Hitchcmk Places High Ji RAmFestivities Gardner, Dye -Given- Special Trophies, House, Executive Officers Sworn In Awards, installations and trophies were the order of the hour last night as Selleck Quadrangle held its second annual RAM Awards Ban quet House and executive offi cers were sworn into office and awards were given to men who have distinguished themselves in scholarship and activities. Hitchcock House walked wav with the coveted Out standing House Trophy. Hitchcock won over Canfield, Boucher, Gus I, Maclean and Averv amonp the top six bouses. Hitchcock won the trophy for ranking high in the num ber of men in activities, both Quadrangle and campus, and for having a high scholastic average, a good social pro gram and ranking high in intramurals. Keith Gardner A special trophy was pre sented to Keith Gardner for the honor he brought to the University. Bob Dye, resident advisor got a "thank you" trophy for his service to the men of the Quad. Special scholastic awards went to individuals who had the highest grade average for their college for the first semester from Selleck. James Wees received the award from Engineering. Charles Falls had the highest marks fen Teachers. Dennis Stewart took the Arts and Sciences honors and Marvin Luebbert was high man in Business Administra tion. Tom Eason received special recognition as fresh man having the highest first semester average. Four men received en graved trophies because of contributions they had made to Selleck Quadrangle. They were Lyle Hansen, Dave Har Ball Honors Methodists Group Choose Sweetheart, Flame Donna Furbaugh and Bill Johnston were honored at the first annual Presentation Ball of Kappa Phi and Sigma Theta Epsilon held in the Union Round-Up Room Fri day. , Miss Purbaugh was chosen Sweetheart of Sigma Theta Epsilon, national service fra ternity for Methodist men. Johnston was designated Kappa Phi Flame. Kappa Phi is the national Methodist women's club. Other honors went to Bur ney Bouslough, outstanding STE active and Terry Otto, outstanding STE pledge. Both organizations for mally presented their new members. Kappa Phi claimed 13 new members. They are Alice Ahlschwede, Carolyn Botts, Judy Combs, Linda Forch, Ruth Fritz, Jeannetle Moot, Brenda Na ber. Maribeth Powell, Diane Russell, Cathy Scott, Vir ginia Sobotka, Caroline White and Margaret Winter. Sixteen new Sigma Theta Epsilon members include Bill Bammer, Gary Foss, Dick Fox, Larry Fritr, Jim Garner. Ted Hughes, Keith McBur ney, Merlin Montgomery, Archie N-'er, Richard Oeh lerking, i,OTy Otto, Tom Peck, Geue Rauscher, Ray Shepard, Keith Titus and Bob Wright. i Exam Scliedule BATLKDAT, MAT M All awitluu af EturHuh a. MONDAY, MAT 14 1-4 p.m. -It a.. Claaaa mortlnt a a.a. A ar 4 aara, ar MWF, ar tar aaa ar Pwe f day. 4'Ummmi mmtint at am f ar aan, ar MWF, ar aar aaa ar wa af thr day. t-f p.m. (JIMW mertlnr, at ft a.m. TTh ar aHfcar af thaaa aava. TUESDAY, Ntr II -U a.m. riaawa tiHwttnr, at a.m. ar 4 oar, ar MWF, ar aar aaa ar twa nf thraa day. f-i p.m. JImm mmttnc at a.m. TTb ar aitbar af thaaa aar. WKDMCNDAl, MAI XI -l J a.m. name mmttnc at It a.m. ar tor, ar MWF, ar anr aaa ar raw of thear day. -t p.m. 1-10 p.m. -It a.m. t-f p.m. t-1 J a.m. - P.m. rkMHHW mratlnc at 1 a.m. TTh ar atthar af thaaa aara. Alt aantluaa af In aval Mnlnw. TMLHIS1M1, MAT St Claaaa DiMrtlnc at 11 a.m. i ar A aaya, ar MWF, ar aar aaa r twa af throe day. Claaw mmttnc at 11 r,m. TTh ar attfcar af thaaa Aar. AH aaetluiM af Kdnnattm 41. 42. KATI KIMV. MAT IT! Claw nwHni at 1 a.m. ar 4 day, ar MWF, ar aar aaa ar twa f thre daya. 'iar iiHMtlnr at 1 p.m. TTh ar thr af thaaa data. AU axntliina f MaalnnM OraaulBatliia J, a. All aMtlom af aimm-h t. It). Munur, rvTT. t fllBM mooting at 1 a.m. A ar 4 day, ar MWF, ar any ana ar twa of than day. 4'ummki nuMtitif at I a.m. TTh ar olltwv af thaaa aar. - -1I a.m. t-l p.m. All anntMnM of nnntmmm flraanlHatlaa L All aontlmi of rTnanh (11, 141. All aartlim of Mpannih 81, 64. Ail ancttiHM of Mianr RpmHimlc 41, 41. TTESHA. n.sm I t-1! a.m. naM nwwtlnc at I p.m. i ar 4 dar ar MWF, ar aar ana ar twa of thm day. iimm mnetbir at p.m. t ar 4 day, ar MWF, ar aar ana af the day. All omitlnn af RiwnamlM 11, It. AN aonUnn of f.ducaMna ati. t-l p.m. Olammt m-xting at I a.m. TTh CHtMHtm mnfttlna at t i.m. TTa All Mlim of Math (II, 14 1-1 1-4 p.m. p.m. AU aratlun of Math (1. 14. IK, III, lit, jM). i.nvi:iiiv, ji ve 4 -It a.m. ram mwtlnc at 4 ma. 4 or of thfMf 1y- All -r;l,.iH. of r.nrii.h h. 1. H a.m. Hum mmini at p.m. TTh all aaattoaa af liuslbih , A, 4. ris, Walt Weaver and Clint Spindler. Officers InstaDed In the installation of offi cers ceremony, Bob Grimit was sworn in by Blaine Mc Clary, retiring president of RAM Council. Lee Smith, new vice-president and treasurer replaced Bob CorruzzL John Haber man was sworn In by retiring secretary Brian Baxter. Gary Koopman took the Commentator Hits U.S. Lack Of Spirit Information Floio Will Help Ease World Tension Combs By Marilyn Coffey . Staff Writer . "Life emerges as a cylindrical gigantic tootsie roll" when Americans become satisfied George Hamilton Combs, American Broadcasting Company speaking at a University convocation Tuesday as part of Journalism Week. "America's weakness is that I she's lost the revolutionary quality, lost altruism. She fails to under stand squalor and misery We are satisfied with things!" Although I f i Combs de- f scribed him- & self as a man jZsZ with faith in Combs the American people, he spoke of the possibility that western culture may not survive He lashed out against con formity, intolerance, fear. "Throughout the country myomantic fear makes a man unwilling to champion cause. "Are we becoming a herd of people? The present gener ation of college students have never known anything, by and large, but a fat and generous life children of a culture which Is a complacent one, Free Information Speaking for a moment about the free flow of informa tion, the subject of his ad dress, he pointed out the anti American sentiment showing itself in the attacks against Nixon in Latin-America, the burning of U.S. Information Agency libraries in Beirut, This sentiment, ha said, was symptomatic of a deeper dis satisfaction and distrust based on lack of understanding be tween countries. Free flow of information would create better under standing and tolerance. "Failure to understand is predicated on lack of informa tion, The use of the press as an instrument of American for eign policy received a verbal "thumbs-down' by Combs. The "Vanguard fiascos,' thought of as bad publicity, were yoked by the press them selvesas a matter of policy, not a matter of security, he said. Cornhushers Cornhuskers will be avail able today, according to Larry Schrag, 1959 business manag er. They may be picked up in the Union basement. Yearbooks will also be available May 14-16 and 19-22. Some 150 annuals may still be purchased, Schrag said. ar oldMr af taw aar. ar llhr of tun aara. IT, 41, Kill, 4 daya, ar MWF, ar anr aaa ar twa ar altbar at thma aar. i oath as social director. Bob Otto became the activities di rector and Jon Lindell be came scholastic director. Tom Monahan became intramural director. Darrel Lau took the oath as RAM representative to student council, replacing Tom Smith, who is a hold over member this year. House presidents were sworn in by Blaine McClary as his last official duty. with material things, thundered fiery radio commentators for Schools, Draft, Neics Blasted Topic discussed during the speech and audience question period included: Emphasis on science in edu cation "We're eoine to breed ourselves a race of round-head ed monsters as brainy as an IBM machine ... To concen trate on this alone is to give a lopsided education." Selective service "An in vasion, an often discriminat ing invasion, of personal free dom. We must make it as democratic as possible. "Future wars are not going to be won by the ROTC boys marching on the green." American news "We are the best informed about the least important things. "This is an era of newstand bust culture." Research, Training Grants Total $1,468,140 Weaver Reports 75 Per Cent Gain Over Last Year's Totals Research and training grants to the University sky rocketed 75 this year to the grand total of $1,468,140, ac cording to Dr. John Weaver, research administrator. The $029,725 increase was more than the entire year's total for each of the six of the previous eight rears. stated Dr. Weaver in his an nual 'eport. Only the last two years had more than the increase. 1955-56 grants totaled $709,- 627 and 1956-57 grants reached $238,415. Predicted Early in the year Dr. Weav er predicted that the total would climb over the $1 mil lion mark for the first time in the University's history. However, I did not think that we would surpass it by so large a margin." he add ed. Grants are provided to cov er materials, equipment, sup plies, assistance or travel for specific research projects. The College of Medicine re ceived grants totaling $710,050 which amounted to 48 of the University's total grants. Arts and Sciences grants were worth $300,859 or 207e of the totaL Early Exam Schedule Had Errors la case yon clipped out the schedule run yester day in the Daily Nebraskan, better toss it out and clip ut the new one. Exam scheduling confu sion is especially evident in connection with math fi nals which were listed in correctly in second se mester schedule books. Sections which were listed incorrectly (with the right times) include; Monday, June 2, 2-5 p.m. all sections of Business Organization 21, Economics 15, French 12, French 14, Spanish 52 and 54. The French 11 exam w ill not be scheduled for this time. Tuesday, June S, 1-S p.m. All sections of Math 11, 16, 17, 42 and 107. Tuesday, June 2 1-4 p.m.. All sections of Math I, 14, 18, 115, 118 and 20L Vol. 32, No . Ill Outstanding Letter Nominates Keene Dave Keene, junior in Law College, is the first nominee for the Daily Nebraskan's Outstanding Nebraskan award. The letter nominating Keene states, "Dave cannot be praised highly enough for the contributions he has made on and off the Council floor. This year he has spent , end less hours studying, prepar ing and promoting the Student Tribunal Charter. "If the Tribunal proves to be successful, much of the credit will go to Dave Keene. He has definitely shown ma ture thinking, sound judg merit and able leadership in his work on the Council." Keene has just finished his second year on the student counciL Nominations Nominations will be accept ed at the Daily Nebraskan of fice until Tuesday noon, May 20. One senior or graduate stu dent and one faculty mem ber will be selected for the awards. Both men and wom en may be nominated. Letters must be submitted in writing and signed by the person making the nomina tion. Names will be held in confidence. To be eligible for the award, a student or faculty member must have made outstanding contributions to the University. Awarding Faculty members must have served at least two years as a staff member. Awards will be presented at a Daily Nebraskan lunch eon and will be announced in the May 23 issue of the paper. Other recipients were: Col lege of Agriculture, 15 per cent or $225,394; Teachers College, two per cent or $23, 973; College of Dentistry, one per cent or $19,500; all other colleges, approximately one per cent or $7,900, $180,464 in grants are not identified with a specific col lege. Dr. Weaver commented, "The growing stature of our institution is clearly reflect ed in the sharply rising graph which these research figures create." Sixty-six per cent of the grants are research grants and the other 34 per cent are training grants. In research, 54 per cent are for biological sciences, eight per cent for physical sciences, 3 per cent for so cial sciences and one per cent for humanities. Largest Donor The federal government was the largest donor, con tributing 67 per cent of the I total grants. Of this. 59 ter cent came from the U.S. Pub lic Health Service. State government provided three per cent of the grants and the remaining 30 per cent came from non-governmental sources, including foundations and industry. Summer Address Thursday is the last day for submitting address changes to the Registrar's Office to receive second semester grade reports. Summer Students Won't Be Grounded Sky Classes i-ive programs in air age education and two programs concerning current problems facing educators and parents will highlight summer session programs, according to Dr. Frank Sorenson, director. The air age education pro grams will begin with a con vocation June 13 in Love Li bary Aulitorium at 11 a.m. Dr. John Furbay, world trav eler and lecturer, will discuss "The Plight of the Earth Bound American" at that time. Weekly flights from Lincoln to Omaha will begin June 1 Lincoln, Six For Aggie Royal-Rodeo Calendar WEDNESDAY l:t a.m. Kanrara Caart, Saath af At a. BaUdinc. ' m. Dairy Kayak Harat Barn THURSDAY f:0t a.m. Kancare Court, gaath af Af " Bolldiar. T:M pja. Black aad Bridla 8hwaa abip Contest. Harat Barn. FRIDAY !:M p.m. Kanrarm Conii, goata af Af E Bnildlac. I:M p.m. Arrir Kayal Ball, Collraa Aetiritie Gym. SATURDAY I: It p.aa. tnarterfcarm Sbow. Eadea Granad. 11:M a.m. Cararaa ta Ar. frac city camatta. 1:M p.m. Bode, Bade Granada. l:M pjn. Badea, Badea Graund. NU Readies ForSuinmer World Forums, Classes Added Students enrolled in the Uni versity's 1958 Summer Ses sions will have an opportunity to participate in an expanded world affairs program, Dr, Frank Sorenson, director, said. The program will consist-of lectures, forums and discus sions. Five special lecturers have been scheduled for ap pearances beginning June 23. Five Lectures Scheduled for the World Af fairs Preview are: June 23 "Modern Japan". June 30 "Modern Ger many". July 7 "Modern Russia". July 8 Wrorld Trouble Spot Forum. An additional world affairs program will be presented Ju ly 15 by Ralph Bedell, spe cialist in the U.S. Office of Education and former direc tor-general of the South Pa cific Commission. The Summer Sessions, in cluding 8, 6 and 4-week ses sions, will begin June 9 with registration. More Courses Offering courses will be the colleges of Agriculturp, Arts and Sciences, Engineer and Architecture, Graduate, Phar macy and Teachers. The number of courses of fered by the Colleges of Ag riculture and Engineering and Architecture have been great ly increased according to Dr. Sorenson. The Session will engage some 225 faculty members, in cluding approximately 50 guest lecturers, he said. Besides the world affairs program, the Summer Session will include special clinics, the Student Union Fine Arts Se ries, the annual All-State Pro grams, an air-age educational program and various exhibits and displays. Old SC Members To Sign Tribunal AH outgoing student council members are expected to at tend the council meeting to day at 4 p.m., according to Dave Keene. The Student Tribunal Char ters are ready now and must be signed by old council members, Keene said- Loaned Pictures All pictures that were loaned as a part of the Union lending service must be re turned by Friday to the Union Activities Office, according to Judy Lang of the Arts ex hibits committee. Highlight New Study for all Summer Session stu dents. "These flights are arranged to give students experience in 6mall plane flight, as well as an opportunity to study east ern Nebraska from the air and to study airport facilities," Dr. Sorenson stated. " A third feature of the air age program will be a cur riculum seminar in which air age concepts will be empha sized. Sixteen elementary school supervisors and teach ers from Eastridge school will parti:,irt?t.e. Visits to the Ralph Mueller Nebraska Finalists Whisker Kangaroo Court Convenes Six Whisker King finalists were named Tuesday by panel of judges composed of two Mortar Boards and a Lincoln barber. Finalists are Larry Voss, Don Herman, Tarry Howard, Jerry Wagner, Roger Hubbard and Jack Skinner. Mortar Board judges were Doris Eby and Georgann Humphrey. Dale Markussen was the Lincoln Barber. The Whisker King will be announced at the Aggie Royal Ball Friday night. He will receive a Reming ton Roll Electric shaver. The Goddess of Agriculture, wnose name wm aio be re vealed at the dance, will re ceive a Remington Princess shaver for assisting the Whis ker King shave off his beard. The runner-ups will shave their beards against time at the dealers' for the second Remington shaver. Kangaroo Court will con vene this afternoon at 5 p.m. south of the Ag Engineering building. Offenders of the laws gov erning Aggie" Royal Week will come before the court of "honorable Innocents and Mortar Boards to face charg es brought against you by the Farmers Fair Board". Pun ishment will be anything from jail imprisonment to a tank ducking. Milking Contest Twenty-four Ag students will compete in the Dairy Showmanship contest held in conjunction with the Dairy Royal tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the Horse Barn. Also sched uled is the coed cow milking contest and the Dairy Queen presentation. Ribbons will be awarded to the winners of the showman ship contest and trophies giv en to the high individuals and to the Grand Champion and Reserve Champion showman. Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Horse Barn the Block and Bridle Livestock Show manshiD contest will get un derway. Sixty contestants have signed up for the event, according to Bob Volk, chair man. Judging Judges for the contests are: Charles Beerman, cattle, Ev erett Maahs, swine, and John Eberspacher, sheep. All con testants will wear jeans and white shirts with a bow tie, said Volk. A trophy will be presented to the champion by the Ne braska Breeders and Feeders Associaton. Ribbons will be awarded to other winners by the Block and Bridle Club, sponsoring group. Saturday morning beginning at 8:80 a.m., the Quarter- horse Show will be held. It will draw entries from a five state area, according to Al lan McClure, chairman. Following the car caravan to proceed from city campus at 12:30 the afternoon Rodeo performance will begin at 1:30 p.m. Following the evening performance at 7:30 p.m. the Typical Cowboy and cowgirl, elected by student vote, will be presented. Ag Rodeo Club Will Meet Tonight All members are urged to attend the Rodeo Gub meet ing Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in the Animal Husbandry HalL according to Prudy Morrow, publicity chairman. Final plans for the rodeo Saturday afternoon and eve ning will be made, she said. Program Planetarium and a SAC par ty at the Lincoln Air Force Base on July 10 are other scheduled events. Current problems facing parents and educators will be included in a speech by Lu cille Lindberg of Queens Col lege on June 19. Her topic is "Teaching Moral and Spritual Values in the Age of Advanced Technology." "Parents and Tethers At tack the Problems of Juvenile Delinquency" will be the sub ject of a July 21 seminar. All Summer Session student may attend these programs. Wednesday, May 14, 1953 Vie Title Today TT 1 1 IxOllCtt May Cool Air Condition Bids Open For Theatre Hot weather wont bother Howell Theater goers if pres ent plans are successful. The University is now ac cepting bids for the construc tion of new air conditioning for the theater, according to Charles Fowler, director of buildings and grounds. Bids Absent No bids have been received yet and none are expected until immediately before the dead line, May 20, Fowler commented. The construction costs, which are estimated at $25, 000, will be paid from the regular building program funds, the building director stated. Construction should be completed by the last part of the summer. The air conditioning is a "deferred part of the original project", Fowler said. Funds Short Several years ago with the remodeling plans for the theater, ventilation was de signed, but limited funds prevented immediate instal lation, he explained. "The system will supple ment the present ventilation system with cooling coils in order to get the tempera ture at a more desirable range. "A great deal of comfort value will be added by the air conditioning," Fowler commented. AIE-IRE Officers Told Blackman Gets Top Position Glen Blackman, junior in engineering, was elected president of the University's joint student branch of the American Institute of Electri cal Engineers and the Insti tute cf Radio Engineers, na tional professional honorary societies, for the first semes ter of the 1958-59 school year. Other new officers are Don ald Neben, vice president; Al bert Kruse, AIEE secretary; Philip Bernard, IRE secretary and Vernon Schoep, treasurer. Dr. Curtis Elliott, professor of ecnomics and insurance. will speak to the Joint group at their last meeting of the semester tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Ferguson 217. An award will be presented to the outstanding student member if the AIEE-IRE. Constitutional amendements will also be discussed. Teacher's Club To Give Advice On Advancement The final meeting of the New Teachers Doctoral Club will feature a symposium. "Fatherly Advice on How to Get Ahead in the Profession. Participating win be Dr. Erwin Goldenstein, associate professor of history and principles of education. Dr. Wesley Meierhenry, profes sor of school administration and Dr. Galen Saylor, pro fessor of secondary educa tion. Dr. Goldenstein will speak on "Your Job as a College Professor." Dr, Meierhenry's topic will be "Suggestions for Moving Ahead Job wise and Dr, Saylor will discuss Establishing Yourself in a Profession." The meeting will be held Wednesday from 3:3D-5 p.m. in Teachers Uillege, room 20.