The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4
J ,7 Page A The Doily Nebroskon Monday, September 22, 1953 in Us 1 i $ ' A 1 ) v "4 - V. ' Geske-Burr Travels 'Productive' Ideas for Produce Museum Norman Geske, director of the University Art Galleries, and Burr Smith, chairman of the department of architec ture, have returned from a summer in Europe sponsored by the Wood Charitable Foun dation of Lincoln and Chicago. The trip was made in the interests of the Sheldon Art Museum, to be built on the University campus. Geske described his trip as "extremely productive." "It will set a standard of presentation we may use as a goal," he commented. Floor Plans Interested primarily in new museum buildings and instal lations and specifically in floor plans, labeling of displays, framing and other details of presenting art, Geske cen tered his trip in Europe. Among the highlights of his trip was a visit to a munici pal collection of paintings in Genoa, the Plazzo Bianco, that Geske described as the "most unusual installation in Europe." Pictures are displayed with out their frames and are hung against stark white walls. In addition, many are free standing, supported by steel rods. Geske described the museum as "original but perhaps a little extreme." Very rigid temperature and humidity controls to prolong the life of the paintings were employed in the Alte Pina kothek in Munich. Emphasis on Pictures Commenting on the contrast of American with European museums, Geske said: "It is extremely interesting to realize the difference in the points of view. European mu seums put their main empha sis on pictures, not on t h e public." Citing American architec ture and techniques as sur passing those in Europe, Ges- Sheldon Galleries to Get European Touch ke commented that we c a n learn mainly from European installations, "how to handle and present works of art with more taste, more skill and more subtlety." . The purpose of Burr Smith's trip was, in his words, "pri marily to study the art of dis playing art, especially in its technical aspects." After consulting Architect Phillip Johnson, who will de sign the Sheldon Museum, in New York, and visiting the new wing of the Cleveland Arts Museum, Smith crossed the Atlantic. His destination "all the great museums of Europe." How can art best be illumi nated without making the viewer aware of the source of light? What can be done to make a weary viewer continue his trek through the museum? What will stop people from and closed like Venetian blinds: mechanically, auto matically allowing an exactly determined amount of day light in the building. The daylight was supple mented by artificial lights carefully concealed from the viewer of the paintings and at the same time, illuminat ing the art. As Smith traveled from northern Europe to the warm er Mediterranean countries, he found the difference in the intensity of light was reflect ed in technical handling of il lumination. Daylight in t h e museums in Rome, more nearly on a parallel with Lin coln, was stronger than in London, farther to the north. Successful Returning to Lincoln with pictures of showcases, sculp ture silhouetted against the lights of a window, the me chanics of illumination and pages of diagrams and notes, Smith regarded his trip as 'successful." 'Everywhere I went I was excited and delighted," he commented. Now he is in the process of incorporating the many ideas into plans for the technical construction of the . Sheldon Art Museum, currently in the stage of preliminary planning. Strike that Pose Comic Opera; Linguistics Make Varied KUON Fare 7."' fec'' ;' m:i Wt,! 1lLju . ;wt KK Picks Time Theme For Show "Calendar Capers" is the chosen theme for the Kosmet Klub fall show, according to president Bob Smidt. The evening program, to be held Nov. 21, will include five skits and two or three curtain acts. Letters with more detailed information will reach the men's organized houses short ly, said Dick Moses, vice president. Most houses have chosen skit masters and have started working on their shows, Moses added, but those who have not should do so immediately. Houses may enter both cur tain acts and skits. ' KUOX-TV, Channel 12, will i shows the relation of Unguis Dresent the first Droeram in i tic science to teaching a for- unconsciously leaving theirUhe series "Language and, eign language, teaching read fingerprints on walls? I Linguistics." Tuesday at 8! ing, and the analysis of psy Answers were sought, byDm i chiatric interview. Smith, to questions such as1 Dr. Smith conducts a com-; Members of the Boston: these. : prenensive survey oi w ti a t University School of Fine Every man had his own so- j language really is, consider- Arts will be on the air for lution, Smith soon discovered. I ing how it forms a basis for ; two hours of comic opera Viewer Fatigue , all human interaction. He ; when National Educational One solution to - viewer la- - .--.. :. tigue," me promem . VIf rWT 4 n i i" f ft xrn-n ROBERT IGLESIAS and his Spanish dance company strike classic dance poses. The company opens the 1958 58 Community Concerts series, Nov. 4 at Pershing Mu nicipal Auditorium. Student memberships for the 5 performances are on sale in the Union activities office or in organized houses. Tickets are $4. Sales close Thursday. Mu Epsilon JSu Mu Epsilon Nu, profession al Teachers fraternity, will hold its first business meet, ing of the year Friday noon in 416 Administration. 880 K N U S On Your Dial tired viewer, was found in the careful varying of floor pat terns. As Smith moved from room to room in one museum the floor underfoot changed from cork to carpet to a stone covering. Precise control of the amount of daylight or artifi cial light is necessary in prop er illumination of art, Smith explained. Photo Contest A contest for college stu dent photographers is being sponsored bv the Intercol legian. YM. YWCA publica tion. Student life and educa tion in America is the theme. Prizes awarded will be photographic equipment and a w thp naintinps in some casn wun toiai vaiue oi 5oou. rmnMn nrnwnms. Smith! The contest closes Nov. 1.; found glass roofs protected from the sun only by louvers, shutter-like apparatus resem bling those on the front of Lyman Hall at the University. These louvers were opened Television presents "La Finta ; Giardiniera," by Wolfgang j Mozart, Friday. j In it Mozart, who complet ed this work in less than five months when he was only 18. years old, is able to poke fun j at the out-moded and stuffy! conventions of comic opera, j Ilusker 1 cam Rifle? Loses Winning pictures will be pub- The University of Nebraska rifle team was clipped by the lished in the Intercollegian I ; t the YMCA I uau;5 oiaic uuato xii a Outside World and exhibited at YWCA National Student As sembly in Urhana, 111. Contest rules and entry blanks may be obtained by writing to Intercollegian Photography Contest, 291 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. Sami Solh, outgoing premier of Lebanon left the capital j ftnJflrw ( )nilii city quietly Saturday. During the past two months two at-, " I tempts have been made to assassinate him. Siymi lVii I imm Solh, who left behind him a written resignation which will " take effect Monday, has been in office for two years, the j Application will be avail longest reign in the history of this 15-year-old republic. j able Monday noon in Union Standstill 308 r sever,l Builders posi- m. . . j - . j-j .u. : A- I UOI1S ine ciock sioppea wnen a pigeon ianucu on me luiuuie hand of the big clock in the New York Grand Central Termi nal Friday. A train announcer had to call out the time until mechanics could fix the clock. Victorious Nationalists Nationalist Chinese fliers, using American-built F-86's have been victorious in every recent battle with Russian made MIG-17's over the Formosan Strait. U. S. advisors feci Husker Handbook commit-1 tee has editor and assistant ; posts open; Student Direct ory needs two assistants; Tours committee will have openings for both chairman and assistants; and an assist antship is available on the match Saturday morning Kansas State ran up a score of 188, while Nebraska scored 1870. High man for the Huskers , was divided between three men: Donald Bell, Richard Woolley, and Dave Hillman. : All three high Huskers hit , 377 targets out of a possible 400. High man for the Wild- i cats was Douglas Erway with 385 targets. Kansas I Stale is the defending B i g j Eight champion. Use Nebraskan Want Ads Vines In Effect Drivers will be fined Monday for failing to obey the two-hour parking 1 a w for S street between 14th and 16th. "Warnings have been giv en during the past week." said Police Captain 0. L. Graves," but the law is now effective and fines will be paid for the tickets issued." A $5 fine will also be giv en for double parking in the University area. Fellowship Signup Applications for the social science research fellowships and grants are due by Oct. 15. Further details are avail able at the Graduate Office, 306 Administration Hall. COLLEGE STUDENTS PART-TIME WORK $25.00 $50.00 week Call 7-70 Between 7- P.M. Tuetder, Wedneidey, Thunder for appointment 880 K N U S On Your Dial that training and Communist shortages are the reason for Publicity committee. the wins of the Nationalist pilots over the 17's, which are the best planes the Reds have put into battle yet. British Inflation Economists warn that there is chance of inflation In Britain If wages continue to climb as they have during the postwar years. New wage agreements that have been made so far are well with in the bounds of the suggested 1958 limit, but it is possible that British employees and Union bosses will not heed inflation warnings. Crewmen Missing Russia has not released any information as to the where abouts of the 11 crewmen missing from a U. S. Air Force plane that crashed September 2 in Soviet Armenia. A note made public in Moscow Saturday said Washington was try Ing to justify an "intentional violation"' of the Soviet border. The State Department in Washington said the note promised to return the six bodies and they will continue to press for information on the missing 11. Germ Protection Canadian clerks In 12,000 postoffices have received in- j structions to hand out stamps sticky side up to protect buyers from the germs of the counters. A postoffice spokesman re marked that the suggestion of licking the upper right hand ' corner of the envelope has been unheeded. Applications must be re turned to Union 308 by noon Sept. 30. Anyone who has not worked in the organization before must sign up for an interview. HOLLYWOOD BOWL Open Bowling Saturday I Sunday 24 Lanes Automatic Pinsetten Restaurant . . . Barber Shop 920 . 48li--PIIOXE 6-1911 S. HUR0K piessnts A brilliant neir Sfmnifh dance ballet cspanol ROBERT ) IGLESIAS co nipt ( of 20 from pan ti. : A) J J v I S of Only ONE Of FIVE Community Concert Presentations -fc CANDIDE starring Robert Rounsevillt BOSTON POPS ORCHESTRA wMi ARTHUR FIELDER THE ROBERT SHAW CHORALE AND ORCHESTRA CHICAGO OPERA BALLET starring Morjori. Tallchief STUDENT MEMBERSHIPS $4.00 "Only FOUR More Dayn Remaining In Campaign" THEY SAID IT C0ULDNT BE DONE - BUT TODAYS L&M GIVES YOU- 880 K N U S On Your Dial AL'S HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY Ptmpt, Can 4 Cemp4t On-Sop Swvica "Drop off yr loumlry, w do th rmt!" DCIUXI SHIRT FINISHING DRY CLEANING Driv-ln Commf t 16th I N OpM 7:30 A.M. r 6 P.M. N 2-713 KOUN-TV Guide I Monday, September 22 S 30 A Number o Thlnfi: "At Ui Bot Vn of Bit Pond" 5 46 9ln( HI Slnf Lo: Cottoa Firm ( Evtninl Prelude : Compan: " African Journey" 7 The Criminal Man: "The Anthro morphtc Criminal" 7:31) The Graphic Arte a Induatry on Parade IAS Backyard Farmer Great Ideas: "Unnnlved Prob lem! of Phlloeophr." I Union Bulletin Board Monday, September 22 St. TV Correi. Comm.. l: p.m., Z Inter Vanity, 12:30, 313 AS Faculty, 3:45, Lounae Taaaela, i. 313 Town Club Dinner, . XY Pershini Riflea, 7, ABC BABW Meeting. 1:15, 313 3 V y li h Four field goals in one game by a man who'd never kicked one before! Hobby Conrad himself said. "I never kicked a field goal in high school or college. In fact, I never even tried." But the amazing Texas A&M back broke two All Star records by booting four three pointers, including one for 44 yards, as the 1958 college stars upset the Detroit Lions, 35 to 19. Conrad is now Chicago Cardinal. Puff by puff DON'T SETTIE FOR ONE WITHOUT THE OTHERI Change to L?M and get 'em both. Such an improved filter and more taste! Better taste than in any other cigarette. Yes, today's UM combines these two essentials of modern smoking enjoyment -less tars and more taste -in one great cigarette. I . . . CLIP THIS AD! I SPECIAL TO STUDENTS 1 this od entitles you to have your watch cleaned, ei!d & adjusted for just I Si M Workmanship & Parts Positively Guaranteed Ell JB ' RADMORE WATCH SHOP Owned and Operated by KIRK R. RADMORE formerly toad watchmaker for ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. venvannnrly Westell m nte Piadment Druj Store So. Cotner t C St. L l'9ht mt0 ,ha Live Modern flavor! if i