The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 17, 1958, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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JULY 17, T958
' A
- 1
OJ Timers' Tale Private Opinion
Good For Grin I
It just won't be the same. No, when next fall's freshmen UJ Dick hug METEOROLOGIST: A man
arrive, they just won't come to the same University that Once in a while you run She's not bad looking, not wn0 080 look m' a P" 8 eye
we "oldtimers" did. Imagine their disbelief at having the into a refreshing idea which good looking. She tries to be and tell whether.
reception room of Old Ellen Smith described to them, with seems to fit right in on a hot funny,, having naa some ma
its welter of partitioned off cubby holes and elegant balus- summer day.
trades. They will take one look at the gleaming efficiency For example, as I
of the offices in the New Administration Building, and refuse wander-. yam"
to believe all these old folks' tales. i n g around f
Lancas-I ...
And if you told them that just last fall the center of ter , County f"
ferial nrenared for her hv Tex wn v mdu rug
was McCrary. that usually throws any-
She loses. The band plays one who steps on it
some more The audience CONSCIENCE: The still
vghl 7 u,vi?ug small voice that makes you
brushed his teeth while the feei smaiier.
band was playing) startles .
the audience with his flashing DIPLOMAT: A man who
smile and says, "Bill, bring can convince his wife a worn
on our second contestant" an looks 810114 in a fur coat
And so it goes. And inde- PLATONIC FRIENDSHIP:
pendent research team is now The interval between the in
determining how manycon- traduction and the first kiss,
testants are used each day. (Reader's Digest)
x u iim&e ui imeuuiaieu guess
the campus was occupied by four temporary buildings that the other day
all disappeared in the space of a year, they might believe I came
you, but probably if you tried to picture the ramshackle across a
condition of temporaries A, B, and C, they would consider farmer v a o
this to be another figment of the old folks imagination. And said he h a d
as they follow the colors in the new Student Health to the been tnjmg
DroDer treatment room, thev will find it hard to imapinp with a nohti-
' o r
that inst R mnnthe hffnrp ctnHonte uprs hoinff treatorf in rian aniinr
what will by then be part of LARC school. "A n d you Shugrue
know, that city feller had and say too many. A short-story manuscript
At another corner on campus, the old folks (sophomores, some good idears," the farm- What a relief it is to have submitted to Whit Burnett at
juniors and seniors) will point to the empty space and er declared. "He told me that a radio and not have to watch "Story Magazine" was a star
describe the old Pharmacy Building, with its strange in- Goldfine can't be blamed for a smiling meemie or a grim tling melange of Hemingway,
terior. what he did. He said that the cowboy. What a relief to tune Dos Passes, Faulkner, Cain
average American citizen is in on a FM radio station, such and Saroyan. "Tell me,"
The old folks might also tell of how the Mueller Plane- at fault for not exerting an as Lincoln's KFMQ and relax asked Burnett in his letter of
tarium wasn't even a hole in the ground just a year ago. influence on his government; to the long-hair music which rejection, "was your father
Or how a year ago most of us had just about given up on the average citizen had given says something more than an anthology?"
ever seeing ground broken to carry out the elaborate plans up his watchful responsibility; "Ya Ya Ya Ya, etc." (Reader's Digest)
ior me aaamon 10 ine union. Mayoe mis crop oi iresnmen uolcuine tooK on his share and
can be brainwashed into calling it the Nebraska Union, as then some."
it is now officially labeled, but we old timers will probably At any rate, whether you
always call it by its "old fashioned'' name, the Student agree with the farmer and
Union, the politician (I happen to)
the fact remains that the
Why, it's pretty easy to whip up a good case of nos- ideas they both expressed are
xasia oer me oia campus. nne preserving relics can a welcome rel pf from the
Coffey Break
By Marilyn Coffey
Father installed a mechan- than I anticipated and left.
easily become a ridiculous fetish and is often carried to hack "who killed cock robin'" ical delight in our kitchen, a muttering about yo-yos and
needless extremes, it still seems like the Alumni Associa- going around political conver- monstrous lamp suspended by zlPPer
tion is working toward a good thing in their efforts to raise sations these days. a cord. He was elated. Proud-
sufficient funds to decorate a room in the Union with trap- & t & ly he showed it to visiting Nebraska
pings irom oia tuien imnn. . T freinds, dem-
Westerns and quiz shows. nncMLl)u, if-
AAuiicsiijr , ii mc isig uuji a ui
If we can't get ivy to grow, at least we can save a bit of
. JUttilh., .... -
the tube don't do me one bet- nn i . f V
ter than that trash. IH give t n e weight .f&X5' j
my tube to the Indians. And thA l m n ti v
not the ones fighting the cow- lowers; puU s
. V . , the cord and
ine western: dome nara- ih I i ah
! tamme Nrlr t tm Ic the afflaial
MkMcaawa 1 UM VmtrtrtUj ml Nckruka
Samaw Bmlnl, MUM aaaer k
wiKt at tht Rcaaei at imurmmOmm.
it MMti mrwtrr Tkaradir 4oriM th
fnmrr limit nml dulse t --!
mer life. All I need do, I find.
to tune in on the latest revolu
t i o n a r y
methods of
bringing the
teaching pro
fession to the
threshold of
perfection is
to wander
out on the
Among the
ideas 6 v e r-heard:
Instead of letting first grad-
by Diana Maxwell jawed celibate dueling w I t s jes into
, . . wiui uiusuiciuoeu villain: nlap with a.
Eavesdropping around town turn and left me thinking of some dance hall babe who Smblv bne
is certainly one of the most the ,maU doses of Life one couldn't hold a torch to the ZL
mtcrestine facets of mv sum- i! ahl tn har xrT-iAnntiiu, i , ... V1 cuaiuu.
, , . .. . ; . : -vul(U.,, oar Klfl5 we uae iiere in v..
f . Lincoln; some ridiculous plot Psyc'ho,0gy 70 wouldn't allow
One of the nicest parts of JusWying the graft of the m to ac t father.s deli ht
expressing editorial opinions paleface or the land grabbing without questioning W h a t
is making favorable com- tactics of the cavalry. was M satisfactory about
ments. Up for praise this Seven basic plots in west- pulling a Ught cord up
week is the gang around the ems John Ford testifies down7 wliat did thj, up.and.
Union-notably Bob Handy, And I add 'They re all lousy." down movement (which I
who, with a budget of only Certainly with the creaking shall caH Urbangdatitus for
$1000 has programmed a sum- leather of the saddle, the tal- simplicity) symbolize for him?
mer full of good entertain- cum-powder dust on the blue Research revealed an an
rnent. Among the galaxy of army blouses, the aversion swedividua! poWer.
free entertainment offered by heroes have for women; cer- kin(J.s gratification from
the Union from this amount Jajnly with all these things pumping water, disintegrating
was the Summer Artist series, pounded I into our minds 12 of dishes on the kitchen flor and
which brought everything the 24 hours of the day, we ringing huee church bells Dro-
ers enter school at a certain j r -. v iuea aaoiuonai eviaence. uut
ers enter scnooi ai a cenam and svmuhonv to the Un on not-so-great American inven- . t
dUIUlIHMCr ICbLS WHICH P.allrnnm Tha IMm Cnnl,p t inn tho tt-octm r
Diana MxxwHI EdKar
Marilra Crfftv Staff Writer
Bartura Barker Basineai Manacer
InfurmaUui lor rublicatiaa mat mm
aubmitt my mam Maadar tot publica.
txai a Thnrartav. Articlaa mar b
braaaM la lo Barartt ar called at aa
exteasiaaa Hi ar 1137.
Ihd Scngerfe
P.allrnnm Tho Pilm Cvrio4 lion, thp u-pstrm
would determine maturity. u hirh during rpmiiar ccmnc And tho nthor ' 19 hnrc
This would i eliminate ihe sfrus- costs, is free, as are the Sun- Quizes. Lotto, Dotto, Haggis
t I'll iftMt I hn'M n V,i rrl-i4 . .
trace its historical movement
Early America. Urbangdati-
cnija marx ume ior a year lilm shorts and now a reaJ your Wife, Challenge, Play
vnile the calendar caught up 0jd fashioned square dance. Your Hunch, Treasure Hunt,
with his ability, or the heart- Not mngs are free Prite Is Righti Truth or
break of an emotionally slow anymoret and the Union is to Consequences, Tic Tac-Dough,
child being pushed into the congratulated on its enter- Big Payoff, and so on-ad in-
s.hool atmosphere before he tauiment efforts for Summer finitum.
is prepared to cope with it. Sessions students. How much can the Ameri-
My impulse at hearing this One of the dullest things can public put up with?
was to applaud, but the speak about editing a college paper Here's the format:
er found the stumbling block (now that we've mentioned Some cheap clarinet, piano,
to the whole proposal and some of the nicest things! is bass band strikes ud a rhnril
shelved it before I had time the lack of letters such as A smiling goof walks out on Ws C,UD ms claim to Urbang
to congratulate the thought, come from lovelorn in our the stage and before things datitus and fame.
Mommy and daddy wouldn't metropolitan "big brothers." get going declares," Aren't For absolute authenticity, in
go for it, because Johnny is What metropolitan reader we having fun?" The audience this post-Darwin age, some
supposed to enter grade doesn't chuckle over the Abi- clamors for more of bis hu- carnal link is necessary. The
school at age suenot before gale, Dorothy Dix or Aunt mor. monkey's ability to pitch a
and not after. Susie columns. Yes sir, this Then "BiH, bring on our wicked coconut reveals his Ur-
Before I bad a chance to campus newspapering busi- first contestant," The con- bangdatitns.
hear bis companion's com- nessjust isn't what it ought to testant is a school teacher in Father listened to my the-
ment, thev executed a sharp be. Perth Amboy or Charlotte, ory with evta less enthusiasm
ping of wood. (Modern can
onization of log cabins seems
to reflect recent Oedipus com
plexes among history authors,
not a flaw in my hypothesis).
Eurcpe, 18th century. Rule
by the Urbangdatitus of the
From the Vikings' up-and-down
rowing movements it is
only a step to the caveman,
i -.1 i i .
J uteomgi
It out-ha3py3
the happiest
of our day!