.ownmnii mm. vr Armchair Sport Page 3 See DAfU Page 2 Monday, March 10, 1958 Vol. 32, No. 78 Lincoln, Nebraska Beauty, Eligibility, Coed Follies Travel Acts, Shits 7:30 At Pershing The annual presentation of Coed Follies featuring six skits and four traveler acts will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m. at Pershing Memorial Auditorium, according to Nancy Coover, chairman. Tickets for "Skits-O-Fran-tic. sponsored by AWS, are still available, Miss Coover said. Ideal Coed Presentation of the Ideal Nebraska Coed, introduction of the 12 Cornhusker Beauty finalists and the six "Most Eligible Bachelors" will high light the annual revue. Awards will be made to the winning acts. Miss Copeland said. Acts will be judged on the basis of cleverness, orig inality, audience appeal and costuming, she added. The skits are "A Veil Tale", Alpha Phi; "Hark, Hark, the Ark", Delta Delta Delta; "Nautical Neurosis", Gamma Phi Beta; "Tamale and the Bandit", Chi Omega; "Jumbledivy", Alpha XI Del ta and "Panic in the Plaza", Delta Gamma. Travelers acts include "Oomph Appeal", with Prud ie and Edie Morrow; "Blues Medley", with Helen Hocka bout, Dolly Swift, Gayle Ped die and Prudie Morrow; "More Fun than a . . .", Alpha Omicron Pi skit and "Raggedy Ann and And y", Town Club skit. Skit Judges Skit judges are: Earl Jenk ins, assistant professor of voice; Esther Meacham, as sistant professor of home economics; Dorothy M a x well, instructor in physical education for women; Robert Hough, assistant professor of English, and Dr. John Wiley, director of the speech clinic. Finalists for Ideal Nebras ka Coed are Jan Lichtenber ger, Judy Chapman, Sharon McDonald, Georgann Humph rey and Dorothy Beechner. They were selected from 33 semi-finalists after inter views held Feb. 18. Finalists were chosen on the basis of personality, aca demic record and campus ac tivities. Last year's Ideal Nebraska Coed was Joan Heusner. Seventeen Join Med Honorary Alpha chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha, medical col lege honorary society has in vited sixteen students and one alumnus to join its ranks. Membership is based on "scholarship and moral qual ification," and a unanimous vote of the active members of the organization. Those chosen for member ship include: Jackson Bence, William Cirksena, Howard Copas. John Eule, Bill Farm er. Michael Greenbert, Rich ard Hill. Gordon Johnson, Guinter Kahn, Dr. Frank Klabenes (alumnus), John McAndrew. Benjamin Meck el, Carl' Miller, Robert Quick, Donald Skoog. Robert Tupper and Thomas Wallace Dr. Klabenes. a 1938 grad-i Zeff Be-nstem, Meve j translated as "elite guard", uate of the College of Medi-j Schultz, Dennis Crispin, Jean:wmch he describes as a mod cine is associate professor i Curnes. era form of imperialism. He and chairman of the Otor-j The show, which played on j hopes this work will show hinolarynogology department ' Broadway in 1946, is about 'what kinds of Germans de at the College. i Annie Oakley, a buckskin-clad velop the SS and how impor They Know Spring It may not be spring, but many plants, greens, ferns and grasses are growing with in the bounds of the Univer sitv campus. The site for this center of growing is a small, but sat isfactory greenhouse oper ated by the Botany depart ment and located between Burnett and Bessey Halls. Grown For Research Glen Drohman, the greea tiouse foreman explains that plants are grown which cor respond with the ones studied in the botany classes. Most of the plants are started from cuttings while a few of them are begun from seeds. Since plants are also grown for research, the department has two projects underway at the present time. One of them is studying the Daris plant, a tropical American plant that has roots containing insecti- Spotlight $ I ww vwxv I ? i ' xr i i4 t r i - i I i J y) ; Zsyj i : f r - w'""Vv. -i - - - ,in,mii.i nni mh mnffriTtfri" s- -5 ts- Members of the Delta Delta Delta skit, "Hark, Hark the Ark of Forty Damp Days," are practicing for Coed Follies which will be Monday night at Pershing Memorial Auditorium. Pictured in the back row are Pat Arbuthnot and Mary Metcalfe portraying their part as elephants in Noah's Ark. Donna Phillips and Corrine Kosmet Kliib Names Cast For Spring Show Annie's Lead And Supporting Roles Will Be Revealed Wednesday Members of the 1958 Kos met Klub show, "Annie Get Your Gun", were announced last night by Dick M o s e s, producer. Individual parts will be re vealed at a general produc tion meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Union 313, Moses said. The following persons have been named: Beth Wilson, Milt Mosko vit2, Don Geisler, Barbara Meston, Donna Scriven, Bill Raecke, Penny Coates, Barb Coonrad. Shirley R e i n e k, ' Peggy Drover, Dave Godbey, Mary Lucke, ayne Robert son, Janet Handler, Vernon Feye, Sylvia Rigg, Janet Rhoda. Paula Roehrkasse, Eric Prewitt, Richard Gus tafson, Fritz Stelling. Betty Lester, Norman Rig gins, Tryka Bell, Sandi Hef felfinger. Gari Hathaway, Pat Tatroe, Carole Conrad, Eliz-j k r V,r irw abeth Harrison, Myrna Ems, Don Vondracek, Gus Buenz, Jim Pokornv. Rebecca Col- well Al Kupustka, Janet! ausm, nas Deen ODiaimng mi Hawley, Susan Mathews. Ju-crofilms of important docu dy Leadabrand, Pat Salis-iments as they have been bury, Susan Stone, Barbara ', made available by the U.S. Millnitz, Dennis Ellithorpe. j Government. Prudence Morrow. Art! "Sometimes I go after the Armburst, Diane Rainey, Sal- ly Wengert, Roy Willey, Lexy IjOU ceil, a Tin nermes, cia McCallum. Wendy Make-1 peace, Cindy Zschau, Sandra; Sanger, Robert L. Smith, Jane Odell, Marv Ann Ryan, Marian B r a y t o n, Judy Huehes. Sharon Fangman, Jim Peterson, Jan waisn, No Seasons Is Here Hrle The other oroiect is studying the native grasses of the midwest. Grasses to Orchids The prtenhouse is literallv stocked with everything from grasses to orchids. Drohman cares for a complex plant called "the bird of paradise" from South Africa, which re quires six to seven years to reach the flowering stage. An other is the "sensitive" plant or mimosa. It has leaves re sembling a fern that, when touched, curl up and droop. The shrimp plant resembles its name in size, shape and; color. The greenhouse also con tains a tropical room. This room is kept at a higher tem perature than the other parts of the greenhouse so that trop ical plants can be grown and students can observe their structure. Ideality Tonite Hark. That Ark girl wandering out of the baek woods with a rifle over her shoulder, ready to "shoot it out" with the world. Only with a handsome young Frank Butler whom she later married did she en joy less than total victory. Song hits from the show are "Doing What Comes Na- committee Girl's Dorm as turally" "You Can't Get A sistant; Max Waldo, men's 77i Say Its Wonderful. Koehl Studies Old German Imperialism have only recently been de- classified have been m a d e available to the University through the efforts of Dr. Robert Koehl, associate pro- lessor of history J Koehl, who has been doing research on German imperi- j microfilms and sometimes I dean" of Faculties, will speak j can arrange to have them'on -Budget Problems and iu-jBcui. i aaiu nwui. nc weni to Maniora last year on his quest and is presently planning a trip to Alexandria, Va. for more materials. Dr. Koehl has recently be gun a study of the SS, a Ger i man organization roughly tant the bi factors are in postwar Germany. Research linking past and modern imperialism has sup- ! plied material for Koehl's ar ticle, "Hemnch the Great", : n appeared in a reteni j issue of History Today. ! Another phase of National ! Socialism is examined by Dr. j Koehl in his. recent boot RKFDV: German Resettle ment and Population Policy, 1939-1945." The book, pub lished last month, deals with the Nazis' resettlement plans for territories around Ger many's frontiers. "Research of this type," according to Dr. Koehl, "is important because it still has political significance for our -elations with Germany to- Jay." IPC Service Day Ir.tra-fraternity council community service day house chairman will meet today at 5 p.m. in Union 305, accord ing to Dick Arneson. president. Take Ekstrom are boxing kangaroos. In the front row are Janet Dresner and Janie Coe in the part of gymnastic monkeys. Besides skits and curtain acts, the Cornhusker Beauty Queen finalists, Most Eligible Bachelor and the Ideal Nebraska Coed will be presented at intermission of the performance. Spring Dav Heads Told Spring Day Committee Chairmen have been selected according to Bob Smidt, chair man- They are: Carole Frank, newspaper publicity; Jolaine Loeski, art publicity; Bob G r i m i t, parade chair man; Roger Wehrbein, pa rade committee ag assist- ant; Myrna Richards, parade ie vents; Marilyn Pickett, I , ' . ' arrangements; Norm Rohlf ing, registration; and Liz Smith, awards. Workers will be needed on the following committees, ac cording to Smidt: Men's Events, Registration, and Ar- mnfTfimAntc , worker sign-up sheet will ! J. e PlaSffJ. in the Umon Ac" "" omce- Deadline tor sign-up is rn day, at 5 p.m. AAUP Tonight The American Association of University Professors, Ne braska chapter, will meet to night at 6:30 p.m. in the Union, according to R o b e r t Knoll, secretary. Dr. A. C. Breckenndge, p0ijCV Formulation. Acacia Fraternity Plans New House Construction When, Where Still Indefinite; Board Of Regents To Confer Acacia Fraternity is plan ning the construction of a new house. The fraternity recently sold its property to the Uni versity Episcopal Chapel. Jim Minor, secretary, dis closed that, although they have definite plans, the plans will not be revealed until aft er a meeting with the Board of Regents. Orval Conner, advisor iu Acacia, said that no meeting has been planned as of yet and will be , left up to the Board of Regents, who de termine the University pro perty program. He continued that Acacia plans to get a site and build, but "We are waiting for the Board of Regents to make a fraternity site available. We don't anticipate anything hap pening for another year." According to Minor, the house would have to be built on campus. The Reverand Armstrong, of the Episcopal Chapel, said that no definite date of con struction of the new chapel has been set. He continued, "Acacia will be working with us, and we will be working with them." Bushmen Hit; Geier's Flyers Win Nebraska's amazing Cornhuskers got the m selves involved in another upset Saturday night but they were on the losing end this time. In other sports action, Jake Geiers gym nasts won the All-College Tournament for the sixth time in the last seven years. See Page 3 UP Staffer Tops Matrix Fetes Best Woman l he outstanding woman journalist in the state will be presented at the annual Ma trix Dinner March 22. Headlining the dinner, spon- sored by Theta Sigma Phi, wom en's profes sional jour nalism fra ternity, will be Mary Prime, fea tured c o 1 umnist for tVio I'nitnH Courtesy w.v. v... . v. Uncoln Journal iress. Miss Prime Miss Prime reports on sub jects ranging from screen and television celebrities to juven ile delinquents In addition, she assists in editing the weekly women's page for UP s mail feature service, the Red letter. A plaque for the outstand ing woman journalist in the weekly field will be presented by Vein Scofield, executive secretary of the Nebraska Press Association. The outstanding woman in the daily field will receive a plaque from the UP, accord ing to Pat Coover, Theta Sigma Phi president. Also presented at the din ner will be an award to the outstanding senior woman in journalism at the university. Tickets to the banquet are available at the School of Journalism, Miss Coover said Miss Jazz Announced Sylvia Rigg, Kappa Alpna Theta, was chosen "M i s s Jazz on the University Cam pus" Friday night at the Turnpike Ballroom, accord ing to Stan Kaiman. assistant business manager of the Daily Nebraskan. Runners-up in the contest sponsore'd by the Daily Ne braskan business staff and the Turnpike Ballroom, were Barb Coonrad, Kappa Delta, and Ina Margolin, Sigma Delta Tau. Pete Laughman, KNUS di rector, made the presentation of a Bulova "Coed" watch to the winner and records to the runners-up. Miss Jazz will be inter viewed on the first of a series of jazz programs on KNUS, Kaiman added. According to Bill Dahl, pres ident, the Acacia members are going to live in the house for the duration of this se mester. "But." he said we are still working on possible solu tions to the problem that would arise if we had to move out." Courtesy Lincoln Star NEW CHAPEL This is the architect's conception of a new University Episcopal Chapel to be built in the near future. The chapel purchased adjacent land from Acacia Frater nity which is planning construction c a new house. 'Temporary' Ag Union May Retire At Last Library 'Union Combination Could Solve Two Problems The temporary Union estab lished on Ag campus 10 years ago may at last find a per manent home. Tentative plans for a com bination Ag union and library are being made, ac cording to Duane Lake, Union Man ager. "The plans are still in the exploring state," said Lake. The Libra ry feels as Lake we do, that there is a compatibility in the services that we both offer," he added. Recent surveys made on Ag campus by the planning com mittee, which consists of the union board of managers, in dicate service needs of more rooms, and a larger snack bar area, stated Lake. A strong need for a study area was also indicated. "The greatest change in student's needs has been brought about by the new residence halls on the cam pus. They have made quite an impact", Lake commented. The bond issue passed in 1956 for the expanded Uni versity building program in cluded $250,000 for a new ag union, Lake continued. This money will be available in April of this year. Money was also allotcd for a library. He estimated that it would be at least two years before any Norfolk Daily Offers Award The Norfolk Daily News has announced a $240 journal ism scholarship to be award ed to a graduate senior from Norfolk High School to attend the University, according to Jerry Huse, publisher. Winner will be chosen on a basis of ability and interest in journalism and financial need, he said. Applicants must rank with in the top-third of the Norfolk senior class, Huse added. The winner will be announced at Senior Day activities late in the spring. The new grant will increase the number of freshman journalism scholarships avail able at the University to 12. Other Nebraska daily news papers sponsoring journalism scholarships at the University include : Lincoln Star and Lin coln Journal, three each; Fre mont Guide and Tribune and North Platte Telegraph Bul letin, two each. Another of the scholarships is a $150 freshman grant awarded to the applicant for the Journal and Star scholar ships who submits the best essay on "Freedom of Infor mation." This scholarship is anonymously sponsored. Former Student Downed In Korea Capt. Leon Pfeiffer, former University student, has been identified as the U. S. pilot shot down by ground fire near the demilitarized zone in Korea. The Defense department told his parents that it had "no information on his physi cal status or location. Capt. Pfeiffer was president of Kosmet Klub, an Innocent and a member of Kappa Sig ma in 1951. fm construction could get under way. The area immediately south of the present Chemistry building on Ag campus has been chosen as a site for the new library, but a site has not yet been chosen for a union building. "The union established on Ag campus 10 years ago was supposed to be on a tempor ary basis", Lake quipped. "Plans have been evolving for the last six years", he added. Members of the Union Board of Managers are Bill Spilker, Don Herman, Patsy Kaufman, Bert Weichenthal, Urba E. Wendorff, faculty advisor, Bob Handy, Union activities director, and Lake. Tribunal Fate Lies In Senate Colbert To Offer Measure Tuesday The immediate fate of the proposed Student Tribunal will rest with the Faculty Senate when it is brought up Tuesday by J. P. Colbert, Dean of Student Affairs. "A copy of the charter and a printed history of the Trib unal plans have been distrib uted to all members of the Faculty Senate," Dean Col bert said. Regents Next If the Senate approves the Tribunal as is, it would then go to the Board of Regents for approval, Dean Colbert said. In this case, he speculated that the Tribunal could go in to effect in time for the May elections. , If the Senate disapproves some portion of the Tribunal charter, it will be sent back to the Student Council for more work. University students ap proved the charter by a vote of 1,428 to 417 at an election held during spring semester registration. Fourth Year Four years of work by the Student Council have gone in to the Tribunal, according to president Helen Gourlay. During this time, the Council contacted 18 or 20 schools concerning student tribunals. The student tribunal at Stanford University, which has been in existence for 18 years, is cited in the letter sent to Senate members as the best example of student tribunals. Love Hall Wins Carnival Trophy Love Hall won the first place trophy for the best booth at the Estes Carnival Friday. "Yo all kum to Love Patch, it'll cap'tivate you" was the theme of the booth. Second trophy went to Al pha Gamma Rho fraternity with its booth, "Dunk Don ald". Dorothy Shallenberger and Alberta Dobry won the best costume contest. Judges, of the events were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Lowen stein and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith. Estes Carnival is an annual event sponsored by the cam pus YM-YWCA groups to fi naace delegates to the Y Estes Conference held in June. "if"