The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1958, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Pooe 2
The Daily Nebrcskon
Friday, March 7, 1958
Editorial Comment
And Squeals Shall Be Heard
Throughout Cornhusker Land
The Student Council's decision not to
ask for a Spring Day class dismissal
this semester is almost certain to evoke
a barrage of squeals from a handful of
holiday happy collegians. A good loud
scream is almost inevitably the first
reaction from a student who thinks that
a special privilege is being taken away
from him.
Ii this particular rase, however, it
would not appear that any special privi
lege has bee-a takea
away from the student
There will still be a
Spring Day and there
will still be peace and
happiness between the
Faculty Senate and the
student body.
Spring Day will he
gin at 3 p.m. under the
present proposal instead
of the customary earlier
noon hour. This is plenty of time to
provide campus occupants with a pack
age full of feasting and festivities. If
any thing, a tighter schedule win elim
inate many of the dull and time consum
ing Spring Day antics of the past, leav
ingit is to be hoped only the cream of
the crop.
As for the University professors, they
wont have to further reshuffle their al
ready upset schedules. The Fall of
Chamberlain holiday may have been
great news to the students, but it was a
near dilemma to consciencious profes
sors trying to provide a well-rounded
course program in one semester's time.
Dwaine Rogge, chairman of the Coun
cil Spring Day Committee, and Bob
Smidt, chairman of the Spring Day
Steering Committee, bath stated in the
Wednesday Council meeting that per
sonal surveys of faculty members
showed that a majority of the instructors
were opposed to giving students another
holiday. The faculty has ruled that
classes should be held a full 15 weeks
and, as Rogge told the Council, 'we've
already gone one and a half days under
Past experience has further shown
that the students themselves have not
been enthusiastic about
activities. A survey by
Dave Keene, senior
'$ holdover Council mem
ber, showed that nearly
5,000 students have Fri
day afternoon classes,
but that when classes
have been dismissed for
them only about one out
of five took part in
Spring Day. It hardly
seems reasonable to upset class sched-
This second look at the Spring Day
festival may help ta put more vim and
vigor into the program itself. The sug
gestion by Rogge that the celebration
might be shaped along the lines of
Veisha Days at Iowa State r C.U. Days
at Colorado is worth more consideration
by the Council.
Upset basketball victories over teams
like Kansas and Kansas State are only
one way to restore spirit to the Univers
ity campus. If the Council could pro
mote an all-University blowout featur
ing special shows, a name band, and
an open house even more spirit juice
might be pumped into the singers of
-Dear Old Nebraska U." It would allow
closer cooperation among the depart
ments and colleges of the University in
promoting an open house and would get
together the student leaders of these
colleges to promote the celebration
Retest Drivers
Nebraska law officers are doing their
best day after day to cut down on need
less highway slaughter by carefully
patrolling roads and highways in search
of the drunken and reckless driver. The
Nebraska legislature has established a
point system that deprives reportedly
negligent drivers of their licenses.
These practices are fine, but perhaps
one extra step should be taken com
pulsory periodic retesting of persons who
apply for drivers licenses. A Lincoln
man was apprehended recently reck
lessly driving a car. Police found that
he was unable to read bold face letters
on a calendar five feet away. This man
did not have a Nebraska license and had
not even applied for one because he
knew that one wouldn't be issued.
In this case it was fortunate that he
was caught before he was involved in a
serious accident because of his poor
vision. But there are many persons in
Nebraska with sight probably not much
better than his who are driving autos
and not wearing glasses. You see, once
you get a license in this state you keep
it by simple through the mail or in per
son applications with no check on you
to determine whether ycur health still
permits you to successfully and safely
operate a car.
Some states have made it mandatory
that a person's vision and driving abili
ties be periodically checked to deter
mine that he is still qualified to operate
a car. Nebraska should not lag behind
in this field.
From the Editor
private opinion
. dick $hugrue
I used to think liberal arts people
could never become teachers.
That is, teachers in schools which
would normally require teaching certi
ficates. You know the old problem ... on one
hand the schools want teachers who
have suffered through a
lot of education courses
learning to verbalize the Vs" "
obvious and regulate the!
unregulateable, on thel
other hand liberal arts XZb"W
people who have a pas-f
sion for teaching and an
aversion to ed courses I
are left in the lurch. Z,
Word arrived Thurs-i,,,,!,
day by Hitlischild car
rier pigeon service that bnugrue
the Cooperative Bureau for Teachers has
a great demand for liberal arts gradu
ates in private schools. Mary Watson,
director of the group, stated "Many in
dependent schools prefer teachers with
a sound and thorough liberal arts back
ground over thosti who have specialized
in teacher training."
The teacher recruitment program she
heads is reported to be one of the larg
est and best known non-profit placement
agencies in the land. Its policies are
determined by a board of educators
headed by Dean Edward Graham of
Boston University.
This sounds like a boon to mankind.
Perhaps the squabbles between agencies
who certify can co-exist, if not live to
gether as seems to be the present state
of affairs.
The headquarters of the CBT is in
New York City at 22 E. 42nd St., for
any of you who might be interested.
Since Charles Starkweather is still
without an attorney for his Spring trial,
someone has suggested that Gene Spence
be allowed to handle his case. Spence,
rumor has it, is hoping to pass the bar
before the end of the trial. The fact that
he is not a member of that distinguished
body of lawyers might ace him out of
the picture, but it's a job any ambitious
young lawyer might aim for.
The Herblock Syndicate (which some
folks prefer to call Hall's copy distrib
uting group) sent the Rag some back
copies of the cartoons just to have in
case the postman can't make it through
some day.
Among the pictures is a picture of a
donkey and an elephant reaching for
the fire-axe lebeiled "tax cut" to put out
the fire labelled "recession."
The axe has the words "for emergency
only" printed on it.
This reminds me of the comments
John Flynn makes in his book "The
Roosevelt Myth" about how a recession
can't really be helped by a lot of social
izing projects. Obviously, Flynn indi
cates, someone has to pay for these and
that's John Q. So now that we're facing
another recession a tax cut seems to be
the only old-fashioned capitalistic olu
tion to the problem.
Whether Ike will admit this and the
Congress will act is another thing. Albeit
for me to say that FDR was nutty when
he instituted the WPA, the XRA and aii
the rest of the alphabet agencies. But
we do know he spent more money than
all the other presidents combined. And
we do know that we sure as shooting
looked socialist at the time.
Herblock is right. It's time to take the
axe off the wall and stop expecting gov
ernment to nurse our kids for us.
ules in order to satisfy this small num
ber who are interested in Spring Day
when four out of five dont even care
enough about it to take part.
SIXTY-SEVEN TEAKS OLD adlfarrtal gembra of the Wabraakaa atari arc aar.
anally raaponalbte tat what thry aa. or 4u or eauar
Member: Axociated Collegiate Frew to g printed, tebnmry , i5S.
Intercollegiate Prew usubaenptioo nu an .m aar mwtw ar u un
Representative: National Advertising KnterwTa. aLomi eiau matter at to mi office la
Service Incorporated Lincoln, Mebraaka. under the act of auguat , 1812.
Published at: Room 20, Student Union Mluw f"!I!'.ff: ii nnnr.
Lincoln, Nebraska xaitortai editor Emat Him
Idrh Jt, P Managing: Editor Mart UiaoatraMn
ltu K A Knn Mltor Carole Iran
Tin Dally Natmakaa ta sunlinhed Monday, laaadajr. rtporu hdiior aorg;r Morer
JVedaeaaay and .''rMay during thr aehool year, except Copy Kdlum . ary KmUera,
during vaflaUuna and exam perloda, and one letue la Diana Maxwell, fat Flannicaa, Emmie L.impv.
irbh.hed during Auguat. by atadenta of the I Night Nw Editor Iriu-y Kodxera
ml Nenraeka owner the authorization of the (committee ajtaff VYrtlera Manraret Uertman,
an litadent affair a an expreanlen of etndent atHUMm. Herb Probaaeu, and I'harlea Smith
rublieattons ander the lurtftdletlon of the rlubcinnmlt- HunlneM Manarer Jerry Kellentln
ee part of any member of the tarultp of the I nlver- Aaalatant gtualneaa Mnraf . . .Tom f,eff.
ally. The eenaorahlp on the part of tV Kulirammittee Stan Keimau. hob Wmldt
ar an the Stadeat ahlloatiooa ahait be free from Circulation JfaBafsr , 1IMIII ... .Jerry Trupp
"Do I llear Somebody Call 'Emergency'?"
" IN CASE OP ' -.fcVV.5?VJ- '
ACP Poll
Is Ike In Full Control?
Collegians Mixed On Issue
Presidential Aide Sherman
Adams recently made a
speech at nearly the same
time as one made by the
President himself. Press re
ports on the speech pointed
out what appeared to be con
tradictions between what the
two men said Some commen
tators indicated they felt these
contradictions were evidence
that the President was no
longer in control of the ad
ministration. To obtain the opinion cf
American college students on
this issue, Associated Collegi
ate Press National Poll of
Student Opinion asked the fol
lowing question in a recent
In a recent address, Presi
dential Aide Sherman Adams
made some remarks which
seemed te contradict Presi
dent Eisenhower's feelings on
certain topics. The theory was
later adv anced that this was
an indication the president
doesn't really have control of
the present .administration.
Do yon think this theory Is
true, or de yon think it Is un
true? Why?
Faults indicate that the col
lege men interviewed tend to
disagree with the statement
rather strongly, while a slight
ly larger proportion of coeds
interviewed, on the other
hand, feel the statement is
true. However, more women
than men were undecided on
the issue. Complete Tesults of
answers to the question are as
IMea Women Tetal
Think the atatement
hi true . . J5 J6 K
Think thr atatement
la antrue 1 3?SS 41
Tlndertded i S2 S4
Although the men and wom
en interviewed were split on
their feelings toward the
statement, almost equal pro
portions of both of them
agreed with the theory that
the president really does not
have control of his admin
istration. A substantially high
er proportion of men than
women, however, feel the
statement is untrue.
A variety of comments was
offered by the students inter
viewed to support their answ
ers. A Junior from Wayne
State University (Detroit, Mi
chigan) feels the statement is
untrue, and that the apparent
contradiction 'merely indica
ted that his administration
was not under his thumb." A
Lake Forest College (Lfke
Forest, Ulinoisl freshmHri
agrees with the Wayne State
junior, but hecause "Mums
mieht not have known lk's
feelings. He is entitled to his
own opinion and dnes rot have
to echo the president."
A sophomore coed at Chat
ham College (Pittsburgh, Pa. J
also felt the statement was
untrue, but she qualified her
answer in a slightly different
way: "Ike tends to com
promise and satisfy everyone
too much, but he still con
trols." A titiversity of Ne
braska sophomore coed
agreed and added: "Ike's con
trol is weakened by por
health, but he still holds the
power in the administration."
On the other side of the
question, a junior from St.
Mary's University (San An
tonio, Texas) feels the criti
cism is true. To support his
feeling, he commented,
"Through out Eisenhower's
administration, the vice-president
and the cabinet have
done more than those of other
presidents." A Knox College
Galesburg, Illinois) junior al
so feels the statement is true,
and adds "I think that the
matter cf Eisenhower's rather
uncertain health enters in in
many ways."
A Queens College Charlotte
S C.) sophomore coed was im
fcided ot the issue. She feels
"the Democrats have seized
this to try and point up the
president's seeming weakness
over the administration." An
un decided freshman coed
from Chatham College (Pitts
burgh, Pa.) remarked, "I
don't know that the address
indicates lack of presidential
control, hut it does show in
consistency in the govern
ment.'" Tidings . . .
By Doc Rodgers
Wouldn't it he nice to live
in a democracy?
What with all our modern
devices and scientific learn
ing, we are still worse off
iian our forefathers were one,
two or three decardes ago.
They lived in a democracy,
we do not.
This creeping socialism
which we live in has taken
us so by surprise that we do
not even realize that it is so
cialism. Sutbbornly we defend
federal aid to schools, social
security, high tarrifs, farm
price parity and in general,
all things ttat lead to big
government and in turn, so
cialism. -it
In the 3(t the people who
ran for office on such plat
forms called themselves so
cialists. I would just as soon
call any who asks for social
ized medicine today a social
ist as I would these lH30-cali-ber
-"freedom sellers."
The only way to rid our
selves of this creeping giant
is to insist on more control
of government instead of more
controls by government. Free
dom of "private enterprise
ranks up there with the free
dom of press, speech and right
to assemble.
r 4
As Mr. Lincoln would say,
"They are lest governed who
are least governed."
I'm 100 per cent behind the
fellow who said the cure for
the ills of democracy is more
Instead of petty party
rivalry, let's have a little co
operation to put this country
back on its feet.
. v t-
Reminds me of the story of
the Irishman and the Scotch
man, each defendng their own
country in a friendly sort of
"Three cheers for Home
Piule!" roared the Irishman.
"Three cheers for hell!"
cynically replied a Scotchman.
The Irishman shook his
head in agreement. "That's
right; jv'ry man should stick
up fer his own country."
Vote not for the man who
offers you the most appropri
ations in defense, price sup
ports and security benefits,
vote for the man who guaran
tees you the most freedom.
Says Hello
Cartoonist Milt Caniff
calls Herbert Block "the
Rembrandt of cartoonists."
Art galleries have made
exhibits of his work.
Herblock's achievements
include two Pulitzer Prizes,
the National Cartoonists So
ciety's Reuben as "the out
standing "artoonist of 1956"
a Heywood Broun Award,
National Headhners Award,
American Newspaper Guild
Awards, four Sigma Delta
Chi Awards, and also an
American Veterans Com
mittee Civil Rights Award
and a Sidney Hillman Com
mittee Award.
And now Herblock, the
official political cartoonist
for the Washington Post
whose cartoons are syndi
cated and appear in some
200 daily newspapers,
makes his initial appear
ance in the Daily Nebras
kan. The Chinese adage argues
that one licture is worth
a thousand words. It is the
pinion of the editorial staff
of the Nebraskan that one
Herblock cartoon is worth
10.000 words.
So now, along with the
light hearted antics and ob
servation of Peanuts and
Arnold, will regularly ap
pear the works of Herblock.
THEftt-.YW I
( STVPtD ,7
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Looking Tilings Over
by Kaudish
It is indeed amazing to
note how our Foreign Stu
dent Adviser, amidst his du
ties as a teacher, can tackJe
the problems of various for
eign students in the Univer
sity. Believe me, it is not an
easy task to solve the prob
lems of foreign students un
less you are equipped with a
full knowledge of immigration
laws of the various countries.
Somehow Dr. Rosenlof has
these facts at his finger tips.
It has been observed that
many foreign students, before
their arrival to the United
States, have not been fur
nished with f ull details of the
courses and tuition costs, or
the general economic condi
tion of this country.
The tension on the part of
the Foreign Student Adviser
and the foreign student might
be eased if the Dean of Ad
missions "".'ould furnish the
following details to prospec
tive foreign students:
1. Subjects and number of
credit hours required for the
completion of a particular
course. It is the general feel
ing of Malayan students that
if they are majoring in jour
nalism they are required to
take journalism courses only).
2. Expenses. (This should
be detailed and include tui
tion, board and lodging, and
miscellaneous expenses).
3. Chances for outside em
ployment, and possibilities of
employment during summer
A question arises: "Why
doesn't the Foreign Student
Adviser deal with the admis
sion of all foreign students?'
It seems that it would be
splendid if the Foreign Stu
dent Adviser, in cooperation
with the Dean of Admissions,
handled the admissions of
all foreign students.
The best procedure might
be to have the Dean of Ad
missions, when he has been
satisfied that the student
meets entrance requirements,
forward the student's folder
to the Foreign Student Ad
viser. The adviser could then
take extra time to work out
special problems of this
particular student. Of course,
this would probably mean that
the Foreign Student Adviser
would have to be engaged on
a full-time basis, especially
with more and more foreign
students enrolling here.
From -he trend of the pres
ent problems of a good cum
ber of foreign students who
are anxious to come to the
United States or who are
studying in American schools
already, it would not be sur
prising if the American gov
ernment set up a research
institute to study their spe
cial problems. Why doesn't
the University of Nebraska
pioneer this program? It
would be interesting and help
ful, too.
This might be done in ib
form of monthly get-togethers
of all foreign students on the
weekends. This is my person
al suggestion with the feeling
that it will benefit student!
such as me and might also
be interesting to many other
foreign students to study tht
cultures and custom of tht
various countries, as well as
exchange views of political
and economic affairs.
Gvyt!! Gels!!
... don't miss
The Jazz Workshop
Friday, March 7
Come in eonplf r lone
for 2 hour. f cvontinooni
music by the I "a far nrt
sUndint jazz croup ...
AM) . . .
Four ticket entitles
Jon to vote for
from five finalists:
Betty Srelond
Barbara Cooztrod
Ionic Mack
Ina Margolin
Syhria Eigg
Saturday, March
the ALEEES orchestra
Sunday, March 9
. . . aO at the
laZ '""" ,""I,1W'" "
' fewa.t,.
Tha daaaroaa ynm arkmtwa, gmaiaaaf
Yav'wa ad ofaeut atitaliai aagt rhair averting hiturm. Htm ymm aaa aatriiai
faar roi, m m imU wrMi a H. atrNona Wad ma; irriailU
dawalopan. Arronoa aaw to laara about Vouahf ' aiiaaila amaiaax.
cm are l
rrm?-.1- aa-,w...-.--.r Wf-- Jail " - I'M r if-atWW Aw.4r.f.WS.r. ,. --- ' MW y A