Poo4 TKe Dalfv Nebroskon Wednesday, Moy 14, 1953 "Vic Anderson Will Speak To NU YRs Governor Victor Anderson is guest speaker at a meet ing of the University Young Republicans at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Union. No e x a c t topic has . oeeu set mr 4 the discus- . I - . t sion will probably cen- I rf rome I I fy LitI U19 VUiVUUlQ I , oi ruesaay d r i m election, ac joi aa sr cording Anderson to Sandi Laaker, publicity chairman. The executive board will meet before the talk at 7 p.m. CANOE TOPS 1st QaaHoo-Snparior WDdarnaaa (Mr ct.T a -w OMNW! rfW ffpS rHvr KTorrrirrE Ka, i ni MastoccioU Spaghetti Lasagne Ravioli 3457 Hoidrege Qr Glitter's 8 14, I Now I j in the jj i Sweater World j 7.98 and $10 jj J Juiy Bon4 smartness and precision fit in ?i 1 1 blottse-tailored Orion bnlkies. Easily wash- J1 able, beautifully detailed at all points of im- J, , portance, such as the elasticized waists, for fi 1 1 hug'-me-tight contouring. Left, collared card- j j ! igan in White, 7.95, Above center, V-neck I cardigan, White, 7.98, Right, drawstring Ji I I sweater in White, Mint, Coral, Pink, $10. 1 1 BLOVSE JVOOK, FIRST FLOOR j! II WW Ur Lincoln 0 The 195 Pick yours up TODAY!! Books may still be purchased Books will be handed out May 14-16 and 19-22 12-5 p.m. Cornhusker office-Stdsnt Unfcn Basement Bomb Hits Sink Tears In Beer It was a crying shame, but dozens of Friday After noon Clubbers at the Uni versity of Colorado had their fun marred the other day when someone threw a tear gas bomb into the Sink. The unknown culprit's bomb caused the Sink faith ful to evacuate the popular Boulder pub, crying in their beer as they left. Joe Beimford, owner of this establishment which has entertained many mi grating Nebraskans in the past, had more than one reason to cry. Beimford estimated that he lost about 75 per cent of his daily business during the hours he was forced to close up. Cosmo Nominees Cosmopolitan Club will pre sent its nominees for 1958-59 i officers at a meeting Wednes day at 7:30 p.m. a the Union ballroom. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted, accord ing to Ken Ackbarili, president. $.75 5150 ffi $2.00 I PL 8-1472 ocqccqocqccooooq With i i m x Cornhuskers Are Here Emily States Name Rales Brides Face Numerous Problems With June less than month away many girls are going to be getting married and changing their names. According to Emily Post there are definitely accept ed rules about the use of a new married name. A girl's name was Gayle Anne Smith before her marriage. She married Her man George Jingo. Mrs. Herman George Jingo then becomes her formal name. Gayle Smith Jingo be comes her informal name. There are times and places for using the formal and the informal names, Emily Post says. Visiting Cards The formal name should be engraved on the new vis iting card Mrs. Herman George Jingo, There must be no abbreviations. Initials are bad form en Kessler Gets Top Office In Honorary Eleanor Kessler has been elected president of the new ly initiated members of Al pha Lambda Delta, freshman scholarship honorary. Other officers elected at the initiation ceremonies Monday were Judy Mooman, vice president, Judy Williams, sec retary, Dorothy uenun. treasurer, and Sandra Sang er, historian. Former Alpha Lambda Del ta sponsor. Miss Winona Per ry, was gnest at the initi ation. Outgoing president Marilyn Pickett was chosen junior ad visor for the group. A senior adviser will be chosen from members of Mortar Boards who are Alpha Lambda Del ta members. Mrs. Walter Blore spoke to the initiates on Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi, hon orary scholastic societies. Initiates were: Sonia An derson, Janice Bartling, Elizabeth Blore, Barbara BoureUe, Tbelma Christen- sen, Regina Denker, Elaine Fa lk en, Eleanor Kessler, Judy Mooman, Sheryl Oberg, Patricia Porter, Anita Retch less, Sylvia Rodehorst, Linda Rohwedder, Sandra Sanger, Mary Schmelzer, Sherry Schuett, Dorothy SeEentin, Carol Vermaes and Judy Wil liams. Teachers Frat Elects Becknian Wayne Beckman was elect ed president of Mu EpsOon Nn, Teachers College profes sional fraternity for men, at a meeting last Friday. Other officers elected were L. M. Tarvin, vice president; Larry Perkins, secretary; Lar ry Schrag, treasurer; mem bership chairman, Ken Bliss. An award will be presented to the outstanding high school teacher at the next meeting, 7 p.m. Saturday. The dinner meeting win feature Dr. Earle Wiltse, superintendent of the Grand Island schools as spea er. Parking Dispute Hits Chapel Hill So we think we have a parking problem at NU! At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, students have threatened to boycott the town merchants, theatres and restaurants if the Aldermen do not recon sider a proposal to install parking meters on the uni versity. 'It win be the most com-' plete boycott this commun ity has ever witnessed, stated Don Furt&do, student body president. "Such a measure wfll def initely stamp on their minds that the students are the life-blood of Chapel EiH," he continued. , Students claimed that meters would pose a money problem as well as deface some of Chapel Hill's beauty. a visiting card or a formal invitation, and are prefer ably not nsed ia the formal name. One may wonder what to do if one's husband has adopted a business or professional abbreviation of his name, as H. G. Jingo, and is widely known la that way. The answer is that the formal name is still Mrs. Herman George Jingo, Em ily Post says, and should be used on all social occa sions. Business Only in some business transactions should it be necessary to use it for spe cial identification, in short ened form. Monograms on wedding stationery, silver, or linens may be either G. S. J. or S. A. G. In signing letters, trti easiness letters, a girl should never siga ber name Mrs. Herman George Jingo indeed never sign letters, 5Irs." anything! The cor rect letter signatnre is the faifromal Gayle. Smith Jingo. Mar one ever sign a let ter "Mrs. Gayle Smith Jingo?" Emily Post says the answer is a strong 'No." It is never correct unless one is especially re quested to use this form on legal documents. No matter how high a title a bride's husband may have, or may later achieve a wife has no claim to it in her own signature or ad dress. -Mrs. Dr. Jingo," and "Mrs. Judge Jingo'.' are both in bad taste. If a bride has a title and her husband does not, she may use it in the same form it is used professionally. Chemical Engineers The American Institute of Chemical Engineers will have a meeting tonight at 7:30 pjn. in Avery 324. Officers will be elected, ac cording to Jerry Steinmeyer, corresponding secretary. Typewriters For Rent Special Student Rates NEBRASKA TYPEWRITER CO. 12S No. 11th Light into that live Modern A- I f l r U.UJ f U PUFF BY r j i I 1 i 3 ' r i r ?! Sig Tau Society Initiates 23 New Engine Students Twenty-three University en gineering students were ini tiated into Sigma Tau, nation al enginering honorary. Dr. Clyde Hyde and Dr. John Vickers, associate pro fessors of electrical engineer ing, and John Olson of Lin coln were also initiated into the society at the organiza tion's annual banquet. New intitiates are Vernon Bollesen, Douglas Braunsroth, Donald Cox, Delmar Fang meier, LeRoy Gerlach, Car roll Goering, Ivan Goering. Kermit Goettsche, Howard Kirsch, Jaroslav, Kohl, Emil Koval, Larry Larsen, Buddy Miles, Ronald Nail, Ronald Stephen PawelskL Ronald Reed, Dean Ruwe, Richard Sabin, Lawrence Schumacher, P a a 1 Smith, Douglas Thorpe and James WTees. Civil Engineers To Honor Five Five students will join the spring awards stampede as the American Society of Civil Engineers recognizes its out standing members at 6:30 p.m. tonight Two civil engineering stu dents will receive cash awards at the banquet in Par lor A, Union. Tbey are Ad na Dobson and the Warren B. Day Awards. The Fulton Crammer Con sulting Engineers awards will go to the student who gave the best student paper dur ing the year and to the per son doing the most for the chapter during the year. GIRLS LOVE DIAMONDS IotmM aaaTainJ a Vu taraatr SZ2S. War e aaaa A amaataata mm vthmHIrf. Wt, taa, exa Vlrmr. Kwi S-7709 SAVE ON DIAMONDS Phono 1-4281 ff W w Smokes cleaner i I ' 1 f m l' r 0 FUFF i -v V 1 TacIpj J Ti -mmpiai ia iial-a ! ' Wilbur Crowned 'Rose Queen' Sylvia Wilbur, senior in Teachers, was crowned Rose Queen of Delta Sigma Pi, professional business admin istration fraternity, at the 34th Rose Formal Saturday at the Cornhusker Hotel. Miss Wilbur, a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority, was entered by the fraternity into the national competition for Rose Queen. The national honor went to Helen Marie Craig of the University of Georgia. Judges of the national con test were Betty Furness, TV announcer for "Studio One" and Kirby Grant, star of the "Sky King" series on TV. Dr. Staba Wins Pharmacy Award Dr. John Staba, acting, chairman of the department of pharmacognosy, received a $100 honorable mention in the Lnnsford Richardson Pharmacy contest for a pa per based on his doctoral thesis. The paper, entered in the! graduate section of the con-1 test, was entitled, "A Mano-; metric Study of Claviceps! Purpurea." j ay;y,jawiaaiiaamMay , awiiajiiiaiiiyiiiiiwjiiiJiaMiiiliMlia.nl I milium i.jiii GETTil eiBAGffl THIS SPRDIE? IF YOU ARE DON HAMANN Invites yon to stop in ot Sartors and Worn ebowt Diamonds aad see tKe selection of over a thousand stylos. It Costs Nothing To Look. SARTORS 1 200 "O" STREET "Quality TtlU -5 . , , TODAYS UM best I .J" V . - : b m i V ' They said it couldn't be done . . ..a cigarette with such an improved filter... with such exciting taste. But LM did it! LM's patented filtering process electrostatically places extra filtering fibers crosswise to the stream of smoke . . . enabling today's LM to give you jru ff ly puff less tars in the smoke than erer before. Yet LM draws easy . . . delivering you the clean rich taste of the Southland's finest cigarette tobaccos. The best tasting smoke youll ever find. IKS Lujcinn a Vyuu Tuaacov Ca. Union Wednesday ConuiuMcer Issim .. 00 Ba Inter Van , 11 M SIC Fae Wm Niirt 1 00 l) Far Wm Low .... 1:M Ballrwn St. Council 4 M su Pelta Phi Alpfc .... iH Y Horn Eat M BaJaraoa ASCK : X nlta PM Drlt .... 7-60 T. Gam AMI Cat T W lit Red Cms T oo 31S Knarnt Klub T:M SIS MiiLKS T:M SI KOUN-TV Guide Tuesday ID Matbematlr--T Bedrock at La. kl Tlmuar- Oeainc PrcMr : Left Visit Softool T Tempest ia a Teat Toba "EatSMaaa aad Compoands" T:M Agricultural Poller Freack throuih TefcrisiM :SS Coaversatioa Pieca Bregma Seatioa KNUS Log Tuesday 4 Tka Tot Thirty Show. t Evwiuoe. : Sport'a Picture. T Wauinc ia "C". I The Chuck Patrick Shaar. :4S KNUS Ness ia Depta. U Taa Chuck Patrick anew. GRADUATES SarasHgoN tti awdriitg eejpaar f I'rfa iasaraaca afliff. Escal ttf iitiway for oaJ arm- lull, tjivarlll ajwal amVaia War Mia. Cawm Cal 7-4141, flavor S ' '. " , - f GIVES YOU. 1