The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1958, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Pooe 2
The Daily NJebrcskan
Wednesday. April 9.
Editorial Comment
Tribunal Applicants
While students trotted their various
directions for vacation the Faculty Sen
ate said okay to the Student Tribunal.
This makes way for another big step the
selection of student members to serve
on the Tribunal next year.
This means that many folks who have
been screaming about the manner in
which discipline cases are handled at the
University have a chanca to do some
constructive action in correcting the sit
uation if correction is what is really
needed. The way these dissatisfied souls
can correct things is by applying for
membership on the judging body. But
' the applicants, it is hoped, will be more
than a host of unsatisfied students. It is
hoped instead that the student council
will be able to select or elect from the
applicants seven mature students who
have applied for the posts because of a
desire to help make this experiment a
working reality.
There are a couple of dangers which
the Tribunal must face before it can
become an actual fact. The first danger
is the lack of a sufficient number of these
mature applicants. There are numerous
extremely intelligent and level-headed
students on the campus who would make
capable student judges if they were will
ing to spend the time that such a post
might require.
The second danger is that the screen
ing committee in its haste to reduce the
number of applicants that the council
must consider for election on April 23,
may hurriedly eliminate some outstand
ing persons. The rather arbitrary idea to
cut in half the number of applicants that
will appear before the council for final
consideration may lead to some bad de
cisions. What is hurting the screening
committee is its lack of time.
No matter what method of elimination
the council's screening committee uses
there will be cries of unfair play and
administration back patting. These
charges probably will not be true, yet
the screening committee and the council
should both recognize that their great
desire to have the Tribunal accepted by
the administration to help judge student
conduct shouldn't induce them to select
a number of prudes who believe an eye
for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is
the only type of permissible judging of
fellow men.
A Student Tribunal can be both a
blessing and a curse. That is the whole
gist of the matter. To work effectively it
must have good applicants. So, if you
think you have something on the ball,
if you can meet the grade requirements,
and if you are willing to work extra hard
in the Tribunal's first year you should be
appearing before the screening commit
tee next week. When next year rolls
around and the judges make some dis
agreeable decision you can't feel too
sorry for yourself or the student affected
if you didn't personally apply.
Next year's sophomore crop isn't eligi
ble but if they know some likely candi
dates they should be pushing them to
make application. The same goes for
everyone else.
Spring Thoughts
One long week of rain and cold winds
this was the vacation week. Promises of
nothing but sorrows and studies this is
the lookout for this week.
Is this utter despair or just the usual
let down that follows any vacation? Prob
ably it falls in the latter category. Cer
tainly the feeling is shared by a goodly
number of University students.
You dashed to the campus Sunday and
crept into a dusty room, tossed down a
couple of bags of clothes and the books
that you were going to be sure to study
or read during vacation.
Ask someone what they did over vaca
tion and they tell you they watched TV,
played bridge, slept, fought with the
folks. During the brief freedom we
mostly wished we were back at school,
and now that we are back we wish we
weren't. It is the old story of the greener
grass growing on the other side of the
railroad tracks.
Look for these next weeks to be hectic.
There will be the battle for student coun
cil, the drive for a Tribunal seat, the
Ivy Day song practices, spring formals,
cars getting stuck on muddy country
roads, gripes about how impersonal grad
uation is for seniors (we're only num
bers, one man s&id), looking over sum
mer and fall class schedules, complaints
about how late your finals are (not until
the last day), and maybe biggest of all
the quiet and sweet smiles of denial
about being "concerned" made by nu
merous so called activity jocks who have
worked like blazes for three years in
hopes of wearing a distinct costume next
year. These are among a student's spring
From the Editor
private opinion
. . . dick shugrue
Wilfred Parsons, Washington editor
of America was lamenting the fact that
all he hears on radio anymore is savage
rhythms and blaring trumpet back
grounds. I don't know what stations he gets on
his radio, but I do know that Lincoln
ii iti 1 i
radio listeners nave oeen
freed from the savages,?
the "All the Way," the
"Lollipip," "Good Gollyj
Miss Milly " "I Got al
Gal Named Boni Mo
roni," "Twenty Six!
Miles" and the other ri-f
diculous third-grade rhy
thm band numbers chok
ing our airways today.
KLMS, the local Mu
tual station has seen the
light they saw it some time ago and
Is offering some real music to the radio
Each night from 8 to 11 p.m. the radio
listener can relax to Beethoven, Chopin,
Gilbert and Sullivan and Pucini on the
two most worth-while programs aired
currently in this neck of the woods.
Herbert Burton's "Classical Hour"
(which expanded into the "Classical
Hours") got the band or orchestra
wagon rolling. I remember commenting
to one cf the KLMS salesmen last sum
mer what a fine show Burton was pro
ducing. "Yes," he said, "but we're
getting a lot of complaints from people
who don't like that kind of music."
From the looks of things, Burton has
received a number of compliments the
other way, too the way that counts. He
has piled up a nice number of sponsors
for his shows and the listeners are pa
tronizing them.
I find myself walking down to 19th
and R Streets for a bottle of Golden
Guernsey milk, just as a "thanks" to
Burton's sponsor for the show. That's just
one isolated example, however.
I seriously believe that anyone with
any common sense would love the class
ics if he were given the chance to hear
very much of them. But with the bill of
fare pawned off on the listeners of most
of the stations around here, "Is It Any
Wonder" we have so many real
"Creeps" "Running Wild."
People may laugh at the listener of
the classical music program. And I think
if the classics programs were piped into
the Crib, the effect would be overwhelm
ing. Why, the Union would be out of busi
ness in a few days. Then a few days
later, they'd be back in business and
they would have recovered customers
lost way back when "Twilight Time" and
"I Love You for Sentimental Reasons"
were beautiful fox trot songs. But who
even remembers what the fox trot is?
In America there is a distinct adher
ence to the Yankee form of music, jazz.
But that jazz is exemplified in the works
of the late C. W. Handy, not in the ap
proved tunes of Broadcast Music Incor
porated, the group editor Parsons im
plied is strangling the musical tastes of
Radio stations such as KLMS and
citizens like Burton (who is an em
ploye of Wells and Frost during the day)
and Gorton should get a hearty pat on
the back from every remaining sane
man around town.
If programs featuring the classics
aren't encouraged we will be en
croached upon by more of these wild
haired musicians with their tribal tunes.
I mean it. Now comes the retaliation by
the goofs who feed the juke box upstairs.
Member: Associated Collegiate Prsss
Intercollegiate Press
Representative: National Advertising
Service Incorporated
Published t: Boom 80, (Student Union
IHh ft Z
Lincoln, Nebraska
Tea rDT Ntrukaa In ubUihe Monday, Tuesday,
Wedaeedajr ui Frttfrnr aurlas Mm seaeol year, eaetpt
taring nrtim and esaea periods, and on Itaua Is
published dnrtnc Anf nst, by students of tha Unlvtnlty
erf Nebraska sader the authorisation af tha OeaieiKtee
aa StadeDt Affairs M aa expression af student opinion.
FuaUeattons nnder the )nrtsdlrlon of tha Buorom
Mlttm) sa StutfMit Publication aha!) ke frac from
adltorlal erasorshlp on tha part af the Miiheommlttoa
ar on tha part af any member af tha faculty of tha
University. Tha members of tha Nebraska staff an
personally responsible for what they gay, or do, or
eauaa to be printed. February 8, 1955,
Subscription ratal an (I.M par aanwatar ar Ss lay
aba Maaeatle raar.
Batered aa urona elan matter at tha poet of flea ia
Uneola, Nebraska, under the sot af aufust a. 1811.
ttdlta Dick Sburroe
Editorial Editor Eraest Hlaaa
Mwaaflnr Editor .....o... ...... .Mack Lundstrom
News Editor .fciamle Llmpo
Sparta Editor (ieorga Moyer
Copy Edltnra Gary Rndtrnra, Plana Maxwell,
Pat Flannlfan, Carroll Kraut, ftmtehan stdna
Nl-ht News Editor Diana Marwell
Staff Writers Man-erst Wertman,
Herb Probaaee, aad Charles Kmltk
Bnatama Manarar Jerry Hellpntln
Assistant Business Manacera Tom tirll,
Stan Kalman, Bob Smldt
Cumulation Manager .......Jarre; Trupp
"You Think This Nuclear Stuff Really
Produces Changes In People?"
Buck Shot
By Melvyn Eikleberry
Since you will probably
read this just before or during
lunch, I'll tell you a joke
which will turn your thoughts
to eating. There was an ab
sent minded
biology prof
who brought
a little brown
sack to class.
He told the
class that the
sack contain
(Je a dissect
ed frog which
he would
?how them.'
H e opened
the sack and brought out a
sandwich, a carrot, and a ba
nana. "That's strange," he
said, "I'm sure I ate my
To clarify what I said in my
column of March 18, 1958, I
did not mean each and every
last Greek to be included in
my phrase, "the Greeks," nor
did I mean any specific Greek
organization such as the IFC.
As to fines for not voting, it
was only my very strong im
pression that various people
at various times and places
had said that their fraternity
would fine them a dollar if
they didn't vote, but perhaps
my ears were deceiving me,
or perhaps these people were
deceived. So rather than play
detective ("Who cares about
campus politics?"), I retract
all my statements, in the
March 18, 1958 issue of the
Daily Nebraskan, concerning
"Greeks" and "$1 fines." If
there was any mistake, it was
a a
A Scottish Salvation Army
Captain told this one to a Lin
coln audience:
An American, a Jew, and a
Scot entered a bar. Each or
dered a beer, and in each
beer was a fly. The American
slopped his fly out with some
here that
. . children cannot
1 v concentrate i
it says that children
cannot keep their minds
focused on one problem
for Any length of time..
Ce , ladraaata ti'aVW
ftaklL. "
beer. The Jew lifted his fly
out so as not to waste any
beer. The Scot lifted his fly
out, held it over his beer, and
very carefully wrung it dry.
I watched the frosh base
ball team work out. George,
a coach, asked me to men
tion him. Okay, George, you
are mentioned. The way
George has them run, it is
hard to tell if they are a base
ball team or a track team.
But the squad has to be cut
down, and one way is to run
a few ball players to death.
a a
The startling fact of our
century is that some boys not
only suffer the 2 basic years
of ROTC, but come back for
more. Some people are "glut
tons for punishment," aren't
But the Basic Cadets are
retaliating. They are calling
the big brass "Sir" to their
faces. That sounds inoffen
sive, doesn't it? But from
what I gather, "Sir" is Basic
ROTC cadet slang meaning
"you powerful slob." But
we're keeping that a secret
from our superiors. Don't let
them know it.
Fashion As I See It
By Wendy
Sun drenched color for
Spring, In Dream Girl
fashions by Campus Cas
uals. Brilliant news in solid
separates of sanforized
sail cloth in mango, lrmon
or Facific blue. This out
fit features a camisole
top with tiny brass but
tons sizes 10-16 for 3.98
and a wide swinging skirt
with plaid edged straw
belt sizes 8-16 for 8.98.
While you are in Gold's
Second floor sportswear
enter the Dream Girl con
test sponsored by Campus
Casuals. The prizes in
clude a modeling contract
and a luxurious trip to
Hollywood. Enter this
fabulous nation-wide eon
test sponsored for you in
Lincoln by Gold's of Nebraska.
Wayward Wanderings
By Ron Mold
Some vacation 8 dripping,
blowing, hailing, raining,
snowing days! Clouds of op
pression! 1 think I've got an
acute case of the Gray Sick
ness (ai my "' -
' !
u v in iwic ' .ssp
saw the sun
once during
the entire va- .s jl, s
I don't sup
pose my va
cation activi
t i e s differed
greatly from
those of most
students' an Mohl
infinite number of coffees,
lunches and dinners with old
acquaintances. It's always
good to get back to the old
home town and learn where
everyone's been, where every
one's going, who has em
bezzled what from whom, who
got married, who should have
got married, who was born,
who died, who everyone
wishes were dead.
And I found that a -certain
word was still being whis
pered from countless pairs of
lips "recession." "It's going
to be worse than in the thir
ties," said one with a hint
of panic in his expression.
Some of the most enjoyable
moments in any vacation are
those spent with old buddies
returned from other colleges.
Many a waitress must have
acquired a sore arm pouring
cup after cup of coffee as we
sat and jibbered by the hour.
When you start comparing
schools, courses, instructors,
women, and other aspects of
college life, time becomes
One of the most unnerving
salutations I received was
was from an old buddy from
CU, who came on with, "My
God you're getting fat!" I
forced a wee smile and we
spent the nrxt few minutes
pinching each other's "spare
"I've only gained 20 pounds
since Christmas," 1 said apol
ogetically. a a
Do you want a new experi
ence in reading? Do you want
to prove to yourself that free
dom of the press exists in tha
Uniied States? Then pick up
a copy of American Mercury
at the libra.y some day and
glance through it. At first, its
wild raving and accusations
will make you mad, but as
you read farther it becomes
absurd, and finally ludicrous
as in the following passage:
"Tax Slaves, arise! Demand
a tax cut! You have nothing
to lose but the chains of Form
1040! Cut out Government
competition with private en
terprise and stop foreign aid
to Socialist and Communist
countries and there would be
no need for the personal in
come tax."
And each issue carries 150
or more pages of this tripe!
This isn't journalism this is
Muckraking with a bulldozer!
Each publication has its own
personality, but this is the on
ly one I have ever seen which
seems to have set up as its
purpose the sadistic dissection
of established institutions.
Of course, these prophets of
doom always have a trump
card to play. "Truth!" they
shout. Truth is the foundation
upon which they allegedly
rest. If what I have read
in the last 2 issues of Ameri
can Mercury is the unadulter
ated truth, I'm going to
change my name to Fidel Cas
tro and start a revolution to
By Uu Author of "Rally Round tiie Flag, Boys! "and,
"Barefoot Boy vUh Cheek.")
Once again the makers of Marlboro Cigarettes, bless their tat
tooed hearts, have consented to let me use this space, normally
intended for levity, to bring you a brief lesson in science.
They are generous openhanded men, the makers of Marlboro,
hearty, ruddy, and full of the joy of living, as anyone can teH
who has sampled their wares. In Marlboro you will find no
stinting, no stinginess. Marlboro's pleasures are rich, manifold,
and bountiful. You get a lot to like with a Marlboro filter,
flavor, flip-top box, and, in some models, power steering.
The science that we take up today is called astronomy, from
the Greek words astro meaning "sore" and nomy meaning
"back". Sore backs were the occupational disease of the early
Greek astronomers, and no wonder I They used to spend every
blessed night lying on the damp ground and looking up at the
sky, and if there's a better way to get a sore back, I'd like to
hear about it. Especially in the moist Mediterranean area,
where Greece is generally considered to be.
Lumbago and related disorders kept astronomy from be
coming very popular until Galileo, an unemployed muleteer of
Pamplona, fashioned a homemade telescope in 1924 out of
three Social Security cards and an ordinary ice cube. What
schoolboy does not know that stirring story how Galileo
stepped up to his telescope, how he looked heavenward, how
his face filled with wonder, how he stepped back and whispered
the words heard round the world: "Let them eat cake!"
'tow HP i izz -Vvf v .w. f J
Well sir, yew ean Imagine what happened then! William
Jennings Bryan snatched Nell Gwynne from the shadow of tho
guillotine at Oslo; Chancellor Bismarck brought in four gushem
in a single afternoon; Enos Slaughter was signed by the Han
seatic League; Crete was declared off limits to Wellington's
army; and William Faulkner won the Davis Cup for his im
mortal Penrod and Sam.
But after a while things calmed down and astronomers began
the staggering task of naming all the heavenly bodies. First
man to name a star was Sigafoos of Mt. Wilson, and the name
he chose was Bctelgeuse, after his dear wife, Betelgeuse Sigafoos,
prom queen at Michigan State from 1919 to 1931.
Then the Major Brothers of Yerkes Observatory named stars
after their wives, Ursa and Canis, and Witnick of Harvard
named one after his wife, Big Dipper, and soon all the stars
were named.
Astronomers then turned to the question: is there life on
other planets? The answer was a flat, unequivocal no. Spectro
scopic studies proved without a doubt that the atmosphere
on the other planets was far too harsh to permit the culture of
the fine tobaccos that go into Marlboro Cigarettes . . . And who
ean live without Marlboro?
Ms Hu Is .aa
This emLegttal columnlike tha muthor'i mora wthy onm
it brought to you by the maker t of Marlboro, the Rita
cigarette with tha long white uth. And in all the $ouu $ytm
0ou won't find m butter tmoka.