The Daily Nebraskan Paae 3 Nebraska Baseballers Notch Two Over Cyclone Squad i t Luckless Huskers Fumble Kansas Relays Record Chances Monday, April 21, 1958 VAAAVOMO Mullins, Fleming Encourage With Good Half Mile Times Bad breaks and record times were the story of Nebras ka's disappointing showing in the 33rd annual Kansas Relays. The tight competition resulted in seven new records and out standing performances in other events. The Husker 440 relay team blew a comfortable lead when they had a bad pass of the baton In the preliminaries. They finished too far back to qualify for the finals. Three of the four teams which finished on top in the finals had been beaten by Nebraska in the Texas Relays. The 880-yard relay team, which consisted of Keith Gard ner, Don Hodson, Keith Young, and Dick Jahr, fin ished in third place behind Oklahoma State and Texas The winning time by the Cow- pokes of 1:23.5 broke the pre vious record set by Texas of 1:24.2. Nebraska was timed in 1:25.2. Spartans Win The Nebraska 2-mile relay team of Mullins, Barnes, Ash and Fleming, which was favored to win along with Michigan State, finished in sixth place as the Spartans won in the record time of 7:24.8. This was over seven seconds faster than the pre vious record held by Kansas. However, even in defeat there were two bright moments for th Huskers in the 2-mile re lay. One was the 1:53 last leg run by Mik Fleming and the other was the 1:56.3 opening leg by Joe Mullins in his first 880 competition since a foot operation. The sprint medley relay team also fell heir to some NU Golfers Nip Washburn Nebraska downed Wash burn of Topeka lO'-i to 8i in a golf meet Tuesday. Wash burn won the doubles and the foursome drew 1-all. ill Aadtrsoa (W) 74 Mike McCulston N T. Lutt Brueninier IW) tt Dennie Mill Ub (N) U. Tom Klssler () M Dsve Buckley w m. Da Waltemata (N) TT BtH Fawki w at. WHEN YOU'RE GOING FOR FUN teSS "T''1'' i ,'''" GO MAN GO IN... U.S. KEDS BOOSTERS MlON IOOSTC How you can enjoy cool comfort and look yurcaual best in U.S.rteds Boosters Srtathable fabrics allow cooling air to cir tulstt frly. And you walk on the plush comfort ef KsaV Full-cushioned Insole. Se go for a pair of U. S Keds Boosters. X arrow and mediums from $5.95. United States Rubber OCKtFtULtK of the same misfortune as the 440 relay team had. Keith Gardner opened up with a sizzling 45.5 440 leg and a 15 yard lead. This was the fastest 440 time in the country until Saturday when Eddie Southern of Tex as ran a 44.9 anchor in his team's mile relay victory. Following Gardner's open ing 440, Dick Jahr and Keith Young maintained the lead during their 220 legs, but it had dwindled down to about three yards when Young gave the baton to Mike Fleming in the fourth lane. Wrong Lane Fleming failed to cut to the inside and ran the first curve of his 880 in the fourth lane, while Gail Hodgeson of Okla homa and Don Loadman of Houston passed him on the inside. Fleming couldn't make up the distance and the Husk ers finished third in the heat and fourth when all the times from all the heats were put together. Oklahoma was timed in 3:13.5, well under the old record of 3:20.2 set by Kan sas in 1954. Nebraska's fourth place time of 3:20 was also under the old record. McKee Evens Score Gardner was also beaten in the 120-yard high hurdles. He lost by a step to Buddy Mc Kee of East Texas State. Mc Kee's time was :14.0. This was identical to the time re corded by Gardner when he beat McKee in the Texas re lays. Bill Marten of Nebras ka finished fifth. Ken Pollard of Nebraska pole vaulted 13 feet six inches and gained a tie for second place. Bill LaFleur hurled the javelin 197 feet, but didn't place in one of the top jav elin fields in Kansas Relays history. The winner, Bruce Parker of Texas, threw it 232 feet and the fourth place win ner had to throw it over 210 feet. VISCOUN' LOOK FOR THE BLUE LABEL CtNTC", NEW YO 20. H. Y. Oof ibiuiri i-i . ,-a'; jr .. ikwwwv v Vw,v4C-:-i-- .. iHv.. t ! IS! PI I. Jklldti 'UUlkt fAr i .'fe: C Two burly Huskers gang up to stop an unidentified halfback during Friday's scrimmage. Nebraska scrimmaged during all five of last week's practices as coach Bill Jennings took a long look at all his personnel. Offensive Show: Practice Reveals Scoring Potential Bill Jennings put his first two varsity units through an intensive two hour scrimmage Saturday which offered touch downs, standouts and plenty ot miscues. With scrubs providing the defense, Pat Fischer, fresh man tailback, and Max Martz, his second unit counterpart, each got two touchdowns. Fischer's scores were on runs of 22 and 2 yards. He also set up another counter with a 57-yard ramble through Nebraska Faces Heavy Schedule All University spring sports teams will see action this week. The schedule: TRACK Tuesday Houston-Oklahoma State-Nebraska trian gular, Memorial Stadium. Friday Saturday Drake Relays at Des Moines. BASEBALL Friday-Saturday Colo rado vs. Nebraska, Husker baseball diamond. Friday game at 3 p.m.; Saturday doubleheader at 1 p.m. GOLF Monday Kansas State at Manhattan. Saturday Iowa State in Lin coln, Lincoln Country Club, 9 a.m. TENNIS Monday Kansas in Lin coln, 1 p.m. Un i v e r si t y Courts. Wednesday Drake in Lin coln, 1 p.m., I'nlv e r s i t y Courts. Saturday Iowa State in Lincoln, 1 p.m., University Courts. North Leads Tennis Win Rampaging Squail Blanks Creighton The Husker tennis team, still rebellious after loosing four of five on their spring tour, shut out Creighton Thursday for their third straight whitewash job. The match was a playoff of a previously postponed con test scheduled for last Friday. Leading the Huskers was Rill North, coach Ed Higgen both's number one player. North overpowered Frank Bemis. 6-2, 6-2. North got good support from Bruce Russell, whose smashing service and net game gained him a 6-2. 6-4 win. Veteran George Fisk's sharp cross-court placements proved too much for Creigh ton's George Thompson, and Fisk breezed to a 6-2, 6-1 vic tory. Charlie Kress, although having some trouble with his service, used a convincing back court game to out-stroke Mike Weaver, 6-1. 6-3. Sophomore Bill Kendall made his debut a successful one with a 6-1, 6-1 victory over Mark Hartman. The doubles teams made short work of their opponents with North and Russell win ning over Belicz and Thomp son 6-2, 6-2. Fisk and Kress defeated Bemis and Weaver, 6-2, 6-1. Nebraska will face Kansas here Monday. Coach Ed Hig genbotham is optimistic about a successful windup for the season. All but two of the re maining Husker matches will be at home. a broken field, and got off several other long gainers. Fischer had plenty of hard running company in the num ber one backfield. Dick Mc Cashland, a center turned full back, trundled 41 yards to set up one of the eight scores of the workout. He smashed three yards to score another while showing better than average speed. Seconds Hot The Husker second unit, not content to let the first have all the fun, did some power house running and blocking themselves. Martz reeled off 19 and 24 yard gains during his tour, but his most impres sive work was a shift and dodge production with a fum ble recovered on the three. The 180 pound sophomore scampered for a first and ten on the 30 in spite of heavy resistance. Martz Passes Martz also passed to end Bill Tuning from 25 yards out for another touchdown and the climax of a busy day. Other squadmen impressive in the drill were John Min nick, freshman fullback, Lee Bigelow, tiny halfback, and Mike Cowan, sophomore tackle. The Huskers continued to if U U iaiLV II L23 ii y U M L3 ali II i 1 "tVftl ' - Live-action thot s I aN.t U.S. Coast Guar fe v 4 i I ; 0 j 1 - x ; J 1 f V t ) "V '4 v 3 J' fHtfi .i i, i . -i ii rinDVsimii.niiait)sht.l. in, I, rfAjj i'.X)!-,;;S'i5;r?'"' : '. fc.6MiJ 0 Uoaett & Myer Tobacco Co. 1 tripf- "ihi Nothing satisfies like BIG CLEAN run both the single wing and the split T formations and the fumbles were relatively few in spite of light showers which made the pigskin somewhat slippery. Oklahoma Leads All Sports Race The University of (guess who) Oklahoma leads the Big Eight all sports standings, ac cording to figures released by the Iowa State publicity de partment. Scoring on the basis of seven for a first, six for a second and so forth, the Soon ers have totaled 31V2 points to runnerup Kansas' 3OV2. Ne braska ranks sixth, ahead of Missouri, with 1714 points. The standings: FB Oklahoma 7 Kansas 6 la. State 2Mi Kan. State 24 Colorado 4Vi Nebraska 1 Missouri CC 3 7 S 4 2 1 IT VVR SW Total S 6 7 3Ui 7 0 5 30'i 17 6 72 5 24.4 I t (! 3 2 mil 4 o o a A GOOD TEACHERS AGENCY DAVIS School Service Established 191 Servin the Mis souri Valley to tiie w est Coast. ENROLL NOW 52 Stuart Bids;. Lincoln t, Nebr. TASTE DF TOP-TOBACCO Home Runs Aid First Win, Ziegenbein Pitches Second Nebraska's baseball squad got back on the winning trail with two victories in three games over Iowa State's defending conference champions Friday and Saturday. The Huskers, who last weeki had troubles with the gopher ball in loosing two to Missouri, found the home run range themselves in the first game which ended 16-6 for Nebras ka. Doug Sieler, Jerry McKay, Jim Kane and Ken Rusinger all teed off on Iowa State pitching. Sieler and Kane got theirs off Iowa State ace Gene Lafferty in a sev en run seventh Inning.. The Husker outburst brok a 4-4 tie and gave Dwight Siebler his fourth straight win, in his second complete game. Rusinger, whose blast was his second of the year, got his with two mates aboard in the eighth. The big first baseman batted in five runs on three hits during the contest. McKay got his, an inside the park solo production, in the sixth to tie. Ziegenbein Takes Second Nebraska won the second game behind an improved Charly Ziegenbein, 7-3. Zieg enbein, who has been trou bled by wildness, gave only two walks and three runs in his seven inning stint. The Huskers stacked him to a four run lead in the first on three walks and two Cy clone errors. They added two more in the second and a single in the seventh for good measure. The seven runs were man ufactured on only five hits, but Iowa State passed out five errors and six bases on balls v to smooth the Husk er's road. The third game of the series went to the Cyclones 13-6. Io wa State collected five runs in the fifth to put things safely in the deep freeze, but Lefty Hevner had already given up SPEEDWAY MOTORS 1719 N St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Speed Equipment Hollywood Mufflers MEN ON the five others in a 2 1-3 inning stint on the hill. Rusinger was again the Husker big man with three hits. NEBRASKA I-STATE b i rM ab r k rbl Reimers ct (12 1 Peters e 5 1 Dunne 2b 211 Borta K 5010 1 1 i McNertny 211 lkp-3b 4 t 4 111 Brink 3b 4 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 Hardin rf-lb 4 111 5 3 J S R D. Locker c 2 1 1 t 0 Olmstead ss 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 Baukoi 2b 10 0 0 2 3 5 Ses'ld't rf-2b 2112 Sieler ss Lewis rf Torczon II Zentic U Kane e a-Nelsoa Shaw e Ruisinfer lb McKay 3b 1 2 1 Lafferty p 3 0 0 0 1 1 i Halsne p 10 10 Siebler p R. Locker 3b 0000 U 1 31 1 Tetals 3 4 19 4 Totals a Safe on catch er's Interference for Kane in Ota. Nebraska .. ... 011 Oil 741 1 Iowa Stat 020 002 200 E Iowa State t. Nebraska 2. DP Sieler, Dunne and Ruisiiuer. Left Ne braska 10. Iowa State 9. 2 B Dunne 2, Reimers, Torczon. Sieb ler, Kane, Olmstead. HR Ruisiiuer, Sieler, Kane, McKay, Hardin, Brink. Spauldin. SB Peters 2. Pitcher IF H B ER SO BB Siebler (W, 4-0) 10 4 I Lafferty (L) 10 10 I 4 2 McNerty l 7 S 5 1 Halsne a 4 1 1 1 NEBRASKA IOWA STATE ab r a rbl ab r b rbl Reimers cf Dunne 2b Sieler ss Lewis rf Torczon If Kane e Ruisin'r lib McKay 3b 2 110 Spaldin if 3 110 3 110 Jacobs p 10 0 0 2 10 0 Peters ct 4 11 4 2 2 2 Looker 4 1 0 0 D. Locker c 3 111 4 110 Willard c 10 0 0 3 0 0 0 Brink 2b 3 0 11 2 0 0 0 Harden lb 2 0 0 0 R. Locker 3b 1 0 0 0 Bore X 2 0 0 0 ( McN'y 3b-lb 3 0 0 0 Olmstead ss 3 0 10 Kudlinski p 0 0 0 0 a-Meyer rf 2 0 10 25 7 I 3 Tetals 2 3 3 Tata la a Grounded out tor Kudlinski in 4tti. Nebraska 420 000 17 Iowa State 200 010 03 E McKay. Zieienbein, Spa! din. R. D. Locker, Hardin. R. Locker, Olmstead. PO-A Nebraska 21-10, Iowa State 21-14. DP Sieler, Dunne and Ruisinger; Mc Nertny, Brinks and Harden; Olmstead and Harden; Brinks, R. Locker and Olmstead. LOB Nebraska (. Iowa State S. 2b Dunne, Spalding. Locker. SB Reimers. 3b Peters, R. D. UNIVERSITY FLYING CLUB MEETING of Union Airport APRIL 22 7:30 Major Green of the Civil Air Patrol will speak and show film. MEMBERS t URGED tO VISITORS ATTEND OF AMERICA: SEA DUTY White spray pounding I Wind a-blowing freel Keen eye3 look For danger on the seat With the ships on patrol, You'll find a man Stops to take big pleasure When and where he can.,,- CHESTERFIELD REGULAR KING ' n i ;.