The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 12, 1958, Image 1

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    enate Fasses
Student Trih
1 Charter
By Marilyn Coffey
Staff Writer
The proposed Student
Tribunal was approved with
one minor amendment Tues
day by the Faculty Senate.
J. P. Colbert, dean of stu
dent affairs, presenting the
Tribunal to the Senate, said,
"This tribunal Is, we think,
a step forward in student
Chancellor Clifford Hardin,
after the Tribunal had been
approved, commented, "The
mood of the Faculty Senate
seems to be that this is a
move initiated by students
expressing a willingness to
accept further responsibility
and the Senate is willing to
accept such a move."
Colbert said, "I think it Is
a very forward step in stu
dent government, in the gen
eral, welfare of the Univer
sity as an adult institution of
higher education and in the
spirit of co-operation between
the students and the instruc
tional staff."
The Tribunal Charter will
be returned to the Student
Council and the student body
for a second time for ap
proval or disapproval of the
amendment by the Senate.
The amendment added
"Acting with the consent of
the Faculty Senate" to Ar
ticle VII, Section 2 of the
Charter which read, "Thli
Charter can be amended only
by the Board of Regents up
on recommendation of t h e
University Faculty Senate
Committee on Student Af
fairs." During the discussion, the
provision for faculty judges
was brought to the attention
of the Senate by Raymond
Dein, professor of account
ing. The Charter stated that
the proposed Tribunal should
have "two faculty judges who
are members of the Faculty
Faculty Voting
Dein questioned accepting
a policy of faculty members
voting with students. He said,
"It seems to me highly un
wise to get into the position
of voting for or against stu
dents." Since recommendations by
the proposed Tribunal would
be subject to the final deci
sion of the dean of student
affairs, it is possible that the
dean might reverse the de
cision of the faculty judges.
Any embarrassment result
ing from such a reversal
CGu'.d be avoided, indicated
Colbert, by the acceptance of
objective attitudes by the
A move by James Miller
Jr., chairman of the English
department, that the Faculty
Senat' strike the phrase Fac
ulty Judges whenever it ap
pears in the charter and sub
stitute Faculty Advisors was
Colbert cited as the types
of cases that might conceiv
ably come before the Tribun
al as those involving liquor,
plagiarism, cribbing and gen
eral student conduct.
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N. U. Tribunal, University
senior at large, took another
step down the graduation
aisle yesterday afternoon. Tri
bunal passed its semester
exam with flying colors.
After four long years at
the University, Tribunal is
indeed a senior. But will he
graduate? The final exam
still remains the approval
of his degree by the Board of
Tribunal has been a good
student and the University
administration has respected
him for this fact and also for
his character and personality.
As an underclassman, Tri
bunal, like anyone here at
the University underwent a
lot of study. Many of his en
emys considered him a cheat
he copied from many of his
comrades at other institu
tions. One of his best friends is
going to Stanford University.
This buddy, S.U. Tribunal, is
on the national honor roll
according to many. N.U. has
always looked upon the more
educated S. U, (now in his
18th year at college) as an
idol, and has tried to follow
his ways.
Tribunal scholarship is
nothing to scoff at either. In
a test at the end of the fall
semester it got 1,428 ' ques
tions right out of 1,845 plac
ing it well above University
Tribunal's friends are look
ing forward to his quick
Nurses Plan
The University School of
Nursing will hold its fourth
annual Workshop on Dynam
ics of Teaching March 24-28.
Pre-registration indicates
that 60-70 nurses will parti
cipate in the workshop to be
held at the Nebraska Psychi
atric Institute in Omaha
Guest lecturers at the
workshop are from Masschu
setts, Pennsylvania, Illinois
and New York.
They are: Eleanor Bowen,
former senior nurse educator
in Formosa; Marion Chace,
educational director in psy
chiatric nursing. Dr. William
Hunt, chairman of the De
partment of Psychology,
Northwestern University and
Dr. Esther Lloyd-Jones, Head
of the Department of Guid
ance and Student Personnel
Administration at Teachers
College, Columbia University.
One of the aims of the
course will be demonstration
of several types of learning
situations by actually involv
ing the participants in them.
Bizad Schedules
Career Session
Eldon Thompson, president
of the First Trust Co. of Lin
coln will be speaker at the
Career Session today at 3
p.m. in 303 Social Science.
Opportunities for a career
in the field of investment will
be discussed, according to
Raymond DeVries, president
of Bizad Council, sponsoring
The program has been de
signed both for seniors and
underclassmen who are as yet
uncertain as to what field
they will enter, DeVries said.
The two previous sessions,
both on opportunities in in
surance, met with good re
sponse, DeVries added.
Rag Positions Open
Applications are available
for news editor and copy ed
itor on the Daily Nebraskan
They may be picked up in
the office of Dr. Robert
Cranford, 309 Burnett.
Vol. 32, No. 80
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AUF solicitors Karen Schuster, seated, chairman of
the faculty drive and Gretchen Sides, one of her assistants
explain the drive to Dr. Robert Sakai, Assistant Professor
of History. The faculty drive, which started Monday and
ends March 22, has incorporated this year the use of per
sonal contacts of all the faculty members in Arts and
Slip Stick
It has been said that an
engineer has two brains one
in his head, and one that he
straps to his belt his slide
Several years ago, the En
gineering Mechanics depart
ment discontinued teaching
the use of the slide rule in
beginning drawing classes,
thus leaving young engineers
to learn the secrets of the
slip-stick elsewhere.
Sigma Tau
To remedy this, Sigma Tau,
engineering honorary, decid
ed to give lessons in t h e
slide rule. Circulars were
sent around, and 198 persons
indicated interest, according
to John Ficke, committee
The classes will last about
6 weeks, with a one hour ses
sion each week, Ficke sail.
Six sections are scheduled.
Registration is still open
for these classes. The sec
tions are not restricted to en
gineering students.
"If someone in Teachers
College wants to attend, for
example, they are welcome,"
Ficke commented.
No Slide Rule
He added that persons who
attend the classes do not
have to own a slide rule. Sig
ma Tau will try to arrange
for those who do not have
slip-sticks to borrow one, he
No fees are charged for
these classes, and no credit
is given for them, he added.
One hour sessions are
scheduled at 4, 5 and 7 p.m.
on Mondays, at 4 and 7 p.m.
on Tuesdays and at 5 p.m.
on Thursdays. Classes will be
held in 202 Stout, .
Corn Producers
Gather Friday
The secretary-manager of
the Nebraska Crop Improve
ment Association, Clare Por
ter, will speak at the Nebras
ka Hybrid Corn Producers
meeting Friday on Ag cam
pus. His topic is "Will the Farm
er-Seed Corn Producer Sur
vive?" Other speakers at the all
day meeting will be John Lon-
quist, Warren Sahs, E 1 v i n
Frohk, Charles Gardner, Neal
Shafer, Orrin Webster and
August Dreier. These men
will discuss various advances
in agriculture with particular
emphasis on the field of agronomy.
must flllSra
Dues Of 7,000
Handled Here
An assistant professor at the
University will handle the
funds for a national organiza
tion consisting of 7,000 per
Mrs. Dorothy Hazel, of the
Commercial arts department,
is treasurer - elect of the
United Business Education
The organization, a depart
ment of the National Educa
tion Association, is designed
to aid business teachers, Mrs.
Hazel said.
Mrs. Hazel will combine her
third year as national mem
bership chairman with the du
ties of UBEA treasurer.
David Crane, Malvern Sea
gren, Charles Thompson and
John- Landers have been
named to new positions in the
midshipman battalion of the
University Naval ROTC Unit.
The University students
were named to positions in
the new organization by Cap
tain T. A. Donovan, USN,
Commanding Officer of t h e
NROTC Unit and professor of
naval science.
The four officers and their
new ranks:
Crane, battalion command
er, with rank of midshipman
Seagren, battalion execu
tive officer, with rank, of mid
shipman lieutenant comman
der. Thompson and Landers,
company commanders, with
rank of midshipman lieuten
ant. The Naval ROTC academic
year is divided into three
equal periods for midshipmen
student officers. The four
named will serve until the end
of the spring semester. Dur
ing this period they will com
mand and lead other midship
men in the battalion at all
drill formations and other
midshipmen activities.
Orient Tour Ahead
For Nursing Junior
Rowenna Richards, a jun
ior at the University School
of Nursing will travel to the
Orient as national vice-president-elect
of the Disciples
Student Fellowship, young
people's organization of the
Christian Church.
During her year's leave
from the school, Miss Rich
ards will spend five months
of "leadership training" in
the Orient. '
Lincoln, Nebraska
Higbee, Rogge Lead Grade
Race With 9.0 Averages
One Hundred Four Follow With First
Semester Averages Of 8.0 Or Above
One hundred four full-time
University students earned
grade averages of 8.0 or
above for the first .semester
of the 1957-58 academic year,
Registrar Floyd Hoover an
nounced today.
Holding the top scholastic
averages for the first semes
ter are Jacqueline Higbee f
Lincoln and D w a i n e W.
Rogge of Auburn. Both stu
dents had 9.0 averages. Miss
Higbee is enrolled in the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences and
Rogge, the College of Engi
neering and Architecture.
Undergraduate stu
dents with averages of 90-94
per cent and their colleges:
Charles Ahrens, Sonia An
derson, Keith Anspach, Pa
tricia Arnold, Paul Baldwin,
Janice Bartling, M u r 1 i n d
Beckman, Patricia Bingham,
Frederick Bliss, Beverly
Walter Carlson, Lynn Car
penter, James Chnstensen;
Lab To Give
Bagnold Play
'Chalk Garden' Set
Thursday, Friday
"The Chalk Garden," a play
by Enid Bagnold, will be pre
sented in the Arena Theatre,
Room 303, Temple Building
Thursday and Friday at 8
p.m. according to Betty Les
ter, director.
Miss Lester is directing the
play as a thesis production.
There will be no admission
The story of the play is as
An old and over-powering
ex-hostess of London society
needs a governess to look
after her grandaughter. Un
wittingly she hires a woman
who has only recently be re
prieved from a life sentence
for murder.
The grandmother gardens
feverishly and ignorantly
as an escape from old age.
The grandaughter leads her
grandmother by the nose.
Over the premises, unseen
and chained by a stroke up
stairs, there broods the evil
influence and faded grandeur
of the butler who has known
all the magnificence of his
employer's life in London.
The judge who sentenced
the governess comes to lunch
and the climax of the play is
Nuclear Experts
To Debate Tests
Nuclear bomb testing will
be d e b a t e d by two Nobel
Prize winning scientists on
KUON-TV, Channel 12, at 7
p.m. today.
Dr. Edward Teller, one of
the world's foremost" nuclear
scientists, will speak for con
tinuation of the testing. Dr.
Linus Pauling, promin
ent physical chemist will pre
sent the view that testing
should be stopped.
Pauling presented a peti
tion to the United Nations
signed by 9,000 scientists urg
ing an immediate halt to the
nuclear bomb tests.
Teller, along with Dr. Al
bert Latter, wrote the article
"The Compelling Need for
Nuclear Test s," which ap
pears in the February 10 is
sue of Life magazine.
Warren Clary, Marilyn Cof
fey, Nancy Coover, Carole
Crate, George Eagleton,
Thomas Eason, Doris E b y,
David Ewert, Larry Ewing.
James Foley, John Fristoe,
Wilbur Hass, Jerold Heelan,
Gary Hergenrader, Shirlie
Hutcherson, Robert Ireland,
Joanne Ivanoff.
Leroy Jack, Jerry Jackson,
John Kane, Don Kaufman,
Eleanor Kessler, W i 1 1 a r d
Kirghorn, Raymond Kjar,
Paul Koenig, Elaine Krantz,
Karen Krueger.
Lois LaRue, M a r c i a
Laging, Ronald Lantz, Nor
man Larson, Ned Lindsay,
Mercedes Lowe, James E.
Loyd, Marvin Luebbert, Law
rence Luehr, Judith Lundt.
David McConahay, John
McCourt, Sharon McDonald,
William McKie, Robert
Marks, William Marten, Vir
gil Meedel Robert Meier,
Barbara Millnitz, Mary Mol
denhauer,. LeRoy Morrissey.
John Nelson, Victoria Nuss,
Gretchen Paul, Vernon Pers
son, Alexander Peters, Pa
tricia Porter, Forrest Poska,
James Purcell, James Quick,
Russell Rasmussen.
JoAnn Sander, Harriet Sa
ville, Dorothy Schidler, Mary
Schmelzer, Michael Smith,
Marvin Sporaer, Denis
Stack, Dennis Steward, Kar-
Econ Cluh Slates
Ex NU Professor
A former University profes
sor will address the Agricul
tural Economics Club Thurs
day, at 7:30 at Dairy Industry
The speaker, Dr. Kristjan
Kristjanson, head of Northern
Affairs and National Re
sources, Dominion of Canada,
will talk on water resources
and problems.
Dr. Kristjanson received his
Ph.D. from the University of
Wis. He taught at the Univer
sity until 1956 at which time
he accepted his present position.
Underground Groups Remain
Extra Legal Activities Include Pi Xi, Red Dots, TNE's
Copy Editor
Anyone for sub rosas? A
sub rosa, in the dictionary
of the University of Nebras
ka administrators, is t h e
term applied to various se
cret campus societies. They
include the Pi Xis, TNEs
(Theta Nu Epsilon) and
Red Dots.
These organizations have
prevailed on the NU cam
pus for many years, though
the University administra
tion has tried their darn
est to abolish therm.
The undercover organiza
tions are banned by a board
of regents because of their
"secrecy." Dismissal of any
student found to be a mem
ber is mandatory, accord
ing to the regulations.
The TNEs were "disband
ed" in 1951 when four mem
bers were caught in acts
of vandalism. At this time
the society agreed, in sworn
statements, to dissolve per
manently in return for the
re-admittance of the f o u r
suspended brothers.
Skull, Crossbones
The old TNE skull and
corssbones which so long
frequented the porches and
steps of Greek houses on
campus was thus destined
Wednesday, March 12, 1958
en Sukovaty, Fred Swaim,
Margaret Tatroe, Harry Tol
ly, Leo Tyrrell.
Gerald Ullrich, Alan Ven
nis, Carol Vermaas, Gordon
Warner, Gene Watson, Mari
Watts, Arthur Weaver, Nor
man Weed, Victoria Weeks,
Joan Weerts, James Wees,
Patricia Weston, Donald
Richard Wischmeier, Al
fred Witte, James Woestman,
Richard Woolley, Marion
NU Cow
Cops Bovine
Quality Bout
A registered Holstein cow
owned by the University was
named "Cornhusker Cow of
the Year" Tuesday night at
the Nebraska State Dairy
man's A s -
sociation an- t
nual meet- , ,
The cow, U
Found Tris
tan Isis 318- Tristan Isis
2282, was selected for her
outstanding production and
type as well as for her
ability to reproduce off
spring with these same quali
ties. The award is given an
nually by the Nebraska Inter-Breed
Dairy Council as
part of a program to recog
nize great cows.
She is the daughter of the
"Cornhusker Cow of the
Year" in 1957. Tristan Isis
has completed five lactations
which average 588.8 pounds
of butterfat. Her daughters
average 632, 580, and 625
pounds of butterfat. Two sons
have been sold for breeding
purposes but are not, as yet,
Two University cows also
placed first and third respec
t i v e 1 y in the "Cornhusker
Dams of Production Contest".
to disappear. Though occa
sionally campus leaders get
letters of congratulations
marked with the familiar
symbol on their election or
appointment to some cam
pus office, this organization
has, it seems, faded away.
In its place has sprung
the Pi Xis. Started in 1954,
the Pi Xis have for their
symbol a gold snake with
a red dot in the middle of
its head, all mounted on a
shield of blue enamel.
In 1956 two students were
exposed as alleged mem
bers of Pi Xi and were ex
pelled for their underground
activities. They were caught
early one morning painting
on sidewalks on fraternity
The Pi Xis now meet
weekly on Wednesday nights
in hotel and motel rooms.
Throughout the year they
are generally quite peace
ful; that is, until just be
fore the homecoming cele
bration and before either
Engineers' day or Ivy Day.
Special Police
Special men are employed
by the University police
force each year on these
occasions to cope with these
organizations. But when Ivy
Day rolls around, the Pi
Xis inevitably come out to
ft t "
Lentz Incorporates
East With West
A piece based on Nepalesa
folk tunes heard by Dr. Don
ald Lentz on his trip to the
Orient last spring in search
of primitive Hindu, Thai,
and Indonesia music will be
among the numbers featured
Sunday afternoon at the an
nual Symphonic Band con
cert. The program will begin at
3 p.m. in the Student Union
ballroom. The public is in
vited to attend, and there is
no admission charge.
Western Adaptation
Orlan Thomas, a Lincoln
graduate student, will play
the Nepalese melodies adapt
ed by Conductor Lentz to
Western notation and tonality
on the English Horn, accom
panied by a woodwind en
semble. Also featured in the concert
as a soloist will be Wesley
Reist of Lincoln, instructor
of music, who will play Con
certo in E Flat for Clarinet,
by von Weber. ,
Professor Lentz said he
heard one of the Nepalese
melodies early one morning
sung by a street singer; the
other, he said, was chanted
by an old man sitting in the
doorway of his home high in
the Himalayas to a small
child sitting at his feet.
First Performance
This is the first perform
ance of his attempt to inte
grate into American music
the rhythms and scale sys
tem of Oriental music.
Other numbers on the pro
gram include: Manzoni
Requiem, by Verdi; Zanoni,
by Creston; Second Hungari
an Rhapsody, by Liszt;
Hammersmith, by Hoist; and
Little Suite from the Opera,
Comedy on the Bridge, by
ASME To Meet
"Weapon Reliability" will
be the topic discussed tonight
at a meeting of ASME at
7:15 in 206 Richards.
Speaker is Clyde Myles of
the McDonnel Aircraft Cor
poration. Nominations will be made
for the O. J. Ferguson award.
smear their name and sym
bol on the sidewalks,
porches, wall, benches and
doors of nearly every fra
ternity and sorority house
on the campus.
The pranks cost the Uni
versity about $150 annually.
During 1947 and 1948, how
ever, the damage ran to
$500. At that time some of
the paint ate so deeply into
the University memorial
columns that it could never
be removed.
During the year, the Pi
Xis settle down to such
placid activities as print
ing their Pixie Press a
document which "discloses"
the weaknesses of many
University administrators
and campus organizations
and peaceful little drinking
parties with their friends
the Red Dots.
The Red Dots, under
ground women's group, join
in the paintig expeditions
and leave little "red dots"
in the same places the Pi
Xis leave their letters and
Many prominent Lincoln
and state citizens are re
putedly alumni of these "no
torious" societies to which
undegrariuate members
are reportedly selected for
their ''leadership" ability.