Poqe 2 The Daily Nebrcskan Wednesday, April 16, 1953 V , W1. V" I' J . r it V, i si Editorial Comment Let's Put NSA On Spring Ballot The United States National Student Association stands for progress in stu dent government. The NSA has never been accepted on the campus of our University either be cause the student council has feared the powers which it allegedly exercises or the administration looked with displeas ure on the powers the organization exerts In other colleges over student govern ment. This is not to say that student govern ment at Nebraska is totally ineffective. This is not to say that the NSA is the prime mover for progress. But this Is to say that membership In the NSA would give the University and the student government an opportunity to observe progressive student govern ments, benefit from their intelligent moves and profit from their mistakes. Too, membership in the NSA gives a gtudent government a chance to have the backing of students all over the land in problem areas which a student coun cil often has to buck. The NSA has taken definite stands on such issues as freedom of the college press, segregation in our universities and positive legislation favoring self-government by students. And yet the University has never ac cepted or rejected membership in this national organization. "They're pinkos," one administrator Is reported to have said when an NSA official approached the University with the idea that we might benefit from the membership. However, an Investigation by the Department of Justice has exon erated the NSA from all of these wild charges. That the NSA is liberal is without doubt. But if free thinking and free action can be labeled subversive then we have our sense of values upturned. What with student council elections coming up, a liberal might well ask of the applicants for the council posts, "How do you stand on membership in the NSA?" Chances are that they will answer, "The what?" Yes, the Student Council time and again has tabled any action with refer ence to membership in that organization and it has done it almost behind the back of the students themselves. A pretty thorough investigation has been made of the NSA by a council committee. A report of that investigation is in the files of the student council and despite the' fact that the report was made last year the council has pulled its traditional big stall on this import ant matter. This year the council has attempted to squelch campaigning as much as possi ble. Candidates for delegates' positions have trembled at the thought of express ing themselves openly. Inveterate rules have hampered the progress of student government with respect to just about everything (with the exception, of course, of the tribunal.) It is our guess students are awake to the fact that playing the game of politics is the finest training they can get for the future, for playing their part in our national and local affairs after college. So there has been an interest in such organizations as the Young Republicans. And a move is afoot to organize a Young Democrats group on the campus. What more evidence that students are in need of political ties, of practice in the vital contest on the battlefield of ideas? But the training ground for that battle facing every citizen, should be right on the college level. Students, obviously, aren't very interested in getting active on the campus political level because it is worthless. Membership in the National Student Association would vitalize the campus. We think that there are enough intelli gent people on the campus to know what the NSA has to offer and to choose wisely whether it should become an active part of our student government. And so the Daily Nebraskan proposes that the question, "Should the Univer sity's Student Council affiliate with the NSA?" be placed on the spring ballot. From the Editor private opinion . . dick shugrue Its - 4 5 If you are numbered among the thou sands who have grown sick under the strain of the mediocre music mashed into your head by juke boxes and top tune radio programs, take heart. For Herbert Burton, formerly of the KLMS Classical Hours has applied for an r .JVi. radio station n- cense in Lincoln and all' ...... inrtirntinns are tnat met - FCC will approve the ap plication by the end of the month. Burton says that the station, which will oper ate for 59 hours a weeks at first, will provide!; ning. Shugrue He Indicated that the entertainment value of the classics, as well as the will ingness of the people who listen to such programs make exclusive programming on an F.M. band profitable to the oper ator of such a station. "In New York City, for example, WQXR, the radio station of the New York Times produces programs consist ing of the classics and progressive jazz and that station has a vast listening audience," Burton explained. And here in Lincoln, he noted, there are at present about 8,000 F. M. stations and no F M. programming anywhere in the state. "This seems to indicate that people are willing to pay the extra money involved in the hopes that Lincoln might have exclusive F. M. programming at some time. Combination A.M.-F.M. stations have failed in the area, he stated, because many listeners find it hard enough lis tening to the current trends in music in both A.M. and F.M. There Is a real market for an F.M. sta tion and I'm willing to begin program ming in an attempt to satisfy the thou sands of people who are looking for quality broadcasts, people who appre ciate the classics and the jazz which are true areas of culture." Burton indicated that young people have not been given a choice between the good and bad in music and have consequently succumbed to the poor quality programs now available on the radio. "And I think if youngsters are exposed to the classics they can quickly learn to appreciate them, to favor them over the tunes they now hear each day," he added. Burton's station, which would operate between the hours of 5 p.m, and mid night, could also be of service to the University, though not connected in any way with the school. "Quality news analyses by intelligent persons from NU could become a regu lar feature of our station, Burton said. In addition, an F.M. station could plug the cultural activities which have grown in favor in Lincoln land. Burton's venture into F.M. radio for Lincoln could be called daring, since it is an innovation in our area. And yet it seems to be based on the sound princi ple that what listeners want they should be given. The average-and-above radio listeners, now subjected to the rocks and rolls and the throbs of popular ballads could be listening to the wonderful folk songs of other lands, which have added significantly to our own American cul ture. Jazz, in its experimental and pro gressive form could be made available to every listener on a fidelity never before experienced in this city. The faith of Burton in the project, plus the confidence his supporters have in the need and the salability of the classics and the semi-classics are laying the founda tion for a renaissance in radio in this area. "I'm sure that the enjoyment people have experienced from the Classical Hours will make the new station a suc cess," Burton noted. And, no doubt, the insatiable thirst of thousands of us have for fine programming and the aversion we feel toward the current trend in music will lead to the success of the F.M. station. SCOT-SEVEN TEARS OLD IXember: Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Representative: National Advertising Service Incorporated Published at: Room 20, Student Union 14th is R Lincoln, Nebraska Tho Dally (fehfaofcan U peblLhed Monday. ftieeday, WoOMMlay Md Friday dating m kIhmiI year, nwpt Swing vaeatlone - J exam period, and ana leeae la pahMnhM marine anttut, by ttntlente of the Unrrerelty ef Nebraeka under the nthoriiathm of the Committee a gtaoeat affaire h an expreiirion of (Indent opinion. Pwbtleatlon mirier the Inrlvdleflnn of the Rubenm elttee on ntodent Publications ehell he free from editorial eenoorahlp on the port of the Nuheommlttee oo the oart of any member of the faculty of too tlnlTartlty. Tee member of the Nebraeluut etaff ere Formally mpontlMe for what they ear. or So, or eaaeo to ho printed. February S, IMC. BaboerlptlOD rate are 12.60 par eemvter or $4 for the aeademio year. Entered ae eeoond elaet matter at the poet office ia Uaoola, Mobratka, under the act of aofiut , int. zmxoBiAL sTArr Mltor Oleic hurra fclltorlal Editor I meet Hlne Manaylnt Editor Mark Laedatrim New Kdltor ,. Kmmte Urapo Sport Editor George Mover dopy Edltore Oary Rodreri, Diana Mainrll, Pal Flannlrao, Carroll Kraae. Ctretehen Milne Nltht ewe Kdltor (Jretrhen Sldfn Staff Write re MariarM Wertmau, Herb Praoaeeo, and t.'harlee Mmlth Rtnmeee Manaeer Jerry Hellentln aeiletant BuelneM Hanafer .Tom Neff, tan Kalmaa, Hob Hmlrtt lean t .. .dorry Traps Or to Take Trouble Against a Sea of Anas A Few Words Of A Kind by e. e. hines When a classical movie comes to town every literary fellow, especially when he is inspired to revel in the arts by his all-knowing English in structor, trots m otf to tne tne- atre to give the show . a once over lightly. Henry V is the current bit of classi cism being displayed not t n n rlietanf from the land e.e. of student parking permits and pending down slips. So I, being one of these literary fellows who is qualified to pass judgment on all the lit erature of the last 500 years by virtue of having read Mer chant of Venice in the 10th grade and memorized Ham let's major soliloquy in t h e 7th grade, headed for the mov ie house and a few hours with Will Shakespeare a la Laur ence Olivier. Not being terribly well schooled in this particular play, I sat back and patiently waited for the story to un fold. The performance was magnificent. For some reason Henry decides that it's better to be king of a couple of coun tries instead of one and sails off to France tp take over what is rightly his namely all of France. The reason that it is right ly his is because he was very friendly with his mother and his mother was pretty friendly with someone to whom France belonged and so somehow that country was his. You under stand, of course. Well, he gets his soldiers there on the French beach and says, "Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead." For some reason this gets h i 6 troops so excited that they win everything in sight. The next thing you know there is this cute little French gal walking in her garden learning English. "Finger, hand, arm, eeelbow," she says. In fact, she says this 3 or 4 times until she finally gets tired of the garden and leaves without ever once say- I 7MINK I'VE FOUND A 500DAANF0R5rOJT5T0P V .-"lie-.. ing "elbow" the way it should be said. About this time, the French advance on the English and start a battle to end all bat tles and the English at the same time. The French mis calculate and end up losing about 20 men to 1. We don't see King Henry doing much more than making sad or in spiring speeches until he gets mad and trots off to one of the French leaders whom he sends reeling to the good French earth. Then we see King Henry in the palace and there is that girl who was in the garden. She still can't speak good Eng lish. And why she ever wast ed her time learning how not to say "elbow" is beyond me because when Henry, or Har ry as they sometimes call him, starts talking to her it's not about elbows. There even comes a time when he doesn't bother to talk at all, but kisses her instead. He shouldn't have done that. She runs away. He catches her and kisses her again. The next thing you know the whole French court is around them and they're getting married. And so the story ends with you smugly understanding the moral of it all, which is quite plainly: "When in France, do as the French men do." Fashion As I See It By Wendy Makepeace Side slits with a fash ionable tab closing are the highlights of this popular shirt n' chemise dress. Robin egg blue and biege are the colors of this campus favorite. A patch front pocket gives the added sporty look. Gold's has this dress for you In sizes 7-15 for only 14.95. For your sampus favor ites visit Gold's second floor Campus Shop today. X A 14 J P: If M No Man Is An Island This is another in a series of articles written by leaders of the student religous organizations at this University. Bob Gordon, Wesley Foundation Director at Ag Campus, is author of today's article. Are you able to see me practicality of the plain, simple things in life or has education made you to desire only the costlier things of modern living? Has your education made yon just another Snob in this world, or can yon value hu man nature on its merits with out thought of the accidents of birth and good "luck"? Does the sunset have no meaning for you just because you can see no dollar signs in it? Is this the dollar sign the highest value in your life? Or can you see some thing bigger, much bigger? Are you denying the ex istence of the past and all that it means, including Religion? Or have yon declared the reality of God and the mean ing and value of this reality to your life? What are you and whert are you going? Have you be come just another part of big machine or are you be coming a machinist who cai adequately run the machim your life with God' helpl May God help you pass thii examination of your life! This semester is not over yet, but those final exams are not too far away to begin thinking about them. With this thought in mind I have pre pared some questions which I think need to be considered, if not answered. What have you discovered at the University this semes ter? Have you found it to be a country club where many hours of leisure have been spent? Or have you found it to be a place where your in telligence has b e en chal lenged, new friends produced and an incentive discovered for your life? Have you really discovered anything new about life (your life) its meaning, power, its value or have you been here just for the ride? Have you discovered your cause and are you ready to champion it? Or are you just going to take a seat in the bleachers and be content? Have you received enough education this semester to no longer be content with the way things are "back home" or do you still long for those days? 1st EDITION of Campus Literary Magazine ON SALE at Andrews Crib Miners Only 25c (By As AtUhorofEadt Ram&B Flat, Banm&, "Banifoat Boy viik Cfcesk.") THE POSTMAN COMETH I ham vecentrj received several letters bom have been so interesting, so piquant, so je m mm qwoi, thai X feel I must share tbein with all of yotv Tba ktftflrs srid-egy replies ioiiosn SIR Maybe yon can help me. I m op o-oc$te&tS&ikymn ago. On my very first day I got into a bridge game in tfaa student nnion, I am still in the same bridge game. Inavo-netrev gone to class, cracked a book, or paid any tuition. Al I da is play bridge. To explain my bng abrmrae and keep the money tMrorng from home, I told a harmless little lie. I said I was in medical school. This made Dad (my father) terribly prosd. It also enabled me to keep playing bridge. We were both very happy. But all good thingB must come to an end. Mine ended when I came home for Christmas vacation. I arrived to find that Sister (my sister) was in the hospital with an ingrown spleen. Dr. Norbert Sigafooa, the eminent ingrown spleen surgeon, ws scheduled to operate, but unfortunately he was run over by a hot-food cart on the way to the scrubbing room. "Oh, never mind," chuckled Dad (my father). "Harlow (me) will fix Sinter (my sister)." Well sir, what could I do? If I told the truth I would make a laughingstock out of Dad (my father) who had been bragging about me all over town. Also I would got yanked out of school which would be a dirty shame just when I am beginning to understand the weak club bid. There was nothing for it but to brazen it out. I got Bister (my sister) apart all right, but I must confess myself completely at a loss as to how to put her back together again. Can you suggest anything? They're getting pretty surly around hen. Sincerely, Harlow Froteia Dear Harlow: Indeed I do have the solution for you the solution that has never failed me when things clone in: Light up a Marlboro 1 Knots untie as you pun that fine, rich tobacco. Shade becomes light as that grand flavor comes freely and friend lily through that splendid filter. Who can stay glum when Marlboro gives you such a lot to Like? Not I. Not you. Not nobody. SIR; Just off the campus where I go to school there is a lab called Lake Widgiwagan. Thirty years ago when my father waa an undergraduate here he went fishing one day in Lake Widgi wagan and dropped his Duke pin in the water. He dived for days but never found it. Just yesterday thirty years later, mark youl I went fish ing in Widgiwagan. I caught a four-pound bass. I took the fish home, cut it open, and what do you think I found inside? You guessed itl Two tickets to the Dempsey-Firpo fight Sincerely, Willis Wayde eieteMeiSkeinea '0 0 Thi column U brought to you by the makers of Marlboro Cigarettes who suygest that if your mail has recently been blessed with some money from home, invest it in the ci'pn rette with the long while ash Marlboro, of course! MMI - MV T 'ft .1