport sock.
Stop boring the world with two ankles .
that are clad exactly the same . . . and
give me an excuse to wear my forgotten,
unmatched socks.
. . e. e. Junes
Just when someone, makes a firm, un
wavering stand, temptation steps in. Re
call my words about beauty contests?
Suddenly, a letter arrives in my office in
viting me to help judge one.
What is one to do? Principles and talk
are fine, but perhaps judging beauty con
tests is better.
One favorable factor for consideration is
that appearance is the first quality listed
of the five which the girls are to be judged
on. The others are activities, poise, per
sonality and academic standing. Obvious
ly my activities in discovering the girls
poise and personality would be limited.
But I would not, at least according to the
conditions spelled out in the letter, be sub
jected to talented renditions of "Little Eo
Peep" or "AH I Want for Christmas Is My
Two Front Teeth."
One never realizes how easy it is, when
information is lacking, to commit himself
to engage in activities of a sort other than
those which he intended to engage in. In
simple words, when they put a sign up on
the board asking for shuffleboard players
I signed up.
How was I to know that there is more
than one kind of shuffleboard? I am not an
old man. I have never taken an Atlantic
cruise. The game of shuffleboard I learned
is played exclusively indoors. Needless to
add, I withdrew from the contest with
much haste.
And just when I was about to engage
upon a glorious intramural career. Asi
es la vida!
Couldn't Repay
A New Hampshire farmer had been
urged to attend the funeral of his neigh
bor's third wife. "But I'm not goin" he
announced to his own wife.
"Goodness sakes, why not?" she asked.
"Well, Mary, I'm beginnin' to feel kinda
awkward about goin so often without any
thing of the sort to ask him back to."
(Baadar'f DUeaO
Daily Nebraskan
8EXTT -EIGHT TEAKS OLD t.k. tv mtm n Karakm amH mm ear-
Umber: Awci ati CoIIUt Prm ITZTX''X,
IntereoIlrlat Tret JES?1 " " or M for tfat
Eepresetrtatire: Katicrjal Advert iiar Service, p- . '.. mum at t aftw m
lBCorp9rt4 Heawaa, asser Cat mm at Aacaw 4. Mix.
PKblfia at: Re. 29. Stodeot rjtttoa ri f.?!.!."... (m mm.
liaeoiR. Nebratk Mmtnf zmr chth auw
iu m m, Mpwtt r.(r ftu4M Vamhrrt
rim Raflf fc fMktfoae NMan. Tanfar, ow -m Cm! Kim, Ixaaa Maawtli,
nmma aa4 frwMt rta tfce wtasal far, mvt fnaar k.ii,, Ceateaaa ).
rw wnw am mourn aerfeaa. ay aaa at the "V'Mt Marfe Caffaj,
ImxnHf at Xrarmmkm mW im Mthartaattaa at tha Sandra Wkatan, Wra Amfthherjw.
f.'iimiaiitt aa t4nt Affair aa nvrraMaa af - asrarvraa tap
m tr&aUm, rMtraMi aaaVr Uw Jarfaavttaa af th Partn.i. Wanaanr - .,,
rcunr zzltz vtltiz dzzz SZ
3Iy Little World
One institution on this cam
pus should be held in highest
esteem and bring fond tears
to the eyes of the erstwhile
student. This institution em
bodies the
, ed halls of
j higher learn
! ing" the
I library.
At one time
I decided that
the Univer
sity is de
signed for the
Much to my
By Dick Shugrue
With the autumnal equinox
came the full moon.
And with the full moon
came the "getum" men; half
wolf, half drooling student.
They lurked
bushes and
you'll have to admit that girls
with claims on their bottoms
are ridiculous looking, to say
the least. What will be the
next step? Where will the
brush strike next?
One fraternity man (and it
might just as well have been
a dormitory man) said, "Let's
get those painting goons and
give them a taste of their own
j ego-shattering sorrow, I dis
I covered that there were vary
i ing opinions on this subject.
! Many of the better names (in
i eluded in which were the
tweed jackets and suede
patched elbows group) frankly
stated that the University was
a group of professors circling
like little planets around the
nucleus of a shining sun
which is the library.
I'm not this poetic, but the
idea does h a v e a classical
sound (although in a rather
sacherine sense.)
But back to the library (or
for those students who know it
only as a large brick struc
ture on to the library).
Choose any room you wish to
study in and you will be sur
rounded by an aura of com
panionship and good will emu
on the other
side of cars.
They stood
with brush in
one hand,
white paint in
the o t h e r,
their horns
poised, their
mouths Shugrne
panting for the unsuspecting
and cuvaceous coeds to come
entintprinff hv
And then. 'From out of the j "Wly Jff hI1t Palnt
bushes, from behind the rar appropriate places.
cussing who they are going to
be "fixed up" with the com
ing weekend and who they had
a date with the last weekend
and who got drunk and who
didn't and why they hate
studyhall and why don't they
shut up and go back to the
During all this some do
gooder comes by with a cart
picking up books and in the
process picks up your zoology
book which is desperately
needed for a test the next day.
By the time you go through
the red tape of the desk the
library is closed and they say
to come back tomorrow. But
through all this confusion
there is one place which is
still a sanctuary for the serious-minded.
This sanctuary is the "car
rels". True, the library frowns
highly upon the usurping stu
dent who moves into on
asigned to a graduate student,
but this can be avoided by
finding an unoccupied one on
some remote corner of the
eighth level.
Nothing is more satisfying
than to sit up there gazing
down 13th Street toward the
outside world. It is particu
larly cozy if it is raining and
the lights reflect on the street.
If there would be one mo
ment to remember of all the
hours spent on studying in the
library this would be it. The
lating from other students
seeking the realms of know-j cold, cruel world seems as
ledge available in its stacks, j far away as the next final pe
Forget it! ! riod and who is there to say
All you will be surrounded what w ill happen between
by is some brilliant lad pop-j then and now. In an atmos
ping his gum, a lovesick two-, phere like this you can even
some "studying" (nothing but; dream that the administration
each other), the pledges from ' will abolish the criminal prac-
medicine". What he meant some amDlt,0US sorority dis-'tice 01 administering unais.
was, let's paint the painters
For if there is anything which
looks more ridiculous than a
girl with a lettered posterior,
it's a man with one.
A group any group
conld sweep down on the lurk
ing wolves and distribute their
But who would be held re
sponsible? The girls? No, I
don't think so. The wolves?
Perhaps. The man in the au
they lept. The girls darted to
ward the safety of their
houses, but the wolf-men fol
lowed shrieking "Getum, get
um!" Then before you could
shout, "Look out! An attack!"
they had struck.
As H. Allen Smith would
testify if he could watch the
assault of the fall, the wolf
men tossed the coeds down
and doused them with a paint
Every line as straight as an
arrow, every curve as round
as a cheerio, the wolf-mea pat
their sticks to work and
moved on, shouting "getum
as they sped toward the next j airport, however, which might
Flickering Art
By John West
African Queen, The Barefoot
The Union movie this Sun
day involves Bogart as a de
tective and a racketeer. To be
shown are John Huston's pro
duction of Dashiell Hammett's
The Maltese Falcon, with Pet-
ier Loire and Svdnev Green-
Bogey's Back!
Fortunately, the very nature
of the film medium permits
us to refer, even 21 months
after his death, to the talent
and artistry that was Hum
phrey DeForest Bogart's. This
is not to &ay that all of the
r. .... a im'iurPK .n wmrn np an.
iu.nn moon, iou guessea it: " V. ' ' street: and Angels With Dirtv
r i!.ts, co-buii ring James
Now it was a nice gesutre
on the part of the Extra Point
Club to go out to the airport
to meet the football team
Saturday evening. Coach Jen
nings reports that he didn't
know the crowd was going to
be there, and I suspect he
didn't. He, a f t e r all, didn't
have the opportunity to listen
to the ball game on the radio. 1
It gave the folks a chance
productions, worthwhile or
even interesting. All, however,
were graced with an actor
with the great talent of im
proving upon poorly con
structed characters in even
shallower vehicles.
What was Bogart's appeal?
Men liked his toughness.
Women sensed that he knew
all about their wiles. His gen
eral cynicism, in real life and
Cagney, Pat O'Brien, Ann
Sheridan and the "Dead-End
Kids." This promises an eve
ning with an American screen
personality that was not only
original, but is irreplaceable.
As John Huston said, "There
will never be another Bogart."
i 1 -M.l- . ii i
The autumn full moon does j run Nerf Tin "neverthelfL Humphrey Got to hurry. Luncheon to
something strange for the col- I think it wonld be a eood T f1 cnaracrers mat nei night. Had to backspace. Rag
1 1- .u again, ju iiunig apari . . . iviusi gel vms
with the cynicism of our age. I Unconciousness
Cornhusker team first.
ppp hnvv Tte tnntri null iti. Mo. ( .1 r-i. PlaJ
recta that they writo cfalmeTs ! 5'' l IZ. ! most of h!s P.ictu. Warner letter mailed. House noisy . .
on young ladies' bottoms. Its tics people and ask if a flight . . , 85 ertner
iius auau w uuuc ui Willie
the color of all things of
Yec it ic a facr-ittnf inti iv.
" " -""& Wouldn't that irr.r.1if,. a ..u; r , '. " 7 . "
- oiiiiiiij mid Aiiu aumier-ui-inrmnp ia na cAmAthmir thi.. " ...... t
Ht.f. 1U ,a Casablanca and Key Lar-j a tiger. I have so much to tell
And wouldnt that keep the; go). The important departures! that world that I think I
Extra Point people happy? j from this pattern, and these! should write a column for the
vvuiuu t ii mane uie , performances which prove his , Greek Gazette.
perience to stand aside and
watch the eager wolves
pounce upon the girls, poise
their brushes and leave their
And do the girls care? I
don't know. I saw one dressed
in a dress run into ber soror
ity and change into Levis. I
saw another run not too rapid
ly into ber front yard, tumble
and, it seemed, whispered to
herself, "when will they ever
get here?"
But no matter how you look
on this painting phenomenon.
! Bros, cast him as either a Pillv SDikehouser srnrpd a in
in- I nr tho tinfflnh3i- fntirt
eluding the crooked lawyer, They're talking about E." e!
i nuseuiaea worker ten m n H nu t K.iin...
Then, and only then, an an- crime, etc.), or t h e hard- Where's the rag . . . Got to
nouncement could be made, drinking, hard-lovinp advpn-1 ro-roari th h
n-...IJ.ii L- ,!. . . ... 1 . ,.v.1,vwum,,iai.,,iHMi
team happy to know someone greatest acting talent, include
cares ! many of his better films (The
o. 3
yjYOt) SXE DIP... J
raralir or kiof
ait wit
. Victoria
4. Aa Ecyptiaa
fc. Sba't rrancs
& Tbcknnat
mwrv wioa
T. Plajr
(. Williutavtyp
. Waaa la tba
it word,'
19. Cat ia th art?
11. Doubltfn
K. BiUiol city
miulniifCUuiir? 20. CUarieil
ti. rut tU crowd dsaioa
t. CrMitm tibr.) I. Th tubtom ia
27. What ym An Kooi ia
altar 4 aom aa . f ito.Br, wW
a taat awaa 'M ktMd
t4. 'tea ! m-
aatjc military)
15. Moolah in India
M. New kind at
1. Symposia
S. A mmpwiian
for turns
. IMmwy effort
on s VnH
12. A Irnrly
1. Vwrkmtf
from h'tmm
14. fUnf for
h. Cork-atMl-btfil-
it vmimt
17. Hmlih rtmrt
14. Kic4 f snfi
your thT'Mi
St. Maw Mi!!?
23. Pmmw M mvtrir
HE'S M ONLY PE250N 1 00!
41. Briada
at. Aa aottk
4. Tbc pmna who
f ot fau into
ail at ctoia
45. A card
AH. bower
47. Don't fad
ao food
4. Fortnerif flrat
40. IntTa-frawraity
M. fair
you ra -
1L Maaoa, aida,
tZ. Ftdtow afaia
St. Prattr etoat
S7. tti eouafa
at a nwb
SS. Goddwot
t. Eooaf of tea
40. What thaaoa
6am avarf
44. Tha 1M half ot
lo Snow Fresh
What wonderful different when you
rwitch to Snow Fresh KOOL! At one
your mouth feIs clean and cool
your throat fel smoothed, refreshed!
Enjoy the most refreshing experience
in smoking. Smoke KOOL . . . with
mild, mOd menthol ... for cleaner,
fresher taste aii through the day!
Answers on Page 4
0...KfN.fZ WITH riLTEtl
wl. aro awitllMtla raammcatt.
fpit ' 1
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