The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 26, 1958, Image 1

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FiftSSized Traveler
.To Tour With MB's
Foreign Students Will Journey
To Nebraska Farms, Industries
The annual Mortar Board
Tour for International Stu
detns wi'l take along a pint
iized traveler this year.
Five-year-old Techan will
tour Nebraska along with 33
foreign students.
Techan, who was born In
Tokyo, Is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Tada uiko Ando. His
father is doing research at
the University in bio-chem-tstry
on a Fullbright grant.
The tour will be held March
SI through April 2 and is de
iigned to acquaint foreign stu
dents with Nebraska.
Nebraska farms, industries
and six towns will be includ
d in the tour this year, ac-
AWS Sets
Go Home
The following regulations of
AWS regarding preparations
to go home for Easter vaca
tion have been announced by
Nan Carlson, president.
1. Organized houses and resi
dence halls will be closed by
12 noon. Saturday. March 29.
2. If it is necessary for your
to leave before Friday, March
28, you must obtain a special
permission slip from your
housemother. This slip does
not excuse you from classes.
It is your responsibility to ar
range such matters with your
3. Before you leave, arrange
the time of your return with
your housemother. If you
plan to return later than the
regular closing hour on Sun
day, April 6, you must obtain
special permission from your
housemother. If you go home,
J'ou may return Monday in
time for your first class.
4. If there is any change
In plans in the time of your
return, you must notify yourl
housemother by telephone.
5. Please don't forget to
Sign out before you leave.
6. All hoi, .ics v. ill own by
S:00 p.m. Sunday. April 6, un
less other arrangements are
made by your individual
Grad Dean
Going East
Carnegie Research
For Dr. Weaver
Dr. John C. Weaver, dean
of the University's Graduate
College, will leave Lincoln
Saturday for a month long
tour of 13 universities and
colleges in the eastern half of
the United States.
Weaver is making the trip
as recipient, of the Carnegie
Administrative Traveling Fel
lowship. The Carnegie grant is given
yearly to two educators in
the nation for the purpose of
discussing administra
tive problems with the vari
ous university officials.
Weaver will be seeking in
formation concerning mainly
research programs and grad
uate colleges.
Last December he visited
nine universities on the West
Coast as part of the grant.
The tour beginning Satur
day will take him to the Uni
versities of Texas, Houston,
Tulane, Indiana, Toronto,
Cornell, Yale, Columbia, New
York, Duke, North Carolina,
JUce and Massachusetts ln
atitut of Technology.
Roast Pig Brings
Meaty Response
The subject in Journalism
TO had somehow strayed
from the original topic of
the history of typography,
and stuck upon the essay
entitled "Dissertation on a
Roast Pig."
When the question arose
as to whom the author
might be, a feminine voice
ailed out from the rear of
the room.
"It wouldn't be Francis
Bacon, would it?" she
The true author was re
vealed several moments lat
r . . . Charles Lamb.
Combat Film
A World War li combat film
will be shown in Room 107
of the Military and Naval
Science Building Thursday
from 3 to 5 p.m. The showing
Will be open to the public.
cording to Evonne Einspahr,
tour co-chairman.
Square Dancing
Students from places like
China and Egypt will be in
troduced to square dancing at
The group will stay over
night at Kearney State
Teachers College and will tour
an alfalfa mill and cattle-feed
er in Lexington.
The tour was enlarged from
two-day affair to a three
day journey last year because
of the enthusiasm and appre
ciation of the foreign students,
Miss Einspahr said.
Accompanying the foreign
students on the tour will be
Charlene Ferguson. Karen
Dryden, Marily Waechter and
Miss Einspahr, all members
of Mortar Board.
Joan Krueger of University
Public Relations will go on
the bus tour as chaperone.
Students going on the tour
Alan Best, Ronald Heath-
cote and Audrey Fosbrokke
from England: Freydoon Hob-
sepian, Asadollah Mortazavi,
Ag Prospects
Visit In April
Hospitality Day
Theme Is Home Ee
"Blueprint of Home Eco
nomics" is the theme for the
annual Hospitality Day, to be
held on Ag Campus April 15.
Approximately 600 junior
and senior girls from Nebras
ka's high schools will visit the
campus to become acquainted
with the opportunities in
home economics, according to
Yvonne Einspaiir, chairman
of the event.
The event is also designed
to show the girls the college
preparation necessary in dif
ferent areas of home econom
ics, she said.
The girls will be welcomed
to the campus by Chancellor
Clifford Hardin; Dr. Florence
Mc Kinney, chairman, of the
home economics department;
W. V. Lambert, Dean of the
College of Agriculture ; and
Margaret Cannell, administra
tive assistant in Home Eco
In addition to the general
j sessions there will be visita
t tions to the various divisions.
. They will watch a style show
j presented by University co
! eds which will emphasize ca
j reers in home economics,
i All University home eco
i nomics students will partici
j pate in the Hospitality Day
1 activities.
1FC Will Elect
-v--. . ,
UltlCtTS L011I"llt
The Inter Fraternity Coun
cil will elect officers tonight
at 7:00 in the Union.
A slate of candidates was
drawn up and nominations
may be made from the floor,
according to Dick Arneson,
The tentative slate is
headed by Don Smidt, Delta
I'psilon and Gary Cadwalla
der, Phi Delta Theta who
have been nominated presi
dent. John Glynn, Beta Theta Pi
and Bill Ashley, Phi Kappa
Psi have been nominated for
Nominated for secretary
are John Dillingham, Sigma
Alpha Rho and Bob Krumme,
Sigma Chi.
ROFC Cadets
Will Tour Dams
Ten junior and senior ROTC
members have been selected
to go on an inspection tour
of the Gavins Point and Fort
Randall Dams.
The group will leave Mon
day and return Tuesday eve
ning. All those selected are in
the College of Engineering.
The are: Bruce Abernethy,
Roger Busboom, Harry Ding
man, Eldon Heiden, Ronald
Maiwald, D w a i n e Rogge,
Keith Schafer, Douglas Thor
pe, Juris Vairogs and Don
ald Minford.
TV Education Show
A special film, "The Chal
lenge To American Educa
tion" will be seen on KUON
TV at 8:30 p.m., April 2. This
hour long discussion pro
gram will cover the topics
J "The Humanities A Bal
I anced Program." and "Rus-
sian Education A positive
and negative lesson we might
j learn from USSR."
j This will be the second
a series of two programs
Amir Maghen and Abdola Za
rinnia from Iran; Dev. Chop
ra and Purushottam Patel
from India.
Nelson Chuang of China;
Yoshiko Matsue and the Ando
family of Japan; Hakuh Dim
and Soon Hong of Korea;
Mr. and Mrs. John Lane of
Canada, Ewart Anderson and
Sidney Jackson of Jamaica,
Hilda Ching of Hawaii and
Mr.and Mrs. Nagashwar of
Trinidad; Mohammed Nadira
and Abdul Majid of Afghani
stan. Audley Webster of the Canal
Zone, Gilberto De Souza, Bra
zil; Nola Davila of Columbia,
Nayir Jarid of Egypt; Joseph
Befarin, Nigeria and Julius
Szabo of Hungary.
Mehmet Aydin, Turkey;
Hasan Ayeb, Afghanistan and
Ahmed Basha of Syria.
To Sponsor
Council Slate
Board Intervietcs
Candidates Today
An Independent sponsored
student council slate will be
selected tonight from 4-7 p.m.
"Anyone eligible to file for
student council may apply
for an interview. Candidates
selected may be both Greeks
and Independents," accord
ing to Tom Smith of the elec
tion committee.
siuaents may sign tor an
interview appointment in the
Union activities offices on
both Ag and City campuses
Interviews will be held in
Parlor A of the City Union
tonight between 4 and 7 p.m.
The interviewing board will
consist of representatives
from each of the major inde
pendent organizations on
campus: Delta Sigma Phi,
Love Hall, Fedde Hall, Burr
Hall, RAM, Girls' Dorm,
Towne Club and Co-op Coun
cil. Selection of a slate will
' rive independents an oppor
tunity to support themajor
independent groups in running
for student council," said
Debate Team
Last Rebuttal
The University debate team
closes the season with a trip
University Thursday.
Thirteen conference schools
will be represented in the
three day meet, one of the old
est oratory and debate
leagues existing, according to
Don Olson, debate director.
Making the trip for the Uni
versity will be Nancy Cope
land, Sara Jones, Don Epp
and Rennie Ashleman.
Debate topic will be "Re
solved: That the United
States foreign policy in the
Middle East should be re
vised." Ashleman and Jones will
enter extemporaneous speak
ing and Ashleman will also
compete in oratory.
Drill Squads Vie
A drill competition between!
drill squads of the first and
Third Battalions will be held
Thursday in the drill hall of
the Military and Naval Sci
ence Building at 5 p.m.
The event will be open toj
the public.
Behavior 'Steam' Topic Of Meet
Sixth Psych Symposium Here This Week
What makes people kill?
What makes children run
away from home? What
makes nations go to war?
In the psychologist's note
book, the answers to all of
these questions could be
summed up in one word mo
tivation. Motivation is the energizing
factor in behavior that pro
vides the "steam". It ac
counts for people's wants,
needs and drives, according
to Professor Marshall Jones
of the University psychology
In an attempt to educate
more students and faculty
members about motivation,
the psychology department is
sponsoring the Sixth Annual
Nebraska Symposium on Mo
tivation. The symposium will
be held Thursday and Friday
in Social Sciences 201.
The two-day affair is sup
ported by part of a grant of
S74.429 from the U.S. Public
! Health Sen ice. The graipt be
i came effective July 1, 1957 to
Vol. 32, No. 88
'Union Terrific' Distributes
Top-Notch Worker Awards
Books Exit
"That's the $64,000 ques
tion," said Bruce Camp
bell, manager of the Re
gent's Bookstore, when
asked when the store would
move to its new site in the
basement of the old Admin
istration Building.
Campbell cited the last of
April or first of May as the
possible time for the move.
Work which must be com
pleted before moving is still
being done on the building.
The move to the old Ad
ministration building is the
last in a series of moves.
The store was originally lo
cated in the basement of
University Hall which stood
where Fergusen Hall now
The old Ad building base
ment was its second home,
Liz Jacobs Holds Two
KAM Presidencies
i(7 Lass Was Initiated
Only One Month Ago
Within the scant space of
a month, Liz Jacobs, Teach
ers College junior was initiat
ed, elected local president
and then national president of
Kappa Alpha j.l-
Mu, photogra-j -f
Dhv honorary.! t y
io aaa to i,
..rut "i:
the u n usual
aspects of her
career in
KAM, Miss
Jacobs is the
first woman
national Tirec Courtesy Sunday
IldllOIiai pres- Journal and Star
dent, accord- Miss Jacobs .
ing to Ray Morgan, assistant
professor of journalism, and
sponsor of the keal KAM
Second From NU
This is the second time the
University has had the na
tional presidency of KAM.
Dick Axtell held the post in
Miss Jacobs was initiated
into Kappa Alpha Mu at the
regional convention in Law
rence earlier this month
Prof. Morgan explained that
she had been a KAM pledge
for over a year. It was not
her fault she was not initiated
Star Theatre
Readies Schedule
Tickets should be purchased
early by students who wish
to see weekday programs at
the Ralph Mueller "Theatre of
the Stars."
Many afternoon shows at
the planetarium will be filled
up by visiting schools, Dr. C.
Bertrand Schultz, museum di
rector, said.
Programs will be shown
Monday Friday afternoons at
2:45 and usually at 1:30.
Other showings will be
made at 8 p.m. on Thursdays,
10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Sat
urdays, and 2:30 p.m. and 4
p.m. on Sundays.
Students may purchase tick
ets at half-price, 25 cents, by
showing their ID cards,
Schultz said.
aid the University in clinical
psychology training.
Speakers for the symposi
um are noted men in the field
of psychology who have done
significant research on moti
vation. Professor Richard Littman
of the University of Oregon
will open the symposium at
9:30 a.m. Thursday speaking
on "Motives, History and
Causes". Littman has recent
ly done motivation research
on monkeys.
The second speaker is
Charles Eriksen, professor at
the University of Illinois. At
1:30 p.m. he will discuss "Un
conscious Processes and Mo
tivation". Eriksen has written
a number of articles pertain
ing to unconscious motivation
in the last few years.
Professor Robert Malmo of
McGill University will dis
cuss "Motivation and Behavi
oral Arousal: A Psychological
Approach" Friday at 9:30
a.m. . Malmo, who holds a
- Sometime'
then the Basement of the
Social Sciences and next
Temple Building.
In 1950, the Regent's
Bookstore moved to its
present site in Temporary
The Bookstore acts as a
price regulator for the sale
of books to University stu
dents, explained Robert A.
Stewart, assistant director
of University services.
"Every student on cam
pus gets some benefit
whether he goes in the
store or not because it af
fects the prices he pays,"
said Stewart.
In the last five years the
dollar volume of sales has
approximately doubled.
Stewart cited this as evi
dence of the increased use
of the store by students.
earlier, he said it seems that
none of the KAM officers re
turned to school this fall.
After returning from the re
gional convention, the local
chapter elected her president.
National Convention
The national presidency
went to Miss Jacobs during
the March 21-23 convention at
the Southern University of Il
linois. Miss Jacobs commented
that the national convention
was especially Interesting
since the national founder of
KAM, Cliff Edom and his
were here.
"Trying to establish new
KAM chapters will be our
utaiii jwu, aaxu uic uvvt pi car
xne group plans to open
chapters in South Dakota and
other adjoining states, she
Two Presidencies
"This is a most unusual
situation," said Prof. Morgan.
It is rare for the local and
national president to be t h e
same person, he said.
Other KAM members who
attended the national conven
tion over the week-end were
Fred Gibbs, Bob Blair, Ly
man Cass and Charlene Gross.
Approximately 50 university
KAM chapter delegates from
the western three-fourths of
the nation attended the con
vention. Don Meaney, NBC national
television news editor, gave
one of the key speeches of the
convention on integrating pho
tojournalism into television
Tops AAV
See Page
PhD. from Yale, has been
conducting research on ten
sion and its effects.
This symposium is the sec
ond section of this year's se
ries. The first was held Feb.
8 and 7.
Learning and motivation,
the stimulus theory and the
drive concept were discussed
at that time.
Wide Attendance
Betwee2J 75 and 103 people
are expected to attend the
meetings and the Friday aft
ernoon discussion. People
from schools as far away as
Chicago University are ex
pected to attend in addition
to University graduate stu
dents and faculty.
In the past, representatives
have attended from Colorado
University, Iowa University,
Kansas State College and the
University of South Dakota.
Plans are already in t h e
making for next year's sym
posium, which will also per
tain to motivation, according
to Jones.
The Union Terrific rolled in on schedule last night bring
ing with it a freightcar full of awards for outstanding Union
workers and appointments to Union chairmanships.
After the whistle blew and the Terrific ground to a halt,
Jackie Collins emerged as the Outstanding Worker.
Jon West received the Dis
tinguished Service Award.
Ag Lauds
Ag Union honored Nola
Obermire and Rogert W e h r
bein at the Union Terrific, the
annual Union awards banquet.
Miss Obermire was chosen
as outstanding worker and
Wehrbein received the Distin
guished Service Key.
Miss Obermire is a sopho
more in Agriculture and mem
ber of Love Memorial Hall
She is on Farmer?' Fair
Board and a member of New
man Club, Home Ec Club and
Wehrbein is a sophomore in
Agr iculture and a member of
Alpha Gamma Rho. His activi
ties include Block and Bridle,
Cobs, Builders and Spring
Day committee.
Ag Union chairmen and as
sistants are as follows.
Gilbert Grady, freshman in
Agriculture and member of
Farmhouse, is the new Dance
committee chairman. His as
sistant is Tryka Bell.
Wehrbein, sophomore Alpha
Gamma Rho, will head the
student faculty committee.
Assisting him will be LaVonne
General Entertainment
committee leader will be
Sally Miller, sophomore and
member of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Archie Clegg is her commit
tee assistant.
Miss Obermire of Love
Memorial Hall is the new
Publicity chairman. Her as
sistant is Jerry Hasse.
Heading the Hospitality
committee is JoAnne Fahren
bruchis, junior and member
of Alpha Omicron Pi. Ron
McKeever will be her assist
ant. Ag Union Film committee
will be under the guidance of
Morris Beerbohm, member of
Farmhouse. Bob McNeff will
assist him.
Completing the list is Pris-
cilla Moller, Pi Beta Phi
Beta Pi freshman, who will
edit the News Letter. Assist
ant editor is Dorothy Shallen
berger. Easier Music
Peals Thursday
The fourth annual Sigma
Alpha Iota, music sorority
Easter Vesper Service will be
given Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
at the Missouri Synod Luth
eran Chapel.
The performance is to be
broadcast on "Your Uni
versity Speaks" Sunday morn
ing, April 6.
Gloria King will direct the
The following pieces will be
presented: "Hark! The Eas
ter Bells are Ringing" by
Borch; "O Vos Omnes" by
Vittoria; "Panis Angelicus"
by Franck, featuring Myrna
Grunwald, soprano; "Lord to
Thee Our Hearts are Raised"
by Frach; "O Filio et Filiae",
featuring Mary Claassen as
"Sonata for 2 violine, flute
and organ" by Gabrieli, fea
turing Carol Asbury and Mary
Claassen, violins, Eunice Mc
Cosh, flute and Kay Green,
organ; "Four Easter Carols,"
"All in an April Evening" by
Robertson and "How Excel
lent Thy Name" by Hanson.
Engineers Discussed
A panel discussion of "The
Engineer in Industry" will
keynote the meeting of the
American Society of Mechan
ical Engineers tonight.
The meeting is scheduled
lor 7:15 in 206 Richards.
Weather Good
Coats should be discarded
for lighter jackets this after
noon as balmy spring weather
Some clouds are expected to j
blot out the .sky, but good;
weather is anticipated. i
Lincoln's high yesterday I
was 51. I
Wednesday, March 26, 1958
Runner-Up Spikes
Runners-up to the outstand
ing worker received golden
spikes. They were Suzie
Douglas, Carolyn Hein, Jerry
Howerter, and Gary Lorent
zen. Miss Collins, a freshman in
Business Administration, is a
member of YWCA, Red Cross
and Alpha Omicron Pi. She
was a worker on the Arts and
Exhibits committee of Union.
West, sophomore in Teach
ers, is affiliated with Alpha
Tau Omega. He was chairman
of the Union film committee.
The new Union chairman
and assistant chairman were
announced at the dessert.
Arts and Exhibits chairman
is Judy Lang, freshman in
Arts and Sciences and a mem
ber of Alpha Phi. Janet Rho
da is her assistant.
Dances and Film
Kay Hirshbach, freshman in
Teachers and a member of
Kappa Alpha Theta, was
named Dance chairman. Her
assistant is Gary Lorentzen.
West is chairman of the
Film committee. Miss Hein is
his assistant.
Chairman of General Enter
tainment is Paul Herman,
freshman in Engineering and
a member of Farm House.
Sharon Janike is his assist
ant. Hospitality and PR
Sharon Fangman was
named chairman of the Hos
pitality committee. Miss
Fangman is a sophomore in
Teachers and a member of
Kappa Delta. Her assistant is
Sherry Turner.
Public Relations chairman
is Miss Douglas, fresh naa i ?
Teachers and a memb.
Gamma Phi Beta. Beth Gil
bert is her assistant.
Recreation and Activities
Don Binder, Arts and Sci
ences sophomore, and a mem
ber of Theta Xi, will head the
Recreation committee. Roger
Evans is the assistant chair
man. Miss Collins was named
chairman of the Special Ac
tivities committee. Her assist
ant is Dick Masters.
Talks and Topic Chairman
is Dorothy Hall, sophomore in
Teachers, and a member of
Delta Gamma. Judy Moomaw
is her assistant.
Personnel and Music
Eileen Hansen was named
chairman of the Personnel
committee. Miss Hansen is a
sophomore in Teachers and a
member of Delta Delta Delta.
Her assistant is Sue Carkoski.
Carole Triplett, sophomore
in Business Administration
and member of Chi Omega
is the new Music committee
chairman. Assisting her will
be Pat Porter.
PE Convocation
To Hear Metheny
Dr. Eleanor Metheny, physi
cal education authority, will
speak at a physical education
convocation today at 3 p.m.
in the Union Ballroom.
Her topic will be "The
Courage to Lead."
Dr. Metheny is professor of
physical education at the Uni
versity of Southern California.
She has served short-term
appointments as consultant on
various research projects,
school surveys, and as advisor
to the Secretary of War serv
ing in Japan and Korea.
Der Fuehrer Gasps
For Society Tonite
"The Last Ten Days," an
Austrian production, starring
Albin Skoda as Hitler, will
be shown tonight at 8 p.m.
by the foreign film society at
the Nebraska Theater.
The film, a story of Hit
ler's last ten days which he
spent in a bunker near
Bertchesgaden, Germany, is
ranked by Time Magazine as
"Perhaps the best picture
produced in Central Europe
since the war."
Pershing Drill Team
Sixteen members of Persh
ing Rifles will participate in
the Illinois Invitational Drill
Meet. The group will leave
Friday for Champlain, 111.
and will return Sunday.
They will enier Individual
Drill compelion, Platoon Drill
events and the Crack Squad
Drill competition. 1
1 s
! !