The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1958, Image 1

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0 tAY 5
i ?
Vol. 32. No. 104
Lincoln, Nebraska
Friday, May 2, 195S
r s
Pageantry, Mystery Slated Tomorrow;
May Queen, Sing Top Ivy Events
SC Polls
To Open
-14- Candidates Vie
For Campus Pols
The Student Council Gener
al Darficra win be beli M Ma
day from 7:30 a.m. to 1 pm,
aocarding to EH Spier,
cihairmam uff tbe elections
rtoCing places win be an II Of:
Loire Library, the Student Uin
aon Lounge and Ag Student
Tinting Rales
Ag Students anay vole nn Ag
Campus xr in tLiie Cnian tan
city campus.
la wrder t vote, syndesis
iuir tbeir i6fwtifkuifta
cards And nnwt bane cwmplrt
tt at leasl ntw fctaaerter at
the I'lnhwuty.
Students (tan vale m"y Snr
the candidates ffrcan their town
college and failure to (follow
eiacl instructions provided tun
the ballot iihaH invalidate L. ii
According to the Student
Council Constitution, rules far
the general election are: j
1') Newspaper piMidry shall
Hie limited to the Daily !we
braKfcan; there iihal ibe mo
campaigning cm election day: :
and the mte of any (form iflf
advertising media must baw
prior aptnwa" tttf the CuunciTs :
"Action Committee, j;
ti) Camjnaifrnmg urn Icy Day!
vh&ll be prohibited. Any intli
vidua" violutinR tlti rule tduiO
cause tlte automatic (flifcyuali
licatiuii ffw tfhe cancMaste Swr
wnicita tle cmnouuriing itfi be
ing dime.
:8 ) Publicity iftiaH 1 restrict
ed to posters placed ioa, itn, mir
by bousing omits. 3i printed
anaUer shall ibe plaued o at
to litter the campus.
4 ) The iUHe erf loud speakers
Ss; prohibited.: the mse T sprint
ed ammttcarflB is ptubibited;
the ase icrf posters, banners,
and other advertising material
us prohibited except (tm May
2 spring D-aj-i) ititum mom to
Adj' ftiolittinn tof any ttf the
abtwie rules iihaH nttull on the
automatic diHqualijIit:atiuii utf
the candidate iur w'htra the
ompaigning is Ibejng (done.
The ft4 (irandidat-Es iur Stu
ideat (Cciuncfl and tttitsir ccil
Ileges stndude:
A g r ii it- iu II tt ia r e.: IFneiib
snea: EoKmaiy KUhl, IPolfy
MoHer., Ilegina Spaiiha'ke,
Stifihomuw.; GaflaPd Lang- j
imiire, IBob fame and iPattii
Hulls. (One yr3 and (tine Siuy
win !be (tiocted as n-tpientaita- j
toieE. I
Arts and 'Sejme.e: Treib
ant:D. fiuntfy Ciorajihej- and
Mary Lou Valencia. !Snjih
miorwi fatriaia riaraucaa,
Jutlith liujjhes. Charles Hiw
Atin and CUiuca 'JVUkuh. Ctf 4he
4w reprewuitathw 8ir ttlie;
cullege nine anuKt be a w oman.
Bus.. Ad.: IFli'eiihmei):; lient
Murray and ITTrancies Spoune
mian. Siifihamores:; lSiBlbrtl
IEair David KrauHe, Jaici;
Muclk and Candle mr4pltt.
U'wo a:t!pireHentatives are
Enginaering:: Saplurmtires;; ,
I)avid (Godbey., Jfuim TvitilHcin,!
Can-uQ Jivvktex, (George IPal-
ten, Eoy touctt, Oaitenue Wy-
lie. Engineering (College i a s.
tliree ii'ejireweulath'es.
Pliarmacy.: SophiimaJ'es;; i
Boward Bttlmguifit and Tsr-i
auui Eect. One a-epreBeirtHtrve!
wiD be ailetled.
Teadhers : Fxeiihmeii;; Sufian'
Condon, Maus lDvorrai., Mar-'
da EaU, Ciari Hathaway., Car-!
idl Kattera, Gewgia Mahaffie,1
Janet Milltir., Lois MtMe, liin-i
,da OateHon, Cai-ul TurmaaR,!
Wendy Wood and JTudie
lianis. Stipliomores : JmHiit':
Hatliavay., Mary Patrick, Fa
ttricia IPortar Sylvia Kugg,
K-atUeen Iloadb and Marry
TiiDy.. ttie tln-ee rejreBen
latives dietled tone imuut 1
a man.
Spring, Iy
J'Mi .m.
B Hi
4 Ml
4 l
iir an
W (ratal) s TTur iff W ar
WWnnem IThriiwine
Wim DIM! nf War
urfllQ' IbicrtHiuubfl FwifihuO Cume
SQmi" Sce TTtirowtiic
Unm Gmw iLint1' M rmfwiH-ffimni
1xmR 9vnnc!,a rmm'ie (1 '-nirni
dmormuHiiiiiv. Svninn rbtrthdw tcutae fwruHtl; iitmitf lit
pwhtUk. icrjinfl gmme
hy Day,
9 mi i.m
Clarillun anwer wmnwil
Siuntl (Dnncwnn.; HMniulti Ilimnsu (Winrtutiuir
Murtar SMiurdii amO annnimnt unr
ywwutHtiirti itf the Mm? 4tutHc .un liier (Rtiunt
vOtiiiinmlliir ClltSirrrtt fHwrfttm iu fOHiuti
tCItiiuiui. Wiircur Sinurtis and Iiumtittiiitc u(fimw
(PruiarnlW vine
tC.num nwmHwiuiuO
(C:um tprHtfeHBiiumi
itfirorir man
9ieHi(tnw 3iuiic and Wtm (fcttw (Glut) -fund
ffifMimnuBiHn f TStircicr HiuTti mm, auntiufliit (ttm amtl
ttmeittrv'.irmiw (Cinunnil award.
fcnimuinwTnetit itf wiiuituii ul utte tntmuifltltmB
iCnuffl irwttMtmmuil
Wnnur lHuiTrdfi and Ekimmmnu. feettin miBKntf and ttuukiinC
lw rmemtier.
ill. Jl)
a : m
a -wi
Letter Blasts
A copy nf a IDaSy Jieibras
kan Heater to the Froedcjua ictf
Sbtformaliam Coanmiiittiee ittf the
American Scicuetty tflf Jiwew'jja
per Editcirs was read mto the
mimttes flf the Suuflailt Coim-
Griniit Cops
RAjI Race
Indiridaal Houses
Elect Preudenl t
Ecib Qrimit, sqpihcanwre 5m
Aits and Scikencies, was lectt-
d ELAM Gotmofll president, in
the SeHecik Quardraiigle ttiler
tions. (r (C!ie in the MOP-man
(Q in a id ttxik
pot itn tt!h
(Crimit as
pj-ing IDay
Parade dhair
inaain, board
ann ana h jr ttf
presadejfl. mf
Seal. L
(Other BUM
Council tuffi
ers ai'e Lee
Smith, uuoe
jii'eKiaent-itreafiurer; J id ih m
MabermaiL, secretary (Gary
Eotijiman,, soi'iiall ifimetflar-;
Eo'b (Cjitto., aclirities idireclwr;;
.JTiam Munalian, iintraminall
rectur and John Lim&. ell,
dholaKtic idinetlor..
Sixteen Siiuiu s presidtiUts
were alBO selected Wiednesday..
Tney are Air Hi Thayer,
MadLean:; Charles Ellis,, Can
ield;; Tain Sargen, Eoudher;
IPred Lryant, Gusta-vaon HI;;
idajlon E "hmund, SeHetlk;:
Juhn Flury., Seaton 1.
Dennis iEioetiiger, Manatt,-;
C liar fls Crate, Andrews,;
Floyd KUlmaD., Aiery James
Laraen, IDessey,; Caiy (Chtm-
Ika, Eurnett;; Kevin Hiii'k, Fair-
acit I and Arnold Witibold.,
idectioRS will be beld mest
fall ts H the remaining '.DC
Ihnuse (offioes iin the imdrauclu
,al Ihouaes. Willi the (Comple
tion uf this dleutitm, 120 men
will Ihtild (offioes ia the (Quad.
Jerusalem Post Listens
Between Mid-East Lines
liifiteuing between tfihe lines!
that's the .jiib of the mHy
Englis'h meTs-ppajier iin Israel'
Td B3L. Lime, managing d
iitur Mf the JeruKalem PtauV
yeBterday (oeficribed ikiis mews-
paper as the UiBtaing post mf ,
the Middle East."" Sandwidhed
iin between the dosed ben-dtrs
iof Egypt, Jordan, Syria and
Lebanon, the Pent itnufit ""in
terpret and mnd.erjfland'" the
Middle East ffur the rest nf
the world, Lurie said
Tbe Sour-page paptsr t fb a t
Lurie described to students at
the School fi Journalism em
phasises wui'ld mers,, be said.
"xOur iflogan is that we bave
to bawe the courage tuff ir
duUnesE,"" Lurie remiateflL lie
Day Events
v Frsdir
umiMtinkeA. -Skit
SC Secrecv
cill Wieflnesday.
The Iletttier " a ptwtesl ,
againsl the actico!. aiff the sHio-!
SeaA ccmmnl (off the Vam xersJly
icif ibrasfca''" staliedl imibjjiec-il
ticms to the craaciirs refju-KaJ '
to 0ve the mainaes ttrafatmal !
liraclges mtadh woe atibcted,!
Jday 22. ij
The IDtaiHy Jsibrasfam re-'i
porter was barred fnoxna ttlhie ,
aneetirag wlien the (debate was
(open m the mcimiiiifs.
The (Mrfly reason the eumdll
(Dutilfl far its action was
that lit wffll ""aEafce aaore ef
ffi!tiie the ftoictt annauncie-
aneitt ti al the judges after
(Dtir meKt meeting."' II
(Dhanciellar ELarflm, bowieT?-"
ten, readiy B'eleased tbe maimes ,
oaf the mcmme.e$ be was Boin-
sidering and the mame (iff the '
(one judge rf two be wm& se-n
led iar the acm3ity i
The JJtafly JwbraiSian as
sured the (BMtmul that it w.auld
iDcintinue ""to ifiht bere nan the
(College campus Sar the prin
iajiles wnidh the Fi'eedcxrm (off
Inffioramatian cccmmittee as
fighljiig tfar itn matianM m
rmnnt.'M PLie Press
Hits Campus
Members wf Pi Si, saflanoBa
TOJ arateroity', Herft ttbeir
'iPii:ie fftess'" ion (trampus
(floarKteps last miigM between
3 and 10 pjta.
The pu'blicatiyn (contained
satire (tm campus Hide and a
critique auff campus B.M.(O..Cs..
In the papea" fiitrM niuQ
urmn 31 ""itoldii'med"" the ta
idetsts that thei1 ba been
unany tmiRacinoeptiuns abwui
the activities uf their .igrwup..
""Fir your edHgMenment,
ur fralitamity was Sounded
and tiH exists Sor nooial
pitrpoHes,,'' the paper .said..
It aiinerted that "idrinkimg
prowess was mot a ngualifj
cation ffor the inrgaruzaticm.
The H Sis also toted their
sedectiun for Murlar Boarjds
and Innooents Suoktty..
The Parens incauded ttJue
molie:: ""lii-ffilo altEms
(dune iit again.""
ttay poBBMfi bit ua "Iheax-y"';
inews,, and passing rap the
tile ""brigltts"" that jiprmkle
most mepaperK.
Turning tfrcEn the paper"1
radnsHmonitoring activities to
the urtuatuwn an the Middle
teast. Luri? ccanmeintei m 2
wicrpular aaaiiBunDtieptians a'boxn
Isa-ata iis mot iin a stale ff
toTOtiEL be said. TJae cronffidt
is bai.wwm SLsrawfl and BDr
M:.ajiie Eatt aieagbhcirs, Hae
"Tbs MifldUe East risis as
fflntB'tiiy due to the cwld war
Ifucjusit; atttttULiwn am o.ur
a; ea,'"' be said.
Spring Day Festivities
To Start With Parade
SstorAT at 9 ajaa. wH& be Masl-aia time for the laimda
au of a'Diiiiai Isy Day atliiiiiiies.
The a3May went wia ibe beli eat tht gtmcols marti of
ibe former AdTniiM jtratkca IbniLdLiug at I2i3s ami R stxwtts. In
case of rain, the pnngraai wiH be bell am the CaHajwiam.
Ifiglhliglaing Ivy Ekay w i 1 1! 1
be the garesmtatioa rf thetSje kigbest grade aiwtge.
Qoeem cif May ami tar iwiart j
iiaraay mcxrmi aa icr-i
fniaea bcnuse sing ccvmpeai
ticfli at 1:W p..iHL for momem's
bouses audi 18:11) ajta. ffwr the
imea's siog, TTbe tappmg ci
hm otmbers off M.arlar
EoarJ and lfaMacesffits, bcmDT
ary actirrtly sciditties, wil be
pm at 3 p ML
Ottber imcinMimg acfeiities
iactDcie a $jeeoii by CQaacsJ-'filg eaticMiig. naaaiitg bad
Acr Mardim ami a band cm-1' war4 relaj and tbe r-gg ralck
wrfL ': iag cwMiert w3 bex3a at 2:15
AsMKBg afS(enwai awaiiiaes P--wffl
be tine pfUffiM ff ; The roragli ami (tnaElfle amenTs ;;
acAd)0ars3iia aid actaiSSj- wnxtis iiclaSe pul ball, ttaag- !l
awards t wrgaaiaeJ iMi':ff-ar. pig cauidtimg ami -ggl
aui UtfMfclarsai cxj?s a tbe ; atcJmg.. - ij
eiiar nun and wwauni w3ta 1 Caliiiialiwi
'1 The (cmlly esifsrit that ccfflE-!
"m "ic- : bints naeaa ami womem iis tlM',
. ttaee-Jesjaadl rac.
tiPSl kame It UlS TJheAl-MemaaadAIl-WiraiMni',
r f I 'J3(T5 wi3 asidt'si traelzg
Problem Ciierv lq&ikx.. nadfaittiaii tnoftes"
iiwlD be sciwm ffor ffiirst pUac '
fli we canl jsw '1 iw i'Me rSMwams will fte award-f
axcse way, mel w lit away .jtews n the eje?nts.
Thai seems
to faa&v teen
the (doc-jsiom off the Spnimg;;
EteT Steeaiimg Ccmaaaaiittee. EaV1
Saaaidt. cbairaaao, aariomtnoei
that ttbe coaGtrwrcwjsiiJ blaci
"11 ChesTncitot sMiED,. iin feart
$ the Ciiiicxn wil be .prawn
away to the p-crscm flihlimferg
(off ttbe lie&L aoame ffcsr the ts-ihicfe-
The Haw stymied an eaaScr
jflan e& a (drawling to (dkter
aaainae the wiintner.
Xamf:s aaoay be siabnmittiefl
arnr time this aKiernooni at a
beiciian loxcated at the rant,et4
.site. The winner wffl be an -
aaatnaciei at tteimi gilt's Street
Oaaac uauriing toerraii-Kfiicm.
Hn cease atf (dcsplicaticim ttbe
Sirst (eatry wol be auoepttwl
3"aumbeas wJI be giwem umilSwaine EoEse. Gary Earike
ttidkets as ttbe car mam&s are
7 Judges
The Student Counci
released tite mames (of eien
judges ffor the Student Tri
The fftntr autr jnfiges are
Jtilm Kiinmer, L?le Hasea,
lAiuiald liutrg and Fraxik
W'nitte. Jfly liruea anfl ..Gasy
RifigT$ will be ffne fumiir
gtufig-es. le Eadfirin w!3 rtej
wnt tflie law CHii&ege.
lEiiniiier iis ffioomer vice
jjntsadenL tf Student Coamoil,
amfl a amEiii!ber mff Cornbaiiktr
CiHcip, liter CcHtxp CtntniaL
Sjgima Tan, ASCE, CE Mnar
Society, mOTC Battalion
Staff, and ILiaaaocifinta.
Bbiurg iis a member tf DdHa
Sigma Pi aend Beta Gamma
WdEs bfilcings to tme Oeu-
wejTKiSy band.
Hansen iis am the IimwrC:
drill team, yar boc fitaSf
and mesiiajiar staL Be as
iormeir pctesiclBat uff "3AM
iiotmoffl and a aaembtr ttbe
rnajMary bal COTEKcittee-
MLiss TrutiH, a sqpbraaare
in Tfiadhtrs, its a imember tf
JRwdgars, a sopbamcnw aaa
I"a'e-La.w, is a cupy fiitar far
the EtaiSy Jitibariifcan.
Balchvin, a jutueir is law
ccfltege, is a aamiifflr a ttbe
Moot Court Bciard an Aflvisars
and jjuclge Sr the friaasman
MocA Court.
Tbtiod:ue Aatbus, praffassar
tf EiEgmwring Drawing, was
anniiuncied as (tme the lac-i
affly jjadgeti ffor the Stadeat
tribunal AprJ 24- The aoc
ixmd ffantilty judge bas aal
bum jniuiied as ff jtt.
Winners off the snag compe-
OQcxi ia be amwaoed alt
Sfwiag Day
The ariTnol 5riirLg Day cej
ebratticBi wM begin at 3 pjm.
Ag eaimpmsiies waH para4e
to the SfinKta Practk YatM
$ws& betoire Ktoe evsmts lvgiiL
WBe" mbS. tag f war.
Clkaanuc" ttie dav will lie !
vrt Oi-;r!ii
' Bui 2 JLUiL Hours
TIkw w33 be 2
bwrs for a3 wntimea rafiexB.
a Iiy Ray, May 3. X mmm
em Mmftratts are ammn l
lalf fmgils witut spe-
t!be I'imKB SEnwt Damoe. wMtjb
wi3 be Ik-13 few S tt 1
CMbcr ffswaats arndtude a Var
srtT HaJtver-Scmtafl ffioicflbanil mmw
!ia 5, ffnar amwie at the
Diiicin at 5 p.m.
Bob Smidt bt-ads the Spring
Day Committee. GecB'gianm
" Rumphrer, Doxnolbw Beedhner,
and Titffla Smitih are members
ioff the fleering coaanaanattee.
Wwunr BuH
Clnmtir &u
Iftmiititr 31ull
,ilittm inwqr
IbruwuHD f U(U()9
;iifr cut
Klununr rMitutt-
Himtlttir ' 1MIB
muiunc Uull
i&iUHinUinmir Ed)
TV Tl Mlt
D.imi OillitttfP
muiwv MttUkor
IPIUnr f nntv
AitffSHHMHl Outlaw
rittitui awiWi limmm
V1mUin (Vnlltaaiyn
ff)tmHe SVik
feu ItkUtC IL.UUJ
tttxc Sumlluar
'u! iikuuar
Cair 'a Kiowa
WHMr uua
Bitty Bwxllmr
aanana Aawfl
a.itaxi ViauutuUtoa
dhlim Jlunumr
millnif: Virtue
aiuauoi mute
4IHI Tilllw
uuV rtu
CiabC Cnutnc
(ticailano (Lum
tavwinrila wnAwldti
MoantbaiHia KintU
T'lWfcrw runs
ihrttnwwulhntt lma
muaHV Bulitiur
avf timuMi mauB
WlO ftlffIB
&afis Juuufiullnw
Ca4?' aVunar
EHiuni ikuunal
Vtaat fiaunAutlaa
CnaT' mantttnlnwa
la CkaiiHnnui
Sakw avwullual
j fCmaoc Hitmna
Cuuiuac MUuft
VUaiaa VtcIrv
r ultra' a lwmnr
Tln fJllv
IMimnll ft Mar
HjuUt t'lnr
lry Dzy Qaeslatti Marks ...
Irr Day Jitter:
Sixty Years Of Tradition
To Be Revived Tomorrow
by Pat Flasnigai
Tioxday is tbe ttxEDe tor jpnEjoff':1'' I ta. i3K urm. tie
jjintars ami seaioir sesaneis :Ibs birlidiy party bat
'tbe day bftfsre Ivy Day. f a w.iiJir part f tie af-
ly Day, wMdh began a
1RH8 as Senior Class Day, thra-'i Tbe teest traElka off Ivy
uSilaoiinaUily onnirs wb the fljursit Day was nuaSe tw years aga
Sateday ff May. It iis It be mfoem ipnrs Day becaiae a
j fliiirm aiT tbe year's acfeily rfalhfiy.
eWDls. j Xioiw tbe Euisimg off tbe
Iiy first camse U Ity Day : Mortar Ecsarfc. tbe ttacMiffig
ia INfil wbea Ue esciw class m Isaiw:Bts, tbe May
preesiid tbe Ivy trvnI t (Qyai. tbe csmt, the Ivy
tlbe jauiw class pnesiSfti. .1 j cxisy cSsaias. tbe fxmt
Oust tame. Ibe smwrs tatantd poive sirgs, tbe Umifflni
t ibe vmdSIi .fte ff tbe 1 d party ami 5f:s Day. uist t
VtmwxGf BaH and ang tbe jrMoaa ube tatekraiiaJ plaml
sdftwi wasg. ; uff tbe irvy, are 5u3H a fast
Than 13QS saw the eiiarge- 'uf ivy uy wwisaji
amenat atf I sy Day to mclafle tbe 1 .
tapping tiff IS HmcxDeaats aod , 1
a May Pole Damoe by 15 sen- JjlZ A CI OrOIID
ikar wwrncm. i m
TTThedamce was sLscar-Sei Iiiitialcs XT
two wars later iiaa ifavaar anff tbe j
IinaiiiiDg mi Martvir Boards !l Scml!a StoSiits bare
wbesn tbe Cfrnlar d tbe Elaci
Masqrae a Mjurtar oaid was
Ivy ami Dawy Clhams were
aMed in ISM, ami the m -
jueem became a part eft the
i, iin ISdi. .a.-pe..t'c. w i.
An Iiy Day fcigMigM ac- G-3 rSFm Mmssl i'r
urred in IfclS wbem a "arise , 'ali IteTS- ira7 Jaj3S)ca,at
iillag with L4C!S slars was prie-jisJbe Jifemacaa, Bernard EeSy,
seauad to the adhocfl iin toner liGia&ri
(Off L"Eis-rsiiy emem in ttbe Mcfcamamd afiro,
armed Somcies. Ivy ffrcmD the krald (Qiigley, Larry SLtterJ.
dcxagbboj-s in France was also " Dwutftby ScftatSer, Soraiia SiieT
plautiei. "rs. m'ayme ThtKEpKm ami
lry Day ia M2 iadtnfied 1 lOdkard Villinn.
Scarlet Spook Sheet
C UeutH-
ftvilUtfili ffhmmr..
tvuHHU. A riuumw
f UUIIlllHlT
9, unc
nie Jttnrar
JIMuuKr Ajo(nwifmi
04 .'J
S Anr W
.Hutiuur knDtnwuran
mi tti
Mashed Rider Medley
(tmiMt mumiuil
Auuauuu ladlr
oia oxHiaar
tfnea Saar
aiw araiiMir
tunar f ill
an fftrrittmr
BMmlhaT tttar
ait tttajhtor
wjwr Jiattar
jttHi Ifaar
Carniitiilt fcar
ma acMnav
iua avHinnr
ma ttruntor
liaw Ua
VSN "...
rarTS Tair, E-Wek a ad
'bwm imiiiSai fefi Eeta Gaaan
, tmsimeiis afeiniii-
Itm bcmcxrarj.
. - " -
'! TTbcwie DiEfcaled are C 1 a r i
(Blonr imw 9ft iiaurMftt
ninrnr.. (taf wirilallt; Smrmwr T"lU
antamrBant.. HKKiiBtfn anntul "
"miie t dtir Bnft. " Tww E. Ill
"Whic4 wlt) iratliMiiiti am( (tor nsim
dunaMiiHuciian . . ."i flOwtaey Aihc
4mttti thud die imlUtnnKi Ik nU0 Ha
"ttlHi mlte iw rtiif miwtt npnrttnmB inem
aunut itinn :uud ill auakw our smk.,."
An & fmwuwmiim aiiNtMiua?
dau.ti (KBlL emu r--Bjaum. bt
H: ownmnrtiwr dual I'mnmanr liaiMf
wiiiUna ant h." Bli JkuMi
f inttlilianra talUr tfMt &i ffikr us l4f
Will rftlMI
Vunitum jMimtrlt anr mas bat dhaBtms
uid Hiim; the miar Ana
Vlntir dlmtm its Hit am uwoltmuit AoMin.
mm, mifl K maame Hull wvoaa.
al fftliunne . . . .,: flnimnmnt
9a Uiatnnaa Hui muni ouoe awuana
On uuluSh
I1 mtriintr utftmr
will tunc a tat mrr anuftUr
ViitiMlll win K1 aut
V Hit KiniiUI auno Utotr ik iurd Jhv IbrV
"SWiOta lain aur.ata ..." a.iuuv Soma
V ue laws auuar
ta fb in) alU oik w
mi muw tliuti aurtiwnmmai
irHmltlll uaniiUnv: tor JW Iua
HnwuRm Itinr waflB hMir
litw 4&1U111V aruwa aum aili ua a ife
lr tain, ItroS nana cat atfa mm
aw immtuiw annuiiuf amunlnai af Saoiaa"
ttHUIe naiM
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aiimitt 4mtfi
an Hnmea
ttmlMC ma0 1
iav.:utw ainrttnar
K hr wHuaHOaat hat anar awaf aafla
hiiiiui nmcanr
win an ituat aufftl knt fMUtar
aIV as lUauiia aa ana tm our aatMuaa aat
aiw w
mail IK Dir thMI amnthxr BWnmr
mitl ik-utuiK sua Uua AaMnaf a
Mwr Biut one awmninntaa-
atan ami smua mnoat ana mUti Sanaa I
.iir atnnw
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i at auimaar
axfnittr uinia
aitnw m Uiuir auu4 aa at Miat
tttw itwat (nonmat m ruiuuiw aus aaal tai