The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 16, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4

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THe Doily Nebroskon
Fridoy, Moy 16, 1958
:. 1
Frost Honor
Courses Start
This Fall
Honor courses in freshmen
mathematics will be inaugur
ated this fall by the Depart
ment of Mathematics as a
part of its overall honors pro
Dr. William G. Leavitt,
chairman of the mathematics
department, said three new
courses have been designed
for freshmen who have dem
onstrated "thorough compe
tence in algebra and trigon
ometry, and show solid evi
dence of good ability and
Letters were sent this week
to Nebraska high school prin
cipals and mathematics in
structors asking for nomina
tions. From these nomi
nations, 25 of the top students
In the freshman class will be
selected, he explained.
The five hour credit course
will be taught from a more
rigorous point of view than
is customary and some ma
terial in logic and set theory
will be introduced, Dr. Leav
itt said.
He explained since the
course will be an advantage
to students interested in its
application as well as to those
intending to go on in mathe
matics, students will be con
sidered for the course with
out regard to their University
He observed that when the
student finished the program,
he should have a "fundamen
tal understanding and grasp
of the material" as well as
the technical facility to use
his mathematics.
Other features of the over
all mathematics honors pro
gram include a special semi
nar started last fall in which
students present papers on
specialized areas of mathe
matics and the regular hon
ors course open to upperclass-men.
Two Lab Plays
At Temple Tonight
The last two Laboratory
Theatre productions of "A
Bed Time Story" and "A
Phoenix too Frequent" will
be staged tonight at the
Temple Building.
The play "Bed Time Story"
hy Sean O'Casey and directed
by Bill Gnuse will be pre
sented at 8 p.m. in room 201.
"A Phoenix too Frequent" by
Christerphor Fry will be pre
sented at 8:45 p.m. in the
arena theatre, room 303.
ashion As I See It
B Wendy
Small checks Join the
color parade for sprint
and rammer styles. This
HttU outfit la powder
bin and melon adds a
fresh slant for snmmer.
Whits p t q u trimmed
enfft and Jeweled neck
line add a eool variation
to Tow sunmer chemise
Slses are 7-1 S for only
18.8S in Gold's Campos
Shop on the second floor
of fashion.
jF . ...... v- -v
to? y
jl v ) 1 i
j 1 1!
'Annie9 Costs Pocketful Of Money
Features Spectacular Sets, Quality Crrsf
Norm Riggins as Frank Butler and Betty Gnuse as Annie Oakley rehearse "I Can Do
Anything Better Than You" for the Kosmet Klub's production of "Annie Get Your Gun."
Religious Week
BaDtlst-ChristUa Student Fellowship
Sunday, May 18
5 p.m. Supper, worship, and forum
Wednesday, May 21
7 p.m. Vespers
Christian Science Orranlsatloa
Thursday, May 22
7 p.m. Worship, S13 Student Union
Confrrrational-Presbyttrian Fellowship
Sunday, May 18
9:30 .m. U a.m. Morning worship
S:30 p.m. Supper and forum "Chrie
tin Science"
Monday, May 19 ,
7 a.m. Breakfast and Bible Study: John
3 p.m. Contemporary Theology
Tuesday, May 20
7 p.m. SUma Eta Chi
Wednesday. May 21
7 p.m. Vespers
Thursday, May 22
3 p.m. Relislon in the Ftne Art
Lutheran Student House
Saturday, May 17 ,
1:30 p.m. ISA Cabinet and Church
Council Retreat
Sunday, May IB
8:45 a.m. Bible Class
10:30 a.m. Coiie and 'oils
11 a.m. Worship'
3 p.m. LSA Picnic
Wednesday. May 2
4 p.m. T. S. Eliot Discussion group
7 P m. Vespers
7:30 p.m. Choir
Thursday, May 22
7 p.m. Basic Christian Ethics
Methodist Student House
Sunday, May 18 ... ,
11 a.m. Worship at Cotner Chapel
5 pm. Supper at At. Student Center
p.m. Installation of officers
Wednesday. May 21
T P.m.
Civil Engineers
Honor Four
At Banquet
Four civil engineering stu-
dents received aw a r d s
Wednesday at the depart
ment's annual awards ban
quet held in the Union.
David Toillion received the
Warren Day Memorial award.
The Harold Hoskins and
Associates Scholarship went
to Ronald Opland.
William Kinsel was recip
ient of the Adna Dobson Me-J
morial award and the ASCE
Student Chapter award went
to Wellington Meier Jr.
Two student papers were
read in competition for the
Fulton-Cramer award. They
were "Tunnel Construction"
by Robert Fredrickson and
Dam Construction by Ab-
dul-Rahim Abdul-Rahim.
The dinner was sponsored
by the student chapter of the
American Society of Civil
Mid week Vespers at Cotner
Newman Club
Saturday. May 17
1:30 p.m. St. Thomas Orphanage Pic
nic Sunday. May It
Masses 8. 9. 1A, 11 a.m. and noon
1:30 Married Peoples Day si Recollec
tion. 1:30 Newman Club Picnic
7:30 p.m. Marian Rally
Weekday Masses 6:45 fc 7:15 a.m.
Saturday masses 7:15 a m.
Confession 7:30 p.m. Saturday It before
all masses
Legion of Mary
3 p.m. Monday
8 p.m. Tuesday (A(. Act, BIdg.)
South Street Temple
Friday, May IB
8 p.m. Worship
Cnirerslty Episcopal Chapel
Sunday, May 18
a.m. Holy Communion
11 a.m. Morning Prayer and sermon
p.m. Canterbury Club
7:45 p.m. Evening prayer
Wednesday. May 21
7 p.m. Choir
t'niversitr Lutheran Chapel
Friday. May 16 ,
1-5-30 p.m. Announcement for Holy
S15 p.m. Gamma Delta Picnic
Sunday, May 18
10:45 a.m. Worship with celebration c?
Holy Communion
:30 p.m. Worship with celebration of
Holy Communion
1:30 p.m. Gamma Delta Supper and
topic "The Christian's Use of Alco.
hoi" led by Drs. Bercherg and Schleu
aener Wednesday, May 21
7 p.m. Choir rehearsal
Thursday, May 22
3:30-5:30 Coffee Hours
Ag Interdenominational
Sunday, May 18
5:00 Supper and Installation of Officers
Janet Dworak
Named Outstanding
Janet Dwork, University
junior, was named winner of
the Mabel Lee Scholarship at
the Physical Education Ma
jor Club banquet.
The scholarship is given
annually for promise in the
profession of physical educa
tion for women.
"Annie Get Your Gun"!
promises to be the 'most
spectacular show ever put on
by Kosmet Klub, says Harry
Stiver, the acting technical
director of Theater.
Annie, the most expensive
show ever attempted by Kos
met Klub, features elaborate
sets and costumes with a tre
mendous cast in size and qual
ity, he added.
Norm Riggins and Betty
Lester Gnuse as Frank Butler
and Annie Oakley have the
leading roles in the show.
Mrs. Gnuse, a graduate as
sistant in Speech, is known
to Lincoln audiences for her
undergraduate performances
in a previous Kosmet Klub
production, "Good News and
Girl Crazy," and the Univer
sity Theater's "Idiot's De
In New York she held roles
in various off-broadway shows
including the part of Stella
in a revival of Tennessee Wil
liam's "Streetcar Named De
sire." She has also played in
summer stock.
Mrs. Gnuse holds' a Master
of Fine Arts degree from Co
lumbia. Riggins, senior iii Teach
ers, held the lead in last
year's Kosmet Klub produc
tion of "South Pacific."
He has also held leading
roles in three operas present
ed by the department of mu
sic and speech. Last summer
ne sang tne oass solo in a
presentation of Hayden's
"Lord Nelson Mass."
He was bass soloist last
winter in the University's pro
duction of the "Messiah." ,
Other members of the cast
include Charlie Davenport,
Wayne Robertson; Dolly Tate,
Paula Roehrhasse; Buffalo
Bill, Richard Gustaf son; Chief
Sitting Bull, Roy Willey.
Winnie Tate, Barbara Mes
ton; Tommy Keeler, Fritz
Stelling; Jake Oakley, Bill
Raecke; Nellie Oakley, Gari
Hathaway; Minnie Oakley,
Donna Scriven; Pawnee Bill,
Eric Prewitt; Foster Wilson,
Vernon Feye and Mac, Jeff
Chorus members are Mrs.
Sylvia Potter Porter, Barbara
Coonrad; Conductor, Don
Geis; Waiter, Gus Buenz; Por
ter, Fred Holbert; Footman,
James Baker.
Mr. Little Horse, Vernon
Feye; Mr. Yellow Foot, Don
Geisler; Mr. Black Foot, Dick
Masters; John, Don Vandra-
cek; George, Dave Godbey;
Cowgirl, Lexy Lu Bell.
Sue, Lavonne Rogers; Mrs.
Adams, Barbara Millnitz; Mr.
Adams, Al Kaputska; Mrs.
Ferguson, Sally Miller;
5:30 Camera on Washington "Civil
Aeronautics Administration"
6 Evening Prelude
6:30 A Number of Things "Three
Sprained Keet"
I 4 Uncle Wonder's Workshop "Light
ing and Klectricity"
7 Music and the Renaissance
7:30 Psychology 1 -lmageg and
I Physics "Nuclear Energy
8 30 House and Home
t Survival "From Fossils t
Want Ads
HMkdquartera: fttadmt ttaloa
Call i Kst. 4X21
Invcctlgot His netting corotr
f lifs Imuroncs telling. Excel.
tont opportunity for food earn
ings, growth ontl oVsncemont.
Secure fufare. Guaranteed In
oim. Cell 7-4143.
Rooms available for rrTale summer stu-
flent ai t-ioneur
St. Tour dollars per week. Phone
Summer Bowling
An Inter-CollegiaTt Bowling league
Now Organizing for Men and Women
PLA-MOR BOWL VAienun. 1-7047 i
9140 Main Street Pauline Rogers
Kantoi CTTy 11, Missouri league Manager
KEN Mug Hue tuh Get 2 BewKng Unas Free envhW this
Main Feature Clock
"The Long Hot
1:00, 3:10 5:15,
"I Married A
1:00, 3:40, 5:40,
7:18, 9:30.
7:40, 9:40.
Nebraska: "Damn Citizen,"
1:00, 4:01, 7:00, 10:01. "Flood
Tide," 2:37, 5:36, 8:37.
Capitol: "Band Of Angels,"
7:40. "Two Gun Ladv," 6:25,
Varsity: "Bonjour Tris-
tesse," 1:30, 3:29, 5:28, 7:27,
State: "Rodan," 2:22, 4:04,
7:46, 10:25. "Hell In Korea,"
1:00, 2:42, 5:24, 9:06.
Joyo: "Saddle The Wind,"
7:08, 10:20. "Tha Girl Most
Likely," 8:40.
84th & O: "Cartoons," 8:00.
"Forty Guns," 8:40. "Back
From The Dead," 10:15. "20,-
000 Years In Sing Sing," 11:45.
Starview:. "Cartoons," 8:00.
"The Domino Kid," 8:15. "The
Deep Six," 9:45. "Reach For
The Sky," 11:30.
West O: "Cartoons," 8:00.
"Teenage Monster," 8:15.
"Brain From Planet Arous,"
9:40. "Public Pigeon No. 1,"
Mr. Ferguson, Bob Smith;
Mrs. Henderson, M a r c i a
Mr. Henderson, Dennis Cris
pin; Miss Lockwood, Susie
Stone; Miss Gardner, Penny
Youngers; Miss Harper, Pat
Tatroe; Mr. Drammond, Jim
Peterson; Mr. Howard, Art
Armburst and Mr. Jeffrey,
Dennis EUithorpe.
Dancers in the show are
Jean Curnes, Penny Coates,
Ann Hermes, Sandy Heffelf-
inger, Judy Hughes, Judy
Leadabrand, Edith Morrow,
Prudie Morrow, Wendy Make
peace, Pat Salisbury, Sandy
Sanger, Jan Walsh and Sally
4-S The Top Thirty Show
6:45 Spotlight on Sports
7 Dixieland Unlimited
7:30 The Steve Barber Show
:45 KNUS News in Depth
10 The Steve Barber Show
Nebr. Council Teach Ed, I a.m., 113.
315. 316, 212. w .
Theta Siyma Phi and Sigma Delta CM,
12 noon, XYZ.
Cnrnhusker Issues, 12 noon. Basement.
Inter Varsity, 12:30 p.m., 313.
Kosmet Klub. 7 P m Ballroom.
Fac. Frad.. 4 p.m., 312.
Judo Team, 7:30 p.m.. 31S.
The .
of the South , .
story of a
L i
feller with
ohe aim
f. in life....
A3 -J
nri, r
ke. 4
George GkSBEL -pianaDdRS
l J v
I I urn
gs J
Air Conditioning-tern perotirret mod to order. Get a demonstrotionl
FOR BAI.K: W Ford Hard Top.
Fordornatlo. Hadlo and Hfater, New
Continental Kit. New Nylon White
Wall Tlrea. Rsasonabl.. 7-16.
FOR SALE: 1S.15 Ownahom. trailer. 39
foot, 2 bedroom, mink beds, air con
ditioner. Reasonable. Call 8-2614. 103C
No. 4Hth. Lot 43.
WANTKD: Riders to Washington D.C.,
area about June 4. 7-l6.
Wanted: Actlv., effective leadership
for the fin. people ot N.braska.
Mansion furnish sd.
Jam Session Sunday afternoon 1:00
P.M. ZBT House.
LOST: Bracelet with Sigma Nu Crst,
Plgg. Dlnn.r engraTlng. Call 3-Sul.v
Ride, available for los Angeles area
leaving near June 3. Phone J-51H7.
Irving Berlin's
May. 23 & 24 At 8:30 P.M.
Ticket.: $1.80 -$1.50 -$1.20
I They're Full-Size Chevies I
I No skimping in scat width, lrg- j
I room, wheelbair Delray give I
I you every generous dimension J
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You can order a Delray with Chevy's
top Fuel Injection V8 if you like or
get any one of the five V8'i or tfw
Blue-Flame Six!
The baovlifu Delray 2-Door Sedan, on of ffiree bvdgl-prktd Dtlray mod.
Chevrolet s dollar-stretching DELRAY
Here' 8 surefire proof Chevrolet always knows how to give you more for
your money from longer, newer, lovelier bodies to a wider range of
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Choice of time-proved Power
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Turboglide the only triple
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Full Goii Suspension
Ddrai standard suspension system
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Chevy doesn't have any "smaller"
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Body by Fisher. There's no stinting
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