The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1958, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Poge 2
The Daily Nebroskan
Wednesday, March 5, 1958
Editorial Comment
Who Says Collegians
Don't Know How To Act?
"Monday night, March 3, 1958? Yes, I
remember that night."
Grandpa will bounce his offspring on
his knee thirty years from now and look
back to the day the Huskers skinned the
K-Staters and the students of the Uni
versity kept a promise made to the
school's chancellor.
The promise was that the students
would conduct themselves with discre
tion and not ask for trouble when and if
the Nebraska basketball team beat the
Nation's top team.
The promise had been made the day
after the Monster of the Midwest, the
University of Kansas, had been felled
almost miraculously in the Cornhusker
Coliseum. That day the chancellor had
promised a holiday if the students
wouldn't ask for another a week later.
And so Monday night the student body
moved on the city of Lincoln in jubila
tion, camped in the middle of 13th and
O Streets and came back to the campus
without any trouble whatsoever. It was a
spontaneous display of triumph.
Any trouble which did occur on the
campus came from a few ridiculous indi
viduals who were either not connected
with the Uninversity or whom the real
University people would not care to
The administration knew that the ma
jor troubles the firecrackers, the car
haltings, the general "unacceptable"
conduct were not caused by University
The crowd had attracted more to its
ranks and these "more" Lincoln high
school students among them were the
real trouble makers.
Nebraskan staffers who had an op
portunity to mingle with the crowd and
sample opinions discovered that the bulk
of the crowd were just idle by-standers,
drawn from their houses only by the en
ticements of the girls, the "thrill" of the
But the semi-riot was soon over and no
real damage was done.
The University could rest proud of
the fact that a promise had been kept be
tween the administration and the ad
ministered. The major responsibility handed to the
students over the past few semesters
was met when the students kept then
word to the chancellor about demon
strating for another holiday. The stu
dents kept a responsibility to them
selves, too, by staying well within the
limits of what can be termed moral or
proper conduct Monday night.
It may be hard for them to keep re
served. But it was worth it.
It'll be worth it in future months when
students can point to critics of the Uni
versity from all corners of the state and
show what common sense students can
exercise when they really want to.
The really wonderful part about the
actions of the students Monday night in
keeping their promise to Chancellor
Hardin is that they expect no reward for
it ... No reward, that is, except the
placing of additional responsibilities on
their shoulders by officials of the Uni
versity and the state who have been as
sured that college boys and girls have
come of age.
Man vs. Cheating
College and cheating may not rhyme
but they are almost synonymous terms
where there is one there is usually the
Some fraternity members at Syracuse
University in New York have got them
selves expelled from school for cheat
ing on a history final, and have their
fraternity house in hot water with the
Syracuse IFC.
In fact, Edwin D. Smith, assistant
dean of Syracuse, wrote the following
letter to the IFC:
"In view of the fact that the President
and members of Phi Epsilon Pi fratern
ity knowingly and openly discussed on
the night of Jan. 19, 1958, a member's
plans for cheating in History, and in
view of the fact that neither the Presi
dent nor the brothers took any con
certed action to prevent that member
from accomplishing his plans, the Dis
ciplinary Committee of the College of
Liberal Arts recommends:
"That immediate, vigorous, and
stringent action be taken against Phi
Epsilon Pi fraternity to clearly bring
home to the fraternity the complete
negligence by themselves of honor and
duty to the members of the fraternity
and to the University."
From the Editor
private opinion
. . dick shugrue
Lwrwf L aV I
Talk on the bus Tuesday morning
centered around the Nebraska win Mon
day evening.
"Why couldn't the team have won
like that all season?" one old duffer
asKea. ipf
Another guy chimed I
In. "Nebraska beats the
tough ones bu t flops
when the easy ones come
And so on.
Finally when the bus
stopped at Sheridan a
red-faced old gent in
his 70's climbed on,
moved back to the male
circle and after sitting
down and catching the drift of the con
versation commented, "Last night
those boys played like in the old days."
That seemed to be the end of it.
The fellow's comment was the prize
of the day. After isn't often that
anyone of the younger generation is
compared with the people, places or
things of the old days. Everybody
knows the tall tales told by nostalgic
fathers about walking to school through
the snow or beating Notre Dame or
shooting the Indians. And the usual ob
servation is, "Ah, you should have been
around when I was a boy."
Somesone who was around then finally
admitted that our generation is just as
good as the last one or the one before
that. Who knows? Next they'll be admit
ting we're better I
It was heartwarming to listen to Harry
Truman some weeks ago as he told Ed
Murrow what was wrong with the way
the country was being run, how it could
be managed better and how it had been
managed better.
Truman in just about everyone's
opinion, is a grass-roots American.
That's where agreement on the former
president stops.
To the GOP he's a hot headed old
, 4. -J;'
coot who'd be better off if he kept his
mouth shut. To some Democrats he's
an embarrassing old man who'd better
be careful what, where and when he
speaks. But to Americans who are look
ing for a way to avoid ulcers, he's a
Remember in the Murrow interview
when Harry said his formula for suc
cess was to make a decision and then
forget it? There's a formula for suc
cess in the Neo-Peale tradition which
makes executives out of shoe salesmen.
Just suppose we said what we be
lieved without fear of
reprisals. The results
would undoubtedly be
more hot and heavy
words flung around but
clears consciences, no
festering grudges and
resultant good spirits.
Then there are some
folks who say such a
way of life would lead to
open warfare between county uneoin sur
families, friends, etc.
Upen warfare seems
civilized when you come right down to
it than this wave of crumby little sub-rosa
backbiting that we Americans have been
overwhelmed by.
This sounds too sermonic. Harry Tru
man ("goof" to some "hero" to others)
might be tempted to sermonize on the
subject of saying what he felt whether
it sounded like a sermon or not. That's
what the American people liked about
Harry his straightforward, uncom
promising stands on issues which affect
ed even such national gods as MacAr
thur. But I'm not here to rehash the admin
istration of Harry Truman. Just the
same, it's refreshing to read the words
of a man who can reason straight, put
the blame where it belongs and not be
offended by little trashy statements
tossed like rotten vegetables when the
course didn't go his way.
Kiy'i'V.KFVFV VTARS OLD editorial tambm af tba Wfbrajkaa ttatt an pa.
BIXIX-SEVt X KAiVS ULU m.,,, n,pnnbU) i what th-r ,. ar aa ar mm
Member: Associated CoMesUte Press to be prints. rtrurr s. km.
Intercollegiate Prri nftZZPtH? "' M ' mrl" " ""
Representative: National Advertising r.ntmd aa m4 ei matter at tlx pot ( ia
Service Incorporated Uneotn. Kebrwka. man j. i f rt..i 4, int.
Published at: Boom 20, Stodent Union rMlor .!;."..!.."........ ni shr.
Lincoln, Nebraska rmimHU editor r.mnt Hinr
titt. Mr n Maoaflnc Editor Mark l.aa4trom
1W D. w, Mllor Carol rraak
Tk Daltr Nebraakaa I pohllht4 Muaaar, Tawaar, ftporta r.UHnt firorgr Mayer
W4aaar aa4 frlaar Cartas tlx kM rear, rxerpl Cnpr f Allan arr Kootrra,
farina Tamtl'm a4 nam prrloa. an eaa lam la than Mmwrll. pat Flannlxaa. r: nun la l.hnno. farina AuimI, by ataoVntt at tbe Cnlvmlty Mht Nnrf R'ltor Ilaaa MatwHI
f Nebraska anar tlx authorltatloa of to CommltU Staff Writer Marrarrt Wrrlman,
aa MtnaVnt Attain a. aa rpmla of tudmt aplnloa. Herb Probaaro, an 'harm Smith
Pabflratlons anr the JarlwUrtina af the hiilwrnimlt- flmlima Manager Jerry Nellentla
a part of any member af tbe fariHay af the taln-v- AMtetaat BmIbcm Mnaacm Tom Nrff,
ally. Tbe eenwrehfp on the part of the Mabeomniltu f (aa Kalmaii. Bob Smllt
T oa th gindral robiiraiMmt nhaii b frea iron Cireaiatioa Manafaf . ........JuT Trap?
M- sil J
No Man Is An Island Nebraskan Letterip
This is another in a series of articles by leaders of the
University religious organizations. Today's article was writ
ten by Rabbi Harold I. Stern, counselor of B'nai B'rith Hillel
Two weeks ago 1,000 peo
ple crowded into a local thea
tre to see a Danish film en
titled "The Word" based on
a play by Kaj Munk, a Luth
eran minister martyred by
the Nazis for his fearless
protest against their atrocities
both in Germany and in the
occupied countries. The cli
mactic scene in this magnifi
cent production is a resurrec
tion from the dead, a "mira
cle" performed by a man of
faith in the presence of a science-worshipping
doctor, a
cynical pastor who believes
the age of miracles has pas
sed, a skeptic without faith
and two men belonging to op
posing sects within the State
The resurrection serves as
the shock which restores the
skeptic's faith, reconciles the
I' ' P
., n--4 V
Courted' Uncoli Star
sectarians and (we presume)
gives the doctor something to
think about and the pastor
material for his next sermon.
However, as much as I was
moved by the film, I was, to
the same extent chagrined,
that it was necessary for
Munk to choose a human res
urrection as the miracle to
act as the catalytic agent for
the operation of faith but, I
am afraid, it was necessary,
because the concept of mira
cle has so thoroughly degen
erated in the thinking of mod
ern men that the "miracles
of God which are daily with
us" are totally ignored for
what they are and described
to the inexorable forces of
Despite a dictionary defini
tion of the word miracle which
makes no mention of everts
contrary to the laws of na
ture, (a miracle is an event
to be wondered at, to be
amazed by) we have been
conditioned to accept as mi
raculous only those happen
ings which specifically violate
accepted physical laws or gen
eralizations. But God is the
author of the laws of nature
and He would not (or rather
cannot) break them for the
mere convenience of man.
Ergo, there are no miracles.
Many ind i v i d u a 1 s have
claimed they lost their faith
because they could not recon
cile the belief in miracles
with the conclusions of sci
ence. It is good, therefore that
there is Spring to remind us
of the true nature of the mi
racles of God. That each year
at this season we witness a
resurrection of the created
world, the flowing of the sap4
the fattening of the buds, the
breaking into leaf, the opening
into flower, the unerring flight
of the honey bee, the specks
of pollen alighting on the
awaiting pistil, the produc
tion of a "dead" and seed
which finds life when it falls
into the bosom of Mother
Earth where warmed by sun,
moistened by rain, it, too, is
resurrected. "For lo, the win
ter is passed, the rain is over
and gone, the flowers appear
in the earth, the time of sing
ing is come, and the voice of
the turtle-dove is heard in our
land. (Song of Songs 2:11)
"Is heard in our land." By
whom is it heard? By self-centered
men pre-occupied with
their quest for material secur
ity? By men without hope w ho
shake their heads wearily at
the challenges of life? By ar
rogant men who have no place
in their lives for the sentimen
tal, the exquisite? By cynical
men .o fearful of being ex
ploited that they exploit oth
ers? Historians of religion who
are critical of the Judaeo
Christian tradition are wont
to inform us that to the Pass
over and Easter there are
parallels in all primitive re
ligions, that mankind has al
ways celebrated a festival at
the beginning of Spring and
there is consequently nothing
unique about the Biblical ob
servances. They miss the
point. Easter and Passover
are not nature festivals com
m e rr. o r a t i n g the birth of
Spring; they are instituted to
help us to be sensitive to the
message of Spring, to become
aware of the miracles of God,
to appreciate the i n t e r-de-pendence
of all of the creat
ures of God, and to arouse
within us the awe and wonder
at the greatness of God before
whom all knees must bend,
all tongues give homage. For
this is the greatest miracle of
all, that we can praise.
Wayward Wanderings
By Ron Mold
I have seen very few books
subjected to a more vigorous
trouncing by critics than
James Jones' latest novel,
"Some Came Running." This
massive p v-"
work (1,266
p a g e s) re
cently a p -p
e a r e d in
book stores
the prod
uct of six
years' work,
this book
rambles on
for 400 more
pages than
jaa yBSfa
.... :.
its predecessor, "From Here
To Eternity."
Edmund Fuller in the Sat
day Review: "The magnitude
of the effort must be acknow
ledged. The sadness of the re
sult cannot be concealed . . .
The style runs a rasp over
the verbal sensitivities of
readers. Much of it is un
grammatical and the rest is
And Charles Rolo's caustic
remark in the Atlantic: "Out
of the author's hope chest of
ideas come tumbling all the
fuzzy bits and pieces of
thought solemnly cherished
by an essentially primitive
mind . . ."
But I doubt if Jones has
been gravely injured by such
reviews. He has other conso
lationsthe movie rights for
"Some Came Running"
brought him a reported $1
million, and the February 23
N. Y. Times Book Review
lists it as number five on the
nation's best seller list.
Some predict that it will
top "From Here To Eternity"
which had a phenominal sales
record of over four million
copies. Had Jones any doubts
in his own mind about the
quality of his novels, the re
muneration should be suffi
cient to allow him to sleep
comfortably at night.
I am tempted to read Mr.
Jones' book just out of sheer
curiosity. But my curiosity
isn't 1.266 pages worth. I am
currently reading a similar
literary giant. Sean O'Casey's
autobiography, "Mirror in My
House." I am reading the
first of two volumes (Volume
I is 1,058 pages). And I'm
happy to report that it's one
of the most captivating books
I've picked up in months. I'm
afraid my studies may suffer
a little until I get it finished.
O'Casey does jome unique
things in the book (the first
sentence, for instance, is 753
words long). He ingeniously
employs assonance, alliter
ation, and repetition of key
words or phrases. His vivid
description and his seeming
ly limitless ability to produce
the desired effect are enough
to prompt a poor struggling
chump like me to take a
sledge hammer to my type
writer in a final gesture of
Humble Visitor
To the Editor:
Being a humble foreigner
with but six months of mid
west experiences behind me,
might I suggest to Mr. Kan
diah Satkunam that he start
looking things over in about
a year from now.
Admittedly the change of
environment from Malaya is
a marked one; my own case
was somewhat similar, but I
should caution my foreign
friend in allowing his praises
to run too high, for reaction
usually follows over-impression.
I might further suggest
that, to me, after the over
impression and its corollary
reaction, reality was by far
the most pleasant view of the
mid-west, for only with real
ity does one find how sincere
and friendly are our Midwest
ern hosts. Six months have
made me feel something of
a Nebraskan and the fact that
I feel I am now an accepted
part of the campus and not
an "exhibit," makes me feel
that in the near future I might
be qualified to put my feel
ings on the mid-west into
No doubt Mr. Satkunam had
reasons for casting his vi
sions to the United States and
for this he must be given due
credit. On the other hand, I
would caution him from mak
ing generalizations which he
is by no means qualified to
make. As he has not attended
a British University, he can
hardly decide which degree is
the better (having attended
both Universities I would say
that both have their merits.
The decision either way
should only be made aft
er posing the question, "What
is the purpose of the Univer
sity education?" The answer,
I can assure him, varies
greatly on both sides of the
In closing, therefore, might
I note that I also found Ne
braska so pleasant "that I
am not in a position to expe
rience the homesickness nor
to have a moment to think of
home." The latter should
come, the former might. I
only ask Mr. Satkunam to
talk for himself and not for
"251 fortunate foreign stu
dents" who may be fortunate,
but who would probably pre
fer to say so themselves and
in their own way.
On Campus
(3y Iht Author ofRaRi Round Bu Flag, Boyaf "md,
"Banjo Boy wxik Chek.")
Though this column is intended solely aa a vehicle tor weO
tempered drollery, the makers of Marlboro have agreed to let
me use this space from time to time for a short lesson in science.
They are the moet decent and obliging of men, the makers of
Marlboro, u anyone can tell from sampling their product Only
from bounteous hearts could come such a lot to like such filter,
euch flavor, such flip-top box. The filter works; the flaTor please;
the box protects. Who can resist such a winning combhurtaOtv?
Surely not L
Today let us take up the science of medicine, which was in
vented in 1066 by a Greek named Hippocrates. He soon gathered
around him a group of devoted disciples whom he called
"doctors." The reason he called them "doctors" was that they
spnt all their time sitting around the dock and shooting the
breeze. In truth, there was little else for them to do because
disease was not invented until 1477.
After that, doctors became very busy, but it must be admitted
that their knowledge of medicine was lamentably meagre. They
knew only one treatment a change of climate. For example,
a French doctor would send all his patients to Switzerland.
A Swiss doctor, on the other hand, would send all his patienta
to F ranee. By 1789 the entire population of France was living
in Switzerland, and vice versa. This later became known as the
Black Tom Explosion.
Not until 1024 did medicine, as we inow it, come into being.
In that year in the little Bavarian village of Pago-Pago an
elderly physician named Winko Kigafoos discovered the hot
water U)tt!e. He was, of course, burned as a witch, but his son
Lydia, dihguised as a linotype, made his way to America where
he invented the Mayo Brothers.
Medicine, as it is taught at your very own college, can be
divided roughly into two classifications. There is internal medi
cine, which is the treatment of interns, and xternal medicine,
which is the treatment of cxterns.
Diseases also fall into two broad categories chronic and
acute. Chronic disease is, of course, inflammation of the chron,
w hich can be mighty painful, believe you me I Last summer my
cousin Haskell was stricken with a chron attack while he was
out picking up tinfoil, and it was months before the wretched
boy could straighten up. In fact, even after he was cured,
Haskell continued to walk around bent over double. This went
on for several years before Dr. Caligari, the lovable old country
practitioner who treats Haskell, discovered that Haskell had
his trousers buttoned to his vest.
Two years ago Haskell had Addison's disease. (Addison, eurf
ously enough, had Haskell's.) Poor Haskell catches everything
that comes along. Lovable old Dr. Caligari once said to him,
"Son, I guess yuu are what they call a natural born catcher."
"The joke is on you, Doc," replied Haskell. "I am a third
basemen." He thereupon fell into such a fit of giggling that the
doctor had to put him under sedation, where he is to this day.
But I digress. We were discussing medicine. I have now told
you all I can; the rest is up to you. Go over to your med school
and poke around. Bring popcorn and watch an operation. X-ray
each other. Contribute to the bone bank . . . And remember,
medicine can be funl e im. m, staiaaa
a a
The makert of Marlboro clgarttttn bring you niter, flavor,
throughout the tchool year.
: -a a, "':