The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1958, Image 1

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Vol. 32, Np. 91
Lincoln, Nebraska
Wednesday, April 9, 1958
or mmmm
Some Nations
The first session of the 1958
Model United Nations Gener
al Assembly will begin work
lng Ou the world's problems
at 2 p.m. today.
j.tnee many
of he mem
ber - nations
of the United
Nations are
not yet rep
presented i n
the model
a s s e mbly
sponsored b y
NUCWA, any
group may
end dele- Fellman
gates to the sessions if the
committee is notified bv
p.m. this afternoon, according
to Wynn Smithberger, session
Dick Fellman, elected pres
ident of the assembly Tues
day night, will call the meet
ing to order m Union 315.
After reports from the ere
dentials committee, resolution
committee and agenda com
mittee the agenda for the en
tire meeting will be discussed,
Elect Secretary
The Secretary-General for
the conference will be elected
at that time.
Further petitions and reso
lutions will be presented and
the problems will be discussed
during the second and third
sessions to be held on Thurs
day, 2-4:30 p.m. and 7:30-9:30
Final session of the confer
ence, when a message will be
given by the Secretary-Gener
al, will be Friday, 2-4:30 p.m,
A summary of the confer
ence will also be given by
the president.
Cohen Unavailable
Benjamin Cohen of the Unit
ed Nations, who was planning
to speak on the University
campus Saturday will be un
able to come to Nebraska at
that time, said Miss Smithber-
Grouus and the countries
which they represent are:
Alpha Chi Omega, Uraguay;
Delta Sigma Phi, India; Pi
Beta Phi I, Algeria; Pi Beta
Phi II. Encland; Phi Gam
ma Delta, France; Phi Delta
Theta, Turkey; Kappa Kappa
Gamma. Holland; Delta Gam
ma, Indonesia; Delta Upsilon
I, Yugoslavia; Delta Upsilon
II, Burma; Zeta Tau Alpha,
Sigma Alpha Mu, National
ist China; Alpha Tau Omega,
Greece; Kappa Sigma I,
Egypt; Sigma Kappa, Pakis
tan; Independent i, uzecno
slovakia; Independent II, Rus
sia; Kappa Sigma II, Israel;
YWCA Public Affairs Com
mittee, Iraq-Iran; Alpha Phi,
Belgium; Kappa Alpha Theta,
Spain; Sigma Nu. Burma;
Wesleyan YMCA, United
States; Sigma Phi Epsilon,
Two Classes
Planned For
B&B Test
The annual Block and
Bridle Livestock Judging con
test will be Saturday at 6
a.m. in the Horse Barn, ac
cording to Paul Yeutter, gen
eral chairman.
A junior division for all stu
dents who have not taken Ani
mal Husbandry 103 and a sen
ior division for students who
have taken the course will be
held. Also in the junior divis
ion will be organized teams
comprised of the top five in
dividuals from each organ
ized house.
Eight classes in the junior
division and 12 classes in the
senior division are planned.
Metals and ribbons will be
awarded to the winners with
a plaque going to the highest
Winners will be announced
at the Honors Banquet April
18 at 6 p.m. in the City Union.
Governor To Speak
Gov. Victor Anderson will
fpeak at a joint meeting of
ASME-ASCE tonight.
"Engineering Opportunities
in Nebraska" is the topic of
the governor's talk.
The meeting, scheduled for
7:15 p.m. in 206 Richards, is
Faculty Night for the two en
gineering societies.
Jana Hruska, University junior in Arts and
Sciences, and Vice President Richard Nixon
met in Washington D.C. Miss Hruska is the
New University Deans 4Awed
Biz Ad Head
Miller Thrilled
"It was the biggest surprise
of my life," stated Dr. Charles
Miller about his recent ap
pointment as dean of the Col
lege of Business Administra
tion. Miller will succeed Earl
Fullbrook to the post next
A native of Denver but
raised in Cheyenne, Wyo.,
Miller pointed out that now
two of the four deans of the
College of Business Adminis
tration have come from Chey
"It's also interesting to note
that all of the four deans are
still living," he commented.
Dean John Clark, who pre
ceded Fullbrook and was the
other dean from Cheyenne, re
signed in order to accept a po
sition on the President's Eco
nomic Council in Washington,
D.C. The other two deans re
tired at the 65-year-old age
Dr. Miller is married and
has two children.
His son, Tom, is a junior
in business at the University.
Marilyn, his daughter, is a
junior at Lincoln High.
Miller is an ardent golf fan.
He is looking forward to his
first game of the season which
he is planning soon.
Hunting ducks and upland
game is another favorite
weekend pastime of the new
dean. He hunts mostly in Ne
braska. Miller began teaching in
1931. He became a business
man after ten years of teach
Business experience in
cludes being controller of the
C. A. Swanson and Sons Co.
and treasurer of the Martin
Bomber company.
He returned to the teaching
profession in 1949.
I have never regretted the
transition," he commented.
Miller attended Creighton
University and the University
of Iowa.
Alter SC Slate
Two changes were made
during Spring Vacation in the
slate of candidates who will
receive independent backing
in the upcoming Student
Council election.
Because of an error by the
interviewing board, one too
many candidates was ap
proved for Arts and Sciences
and one too few for Engineer
ing, according to Lyle Han
sen, member of the inter-
iewing committee. The com
mittee had not been informed
of the change in. college rep
resentation, he said.
Clarence Wylie, freshman
from Cornhusker Co-od. was
added to the slate for Engi
neering College and Sandy
Compher was dropped from
the list of persons being
backed from Arts and Science.
International Party
The annual Foreign Student
Party will be Saturday from
8-12 p.m. at 540 No. 16th St.
The party will be sponsored
by the International Club of
the Residence Halls for
All foreign students and
their wives are invited.
v ' .-few 'S r4
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
Be c,urtwLinc,taJI,uraa,
Grants Reacli
Record High
Research grants totaling
$123,103 were accepted by
the Board of Regents at
their meeting last week.
These grants push the total
for the present fiscal year to
$1,182,376, an all time high.
This is $323,000 more than
the previous fiscal year.
The American Cancer So
ciety granted $25,468 for the
study of diseases related to
the reproductive tract. The
study will be directed by Dr.
H. A. Salhanick of the Col
lege of Medicine.
$7,200 was granted from the
Tobacco Industries Research
Committee for the study of
tobacco smoke constituents
on tissue cells which will be
directed by Dr. Donald Pace,
chairman of the department
of physiology.
The Regents also accepted
the residue of the Adele
Gumaer Atchinson Trust,
estimated at $20,000, for the
establishment of a memorial
to be known as the "Robert
Leslie Gumear Memorial."
The income will provide
scholarships for needy stu
dents. Bright Freshmen
Pledge Thursday
Alpha Li;nbda Delta, fresh
men women's honorary, will
hold pledging ceremonies
Thursday at 5 p.m. in Union
316, according to Marilyn
Pickett, president.
The freshmen being pledged
are women who achieved a
7.5 or above average during
the first semester of this year.
Sandra Sanger, whose name
was not released with the pre
vious list, will also be pledged.
'i IK. zw. ' M
(if ffp
daughter of Senator Roman Hruska who will
speak at the University tonight at 7:30 p.m.
in Union 315. The meeting is sponsored by
the YRs and is open to the public.
Beggs Praises
Ed Predecessor
"I am following a fine edu
cator and one of the coun
try's outstanding dean s,"
commented Dr. Walter
Beggs, newly appointed dean
of Teachers College.
Beggs, who succeeds Frank
Ilenzlik, said of his new post:
"I realize that it is a very
important responsibility be-
cause teacher education is
, v one of the most significant
- t areas in American educa-'-'rtion."
Beggs began his teaching
career at Summerf'ield, Kan
sas, where he was also foot
ball coach with winning
teams tor several years.
An athlete himself, Beggs
participated in football and
baseball in both high school
and college and presently
bowls in the Faculty Bowling
He attended Tarkio College
in Missouri where he majored
in Greek, English and math
ematics. "I tfiink I am one of the
few people left who have a
major in Greek," he noted.
"When I was a senior, I
translated the New Testa
ment." Active in academic and
professional affairs, Beggs
has served as president of
the National Conference of
Professors of Educational Ad
ministration. phAi
University's Council for Com-
umuy, euuoriai Doard
member of the "magazine
"School Executive" and is a
member of many organiza
tions. Beggs relaxes with his fa
vorite hobby, woodworking.
He has a home work shop
and admits he has practically
remodeled his entire home.
He is married and has
three daughters. The eldest,
Kathryn, a senior at Lincoln
High, plans to enter the Uni
versity next fall and prepare
tor a
career as an English
His other daughters, Peggy
and Karen, have not decided
if they want to follow their
tatner into a teaching career.
Tassels Names
Top Peppers
Ann Pickett was chosen out
standing active and M y r n a
Richards was picked as out
standing pledge at the Tassels
initiation banquet at the Un
ion Tuesday night.
Twenty-seven pledges were
activated. They are:
Terry Armstrong, Colleen
Christensen, Alma Heuer
mann, Mary Lou Horchem,
Rosalie Jacobs, Jolaine Lose
ke, Mary Lou Lucke, Janet
Nahlman, Joyce Nathan, Jane
McLaughlin, Mary Metcalfe,
LaRee Naviaux, Malou Par
rott, Myrna Richards, Jane
Savener, Sid Schroeder, Liz
Smith, Nancy Spilker, Kay
Marie Schwartz, Judy Truell,
Sally Wengert, Sondra Wha
len, Jo Wyrens, RoJeanne
Stitch, Sharon Wilson, Carole
Frank and Sue Johnson.
Entertainment was provid
ed by the Farmhouse Quartet
and the Coeds, girls' trio.
IFC Meets Tonite
The Inter fraternity Council
will hold its regular meeting
tonight at 7 p.m. in the Un
ion, according to Gary Cad
wallader, president.
Tribunal Okayed;
But Bench Vacant
Council Will Choose
Seven Judges By May 1
John Kinnier, chairman of
the Student Council nomina
tions committee, said today
that applications will be
available for positions as stu
dent judges
on the S t u
dent T r i b
unal. These ap
p 1 i cations
will be avail
able in t h e
Union Ac
tivities office
and must be
there by 5
p.m. next Wednesday, April
16, Kinnier said. They will
also sign up for interview
times when they apply. Inter
views will be held by the nom
inations committee on Satur
day, April 19
The Charter of the Stu
dent Tribunal was approved
by the University Board of
Regents at their meeting
April 1. The Regents re
worded a section pertaining
to amendments, but ac
cording to Dave K e e n e,
Council member instrumen
tal in setting up the Trib
unal Charter, the change
which the Regents made
did not alter the setup of
the Tribunal but only clari
fied the meaning.
When the Faculty Senate
passed the Charter earlier,
this same section was re
worded to include that
amendments would be
made only with the consent
of the Senate.
Keene said this was im
plied within the original
wording and that the
amendment would not have
to be approved by the stu
dents in another all-University
Ivy Day:
May Sign
For Chains
Independent women inter
ested in being in the Ivy or
Daisy Chain on Ivy Day may
leave their name and a list
o' their activities in the Mor
tar Board box outside of room
20 in the Union basement, ac
cording to Evonne Einspahr,
Two seniors, one junior, one
sophomore and one freshman i
will be selected from each of
the four houses of the wom
en's dormitory, Terrace Hall,
Love Memorial Hall and
Fedde Hall as well as from
each sorority. Women who
are not in anv organized
house will also be chosen.
Independent applications
are due on April 14. Organ
ized houses must have sub
mitted their selections by that
date also.
The requirements for the
chains include having at least
a 5.0 average and being able
tD attend at least one of the
preliminary practices and the
final rehearsal.
Preliminary meetings will
be April 17 and 24 in Union
313 at 5 p.m.
The Ivy chain will consist
of seniors who will precede
the Ivy Day Queen carrying
an ivy chain. They are cus
tomarily dressed in white.
Daisy Chain
The Ivy chain is followed by
the members of the Daisy
chain. Daisy chain members
are freshmen, sophomores
and juniors. They wear pastel
cotton dresses.
The purpose of the chain is
to honor girls who have con
tributed to their houses or
who have been particularly
active on campus.
Independents will be se
lected on the basis of activi
ties and will be notified as
soon as possible.
4-H Club To Meet
The University 4-H Club
will meet tonight at 7:30 in
the Agronomy Building, ac
cording to Pat Wright, publi
city chairman-
The Student Council willlfor final selection by th
select 4 seniors, 1 law stu- Council,
dent and 2 juniors for judges
on the Tribunal. In other
words, the applicants must
presently be sophomores or
juniors, or in the case of law
and profession schools, have
completed at least one year
in tnat school but who are
not in their last year.
Applicants must be in the
upper one-half of their college
class, Kinnier said.
To meet this requirement,
a student must have an ac
cumulative average equal to
or above the following:
Junior .. 5.687
Arts and Sciences
Sophomore 5 S31
Junior 5J67
Business Administration
Sophomore . . , 5 m
Junior ' s!o79
Engineering and Architecture
Sophomore S.271
Junior 5.455
Sophomore 4.886
Junior 5.095
Sophomore 5.755
Junior 5.727
Junior Division. Vndeclared
Sophomore 5.333
Sophomore Vnnetprmined
Junior Undetermined
Sophomore Undetermined
Junior Undetermined
The Student Council Nomi
nating Committee plans to
nominate at least 6 seniors,
2 law students and 3 juniors
Coover Gets T Grant
'Cloak 'n' Dagger News Job Eyed
A University senior who al
ways dreamed of being a for
eign correspondent is well on
the way to fulfilling her
Pat Coover,
Arts and Sci
ence senior in
j o urnahsm
was an- y
nounced last -week
as win
ner of a $2,
500 grant for
study in Lat
in America.
"It took me
a while to get
down off the clouds," was
Miss Coover's reaction to the
grant, which was made by the
Inter Amencan Press Asso
ciation. Any University
The grant is for study al
any University in Latin Amer
ica. Miss Coover is now try
ing to decide between the Uni
versities at Lima, Peru and
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
"My whole aim is for a bet
ter cultural understanding of
Latin America," Miss Coover
said. Her year of study will
pave the way, she hopes, to
a job with a wire service as
a foreign correspondent.
Miss Coover learned of the
award almost accidentally.
She was opening mail at the
Lincoln Journal, where she
has worked as a reporter for
Nelson Named
1958 Ag E
Vaughn Nelson, senior in
Agriculture was named Ag
ricultural Engineer for 1958
from a four-state area.
Nelson won the honor after
competition in an examina
tion with 125 agricultural en
gineers at the annual meeting
of the Mid-Central Section,
American Society of Agricul
tural Engineers in Missouri
last week.
The four-state area includes
Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and
Nelson was co-chairman of
the Ag-Engineer's E-W e e k
display last week and is a
member of Delta Sigma Phi.
Students Tackle
Meat Judgin
A meats judging contest is
scheduled for April 10 at 6:45
p.m. in the Meats Lab, ac
cording to Ray Cada, chair
man of the event.
Two classes of beef car
casses, one class each of hog
and lamb carcasses, and one
class each of ham and beef
cuts will be held. Prizes and
ribbons will be awarded for
the high judge in each divi
sion. There will also be an
award for the high freshman
a. tss. &S&fog
The Char
ter of the
T r i bunal
s t i p ulates
that the Uni
versity Fac
ulty Senate
C o mmittee
on Student
Affairs may
name additional applicants to
the Student Council for mem
bership on the Tribunal.
The Council will make final
selection of the judges by
May 1, as is set forth in the
The Chancellor shall ap
point two Faculty Judges
from the instructional staff
from nominations made to
him by the University Fac
ulty Senate Committee on
Keene said the Tribunal
success depends largely on
the caliber of the s t u d e n t
judges. "This first year could
well make or break the Trib
unal," he added.
"The job falls on the Stu
dent Council to get the very
best judges they can," he
four years, when she discov
ered a news release stating
that Miss Pat Coover of Lin
coln was the recipient of a
$2,500 award. Official notifi
cation arrived two days later.
One of the stipulations for
the award is that the recipi
ent be conversant in the lan
guage of the country he plans
to study in.
Not until the spring of her
junior year at the University
did she begin her Spanish
major after having earlier
completed her basic language
requirement. She then really
took a plunge into the lan
guage when she traveled to
Guadalajara, Mexico for a
summer of study there.
Miss Coover is a member
of the Pub Board and is past
president of Theta Sigma Phi,
journalism society and Zeta
Tau Alpha. She is a member
of Phi Sigma Iota, language
honorary and Gamma Alpha
Chi, advertising sorority.
Fill Slate
Glade, Doering
Elected Officers
Dorothy Glade, sophomore
in Teachers, was chosen sec
retary of Coed Counselors at
the organizational meeting of
the new board.
Polly Doering, also a Teach
ers sophomore, was elected
Miss Glade is a member
of BABW, YWCA, New Stu
dent Week Committee and
Gamma Delta. She is activi
ties chairman of Towne Club.
Miss Doering is a sopho
more member of AWS board
and is on the YWCA council.
She is a member of Alpha
Lambda Delta and is rush
and standards chairman of
Alpha Omicron Pi.
Committee Chairmen
Committee chairmen ap
pointed at the meeting were:
Sandy Kully, New Student
Week; Kay Marie Swartz,
Penny Carnival; Mary Vrba,
Friendship Dessert; Karen
Peterson, Foreign Students;
Gretchen Sides, Publicity;
Dorothy Glade, Orientation;
Dorothy Beecher, Initia
tion; Janet Hansen and Liz
Smith, Spring Filings; Polly
Doering and Carol Kucera,
ond Semester Party, Sue Car
koski; Pat Arnold, Printing
and Booklets and Phyl Elliott,
Filings for Coed Counselors'
are open this week. Applica
tion blanks may be picked up
in Rosa Bouton Hall. Dead
line is April 11
Lea L