The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 13, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4

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What's Happening In
Cupid's Comer
By Wyna Smlthberger
Social Editor
Congrats to the Chi Ome
cas. Delta Sigma Phis, Phi
Delta Thetas, the Delta Tau
Deltas and Queen Marilyn
Minor all winners in Greek
Week and All-Sports Day com
petition. ' Pinning
Suie Swingle, a Kappa
Alpha Theta junior in Teach
ers from Lincoln, to Veldon
Lewis, a Sigma Nu junior in
Business Administration from
Sylvia Rigg, a Kappa Alpha
Theta sophomore m Teachers
from Omaha, to Jim Peter
son, a Phi Delta Theta senior
In Arts and Sciences from
Greeley, Colo.
Suanne Reichstadt, a Pi
Beta Phi freshman in Arts
and Sciences from Omaha, to
Gary Townsend, a Phi Kappa
Psi junior in Business Admin
istration from Omaha.
Joan Hahn, a freshman in
Teachers from Hamlet, to
Dick Dudden, a Delta Tan
Delta sophomore in Business
Administration from Venango.
Barbara Bible, an Alpha
Chi Omega sophomore in Arts
and Sciences from Lincoln, to
Bill Spilker, a Farm House
senior in Agriculture from
Barbara Coonrad, a Kappa
Delta senior in Arts and Scl
ences from Lincoln, to Larry
French, a Sigma Chi alumnus
from Butler University in In
Ruth Ellen Albin, a Love
Sears Gives
19 Senior
Nineteen high school seniors
have been awarded Sears Roe
buck scholarships to study at
the University's College of Ag
riculture, accordine to U n i-
versity authorities.
Upon enrollment as fresh
men next fall, 13 of the schol
arship winners will receive
$200 awards.and 6 will receive
$100 awards, the University
Students receiving the $200
scholarships include: George
Ahlschwede, Crete; John
Biere, Auburn; John Griep-
enstroh. Nebraska City; Lar
ry Moore, Ulysses; Rodney
James Pearson, Concord; Ken
nard Pohlman, Stanton; Mau
rice Wiese, Dodge; Marvin
Daniels, Petersburg; Alan
Boning, Creston; Archie Holm
beck Jr., Kearney; Vance
Uden, Bruning; Stanley Jor
gensen, Sidney; and Melvin
Riley, Minatare.
Recipients of the $100 schol
arships include; Keith Pelton,
Beatrice: Herbert Kraeger
Plattsmouth; Bernard Chro
my, Lin wood; Bernard Ross
Hecht, Chapman; John Zauba,
Lexington, and Gary Kuxhau
sen, Bridgeport.
for Exams?
fight "Bock Fatipe" Safely
Your doctcf-will tell yon a
FJoDor Awakener it safe at an
average cup of hot, black cof
fee. Take a NoDoz Awakener
when you cram for that exam
L..or when mid-afternoon
bring on thote 3 o'clock cob
weba," You'll find NoDot give
yon a lift without a letdown ...
belpa yon map back to norma
tut fight fatigue safely!
sAf At com
2 Derail) 40 letoWi
US A PhD candidates art invited to review th NEW PROJECTS COMMENC
ING at the Endicott, New York Laboratory. For detailed information on these
projects, in the areas listed above, writ to: ,
Mr. William E. Barry, Department C-178
Endicott Laboratory
Endicott, New York
Hall senior in Home Econom
ics from Guide Rock, to Den
nis Choquette, a Delta Sigma
Phi senior in Agriculture
from Upland.
Judy Zikmund. an Alpha
O micron Pi freshman in
Teachers from Wilber, to Karl
Bauman, an Alpha Tau Ome
ea sophomore in Arts and
Sciences from Ravenna.
Trudy Jarvis, a Zeta Tau
Alpha sophomore in Teachers
from Sioux Falls, South Da
kota, to Jerry Kehn, a Pi
Kappa Phi senior in Business
Administration from Butte.
Judy Otradovsky, a Kappa
Alpha Theta junior in Agri
culture from Schuyler, to Ken
Petersen, an Alpha Tau Ome
ga junior in Business Admin
istration from Lincoln.
Engagements 1
Gwen Scriven, a Sigma
Kappa junior in Arts and Sci
ences from Haigler, to De
Verne Jacobsen, a University
alumnus from Genoa.
Ann Klein, a Towne Club
junior in Teachers from Lin
coln to Jack Furrow, a junior
in Arts and Sciences from
Carol Moore, a Towne Club
freshman in Teachers from
Lincoln, to Frank Rosenlof of
Barbara Lant, an Alpha Xi
Delta senior in Teachers from
Holdrege, to 1st Lt. C 1 a r k
Allen, LAFB alumnus from
Gavton, Conn.
ACP Poll
Female Fashion Cliange
Suits Majority Asked
Minneapolis (ACP) Do
women's fashions change too
rapidly? Nearly half of the
college men interviewed in a
recent ACP National Poll of
Student Opinion think so, but
only about one-fourt of the
coeds who were asked the
question feel the same. No
body neither men nor the
coeds Feel there isn't
enough change, but the coeds
were overwhelmingly of the
opinion that the present
change rate is all right.
To obtain this information,
Associated Collegiate Press
asked the following question
of a random group of stu
dents chosen from American
A complete tabulation of
the results is as follows:
Men Worn. Tital
gtvle Change Too Often 43 26 36
Don't Chanae Often Enough
Present Rat All Kigbt....45 54
Undecided 12 W
Among the men inter
vieved.seniors are stronger in
their relief that styles change
too frequently. Over half of
them feel this to be true, as
compared with slightly more
than a third of the freshman
and juniors and nearly half
of the sophomores. Broken
down by classes, the men's
opinions look like this:
Fr. Soph. Jra Bra.
gtylea Chann
too Often 36 47 94 H
Don't Chenae
Often Enough
Preeent Rate AD
Riant m 40 67 ji
Undecided 14 13 7 15
Even though the seniors
proportionately outnumbered
other classmen in feeling the
rate of change is too fre
quent, they also lead the field
in being undecided on the is
sue. Juniors, on the other
hand, have their minde pret
ty well made up. The ajor
ity of them feel the pesent
rate of a change about once
a year is all right.
Satisfactory Change
Over half of the coeds in
each class agree that the
present rate of change is sat
isfactory, but there were a
few who feel styles change
too often. In fact, very close
nrmpia: Buy a M point aarlat
diamond aBarahterf at $40 far only
S12S. Why not phone A bwaetlaatc
ovr reliability. We, tea, am Uatoar
eey Undent!.
U.S. Poetry
Grptcs Up
Shapiro Writes
Russian Orientation
The "coming of age" of
American poetry and its char
acteristics as seen by Karl
Shapiro will find its way into
Russia in an article to be dis
tributed this year by the U.S.
Information Agency.
The article, "Recent Amer
ican Poetry" is intended as
an orientation to American
for Russian readers.
As a Droof that American
poetry now has a place of its
own. Shapiro writes that Eu
ropean universities now offer
courses in American litera
ture and poetry.
Shapiro surveys some of the
work and techniques of cer
tain younger poets, including
Eliabeth Bishop, Marianne
Moore, Randall Jarrell, Rob
ert Lowell. Richard Wilbur
and Richard Eberhart.
The still younger poets
shaniro divides into two
groups the University Poets
and the self-styled Literary
The first group, he writes,
represents the more tradition
al a meets of literature and
the established institutions,
while the "noisy" other group
makes a point of detaching
itself from anything and
makes a "fetish of 'exile'
from society."
to half of the junior and sen
ior coeds interviewed (forty
three percent, in each case)
think this is true. Sophomore
coeds are nearly one hundred
per cent in favor of the pres
ent rate of change. The only
dissenters are those undecided
on the issue.
The coeds class breakdown
is as follows:
Ft. Soph. Jra. Bra.
Style! Chanaa
Too Often Sl 43
Don't Change
Often Enough
Present Rate All
Right 61 81 57 S7
Undecided 4
Although juniors and seniors
are about evenly split on the
issue, they have their opin
ions pretty well formed. None
of the coeds interviewed in
those two classes is undecided
Sophomore oeds differ quite
sharply from their sister stu
dents on the matter of too
much change. Not one of them
interviewed feel style changes
to be too frequent.
NU Students
Play Original
The original compositions
of seven University music
students will be presented
Thursday in the Union at
7;30 p.m.
Jack Minshall, senior in
Teachers, will have two of
his compositions on the
Other student composers
are: Robert Graham, Arts
and Sciences senior, Cynthia
Hansen, Teachers sophomore,
Karen Preston, Teach
ers sophomore, Joyce John
son, Teachers sophomore,
Janet Sundberg, Teachers
junior and John Nelson, Arts
and Sciences junior.
The original numbers were
selected from those composed
in the theory classes of Eliza
beth Tierney and Donald
Lentz, both professors of mu
sic, and Robert Beadell, as
sistant professor of music.
Teachers Honorary
Award Muster
Mary Elizabeth Musser has
been chosen to receive the
1958-1959 Educational award
presented by Zeta Chapter of
Delta Kappa Gamma, teach
ers honorary society.
Miss Musser is a senior in
Teachers College majoring in
elementary education.
Senior students majoring in
education who plan to teach
are eligible to receive this
THe Dailv Nebroskan
Exam Schedule
AH eeettoae af Kngll.h A.
1-4 a .ia-B-lt
1-C a aa.
t-t p.m.
-it a.m.
- p.m.
4-l a.m.
1-1 p.m.
-It a-m.
1-4 p.m.
-It a.m.
1-4 P m.
rumea ateetmi at a.m.
af tbeee aaye.
t maaea awrttnc at aaaa ar
three day.
riamwa mrrtntc at 8 a.m. TTa ar either at taaaa amy.
All eoeMoao al Keoa omlre 14.
ChMaee meeting at a.m. a ar 4 daya, ar MWF. ar amy aaa ar twa
af theae day.
Claaaea anertlat at a.m. TTa ar either of three dmya.
( meeting at la a.m. ar 4 day, ar MWF,,ar any aaa ar twa
of three day.
Caueea meeting at 14 a.m. TTh ar either at three day.
All auctions af Naval Nrteaee.
Oaaeoe aarerlaf at 11 .an. 4 ar 4 daya, ar MWF, ar aay aaa ar twa
nf three day.
Claaere meeting at 11 a.m. TTh ar either at three day.
AH seetwna a Edarattoa 1. as.
Claaeee meeting at 1 p.m- t ar 4 day, ar MWF, ar aay aaa ar two
af three daya.
Claaera meeting at 1 p.m. TTh ar either af three daya.
All arrtione af Bnatnraa OrraaJaattoa 3, 4.
All arettoaa af Speech a, !.
naaaea meeting at t p.m. I ar 4 daya, ar MWF, ar any one ar twa
C'meere meeting at t p.m. TTh ar either at three aara.
AH erethma of Beninese Organliatloa tU
AH eectloa af Frrarh 11.
AH aertloM af Snanteh St. M.
All aerUoaa af Home KeoaotnJca 41, at.
Claaaea BieaUaf at 1 a.m. ar 4 daya, ar MWF, ar any aaa ar twa
af three daya.
4'iaeeee meeting at ( p.m. at daya, ar MWF, ar aay aaa at three
All arettoM af Bronomlea 11, IS.
AH arettoaa of Education So, SI.
Claaaea anerttag at S p.m. TTh ar either of throe aay.
Ctaeeea mrrtlng at t p.m. TTh ar either af three daya.
All aertmna af Math 1, 14, 41, Ho,
AM pactum at Math 14. 14. 11, 41. 14a. 141.
naaaas meeting at 4 p.m. ar 4 daya, ar MWF, ar any ana ar twa
af three day.
AD aeettona of BBgllah B, 1.
Claaaea meeting at 4 p.m. TTa ar either af three aay.
AU aeettona af Bngllaat 1, 4. 4,
at a.m.
I- p.m.
l- pafc
Kb p .m.
It a.m.
M P-a.
rvmripc startwpnther. defendant in the Robert Jensen
murder trial, will take the stand sometime this week.
ntVir ?.-fonc ;itns!ps pYnfvterl tn be called are mem
ww ' L
bers of Starkweather's family, two Kansas City psychiatrists
.n o Vancac ritv ncvfhnlncnst. The Kansas Citv men are
UIUU M v.. J '"J W
expected to lay the foundation for the defense argument
that Starkweather is legally insane.
US Fires JNuclear Bomb
The United States set oli another blast in the current
mid-Pacific test series Sunday.
Earlier Atomic Energy Commission chairman Lewis L.
Strauss told the press that official announcements will be
made whenever there are nuclear tests "of any significant
nature as the occur." The latest announcement gave no in
dication of the significance of the blast.
Foreign Aid Discussions Continue
Foreign aid has come up for
ers of the bill hope for its passage despite recent anti-American
demonstrations overseas and a recession at home.
As the bill came to floor from the Foreign Affairs
Committee, the measure authorized a $3,603,000,000 program
for the year starting July 1 some 339 millions below Presi
dent Eisenhower's request.
Russians Want To Keep Jews
The Soviet Press has begun a campaign aimed at con
vincing Soviet Jews they are better off in the Soviet Union
than they would be in Israel. ,
Several letters have been printed in Russian newspapers
in which Soviet Jews were reported to have been dis
couraged by visits to Israel. The Jews play an important
part in the Soviet intellectual and cultural life. One of
nine Soviet scientists is Jewish but only one of 70 Soviet
citizens is Jewish.
Little Sweat For Incumbents
"Roll Call," a Capitol Hill publication, said that Nebraska
incumbent congressional candidates have little to worry about
in today's primary election.
All four Republican representatives face opposition in the
party races "but forecasters predict no upsets," the publica
tion said.
Pr&Med Grant
A $250 scholarship to be
known as the Commercial Op
tical Company Scholarship
Fund has been established by
the company at the Univer
sity through the University
Foundation, according to Per
ry W. Branch, secretary- di
rector of the Foundation.
The scholarship will be pre
sented each year to a senior
pre-medical student "who has
proven his ability to do satis
tory college work, shows
future promise in the field of
medicine and is worthy of
financial aid."
Selection of the recipient
will be by the University's
general scholarship commit
tee .Branch stated.
Johannsen Named
Agronomy President
Officers were elected at the
April 24 meeting of the Agron
omy ' Club, according to
Charles Carlson, newly elect
ed reporter of the club.
Chris Johannsen was elect
ed president, Marvin Kyes,
vice-president, Norman Rolf
ing, secretary, Ken Frank,
Ag executive representative
and Eldean Gerloff, treasurer.;
m (ft
"Wis tqv'tp tvery sport
5 Iron Special 5.25
US ISo. 11 PL 2-3425
ar 4 day a, or MWF. ar aay ana ar twa
4 dart, ar MWF, ar aap aaa ar two af
To Take Stand
House consideration as back
Red Cross Plans
Shelter Areas
For NU Houses
A special meeting win be
held tomorrow night for or
ganized house representatives
of the Red Cross Disaster
Committee, according to Bev
Ellis, Red Cross secretary.
Representatives from the
women's houses will meet at
7 p.m. in the Union. The
men's houses representatives
will meet at 8 p.m.
Purpose of the meeting is
to attempt to designate a
shelter area for each house,
to explain the requirements of
a shelter area and to explain
the campus warning system,
Miss Ellis said.
Each house on campus
should have a representative
at the meeting, she added.
MaLou Parrott, chairman of
the food, shelter and clothing
division of the committee, will
be in charge of the meeting.
. KMJS Log
4-4 The Top Thlrtr ghow
4 Eventide
4:44 Kport'a Picture
7 Walllni In "C"
7 . JO The Chuck Patrick 4 tow
:45 KNU N.'WI in DapUl
10 The Ctauofe Patrtek Uham
Kuncl New
Rifles Head
University Hosts
National Confab
Pat Kuncl, junior in Busi
n e s s Administration, was
chosen to succeed Allan Irwni
as the National Commander of
the Honorary Society of Per
shing Rifles at a banquet held
Friday evening.
The Pershing Rifles held a
two-day national convention
in Lincoln this past weekend.
New Staff
Kuncl announced his staff
for the coming year Saturday
morning during the general
business meeting. Bob Moran
will be Chief of Staff; Stan
Fonken, Personnel officer;
Larry Novicki, Expansion and
Public Information officer;
Fred Howlett and Jack Chit
tick, Co-Chiefs of the Opera
tions Section; Judson Douglas,
bupply officer; Creighton Joh
annes and Les Cook, Assist
ants. Retiring commander Irwin
was presented an engraved
sabre on behalf of the twelve
PR regiments la the United
The regiments also submit
ted a proclamation which
hiked the rank of the National
Commander from Brigadier
General to Major General.
The 6,500 Pershing Riflemen
are organized like an Army
division which is commanded
by a two-star generaL
Best Regiment
The award for the Best
Regiment in the organization
was given to the 'Dixie Sixth'
whose headauarters are at
Louisiana State University.
ine regiment, known through
out the South for its drill
teams and well-disciplined
units, ran off witL more hon
ors when their entry in the
Honorary Commandant con
test was chosen as winner.
Miss Martha Turner, a Zeta
Tau Atoha from Centenarv
College of Shreveport, Louisi
ana, will reign as honorary
Major General for the coming
Forty-two delegates renre-
senting 10 of the 12 regiments
attended the convention.
Tar Heels Veto
Noisy Sundays
Carolina fraternities have
had their last loud Sunday
party according to the Daily
Tar Heel, student publication
of the University of North
Only one house voted
against the IFC ruling.
Houses violating the new
regulation will be subject to
trial by the IFC court.
Now at GOLD'S
? - ;i. X
t tl i
1 ' 1 ' t
. ll 1 ."is 5 r
r pi, ii
I jMrixl I . I
i l
Tuesday, Moy 13, 1958
NU Men Needed
For Boys9 State
The American Legion has
announced openings for coun
selors for the 1958 Cornhusker
Boys' State.
Male University students
may apply to Hollie Lepley,
assistant professor of physical
education for men, this week.
Written applications stating
qualifications, experience, etc.
should be turned in when con
tacting Lepley.
Boys' State will be held
June 15-21 on Ag campus.
324 outstanding junior boys
from high schools in 89 Ne
braska counties will attend.
Counselors will receive a
salary in addition to room and
Panel To Discuss
Summer Abroad
Nebraska University Coun
cil on World Affairs will hold
its last meeting tonight at
7:30 p.m. in the Union, ac
cording to Emmie Limpo,
The program -will feature a
panel discussion for students
who plan to go abroad this
summer. The panel will con
sist of Sandra Shoup, Helen
Pedley, Chuck Wilson and
Jack Muck, all of whom have
been abroad previously.
Anyone interested may at
tend the meeting. .
12:! ...
S .......
Y Gamma LamMa
.31 Intar Vanity
.212 Art! Scl. Chatrmaa
314 Employeee Mta.
B Dr. Koehl
316. ...... . Inter Vantt?
315 Student Health
.314....... Cora Coba
.A Coed Counaelora
Z Cornhuakera
a .........Ballroom Sixma Xi
4:30 212 Grad. Social Worker
T 211 AeavTOe
7.. .....315 Jr. IFC
1 ....313...,. Stnfonia
1 B ..Corn Coho
7:S0 314 ....Alpha Lambda Delta
.. 14 Activltie
8:30 International Geophvaical Year-.
"The Air; Blanket and Shield"
f Evening Prelude
4:30 Made Windows and Window Watck
7 A Number of Tnlnga
7:15 Sine Hi-Sing Lo
7:30 Playt and Player-" Acting Cornea
of Aire"
4 Phyaira "Tranftmitatlon
8 30 Backyard Farmer
4 Deciaion for Research "The TJa
known Quantity
323 N. 13tb
Include $2.95 Sheaffeff
Skriptrt Fountain Pen,
49 Packag of 5 Skrip
Cartridges, Handwriting
Improvement Booklet!
limited offer by the
W. A. Sheafor Pea
Company given you a.
axxmplete handwriting kit
at a fraction of ita regular
to carry
Stationery . . Street floor