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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1958)
t S i i t h -: Mondoy, September 22, 1958 The Daily Nebroskan Poge 3 uskers Tame Lions 14-7 H Last Period TDs Turn Lions To Putty Tats by Randall Lambert sports Editor George Harshman, Carroll Zaruba, and Pat Fischer col laborated to lead Nebraska to a 14-? upset over -he Penn State Nittany Lions. As 25,000 unbelieving fans sat spell bound, the undersized Husk ers pushed across two last quarter touchdowns to erase an early 7-0 fourth quarter Lion lead. The last quarter action was a fitting climax to three quar ters of football which saw the Huskers repell Penn Staters time again with the talented kicking toes of Harshman, Harry Tolly, and Pat Fischer. The Huskers averaged 45.0 yards per punt while the Nit tany Lions could only get 34.1 yards a kick. Fischer Sparkles Fischer provided the win ning spark when he sprinted 92 yards for the first Nebras ka score with 1:07 gone in the fourth quarter. This was only 12 seconds after Penn State had opened the period with their first and only score of the game. Fischer retrieved sophomore Sam Stellatella's kick off on the eight yard line, ran ten yards up t h e middle, suddenly side-stepped Lion Andy Stynchula while veering towards the sidelines almost being forced out on the forty. He tight-rope walked the next 20 and finally burst Into the clear on the Penn State 40 with Don Jonas and Dick Hoak at his heels. While the stands and the press box went wild the little ex-West-side athlete scampered the last 40 while Jonas and Hoak followed with no avail. With the pressure mounting George Harshman, showing no emotion, kicked the im portant extra point to knot the game at 7-7. Harshman kicked off to Hoak who ran back the ball from his own 8 to the State 880 K N U S On Your Dial Teaches Dancing New Way at Arthur Murray's f if ( "Anyone who can walk can learn to dance the New Arthur Murray Way," says Joyce Ly ons. "Why, even beginners go dancing after one hour! Try a lesson today and surprise your friends!" 1232 "M" St. AcroM from Comhuiker Hotel Phon. 2-5 800 Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. 30. It was in this series of downs that the Huskers forced the break in the Lion's dam that eventually decided the game. After Penn State had alternately hit the mid' die ana tne ends for seven plays, Dave Kasperian, the Lion backfield star, was hit on the Nebraska 49 by Dick Kosier and fumbled into the hands of Joe Gacu.sana Fischer hit the left end, but could only manage a yard. On the next play quarterback George Harshman took the ball off the split-T, slid down the line to the left and pitched the ball to Larry Naviaux who streaked down the side lines, leaping over one play er, and almost breaking free before being called out-of-bounds on the Penn State 23. Harshman-Eager Set TD After Penn State called time out and tried to gain their composure, Pat Fischer faded back to pass, but when he couldn't find a receiver, he tucked the ball away and ran for nine yards. However this was nullified by a 15 yard holding penalty which sent the ball back to the 29. On the next play Harshman faked a hand-off into the line and passed to Mike Eger for the first down on the State four-yard line. Zaruba Scores Clincher After three plays which netted a total of three yards, Carroll Zaruba, who had been playing brilliant offensive and defensive football, piled over a tangle of players ending up on his back in the end zone with the winning marker. Again it was George Harsh man who put the finishing touch to things when he split the uprights for the extra point and the end of the scor ing for the afternoon. The upset was becoming a reality to Nebraska followers, j However, Penn State was not to be denied yet. Fran Paolone ran the Nebraska kick off back to the Husker 49 yard line. From t h e n on Nebraska fans held their breaths. The Nittany Lions ripped through the Husker de fenses down to the Nebraska 26. With third down and one yard to go, quarterback Al Jacks faded back and spotted his . big nghtend Maury Schleicher (6-3, 204) open on the Husker goal line. While Nebraska fans and sideline players alike stood aghast, Schleicher felt the ball trickle through his fingers and saw it fall incomplete to the turf. Still the Lion wasn't dead because on the next play Pat Botula, the big fullback who had rammed into the Husker line again and again, picked up the first down. Inspired by their success through the middle, the Slaters continued to send 1 rjt I M( Jv: ' "" jF ;.v.. . ....... . . e e Pat Fischer, Husker sophomore, ran back an early fourth quarter kick off 92 yards for first Nebraska score. Judo Club The University of Ne braska Judo Club will meet Tuesday and Thursday from 7-9 p.m. In the base ment of the Coliseum. Any one interested is invited to come. Further details may he obtained from Paul Owen or Harvey West. 880 K N U S On Your Dial Botula into the line and the work horse picked up another first down on the Nebraska 8. It was then the unheralded Husker line led by D e n n i s Emanuel and previously in jured Guy Sapp began to hold and forced Penn State to take to the air lanes where they had been fairly successful. With two downs left Al Jacks passed into the end zone where Larry Naviaux batted the ball was knocked to the ground by Duane Monger-son. Nebraska tryed to run out Statistics sv rs FIRST DOWN'S (Total) M By Rushing It 19 By rasslaf 1 I Br Penalil.a Kt SHIVO N. r Holhrll . M Number Tarts Gala ... IS 101 Nnmbfr Tarda Laat ...... H Net Tarda Gainc H 215 the clock, but was unsuccess ful. On fourth down, Roy Stin nett came off the bench and punted to Don Jonas on the Husker 49. Jonas returned the ball to the Nebraska 29, where Jacks again rained the air without success as the game ended. Purdue Next Next week Nebraska will seek out a bigger team in the person of the Purdue Boilermakers. From The Outside by randall lambert If Nebraskans think Penn State was big then wait until they see the size of the Pur due Boilermakers. They are bigger and also faster. Big Tackles Evidence of this is the size of the Purdue tackles. Nick Mumley, who is being groomed as an All-American, is the little one at 240, while the other rile of the line is anchored by 248 pound Gene Selawski. The two are sup posed to be the best tackle corps in the Big Ten. "I guess Mumley looks like a bull ele phant running through a tribe of pigmies when he carries the ball on an end around tackle eligible play. There are also others re turning from last year's comeback team which non five of their last six games, including a 20-13 win over Michigan State. Two quarter backs, Bob Spoo and Ross Fichtner, return along with Tom Frankhausen, an end, who was fifth in pass catch ing in the conference. Anoth er lineman to be careful of is Fred Brandel, 210 pound guard, who was named line man of the week after the Michigan State encounter. When Nebraska beat Penn State it brought to mind whether Penn State was as 7 0 fn he. Thev had Pond nnsslnff jUKla. 5t. 31 Denver 14 Football Big Eight NEBRASKA 14 Penn State Iowa State 33 .... Drake Vandy 12 Missouri Individual Statistics FORWARD PASSING Number Attempted Nomber Completed S Number Had letrreeated ... Net Tarda Oalned It TOTAL FLATS Busies aad Passes 4 Harshman Fischer 10 McCashland 6 Zaruba S Tolly s Marti 4 WTiite 1 Naviaux 4 Passlnr All. J NEBRASKA Rusnin( No. Tds. Carriei Gained 10 Harshman I Fischer 15; Tolly .. I Eger 1 33 .! 19 22 15 5 46 Comn. 1 n I 1 Receiving Caufht Tds. 6 26 t ait t t 12 4 110 TOTAL NET TARDS Ill Pl'NT (Number) T Averate Tarda ISO Number Had Blocked ..... KICKOFFS (Number 4 A vera re Tarda (1 KICK RETTRNS Number Punt Returns 4 Tards Punt Returns S3 Number Klrkiff Returns ... I Tards Kickofl Returrs ... tt PASS INTCRCF.PT10N RETURNS ( Number 4 Yar( Return ......... ITMBIEK (Number) 1 Ball Lent BALL LOST ON DOWNS . 1 PKNALIH'.K (Number) Tards Penalized 46 FIELD GOALS Number Attrmnled 1 Nrmber successful 4 NEBRASKA ENDS -Eger, Bnhanan, McDole, Sapp. TACKLES Monterson, Edeal. bacu aana. Wellman. GUARDS Emanuel. Ponaelio. Kosier, Zeniic. CENTERS Friclte. Kitchen. BACKS Hurshnian. Tolly. Stinnett. Fischer. Marti. Naviaux. White, McCash land, Zaruba. PENN STATE ENDS Bozick, Nefl. Schleicher. Barber. TACKLES Stynchula. Mulranej. Bo- hart, Janeratte. GUARDS E. Rusiavaie, Koninaas Vi,'ehmer, Korbuil. centers uarrjan, stenatena. BACKS Jacks. Lucas. Scrabia,' Kasper Ian. Gilmore, Hoak, Paolone, Jonas, Bo tula. Snhf7ak Penn Stale 4 4 4 1 1 Nebraska 4 4 4 1414 Penn State Kasperian. 1. Plunge (Jonas. Dlace kick). Nebraska Fischer, 92, kickoff return (Harshman, place kicki. ... Nebraska Zaruba, 1, plunge (Harsh man. place kick). Harshman Fischer Tolly ... Stinett Punting No. 3 1 2 1 Tds. 135 SS Rl 34 Ave. 3.3 2.0 30 3.2 2.2 2.7 5.0 11.5 Tds. 26 TDs Ave. 45.0 65.0 40.5 34.0 PENN STATE Rushing No. Tds. Carries Gained Jacks 3 3 Paolone 8 30 Ka rian 16 5 Bo 27 123 Jona 3 32 Lucas 3 12 Gilmore 4 12 Sobczak 3 4 Hoak 1 A Passing; Alt. Comp. Jacks 8 3 Lucas 4 2 Scrabif 3 1 Receiving Caufbl Tds. Paolone 2 20 Botula 2 13 Jonas 1 10 Bozick 1 4 Punting Ne. Tds. Jacks 4 123 Lucas 4 150 Are. 1.3 S7 5.0 4 5 10.7 3.7 3.0 1.3 2.0 Tds. 19 20 10 TD'g 4 0 0 0 Ave. .ion 37.5 from their quarterbacks and an excellent runner in Dave Kasperian. However, their line and overall team speed seemed to leave a little to be desired. At the half, I had a chance to talk to the sports editor of the Penn State student pa per. He had ridden out on the plane with the players and from what he said, I was left with the impression that they didn't know what to expect from the Huskers and that he was especially impressed by the Nebraska first half. Next week Purdue will be (he foe, only they won't be in the dark as much as Penn State. They Mill be looking forward to meeting a good ball team in Nebraska, which they will. However, I hope that Pur due after being idle this Sat urday will be looking forward several weeks to engage ments with Michigan State and Wisconsin, their rivals following Nebraska and two of the teams they are sup posed to battle for the Big Ten championship. K-State 17 Wyoming 14 TCU 42 Kansas 0 Next Week's Schedule NEBRASKA at Purdue Iowa State at Arizona K-State at Colorado N. Texas at Okla. St Kansas at Oregon St. Idaho at Missouri West Virginia at Okla. 880 K N U S On Your Dial a Swingline Stapler no bigger than a pack of gum! 98 (Includinf 1000 staples SWINGLINE "TOT" Millions now in use. Uncondi tionally guaranteed. Makes book covers, fastens papers, arts and crafts, mends, tacks, etc. Avail able at your college bookstore., SWINGUNE "Cub" Stapler $1.J INC. IONO ISLAND CITY, NIW YOM, N. Typewriters For Rent Try Our Rental-Purchase Plan Special Student Rates NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 125 No. 11 th Phone 2-4284 Typewriter Ribbons Put On ENGL'SH: highway for ENGLISH: writing Instrument for plagiarists mules QdQQ The Broadway Theatre League it m 1 1 I J.I kit ft IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THI SI X I Mil -jO i IK THEATRE SUBSCRIPTION SEASO OF THESE OUTSTANDING BROADWAY HITS The Diary of Anne Frank dwtiisL WUztnsL LI'L ABNG? cmd One other big hit yet to be enounced Student Subscriptions $7.00 On sale at the Kosmet Klub booth in the Student Union lobby. Lucky Strike presents U nJ UVJ i 1 acJ TL the funniest, easiest way yet to make money! PUT IN A GOOD WORD AND MAKE 5; fixm mm a" wmmm 11. ft JFJ "X '-V, 1 1 1 I , I CIGARETTES Speak English all your life and what does it get you? Nothing! But start speaking Thinklish and you may make $25! Just put two words together to form a new (and much funnier) one. Example: precision flight of bumblebees: Swarmation. (Note: the two original words form the new one: swarm formation.) We'll pay $25 each for the hundreds and hundreds of new Thinklish words judged best aad we'll feature many of them in our colleg ads. Send your Thinklish words (with English translations) to Lucky Strike, Box 67A, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Enclose name, address, college or university, tad class. And while you're at it, light up a Lucky. Get the full, rich taste of fine to baccothe honest taste of a Lucky Strike. Get the genuine article Got flie hones of a EL ICY STfllECE O a. r. c. Product of J& mxican JvuetQ-crTyHn 3tt&uxo- is our middle t I! a; "' " " f '' ' ' . , , ,, ' .. :