The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1958, Image 1

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Vol. 32, No. 106
Education Center
Goes Before State
Drive Goal Set At $1,142,000
For NU Kellogg Center
The proposed continuing education center at the Univer
sity goes before the people of Nebraska this month In an
effort to raise $1,142,000 in matching funds, thus making
available a $1.8 million dollar grant by the Kellogg Founda
tion. Facts about the would-be center and the operation of its
program are explained in a 19-page booklet prepared by the
University, which will be used
In the fund drive.
Plea For Support
In a plea for support from
Nebraskans, an introductory
message signed by Chancel
lor Clifford Hardin and C. Y.
Thompson, president of the
Board of Regents, states:
"The University solicits
your Interest and support for
this project in the firm belief
that it is, by all odds, the
greatest opportunity Nebras
ka has had to extend the In
fluence of education since
the State wat founded."
Continuing Education is de
fined in the booklet as "a
systematic effort to help peo
ple make the most of their
abilities amid changing
Centers Aims
"The importance of this ef
fort has increased tremen
dously in recent years. Here
are some of the reasons why:
"1) New methods, new
techniques, and even new
knowledge, are being intro
duced much faster than ever
before. . . an increasing num
ber of people are finding it
necessary to re-enforce their
knowledge and training.
"2) The older any success
ful society grows, the more
complex it becomes. . . the
greater its need for the serv
ices of people with training
and educational backgrounds.
" 3) The productive leader
ship of the nation, m au
fields, has recognized that
the U.S. is indulging in a
great waste of human ability
. . . which the American peo
ple simply cannot afford in
view of the gains being made
by international competitors.
A program of continuing edu
cation can avoid much of this
waste by giving specific, sys
tematic attention to:
(a) Stimulating the desire
of young people to continue
their formal education;
(b) Providing brief, con
centrated, and recurring in
structional and training
courses for people who have
not gone to college and for
those who do not plan to go
to college;
(c) Attending the voca
tional needs of people active
ly engaged in professional,
business, industrial govern
mental and civic life; and
(d) Utilizing the experi
ence and talents of senior
citizens who are bored with
the retirement to which
many of them have failed to
"In comparing the Univer
sity center to those already
established at Michigan
State and the University of
Georgia, the booklet points
out that it "differs in one
major respect," in that "the
Nebraska plan includes in
structional programs for
young people: short summer
courses for those in high
school and a variety of in
struction for those out of
The question, "Why Not
Use State Funds?" is an
swered by the booklet.
"There are no state f u n a s
Levy Fund
An institutional building
fund tax levy, set up by the
legislature in 1947, originally
intended as a 10-year pro
gram was extended with lim
its and "cannot be stretched
to cover the center project,"
the booklet points out.
Dean A. C. Breckenridge,
assistant to the Chancellor,
stated that the booklet is now
being circulated and is
'available for the purpose of
trying to explain the center.
Gifts and pledges to the
center may be made directly
or through the University
vminHatinn. 106 Love Memo
rial Library. University of
Nebraska. Pledges may be
made payable over a tour
year period beginning in 1959
the booklet stated.
Thursday Convocation
Planetarian Will Look
Into Space Crystal
Man's advancement in the
conquest of outer space and
the hazards facing him in his
efforts to undertake interplan
etary travel will be explained
by Dr. I. M. Levitt, at an all
University convocation Thurs
day. All classes will be dismissed
for the 11 a.m. program.
The nationally known scien
tist, director of Philadelphia's
Fels Planetarium, will discuss
"Space Travel and Satellites"
Dr. Pfeiler
Will Tour
Bonn Government
Sponsors Visit
A University professor is
one of a group of representa
tive citizens invited by the
German government to make
a four-week study tour of
West Germany this year.
Dr. William Pfeiler, chair
man of the department of
German and Germanic Lan
guages, said he has accepted
the invitation to visit the Ger
man republic from June 15 to
July 15.
The tour is one of a series
designed to provide Ameri
cans with the opportunity to
study conditions in Germany.
As a guest of the West Ger
man government, Dr. Pfeiler
will meet leading personali
ties in public, political and
cultural life.
Dr. Pfeiler is international
ly known for his studies and
research in German litera
ture, and will tour West Ger
many with a small group of
outstanding American schol
ars, educators and scientists.
Eby To Head
Omicron Nu
Doris Ebv was elected pres
ident of Omicron Nu, home
economics honorary, at the
annual spring banquet May 1.
Other officers are Lois La
Rue, vice president; Theresa
Karmazin, secretary; Betty
Pearson, treasurer and Na
dine Calvin, historian.
Twelve women were initi
ated at the meeting.
They are Joan Allen, Na
dine Calvin. Doris Eby. Jo-
Ann Ellermeier, Theresa
Karmazin, Lois Lanue, Jan
ice Nordman, Betty Parks,
Bettv Pearson. Carolyn Wil
liams, Penny Youngers and
Lois Johnson.
Yearbook Filings
Close Thursday
ADDlications for 1958 Corn-
husker positions close Thurs-
. nrA 111
day, according to iD ecuior,
Sharon McDonald.
Blanks mav be picked up
in and returned to the Corn-
husker office in the Union
Interviews will be held Fri
day from 1-5 p.m. Applicants
may sign for interview limes
when they return applications.
Weeks Slate
All Sports Day features
this week's University
sports activity.
The schedule:
Wednesday Omaha Uni
versity at Omaha
Michigan State in Lincoln,
4 p.m.
Thursday Omaha Uni
versity in Lincoln, 1 p.m.
S a t u r d a y Crelghton In
Friday-Saturday Kansas
in Lincoln, Friday game 3
p.m. Saturday doublehead
er, 11 a.m.
IS Downed
As Gardner
Sets Record
Keith Gardner Monday
traveled the 120-yd. high
hurdles in a new Memorial
Stadium record time of 13.9
as Nebraska downed Iowa
State 91-44 in a dual track
See Page 3
in the Coliseum.
Man-Made Device
An authority on space trav
el, Dr. Levitt has urged the
U.S. to take the lead in
launching a man-made device
into space before Russia does
so "with its possible tremen
dous psychological repercus
sion throughout the entire
He proposes a satellite that
would travel continuously
around the earth at a height
of 200 miles. Such a man
made moon, he said, would
provide many answers to
questions scientists bound to
the earth might take many
years to solve.
In addition to being consid
ered one of the country's most
respected astronomers, Dr.
Levitt invented the world's
first interplanetary timepiece
to aid in charting journeys in
to space.
The device, known as the
Hamilton Space Clock is de
signed to determine compar
ative passage of time by the
day, hour, month and year
on earth and on planets in
outer space.
"To all space explorers, the
clock would be a matter of
life or death," Dr. Levitt ex
plains. "For instance, they
would need it to time depar
tuxes from earth in order to
reach destined spots on anoth
er planet during daylight
hours, and at a suitable sea
son. Also, it would be mighty
handy in calculating the pre
cise timing of their homeward
This first inter-planetary
clock has been designed for
Mars since it is "the planet
most likely to be the first vis
ited by man once he has es
caped the gravitational bond
age of earth," according to
Dr. Levitt.
Astronomical calculations
relating time on other planets
could be made as well, mak
ing provision for the differ
ent times it takes each plan
et to rotate, he said.
Following Dr. Levitt's ad
dress, an informal discussion
will be held at 2 p.m. in the
Student Union.
One More Goes
As Bookstore
Moves Location
Regents Bookstore lo
cated in Temporary B build
ing for the past six years,
has found a new home in
the basement of the old Ad
ministration building at 12th
and R.
The new location, com
plete with air conditioning
is open for business although
the move will not be com
pleted for at least a week,
according to Bruce Camp
bell, manager.
Temporary B will be torn
down within 30 days accord
ing to Eulene Ingram, direc
tor of purchasing and pro
curement. The area will probably be
used for faculty parking, he
Buckley Named
Round-Up Head
Lester Buckley Jr. will head
1958 Round-Up activities of the
University Alumni Associa
His appointment as gener
al chairman was announced
Thursday by Ralph Kiplinger,
association president. Buckley
served as vice chairman of
the 1957 Round-Up.
Howard Chapin III, will
serve as vice chairman of the
35th annual reunion to be held
in Lincoln June 6-8.
Special events have been
planned for each of the honor
classes, Buckley said, mciud
ing recognition at the Round
Up luncheon, Saturday, June
Lincoln, Nebraska
1,908 Students Cast Ballots
In Student Council Election
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CHRISTMAS GIFT-This 20-foot, 33-year-old Silver
Colorado Blue Spruce was planted on the site of the razed
Ellen Smith Hall last week. The tree, donated by Dr.
James Sellers, professor of history, shown with Chancellor
Clifford M. Hardin (pointing), will be used as a Christ
mas tree. Dr. Sellers, who is credited with initiating the
campus beautification program, planted the tree at his
home 26 years ago when the tree was seven years old.
The moving of the tree to the present site was financed
by an anonymous donor.
K Sigmas,
Pi Phis
Cop Sings
32 Women Lead
Chains, Courts
Pi Beta Phi and Kappa
Sigma walked off with first
place tropies in the sorority
and fraternity Ivy Day sings.
Pi Beta Phi, directed by
Barbara Meston, won with
"Were You There." The Kap
pa Sigs, directed by Norbert
Schuerman, sang "Little In
nocent Lamb" to top the
men's entries.
Second Place
Second place in the sorority
sing went to Alpha C h i
Omega, directed by Joyce
Johnson, with "Go, S 0 n g of
Mine." Alpha Xi Delta copped
third singing "She's the Girl
1 Want To Know," directed
by Lois Ripa.
The rendition of "Joshua
Fought the Battle of Jericho"
won second place in the
men's division for Sigma Chi
and song leader Rod Walker.
Beta Sigma Psi, directed by
Allen Zieeelbein. took third
with "De Animals a-comin' ".
Daisy Chain
Thlrtv-two University wom
en were selected as leaders
of the Ivy and Daisy Chains
and members of the May
Queen's Court.
Senior women leading the
Ivy Chain were Connie Berry,
Darrinna Turner, Janet
Schuman. Janet Roach. Phyl
lis Nelson and Barbara
Junior Members
Juniors leading the Daisy
Chain were Sandra Kully,
Lois LaRue, Roberta Switzer,
Marianne Thygeson, Pat Ar
buthnot and Phyllis Bonner.
Composing the Queen's
Court were sophomore Polly
Doerig, Gretchen S a e g e r,
Karen Petersen, Jane Saven
er, Sue-Ann Schnabel, Rychie
Van Ornam and Linda Walt.
Jurors were Donna Rae
Scriven, Susan Rhodes, Anne
Pickett, Sara Jones, Natalie
.Inhnson. Marilvn Jensen,
Sandra Foell, Janet Dworak
and Judy Combs.
Seniors were Carolyn Wil
liams and Mary Dee DeMars.
Freshmen pages were Joan
Rinne and Mary Ann Harris.
Courtesy Lincoln Star
YW Filings Open
Until Wednesday
Filings for YWCA cabinet
and council positions will be
available in the Y office in
Rosa Bouton Hal until
Wednesday, according to
Terry Mitchem, president.
Applicants should sign up
for an interview when they
turn in their application. In
terviews will be Thursday
and Friday.
Ag Ball Has
Tivo Rulers
Mythological Coed,
Beanly Guy Reign
The crowning of a Whisker
King and Goddess of Agricul
ture will highlight the Aggie
Royal Ball May 16.
The ball, which is held in
conjunction with the Aggie
Royal and Rodeo, will feature
Tommy Tomlin and his or
chestra, according to Gil
Grady, publicity chairman.
Runners-up in the whisker
contest will compete to see
who can shave off his beard
the fastest. Winners of this
contest will receive new elec
tric shavers.
The event will be held in
the College Activities Build
ing from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m.
It is co-SDonsored by the Ag
Union Dance Committee and
the Ag Executive Board.
Tickets are $1.50 per couple
and are available from Ag
Exec and Ag Union Dance
Committee members.
Alpha Zeta Elects
Burt Weichenthal
Burt Weichenthal was elect
ed chancellor of Alpha Zeta,
scholastic honorary for stu
dents enrolled in Agriculture.
Weichenthal is a member of
Student Council, vice president
of Builders, member of
ANFNX, Union board of man
agers, Ag executive board,
Agronomy Club and Gamma
Delta, treasurer of Corn Cobs
and member of Farmhouse.
Other officers are: censor,
Ron Kohlmeier; scribe, Dale
Behmer; treasurer, Bob Cun
ningham; chronicler, Don
Schick and Ag Executive
Board Representative, Fred
Dr. David McGill is the new
Invalid Ballots
Alter Results
Twelve College representatives and ten organization rep
resentatives were elected to
announced last night by the Council elections committee.
A total of 1908 ballots were cast of which 125 wera
invalidated by the Council.
Highlighting the election
Richard Shugrue.
"Some thirty write-in votes
were cast for Dick Shugrue
and we had to invalidate
those ballots. This would
have changed the outcome of
at least one college election,"
Helen Gourley, Council pres
ident said.
Shugrue is a junior in Arts
and Sciences, is editor of the
Daily Nebraskan, president of
Sigma Delta Chi, President
of Speech and Hearing Club,
vice president of Delta Sigma
Rho, a member of Phi Kappa
Psi and a member of Inno
cents Society.
Votes cast (elected in bold
Robert Paine 239
Rosemary Kuhl 184
Gailord Longmore 172
Priscilla Ann Moller 100
Regina Alice Spanhake ...70
Patricia Lou Rolfs 55
Arts & Science
Chuck Wilson 289
Pat Flannigan 138
Judy Hughes 130
Mary Lou Valencia 83
Sandy Compher 72
Invalid 36
Business Administration
Jack Muck 230
Bob Blair 209
Carole Triplett 103
Kent Murray ....97
David Krause 97
Frances Spoeneman 13
Invalid . ....... 13
David Godbey 166
John Nielson 156
George Porter ,...143
Carroll Novocki 130
Ray Traudt 63
Clarence Wylie 53
Invalid 35
Howard Holmquist 24
Vernon Peck 21
Harry Tolly 244
Diaries B. Huston 150
Kathleen Roach 72
Mary Patrick 71
Judy Williams 53
Carol Sue Vermaas 46
Svlvia Ri2 44
Linda Oakeson 44
Patricia Porter 41
Lois Muhle 40
Julie Hathaway 40
Georgia Mahame w
Marcia Hall 37
Susan Condon 33
Carol Ann Kucera 33
Janet Miller 32
Mavis Dvorak 30
Wendy Wood 24
Gari Lynne Hathaway ....21
Invalid 29
Associated Women's Students
Marilyn Pickett
Barbara Bacon
Young Women's
Christian Association
Marcia Boden
Emmie Limpo
Alma Heuermen
City Campus
Religious Council
Bob Krohn
Barb Activities Board
for Women
Dorothy Glade
Sylvia Steiner
Sally Downs
Vernon Feye
Coed Counselors
Mary Vrba
Liz Smith
Key Swartz
Jolaine Loseke
Corn Cobs
Don Binder
Inter Fraternity Council
Larry Romjue
Panhellenic Council
Kay Turner
Residence Halls for Men,
the Inter Co-op Council and
the Cosmopolitan CluD nave
not yet reported.
There will be a meeting of
Nebraska University Council
on World Affairs tonight at
7:30, according to Biff Keyes,
Officers will be elected at
the meeting, so everyone in
NUCWA should attend, Keyes
Tuesday, May 6, 1958
the Student Council, it was
was the write-in candidacy of
Dick Shugrue, when con
tacted last evening, said h
thought he would take action,
today. This will give me time
to study the procedure, h
Shugrue seW;
"This is an example of tht
obvious mishandling of the
election procedure which goes
to demonstrate that a total
revamping of the election pro
cedure is in order.
"Although George Porter
was elected, the misinforma
tion on the official ballot goes
to demonstrate once again the
urgent need for a revaluation
ot our election procedures.
"The democratic process
which opens the path for qual
ified write-in candidates is
squelched by the present pro
cedure and deprives electors
of the opportunity of exercis
ing meir tree judgment in an
"The failure of the council
either to know the candidates
or to place them in their nro-
per order on the official post
er designating their name and
college, is a third example of
me Dungung of the procedure
by the council.
"Perhaps this mishandling
should dictate first the re
vamping of the election pro
cedure and secondly a new
"Personally I stand bv the
right of the student to vote
for any candidate he so
choses who is in good standing
in the university without be
ing deprived of his democrat
ic rights.
We students have s h I a
job ahead of us and must
work together to make the
Student Council the effective
tool it should be in governing
our lives."
Cosmo Fete
Goes Native
The Cosmopolitan Club will
have its annual international
students' dance and floor
show Saturday from 8:30- to
i p.m. in the Union ballroom.
The event, the Cosmo
Congo, will feature a Calypso
Dana, a Latvian folk dance
and a mandolin solo.
The ballroom will be deco
rated with grass huts and an
African jungle setting, ac
cording to Marina Wischnew.
ski, social chairman.
Tickets are on sale at the
Union ticket office for $1.
Music for the dance will be
provided by Stan's Band.
Frosh Directors
Discuss English
Representatives of 11 col
leges and rjuversities of the
Great Plains and Rocky
Mountain areas attended the
annual regional meeting of
freshman English directors,
held Friday and Saturday at
the University.
The group discussed mutual
problems, such as use of
graduate teaching assistants,
staff loads, and varying levels
of freshman English, accord
ing to Dr. Dudley .Bailey, di
rector of freshman English
at the University.
Gene Hardy, assistant pro
fessor of English, represent
ed the University.
Representatives were pres
ent from New Mexico, Wy
oming, Kansas, Kansas State,
Oklahoma, South Dakota,
frtlnrarin. Colorado State and
I Texas.