Pan The Doily Nebrcskan Wednesday, March 19, 1953 Editorial Comment What Happens If You Get Caught? What happens to yon if yon get caught at the University when you take a drink? When you cheat on a test? When you plagiarize a paper? Officials of the Division of Student Affairt say that the Faculty Senate de cided your punishment for these crimes in 1949 and 1954. The punishment, in most cases, is ineligibility to participate In student organizations. A list of activi ties appears on the back of the eligibility riips that your name appears on each time you are approved or disapproved for participation in a University sanc tioned activity. Did you know this? Did even the Di vision of Student Affairs completely understand this? Apparently not. Any way students have continually contend ed that they haven't the slightest idea what will happen to them if they are caught drinking. "I'd probably be put on social pro;" they usually said. But ask them what this means and they shrug their shoulders. About a month ago the Daily Ne braskan checked with the Student Af fairs office to find out if they had a list f don'ts with what happened to one who did perform a don't. The folks there said that no definite list was around, but that general principles were outlined in the Husker Handbook and the Board of Regents bylaws. At least one student council mem berKen Freed, a junior in business administration felt, however, that the students weren't aware of this. He then drew up and introduced to the Student Council a resolution suggesting that the Division of Student Affairs 'clarify and codify the rules of social conduct pertaining to the students." Tomorrow this resolution should come from the Council's Social Committee, composed of Freed, Judy Chapman and Dwaine Rogge, for consideration by the Council as a whole. The resolution was due to appear be fore the council last week, but the Dean of Student Affairs was forced to concen trate much of his time on preparing the Student Tribunal Charter for presenta tion to the Senate Faculty and was thus unable to meet with the committee until this week. It was reportedly during this session that he said he was in favor of seeing the Council take further action on the resolution, according to Freed who took part in the meeting. What Freed is seeking is to have the laws and their accompanying sentences written down clearly in one place, and then having copies of these regulations distributed to each student here. This move will probably be wasted effort in 50 per cent of the cases because many students clearly are unconcerned. But in the other 50 per cent it will be bene ficial because the list would seemingly be more complete than the comments in the Husker Handbook and would help to erase the ignorance of the law on the part of many students. Because of this the resolution seems commendable. A Student Council Tribunal and detailed regulations are all fine things but only of real benefit to the student body when the student body is in close touch with them. If the student body does lose con tact with these institutions, they become merely empty symbols of supposed democracy. Somebody Woke Up Indications are that the seemingly long dead Democrats in Nebraska have been rejuvenated enough to cause the Republican party a great deal of con cern. Democrat Robert Conrad of Genoa voiced his party's optimism this week when he proclaimed, ''Nebraskans are going to elect Democrats this year. The issue and the candidates are with us and we have one of the strongest tick ets ever presented to this state." Meanwhile, the Republican party has been busy this week celebrating its Founders Day snickeringly referred to as Flounders Day by Conrad and voic ing its belief in a happy 1958 for Ne braskan Republicans. It is impossible to accurately predict the November election outcome, but it isn't difficult to see that the Democrats this year are truly going all out to make the GOP just that, namely a Grand Old Party sitting on the sidelines. The encouraging aspect of the shaping up race is that the two-party system seems to be reappearing in the Corn husker State. Keen competition should ultimately lead to better and better candidates and better representation for Nebraska on the national scene. From the Editor private opinion ;w 'ill - i:&mxmmJm Shugrue Spring Day, along with the follow ing day's festivities might just as well be forgotten by the bulk of the students at the University, from the number of students who attend these things. Last year ,some estimates indicated as few as 800 students went to the Spring Day horseplay out on the Ag campus. This year, fewer stu dents will likely attend! since there's obviously no real incentive, no dis-I missal from classes, no! functions worth the timet it takes to roll -a push! ball or whatever is done! out there. Soma students indi cate that Spring Day could be the occasion for the coming to gether of multitudes of students from all high schools interested in sending their graduates to the University. Whatever the incentive for a new type of Spring Day may be, it is well directed if it would, in effect, make the Univer sity seem like a worthwhile place rather than a playground for juvenile push ballers. But make this suggestion to those in the know and immediately the heads start wagging in the negative. "Where would we feed them?" "Where could they be housed?" "How could they ap preciate the University?" This Is a lot of hogwash as far as I'm concerned. Students from the state's high schools should be encouraged to come to the University as often as possible and to partake not in the spectator sport of seeing hew the University is run but in the participating sport of doing what the student does when he does it. But the block that appears here is what does the University student do in his free hours? dick shugrue Does he drink beer? Well, high school students shouldn't be doing that. Does he play cards? Well, the high school student probably frowns on that. Does he stay out late at night? Well, if not the student, the superintendent frowns on that. So all there's left for the high school student who wants to see the University to do is participate in pushball, pin the tail on the professor or jump over the old water hole. But wait a minute. Maybe there's a student who wants to go to the art gal leries. Well, from what Daily Nebraskan columnist Ron Mohl says the art gallery cop doesn't want high school kids troop ing through the sacred halls of painters. A clamp is thus put on the true scope of the great wealth of art at the Univer sity. There doesn't seem to be much left in the firm of static displays for the student but to go to the Saratoga Billiard Hall or some such place. It's jny guess that until the University beefs up the Spring Days which it's try ing to make into something worth while, students won't want to come to Lincoln for much more than a chance to see a rock V roll show at the Lincoln Theatre or the drag races at a local drive-in eating joint. All the talk about increasing not only the scope but also the prestige of Spring Days is futile unless the students at the University realize that high school stu dents who might possibly be brought to the capital city for the festivities aren't all hicks and that they would like a chance to see the school they're con sidering for the next four years. So when revamping Spring Days, let's not just think of how we can get the most mud on our jeans or tweeds but how we can do an effective job of sell ing the University to the future residents of this place. SIXTY-SEVEN TEAKS OLD University. The members of tin Nebraska staff are , . ..,., , , personally responsible tor what they u, or do, or Member: Associated Coueeiate Press num t i printed. February h. ihss. Intercollegiate Presi ubsorllon nut are 2.fil) per semester or (4 for . the academic year. EepreaenUtlVe: National Advertising Entered a secona class matter at the port offlw, .a gervice Incorporated Unooln, Nebraska, under toe ant of Aucuit 4, Hit. Published at: Boom 20. Student Union edltnr .!?.0!f "r . dicm Bnurr Lincoln, Nebraska Editorial editor ..... Km huh 14th Sc R Manactnr Editor Mark Luiidxtron Krwn Editor Emmie Ltmpo n Daflr Kebraakaa la pnbUabed Monday, Tuesday, fcporu Editor George Mover Wednaaday Bad Friday during the aohwil year, except Copy Editor Gary Rodger, Ilana Maxwell, amine Taxation and exam period, and one Issue M fat Flanntgan, Carroll KrauK, Gmtehen Hide VBUaaad during aucust. by student of the University Night New Editor Diana Maxwell of Nebraska under the authoriutlun m the (Jommlttee Staff Writers Margaret rVertman, a a rodent Affairs as an expression of student opinion. Herb Pro ban CO, and Charles Kmlth Publication under the Jurladlntlnn of the Huheora- Bunlnen Manager . . . Jerry Kellentln Bilttee on KtiiAVnt Publications Khali lie free from assistant Business Manager . Tom Nrff, editorial eennorMhip on the part of the Htilieommlttee fitan Kalman. Bob Ntnlnt r est tha part of any member of the faculty of the Clrotuatloa UanageV -tm irtatasrr J""r Trupp "Shaddop! You're Juut The Guy That'. Paying For This Car" r i i ,v . j' ,iiWY . '- rr i. 4, ; .m wow v r atl ' OOntf? No Man Is An Island This is another in a series of articles written by directors of the student religious houses on the University campus. Today's article was written by Verlyn L. Barker of the Congregational-Presbyterian Fellowship. t alM. I Courtasp Lincoln Journal Barker "Religion in the Atomic Age" was the topic of dis cussion at a recent confer ence at the University of Chi cago where Dean J e r a I d Brauer a n df" oioert ei-s f ectively drew atten tion both to our nation's stated a 1 1 e giance " u n der God . . and "in God we trust" and f to our life which in real ity denies this affirmation. It is tragic that it has taken a judgment by Russia to alert us to the realization that we place our nation at the mer cy of Russia rather than at the mercy of God. For ex ample, it has been by Russia's might as expressed in her scientific and technological advancement that suddenly America evaluates her de fenses, her educational curric ulum and facilities, and her treatment of minority groups. Educators have long pro tested against our apathy as a nation toward the needs for more adequate provision for public instruction, both in fa culties and teachers. But it took a Sputnik to send the ur gency of the problem across the land. By Russia our edu cational system is judged. In national defense, the as surance of a victory of a war now a decade behind us has caused a deaf ear to be turned to the appeals and warnings of our defense personnel, not because we believed in demil itarization or pacifism, but because our self-confidence assured us that no nation might advance beyond the skills and technology of America. It was with the news of Sputnik that our people turned again to the counsel of the scientists and defense per sonnel. By Russia our de fenses are judged. Churchmen, writers, a 1 1 people sensitive to the dem ocratic principle of freedom and liberty for all people have valiantly tried to arrest an indifference to maltreatment of minority groups within our borders. Suduenly we hear the call to erase racial inequality because of its effect on our attempt 4 to woo the people of the world away from Russia" not because of ur fear of God's judgment on our bigoted nation, not be cause of the misuse and abuse of fellow human be ings, but because of the fsar of a bad comparison with Russia. Lest Russia first aid these people and win them, American must respond. A nation who judges her self by comparison with the weapons, skills and technol ogy, and actions of another nation is not a nation whose faith is in God; such a na tion lives not in fear of God but unto herself and thus in fear of the loss of her possession of security. Surely now America cannot confess that her role of self preservation has no deeper meaning than being superior to another nation; to make such a confession, as recent events might indicate, is to place us at the mercy of that nation. "To measure onself 'not by what one's opponent is doing but by the law of God gives a people true free dom." Then, and only then, can a nation find a point be yond itself so it can seek new measures of responsibility and know why she has a message and way of life to proclaim, why she should be preserved. Ultimately the life of a na tion and the life of an individ ual have no meaning if they are lived under the gods of prestige, power, and posses sion of people and things. The Judeo-Christian tradition pro claims that God has a purpose beyond the purpose of a par ticular nation or group of nations, beyond an individual or group of individuals. This purpose is found in the com mandment to " . . . love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your souL and with all your might . . . and your neighbor as your self." By this is life judged and unto this are we called to structure all of life. Fashion As 1 See It I Makepeacm r Tbe Chemise shines through for Sprint '58. So many variations of this style, from the slithtly fit ted to the straight lines, can be found in Gold's sec ond floor dresses. Gray, Willow rreen and Marine blue are the col ors this cay Paris styled chemise comes in. Tbe in verted back pleat and low waist line add fifure flat tery. Sizes are 10-16 for 14.95. Remember it's Gold's second floor dresses for your new Sprint Chemise. if u Now Hollow Flames . . . By Dave Rboades m f -: Rhoades The ubiquitous slough of gloom that passes for winter in these regions will soon give way to a perverted optimism that whoever is in charge has the gall t Oj pass o f f as Spring. The signs are un the cool driz-v zle and r o - m a n c e s? which are drowned i n winter's melted snow. Alt hough Spring is not here, a futile lightheadedness which al ways appears in the more im pressionable among us h a s gripped me in its delirium. Saturday afternoon, for in stance, found me in a state of deep melancholia, slum ming about in a local used book store for a copy of Ib sen's plays. This store caters only to the intellectuals who are characterized with slouch raincoats, shaggy hair peer ing over Uieir horned-rims, and a look of preoccupied sorge on their faces. If you smoke a pipe, you're REAL LY in perhaps with a 10 discount on any book if you play it right. Even as one walks into the store, he is enveloped in an atmosphere of submissiveness which intimately pervades his entire souL No one asks if he can help you. No one sug gests a particular book. You feel like Maggie Tullivier who has secluded herself again in the Red Deeps. You feel al most unwanted indeed, a perfect feeling. But I digress. This Saturday there were few in the store. Up the stairs to the balcony, I went to the section on literature for my weekly browse. Contained on these tall, wooden shelves were the recondite works of some great authors. It was awe inspiring. Stuck between two volumes of Montaigne's essays was Ibsen's "When We Dead Awake". It was shaggied, ob viously from years of thought ful reading. Inside was the name of its former owner: L. Verne. The price 39c. About i through the book was scrib bled this sentence: " . . . emptied within I looked Up to see." It marked this pas sage: "In front, beside a foun tain, sits a man weighed down with guilt, who cannot free himself from the earth-crust. I call him remorse for a for feited life. He sits there and dips his fingers in the purling stream to wash them clean and he is gnawed and tor tured that never, never will he succeed. Never in all eter nity will he attain to freedom and the new life. He will re main forever imprisoned in his hell." I stood there for a few minutes, imperturbably pondering this thought and its author, L. Verne. This is what I wanted, I thought, and quietly left the store with the play stuck ob scurely in the pocket of my raincoat On feuipiis (By the Author of "EoHj Round tkt Flag, Boy.' "cwf, "Barefoot Boy with Chtel.") THE STUDENT COUNCIL AND HOW IT GREW Today let us investigate a phenomenon of American college lift laughingly called the student council. What actually goes on at student council meetings? To an-' ewer this burning question, let as reproduce here the minutes of a typical meeting of a typical student council. Meeting scheduled for 830 pjn. at Student Union. Called,' to order at 10 3 p.m. by Hunrath Sigafoos, presiding. Motion to adjourn made by Louis Biouepid, freshman representative. Motion ruled out of order by Hunrath Sigafoos, presiding. Hun rath Sigafoos called "old poop" by Louis Bicuspid, freshman representative. Seconded by Delores Wheatgerm, sophomoin representative. Tabled by Hunrath Sigafoos, presiding. Minutes of last meeting read by Zelda Pope-Toledo, secre tary. Motion to accept minutes made by Hunrath Sigafoos, presiding. Motion defeated. Treasurer's report not read because Rex Mercredi, treasurer, not present at meeting. Rex Mercredi, treasurer, impeached and executed in absentia. 1L- 'iSr'i fr't FlT? s'j.' Air Tf J if If Motion made by Louis Bicuspid, freshman representative, to allow sale of hard liquor in school cafeteria. Seconded by De lores Wheatgerm, sophomore representative. Motion tabled by Hunrath Sigafoos, old poop. Motion made by Booth Fishery, fraternity representative, t permit parking in library. Motion referred to committee. Motion made by Dun Rovin, athletics representative, to con duct French conversation classes in English. Motion referred to committee. Motion made by Esme Plankton, sorority representative, to allow h3'pnoMs during Rush Week. Motion referred to com mittee. Motion made by Pierre Clemenceau, foreign exchange stu dent, to conduct Spanish conversation classes in French. Motion referred to committee. ObHervation made by Martha Involute, senior representative, that in her four years on student council every motion referred to committee was never heard of again. Miss Involute was tabled. Motion made by Louis Bicuspid, freshman representative, to allow sale of hard liquor in Sociology I and II. Seconded by Delores Wheatgerm, sophomore representative. Motion tabled by Hunrath Sigafoos, presiding, crossly. Refreshments served coffee, cake, Marlboro Cigarettes. Th following resolution adopted by acclamation: "'WHEREAS Marlboro is milder, tastier, and more plsasing to smokers of all ages and conditions; and WHEREAS Marl boro is contained in the crushproof flip-top box which is tha Blickest, quickest, neatest container yet devised for cigarettes; and WHEREAS Marlboro, that most commendable of smokea in the most admirable of wrappings, ie graced with the exclusive Selectrate filter; therefore BE IT RESOLVED that it is tha sen of this meeting that Marlboro is far and away tbe best cigarette on this or any other campus." Meeting adjourned with many a laugh and cheer at J 1 :74 p.m. The makers of Marlboro, who bring you thin column, here aith moi that Marlboro it the lintut ciyaitllt ever. H iiiou uou'U tti unci ike motion.