1J I i. ft PAGE 2 SUMMER NEBRASKAN JULY 24, 1958 I S I .4 ii i 1 1 i -a ft i'5 V (1 .1 p i .1 Growing Up Despite a half hour of rather frantic searching for five or six articles misplaced at the printers Wednesday, the final issue of the Summer Nebraskan appeared with a relative degree of smoothness. The paper this summer was an ex periment in joining class training with practical experience. For the first time at the University, a class was used to supply reporters. Seven beginning reporting students devoted one lab period a week to gathering and writing articles for the paper. This meant that for essentially the first time the editor was left free for editing and did not function as the No. 1 (and often only) reporter for the publication. This gave the students a rare opportunity to put into practice the theories they received in lectures. Seeing one's classwork in print proves a fairly powerful stimulus to get the story and get it right. Thus, the class gained from this attempt to link the school paper with the classnom, and the University community gained by receiving a paper which was not a one-man operation. Editorial policy has been strictly left' alone by faculty and administrative personnel. No censorship of any sort has been exercised on the student staff. With these two points in mind that using a class enables more news to appear in the Summer Nebraskan, and the fact that policy decisions are in the hands of the students running the paper it would appear that the next logical step would be expansion of the publication to a size that could cany a larger share of campus news. A 4-page tabloid paper appear-1 ing once a week cannot possibly deliver a fair share of news in a community of over 3,000 persons. During regular sessions, the campus newspaper is largely financed through student fees, with a small portion of every student tuition going toward publication expenses. This is not true of the summer paper. The salaries of the editor and business manager are paid by Summer Sessions, but all printing expenses are covered by advertising. Plans are being mulled over now in an effort to find a way to finance a newspaper operation that will more fairly reflect the size of the summer community at the University. And although this year's staff will not be connected with next year's operation, it is our sincere hope that a means will be found of making the Summer Nebraskan a larger or more frequently pearing newspaper. -Coffey Break.... Staff Retires When the forms for the ffVATa HfAiA lu-.L-Ast ivitA i!aaa By Marilyn Coffey at Journal-star Printing Last summer, the tinkling "Where does-milk come Co. Wednesday night, the of a bicycle bell in our neigh- from?" they'll ask. And snail work of of the Summer borhood heralded the ap- I explain, "You put a nickel N . , mm proach of the ice cream man. or a dime or a quarter in the XNeDraSjCan was over- K0 we" But this summer the bell is slot and the money trips a brakan will appear next Nebraskan Marilyn lever which releases a do- Thursday because of final ex- hickj that drops the bottom aminations. out of a deal-e-o which re- . leases a carton of milk." ' What sort of an answer is this? I can hear the children now, "But what keeps two cartons from falling out? And how does the-machine know whether to spit back nickels or not?" I've wondered that myself. Actually, this concealment of its innards is the fascinat- silent; the cold, white box is no longered ped dled through the streets. I suppose this is just another indi cation of au tomation, the r e placement of man by the machine. I can't say I'm exactly sorry ing thing about a machine, to see the change. Machinery There is little room for specu- fascinates me. (My mother lation when you hand a ven- slepped on a mouse trap when der a dime and he gives you she was carrying me). a bottle of pop. But when you The answers to simple ques- stick that same dime in a ma- tions have become so compli- chine, a strange whirring en- cated with the advent of the sues, a paper cup drops into machine as a middle man. place (never upside down) and I used to ask my mother, a fine stream of liquid 'Where does milk come emerges then stops, from?" And just what keeps that And mother would answer, liquid from pouring infinitely "The milkman gets it from never fails to intrigue me. I the dairy; the dairy gets it suppose, that is why I feed from the cows." money into the slot so avidly. Don't think it will be so easy One day I might hit the jack- to answer my kids questions, pot 67 gallons of carbonated n Summer Nebraska Is the eMelal MbHcatlaa t tbe Uairercttr at Nebraska hammer Sesaleas. Pabliakeo' aader la MMorsMa af tka School at Journalism. K appear ererr Thursday duriaa tba Gammer SeaaJaas cxeeat darlaa? vacation nl cxamiaattaa periods. Waif Diana Maxwell Editor Marilm Cotter Staif Writer Barbara Barker Business Manacer Information for publication must bo submitted by nooa Monday tor publica tion on Thursday. Article may bo brought to 309 Burnett or called ta m extensions 3156 or 3157. liquid for my coffee break. lit door IDaiiciiig - Open to the Public SAT. NIGHT, JbiY 26 Ad in. 90c Dancing 9-1 MICKEY KULL ORCHESTRA EAST HILLS 7Cth & Sumner For Rasarvotiont Ph. 4-2i3$ ' Diana Musings . . "Conformity in behavior is a human necessity; conform ity in patterns of thought a human danger. . ." Here it is again, that gnawing fear among think i n g individ uals that we are .gravitat ing toward a society that is no more than a jellied glob of con formity. The speaker this time was Crawford H. Greenewalt, president of Du Pont Co. The sentiment was ex pressed a bit differently from the time before, and it will be said again, but in my opinion, this is a subject that needs a great deal of discussion. And the sad part of it is that here, at the University, where radi cals and nonconformists are expected to hang out, con formity reaches its most sick ening dimensions. Each fall it manifests itself in girls who valiantly puff away with short, jerky self conscious movements, deter mined to learn to like the lit tle white sticks. They do, and a year later another group of neophytes enrolls, they will ape their sophisticated older sisters and they too will dawdle for an hour or two over a coke while they learn the movements of sophistication how to gain the greatest ef fect blowing smoke, how to use the hands most effectively by Diana Maxwell knocking off the ashes. And more subtly, the thought patterns will be shaped, pounded into the ac cepted forms certain persons are chic, others do not rank socially. Certain groups may be belonged to, others well you understand, it's not quite the thing, you know. Certainly not to be excluded from the brainwashing are the young men who will don the uniform baggy trousers that must have a belt in back, walk with a slight slouch, and for gosh sakes, whatever you do, don't go around carrying more than one book at a time, people will think you're weird. Inside the classrooms con formity is much too often the rule. It doesn't take long to peg the instructor. Woe to the freshman who dares to write, a theme in which his ideas conflict with the man behind the diadem. "New ideas are disturbing to minds that prefer the me andering stream of past prac tice -and habit. . ." the speak er again was Greenewalt. The occasion was again a series of talks at Columbia Univer sity. The application, how ever, is here, in this tight little community bounded by 10th St, the tracks and the city. Other boundaries, eti ap parent to the eye, are present as well. They are the bound aries set up by all of us who are so quick to condemn or ridicule the different, the in dividual. Viva la nonconformist! I Good For Grins A fetching young lady from New York was tripping down a street in Bogota, Colombia, minding her own business when a star-struck "bogota no" picked up her trail. He followed her for a block or two, breathing gentle compli ments.. She became angrier each moment, and at the end of the third block flounced over to a traffic policeman. "That man on the corner has been following me!" she an nounced indignantly. The cop looked at the man, then surveyed the seething young lady. He took off his cap and bowed. "Senorita, if I were not on duty, I would follow you, too." (Reader's Digest) GOOD TEACHERS AGENCY DAVIS School Service ENROLL NOW EaUbUahed 11S Senrin the Ml eourl Valley to the Wert Coast. 529 Stuart Bid Lincoln (, Nebr BONUS COUPON 1 free odrmtsion with 1 paid admission with this coupon BUD HOLLOWAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA Featuring Rod Barker Sharon Houska Frank Tirra Del Whitcamb (Nobraska's finest sjuttarltf) TURNPIKE Locally Ownt4 Golds OF NEBRASKA SALE! our complete stock of summer coordinates by Usually 2.50 to 10.95 off Now 1.67-644 CLAMDIGCERS CALFSKINNERS JAMAICAS SUM LIMA PANTS COTTON KNIT TOPS BLOUSES JACKETS SnORTS NOVELTY TOPS GOLD'S Sportswear , , , Seeoad Floor We Giv H&C Green Stamps wummm'irmmmm