The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1958, Image 1

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WAR ? 19M
Coed Officers
Officers of Associated Wom
en Students, Women's Athlet
ic Association, Coed Coun
selors and Barb Activities
Board for Women were
elected Wednesday at the All
Women's spring elections.
Nan Carlson was elected
AWS president; Karen Krue
ger, WAA president; Jan
Lichtenberger, Coed Counsel
ors president; and Doris Eby,
BABW president.
Judy Decker was elected
AWS vice president. Senior
board members are Phyllis
Bonner, Nadine Calvin, Nan
cy Copeland, Reba Kinne and
Jacquie Miller.
AWS Positions
Junior board members in
clude Barbara Bacon, Polly
Doering, Margaret Marshall,
Marilyn Pickett, Rychie Van
Ornam, Mary Vrba, Linda
Walt. Sophomore board mem
bers include Beth Gilbert,
Janet Hansen, Mary Ann
Harris, Sue Hubka, Nancy
Johnson, Joan Rinne and
Marv Lou Valencia.
WAA officers include Pat
Arbuthnot. vice president.
Sharon McCormick, secre
tary, and Janet Dworak treas
urer. Coed Counselors
Coed Counselors vice pres
ident is Judy Combs. Board
members who were not
elected Wednesday include
Dorothy Beechner and Sandy
Arnold, Dorothy Glade, Pol
ly Doering, Karen Peterson,
Gretchen Sides, Liz Smith,
Kaymarie Swarts and Mary
Ann Vrba, junior board.
BABW Officers
Sophomore board members
include Sue Carkoski, Phyllis
Elliott, Shelly Hergenrad
er, Carol Kucera, Shirley
Shiff, and Janet Hansen.
Other BABW officers and
board members include Mar
ilyn Jensen, vice president;
Rose Joyce, Patsy Kaufman,
senior board members.
Junior board members are
Dorothy Glade, Rosalie Ja
cob, Betty Mann, Diana Max
well, Myra Richards and
Sylvia Steiner.
Tryka Bell, Patricia Foster,
Rochelle Hergenrader, Linda
Porter, Joan Schultz, and
Mary Stastny.
VHEA Program
Planned Monday
Mrs. J. 0. Bridgmann will
speak at the Vocational
Homemaking Education Asso
ciation Monday at 4 p.m., in
Food and Nutrition 301, ac
cording to Sharon Sterner,
publicity chairman.
Mrs. Bridgmann will speak
on the Future Homemakers
of America, Miss Sterner
Patsy Kaufman, president;
Joyce Evans, vice president;
Rose Joyce, secretary; Lor
raine Haggert, treasurer; and
M l r y Anderson, program,
were elected new officers at
a recent meeting, Miss Stern
er added.
Plodding Ondine Not Too Hot
'Deaf, Blind' Reviewer Misses Lines, Can't See Caslin
By Dick Shugrue
Ondine, currently showing
at the University theatre, is
really a fantasy.
That is, it leaves a lot to
the imagination.
The lines, the characteriza
tion, the effects are so often
lost that the imaginative view
er of the Jean Giraudoux play
can have a field day decid
ing for himself what is hap
pening. The plot moves somewhat
along these lines: A sea
sprite, Ondine, (played by
Marijane Craig) has been
cared for since infancy by a
quaint old seaside couple
(John Hall and Barbara
Lantz.) When a knight (Adri
en Peyroux ) comes to t h e
couple's cottage he is
charmed by Ondine and falls
in love with her.
But he already has a lover
back at the castle. This ap
parently doesn't matter now
that Ondine has been found.
Nevertheless, when the
knight returns to the court
with the Sprite, the fiance
(Sally Wengert) is under
standably burned up.
When, through some slight
of hand by the French coun
terpart of Merlin, we see life's
slow-motion camera speeded
up and scenes from the blow
up between the Knight Hans
and his fiance Bertha, it's
pretty cvijent that Hans is
the merl cval Man in the Gray
Flannd Suit and had just
b-'en fishing around when he
nu:t Ond'ne.
Knotty Sltmitbi.
The fiance, either to dem
t I
Vol. 32, No. 77
Model UN
Any Group Of Four
May Send Delegate
A model United Nations
General Assembly will be
SDonsored bv the Nebraska
university Council of world
Affairs April 11-13.
Chosen this vear as the
throe main topics for discus
sion, upon which meetings
will be based preceding the
conference, were 1) Disarma
ment, 2) the Changing of the
UN Charter, and 3) Cyprus.
Other topics may be brought
up during the sessions.
Meetings for the delegates
will be held March 11. 18. and
25 on the third floor of the
Union. Speakers will present
views on the topics to be dis
cussed so students will be
familiar with them before the
conference, accordine to Wvnn
Smithberger, conference
Any group of four persons
or more may send a delega
tion ud to four students to
represent a member-nation of
tne united Nations during the
sessions. Efforts should be
made by the students to rep
resent accurately the views of
the nation which they choose,
said Miss Smithberger.
Each nation will receive one
vote. The cost of registration
will be $2 per voting delegate
and fifty cents for each alter
nate. Climax
As a climax to the confer
ence, tentative arrangements
have been made to have a
United Nations representative
present to speak on the cam
pus Saturday, April 14.
interested students who
have not been contacted may
call Wynn Smithberger or Biff
Keyes, president of NUCWA,
or come to the first meeting
Tuesday, March 11.
Spring conferences of this
type are presented annuallv
by NUCWA. Previous to this
year several model assemb
lies, a political convention and
a model state legislature were
conducted. It is hoped that
many students will become in
terested, for they will un-
aouDtediy find it a valuable
experience, accordine to Miss
Stefanisin Elected
June Stafanisin was elected
president of Gamma Alpha
cm, professional advertising
sorority, Sunday.
Other officers named at the
joint initiation-election were
vice president, Cynthia
Zschau; secretary, Phyllis
Bonner; treasurer, Germaine
Wright and historian. Natalie
onstrate her love for Hans or
to irritate him, staves off his
advances by saying, "1 have
a bird in my hand." Hans
should have realized that this
bird in the hand was worth
two in the bushes and left
Ondine, for little did he know
that Ondine had made a pact
with the water god that Hans
would have to die if he was
ever unfaithful to her.
He was. He had to die. She
having forgotten all thats hap
pened leaves the 6tage mumb
ling something about how she
could have loved this man
now lying on the stage and
the curtain comes down.
Peyroux's character is oft
en as different as knight and
day. He has assumed an ac
cent which gets dropped in the
clinches and would hardly be
fitting to a young man nstned
However, he shows very
good stage presence and
speaks so that those of us in
the 11th row could hear him.
That's nore than I can say
for the women in the show.
With the exception of Barb
ara Lantz (who doesn't have
much to say anyway) many
of the show's best lines are
lost or smothered by the scen
ery or the far-too-up-stage
placed speeches of Ondine in
Act I and Bertha, the fiance,
in Act II.
The Old Man
The Old One (James Bak
er) wears a rather heavy
grey beard through which he
speaks most of his lines. Bak
er looks like Foo Man Choo
in Act II and perhaps this is
the comic relief of the drama.
y u
f K t ' i i ' j -it
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1 I 't h
Rojean Stich, Sharon Wilson and Ruth ceeds from the Carnival will go to the Ag
Albin demonstrate their "Kapt'tivatin' in YM and YWCA which help finance stu-
Love Patch," Love Hall booth for the dents attending the annual Regional Con-
Estes Carnival tonight at 8 p.m. in the Ag ference of the Student Christian Associa-
College Activities Building gym. A trophy tion in June,
will be awarded for the best booth. Pro-
Opportunities For Seniors Slimmed
Interviews Cancelled, June Grad Hiring Off
June graduates may not
find the unlimited opportun
ities awaiting them that
have been heralded for lo
these four long years.
At least that is the opin
ion of quite a few persons
as they view the effects
of the current economic re
cession. Dean J. P. Colbert, chair
man of Occupational Place
ment for the University
said there have been many
interview cancellations by
industry. He added that
many companies are not
hiring as many persons as
However, Colbert said be
is not concerned about the
recession in regard to job
opportunities unless it be
comes a depression.
"The economy is leveling
off, but there is still a de
mand for college trained
employes," he said.
Industries are uncertain
of their need for personnel,
according to Earl Full
brook, dean of the College
of Business Administration.
Teaching By TV
Dr. James C. Olson, chair
man of the history depart
ment wiii discuss the role of
television in teaching at the
Missouri Valley Conference
of hirtory teachers at the Uni
versity of Omaha on March
14 and 15.
As a magician he pulls off
some clever tricks like mak
ing a bird flutter about the
stage and a Venus appear.
These tricks are feathers in
the cap of Charles Lown,
technical director of the Uni
versity Theatre.
Steve Schultz as the Lord
Chamberlain is loud and fun
ny. Whether he is supposed
to be is another question.
Someone should have told him
it's not polite to point, but
the chamberlain claims h i s
arm reaches clear to the
That's where the King,
Steve Brown sits. He acts a
great deal like George
Burns without the cigar.
He's a little too impetuous
for a king, however.
Ondine herself is very
charming to look at. But, as 1 1
said, I couldn't hear half of j
what she was saying. In the !
last act, though, she had some j
pretty fair lines. Because of
her down stage position they
came across and made every
high school girl in the audi
ence weep.
The scenery, a heavy, som
bre Gothic arrangement, was
nice to look at. But the bright
lights and the brighter cos
tumes detracted from the ef
fect of the sets which was,
I'm tcld, to contrast with On
dine's light, misty nature.
Music Good
Music department chair
man Judy DeVilbiss has
picked some good tunes for
the show, which is filled with
sound cues. I recognized only j
one phrase of the music. That I
was in the last act when On-
4 L VI 1
Hopes To Kapl'tivate
"There are as many re
cruiters as in other years
but they are definitely
more selective," he said.
Northwestern Bell Tele
phone has cut back on the
hiring of non-technical per
sonnel, according to James
Tyghe, assistant vice presi
dent of the Nebraska area.
The reason for this
change is not the recession,,
but over-hiring in the ad
ministrative field, Tyghe
The concern v o i c e d by
many students is not the
result of reduced industrial
quotas but of more aspi
rants, he commented.
Ken Winey, Business Ad
Annie, Gunmates
Shoot For KK Cast
Spring Production Try outs
Are Saturday, Sunday
Tryouts for the Kosmet
Klub production, "Annie, Get
Your Gun," will be held Sat
urday and Sunday in the
Preliminary tryouts are 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and
final tryouts 1 to 9 p.m. Sun
day. The show needs a cast of
100 people. There are 15 leads
and supporting roles, eight
dine and Hans are lamenting
the fact both must leave and
forget one another. Then the
Overture of 1812 is heard, per
haps to indicate Hans wants
to Russian to Ondine's arms.
Generally, sound was very
well handled and there were
no missed cues.
The choreography, directed
by Dorothy Maxwell and
Edythe Morrow, was lithe. But
an old supposition became a
reality when the dancers
started to speak. That is that
dancers should never have
speaking roles. They are
either too much out of breath
or too intent on their danc
to get the lines across . . .
much less with any expres
sion. The du.Nrs (Miss Morrow,
Diane Kainey and t cgrid .
Dzenis) might just as well 1
have forgotten their scripts j
and waved Hans on (this was,
a seduction sort of dunce) as
shuttered the illusion with
poorly done reading.
As it was, Margaret Ser-j
vine, assistant professor of j
Speech and Dramatic Arts, j
and director of Ondine, had a I
sparce opening night crowd to
share the disappointment of
the show. Perhaps if the pace
is picked up early in the first
act, the up-stage blocking is
changed, the subtleties are al
lowed to come out instead of
making them great farcial
bombs, the inconsistencies in
the characters are ironed out
and the mood of the play is
felt by the actors, Friday and
Saturday audiences at the
theatre will see a fine show.
Friday, March 7, 1958
,,. L- J; ;
7 i! K J
ministration senior, voiced
his concern over the situ
tion. He said there were
definitely fewer job oppor
tunities this year, and that
fewer students were being
"This is not a healthy sit
uation," Winey said.
"It hinges on the reces
sion. This sort of thing has
happened before. Past ex
perience has proved these
recessions to be short
lived," he added.
An Arts and Sciences
senior, Monroe Usher, took
the opposite viewpoint. He
did not feel that the re
cession would make an ap
preciable difference on job
major chorus parts, 26 minor
parts (singing, dancing, act
ing, speaking) and 38 chorus
and dancing parts.
Parts include: Annie, a
hillbilly girl who becomes
part of Buffalo Bill's circus
because of her sharpshooting
ability; Frank, star of the
circus and another good hand
with a gun ; Jake, Nelli, Jessie
and Minnie, Annie's younger
brothers and sisters.
Buffalo Bill, owner of the
Buffalo Bill Circus; Pawnee
Bill, owner of a rival circus;
Sitting Bull, an Indian Chief;
Dolly Tate, comedy lead, a
show girl; Tommie and Win
nie, young romantic leads;
Charlie Davenport, p i t c fa
man and comedy lead; Mac,
Charlie's right-hand man;
Mr. Wilson; a hotel owner.
ALT Plans
'Soft Sell'
For the first time AUF will
use a "personal approach" in
its annual faculty spring
In the drive, which begins
Monday, all Arts and Sciences
faculty members will be con
tacted in their offices by
AUF workers.
The purpose of this new
svstem s to give the faculty
a better understanding of the
goals and functions oi AUf ,
according to Karen Schuster,
chairman oi the laculty drive.
Durine the oast few weeks.
AUF board members have
snoken to various college fac
ulty meetings concerning the
drive. The faculty members
in other colleges have been
sent letters explaining tne
drive and asking for contribu
tions. Faculty members may
also send their checks to
AUF. Union 30G.
The monev collected durine
the faculty drive this spring
will be divided among the six
charities which were selected
earlier by a student and fac
ulty poll.
In previous years, the drive
has been earlier, and the
faculty members have not
known the charities to which
the poll had not been tabulated.
Council Decides
Not to Request
Spring Day Cut
Roggc Says Senate
Would 'KO' Vacation
The Student Council unanimously passed a motion
Wednesday not to ask the Faculty Senate for a half holiday
on Spring Day.
Introduced by Dwaine Rogge, chairman of the council
Spring Day committee, the motion had little opposition from
yc x tc i
May Grow
Unsurprised by the Coun
cil's decision not to ask for
a Spring Day class dismis
sal, the chairman of the
two-year-old event's steering
committee expressed hopes of
expanding the scope of Spring
Bob Smidt, who had been
selected by the council to
head Spring Day early in
February, said his commit
tee is considering making
Spring Day "like Veisha Days
at Iowa State or C.U. Days
at Colorado."
"At any rate," Smidt said,
"we'd like to make it more
of an all-University function
in which each department
can participate and to which
we can invite high s c h o 1
seniors who want to get a
look at the University."
He indicated that the theme
of Spring Day must be
changed from a "fun day to
an all-University open house."
"Already in existence on
the campus are such celebra
tions as E-Week, high school
speech and journalism pro
grams, music meetings and
some celebrations we probab
ly haven't heard about," the
Spring Dav chairman said.
"If we could incorporate
these into one and add some
thing big for the social side,
we might have something,"
he added.
He said the committee had
been considering adding the
Kosmet Klub Spring Show, a
big-name band and the Un
ion's birthday party to the list
of functions to be held on a
longer Spring week-end.
But he suggested taking the
control of the Spring Day
celebration from the hands
of the Student Council.
"If our Spring celebration
became like Veisha, it would
be bigger than the council,"
Smidt declared.
He proposed that each col
lege which was participating
in the festivities might select
one committee member. "Or
perhaps a committee of the
council might select another
committee which would serve
as the Spring Day commit
tee," he suggested.
Miss Jazz
Finalists Told
Winner's Nam e
Announced Tonight
Five "Miss Jazz on the Uni
versity Campus" finalists
have been announced, accord
ing to Stan Kaiman, assistant
business manager of the
Daily Nebraskan.
The girls were chosen after
interviews Thursday.
Finalists are Ina Margolin,
Sigma Delta Tau; Janice
Mack, Alpha Xi Delta; Barb
Coonrad, Kappa Delta; Sylvia
Rigg, Kappa Alpha Theta and
Bette Breland, Delta Delta
The "Miss Jazz on the Uni
versity Campus" contest is
sponsored by the business
staff of the Daily Nebraskan
in connection with the Jazz
Workshop being presented to
night at the Turnpike Ball
The winner will be chosen
by a vote of those attending
the workshop. Miss Jazz will
be presented a Bulova "Co-
Ed" watch, courtesy of Kauf
man Jewelers, and the run
ner-ups will receive jazz rec
ord albums, courtesy of Miller
and Paine s Tune Shop.
Miss Jazz will be inter
viewed on the first of a series
of jazz programs on KNUS.
Judges were Bob Smidt and
Stan Kaiman, Daily Nebras
kan business staff; Dr. Rob
ert Cranford, Daily Nebras
kan adviser, and Rod Bark
er, Turnpike Ballroom repre
sentative. "The selection of the five
was a difficult thing
to do," Kaiman said. "To domical data and circuit dia
justice, we would have to have j grams from the earth Eatel
selected all 14 girls." 1 lite radio transmitters.
the members of the iegisla-
tive body.
Rogge stated that he and
his committee members had
talked with faculty, adminis
tration and students and the
consensus was either that the
Spring Day class dismissal
would not be passed by the
Faculty Senate or that the
holiday was not needed to
make this year's Spring Day
The engineering represent
ative stated, "It is our opinion
that the holiday would not be
passed by the Senate in lieu
of the class dismissal follow
ing the Kansas game."
Noting a faculty ruling that
classes should be held 15 full
weeks Rogge commented,
"We've already gone one and
a half days under this."
Dean J. P. Colbert of the
Division of Student Affairs
was scheduled to ask for the
half day class dismissal be
fore the Senate at its regular
meeting Tuesday.
Dave Keene, senior holdov
er member on the Council,
said that from all aspects the
Spring Day holiday would be
defeated in the Senate. He
noted that the relatively small
participation in the afternoon
activities didn't warrant the
dismissal of classes.
"After all, there are 4,900
Friday afternoons, Keene
stated. His figures had been
tabulated by the University's
office of registration and rec
ords. Keene also commented, "If
we are trying to convince the
faculty we can act with re
sponsibility, this is an excel
lent time to show it."
The Spring Day committee
will organize the activities
from a three-o-clock-on basis
in light of the motion the coun
cil passed, according to Spring
Day Steering Committee
chairman, Bob Smidt.
Letter to Colbert
Corresponding Secretary of
the Council, Gary Frenzel,
had prepared a letter to be
presented to Dean Colbert in
the case that the Rogge reso
lution was passed telling that
the Council didn't want the
half day off on Spring Day.
The letter noted that the
students have "already re
ceived an extra holiday" and
that since the "teaching
schedules of many professors
have already been disrupted,
the Council is not now in fa
vor of dismissing classes for
Spring Day this year."
Next Year
Next year's Spring Day
class dismissal has already
been approved by the Faculty
Senate and will not be af
fected by the decision of the
Council Wednesday.
This year's dismissal had
not previously been deter
mined by the Faculty Senate
because of pressing business
before the 400 member group
during the first part of the
year, Keene explained to the
The Council also extended
the term of the Spring Day
committee to Nov. 1 of next
year in order to provide con
tinuity between the present
committee and the one to be
selected next October.
Medical Faculty
Develops Radio
A successful highly com
pact transistor-type radio
transmitter has been de
veloped by the University Col
lege of Medicine's Cardio
vascular Research Labora
tory. "The purpose of the trans
mitter is to permit studies of
electrocardiographs, blood
pressures, muscle action po
tentials, in a subject while he
is carrying on various activ
itieswithout interfering with
these activities," according to
Dr. F. Lowell Dunn, Cardio
vascular investigator.
The Cardiovascular Re
search Lab is working under
a grant from the National
Heart Institute.
The transmitter is very
similar to those radio trans
mitters being used in some of
th U. S. Earth Satellite
U. S. Senator Roman
Hruska recently took an inter-
est in the work being done in
: Omaha and sent them tech-