The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 21, 1958, Image 1

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t I
Vol. 32, No. 69
IFC Will
Civic Service Day
A motion to sponsor an all fra
ternity Community Service Day,"
April 19, was passed unanimously
by the Interfraternity Council
Wednesday evening
The motion was presented to the
IFC by Gary Cadwallader, chair
man of the promotion committee
which is planning the service day
Cadwallader stated that the fra
ternities will work with various
civic organizations in providing the
manpower for several communi
ty projects, as yet undetermined.
"It is a tremendous opportunity
for the fraternities to serve the
city of Lincoln," Cadwallader com'
A Rag Poll
Future freshmen may be walking
around the campus unless the pres
ent parking problem improves.
According to a Daily Nebraskan
poll of about 94 University students
yesterday, 50 students felt that if
the tight parking situation doesn't
loosen up, freshmen should forfeit
their driving rights to upperclass
men. Eighty-two of the students felt
that the campus is lacking in
parking spaces. Sixty-six were will
ing to remedy the situation by
parking off campus.
Other solutions offered to the
problem were to build a multiple
story parking building or an under
ground parking lot. More parking
space could be provided by clear
ing the "slum areas" around the
University and tearing down all
apartment and temporary build
ings on the campus.
Another suggestion was to limit
parking according to grade aver
age. This was also suggested in
connection with limiting freshmen
cars on campus.
Installing parking meters, creat
ing some one hour parking zones,
and careful checking 'of student
parking lots for faculty Cars and
cars without parking stickers were
also advised to cure the parking
One indignant coed said, "Let's
have a pretty campus, not a used
car lot. What's wrong with grass,
flowers, and trees?"
Rag News Editor
Interviews for Daily Nebraskan
news editor will held at 1 p.m.
today in the Union faculty lounge
according to Dr. Robert Knoll,
chairman of the pub board.
Who Receives What
From Charity Fund
This is the first ertiele in the
series, "Where Your Money
Went," concerning contributions
collected by the All University
Fund. The articles explain each
charity to which AUF donated
this year and the various pur
pose and services of each or
ganization. Nearly $2400 was given to the
World University Service, an in
ternational charity, this year as
a result of last fall's AUF Drive.
25 Per Cent
This is approximately 25 per cent
of AUF's total budget.
The purpose of WIS is to aid
students and faculty members in
under-developed war-torn countries
through a program of mutual as
sistance. Funds donated by student and
faculty members will be used for
medical aid, maintenance of rest
centers, aid to refugee students, co
operative housing, educational sup
plies, scholarships and emergency
food and clothing.
WUS has aided student refugees
in France and Germany, provid
ed medical care for students in
Greece, Burma and Indonesia, sent
books and equipment to university
centers in Pakistan, Japan and
Korea, and established scholar-
Talk Monday
A Southerner's viewpoint of de
segregation in the South will be
presented in th Union Monday. j
Gordon Lovejoy, educational con-1
sultant for the National Conference
of Christians and Jews, will give a
talk in the Faculty Lounge at 3:30.
Dr. Paul Meadows, professor of
sociology, said that Lovejoy is a
member of Guilford College, N. C.
Meadows is sponsoring Lovejoy's
appearance in Lincoln.
Meadows said the 3:30 discussion
is open to any interested students
and will include a question and
answer session.
Lovejoy will also give a talk at
&e Hotel Corshusker.
Dr. Bertrand Schultz, faculty ad
viser for the IFC, stated, "I feel
that it is one of the finest projects
that the IFC has ever proposed.
Not only will it help the community
in which the students live while
they are in school, but also it
will be of value to the fraternity
system as a whole. It will aid in
teaching the fraternity men who
participate, the real value of co
operation and teamwork. It should
be an enjoyable occasion for he
fellows, too."
Spirit And Enthusiasm '
Willis Johnson of the community
chest, which will work with the
IFC in handling the project said,
"I think it's a fine idea. We ap
preciate the spirit and enthusiasm
of the boys to want to help out
in their community. '
Don Stacy of the Junior Cham'
ber of Commerce commented that
the project will have a splendid
impact on public relations.
In other business at the meet
ing, the contract and policies for
the 1958 IFC Rush Book were pre
sented and discussed by a repre
sentative of Sigma Delta Chi, pro
fessional journalistic fraternity
which will edit the book. The con
tract must be approved by the
president and executive commit
Ellen Smith Hall
Memorial Planned
The University Alumni Assoc!
tion has proposed the preserva
tion of part of Ellen Smith Hall
in a Memorial Book Nook in the
addition to the Union.
Ellen Smith Hall, once housing
the Division of Student Affairs, is
being destroyed to make room for
additional campus erections.
The Victorian oak paneling, en
tryways, fireplace, balustrade and
stained glass skylight from the an
liquated building has been removed
in expectation of the memorial
Two plans for the proposed me
morial have been formulated, each
depending on the amount of alum
ni contributions.
The less costly plan would not
use the skylight or balustrade but
would decorate two walls of the
room with paneling, china cabinet
and fireplace.
Built in 1888 as a private home,
Ellen Smith Hall has been used
as a fraternity house, living quar
ters for members of the Student
Army Corps, YWCA hostess house
and has housed the Division of
Student Affairs.
The University bought the prop
erty in 1920. It was named in honor
of Ellen Smith, who joined the fac
ulty in 1877 and had been regis
trar for nearly 30 years.
ships and loan funds in India
and Africa in past years.
WUS is a fellowship of thirty
five national committees co-ordinated
by an international secretar
iat in Geneva. It is based on the
belief that only through partner
ship can a real fellowship among
students be created. The activities
of WUS are directed toward help
ing the student in his own country
to become a leader of his na
tion tomorrow.
Besides contributing to WUS,
AUF also gave to three national
charities, the American Heart
Assn., the National Assn. for
Mental Health and the National
Multiple Sclerosis Society; and one
local charity, the Lancaster Assn.
for Retarded Children.
MBs Feature
US Treasurer
Priest Slated
For Two Talks
Tickets for the Mortar Board
Women's Conference, featuring
Ivy Baker Priest, are now on sale
in the Union.
The ticket booth will be open
on week days from 10-11 a.m.,
12-1 p.m. and 3-5 p.m., according
to Marilyn Heck, Mortar Board.
The cost of the entire confer
ence, including the evening ban
quet, is $2.50. The price for regis
tration and the panel sessions,
headed by outstanding Nebraska
women, is $1.
The Women's Conference will be
held all day Saturday, March 1,
at the Union. Mrs. Priest, treasur
er of the United States, will pre
sent her address, "Things To
Come for Women," at 11 a.m.
and will speak at the banquet that
The afternoon will be devoted to
three panel sessions on "Home,
Career, Community Can You
Handle All Three?", "What Is Your
Role in this Changing World?"
and "Do Your Contributions Equal
Your Potential?'
Rag Staffers
Lunch Today
The Daily Nebraskan Press
Club luncheon will be held In
Parlor Z this noon.
A. C. Breckenridge, University
dean of faculties, will discuss the
Center for Continuing Education
which has recently been donated
to the University by the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation, pending the
raising of a matching fund.
Keith Gardner, ace of the track
squad, will be presented the
"Star of the Week" award as an
outstanding University athlete by
George Moyer, Sports Editor.
Seniors Try
Neiv Skills
Coeds Assist
In Classrooms
Twenty-four senior students in
vocational homemaking at the Uni
versity are learning to teach their
trade by actual experience in 12
Nebraska high schools.
Besides teaching in the class
room the student instructors also
work with Future Homemakers of
America chapters, make home vis
its and teach adult homemaking
classes with the assistance of the
supervising teacher.
Forty-two home economics stu
dents majoring in vocational ed
ucation will be graduated this
Co-operating high schools, the
supervising teacher at each school,
and the student teachers assigned
to each are as follows:
Albion (Mrs. Fern Medlin)
Elaine Veskerna and Nancy Wood-
Allen (Mrs. Faye Mitchell)
Janice Nordman, and Jean Rix.
Atkinson (Carol Kunker) Mar
got Franke and Marie Gerdes.
Aurora (Mrs. Janet Myer) El
da Broomfield and Janet Gaets.
Bassett (Mrs. Delia McClurg)
Lillian Sandall and Lorajane Bas
kin. David City (Margaret Briggs)
Betty Cander and Janet Elsasser.
Hebron (Janet Baker) Lu For
ney and Ruth Fisher.
Stromsburg (Marian Janda)
Janice Huejhar and Mary Devine.
Tecumseh (Mary James) Phyl
lis Nelson and Mary Fritts.
University 'High""' fEtelinda -PEs-ter)
Mrs. Nancy Keene, and Car
ol Smith.
Waverly (Mrs. Laura Bridgman)
Mrs. Joyce Gishwiller and Hazel
Wilber (Mrs. Ivy Stacy) Bar
bara Barkmeier and Barbara
Miller Accepts
Arizona Post
Dr. Victor Miller, chairman of
the University Horticulture depart
ment has accepted a post at Ari
zona State College.
His resignation is effective April
20. At Arizona
State College
he will also
head the horti
I 1
culture depart- f
D r . Miller
was appointed
to the College
of Agriculture
staff a s in
structor in
1949. He has Courtesy Lincoln Journal
served as de- Millsr
partment chairman here since De
cember, 1956.
Dr. Miller received his doctor's
degree from the University of Il
linois, and served on the staff there
from 1945-1949.
Ag Students
Dinner Honors
High Averages
Twenty-four University students
were honored this week at the
fourth annual recognition dinner
sponsored by the Nebraska chap
ter of Gamma Sigma Delta, Ag
riculture honorary. Sophomore and
junior ag students with high av
erages were feted at the city Union
Dr. Franklin Elridge, associate
director of resident instruction at
the College of Agriculture, told the
group "the aim of higher educa
tion at a college of Agriculture
when broadly stated, does not dif
fer from the aim of any institu
tion of higher learning . . . "to
develop an individual capable of
applying enlightened judgment in
his professional, personal and so
cial life."
Junior students honored at the
dnner were: Robert Cunningham,
Roy Akeson, Richard Wisohmeier,
Kenneth Frank, Ardyce Haring,
James Christensen, Dale Behmer,
Paul Penas.
Raymond DeBower, Den Evans,
Charlie Horejsi, Burt Weichenthal,
Don Schick, Bob Dannert, and
Louie Welch.
Sophomore students recognized
were: Maurice Bonne Jr1., Roland
Peterson, Jim Purcell, Tom Clark,
Don Ita, Charles Homolka, Norm
Rohlfing, Larry Wulf and Don
Friday, February 21, 1958
May Run
Spear Eyes
William W. Spear, Fremont at
torney, is considering running for
the Third District seat on the Uni
versity of Nebraska Board of r.e
gents. '"T'TTl Spear
"I have been
approached by
a good many
4 . s,
friends from
throughout the
district who
Want me to run
- i for the Board
4 Of Regents. I'm
! ' V I wriously con-
Is- v, f fidering it.
Courtesy Lincoln Star According to
apear u,e office of
the Secretary of State, P. M
Moodie, West Point attorney, is the
only person who haft filed for this
position but filings jare open until
April 3. J
The position will be vacated by
C. Y. Thompson, present Board o
Regents president, 1 who is retir
ing next year. i
Recent Thompson has endorsed
Moodie for the candidacy. Moodie,
a 1938 graduate o the University
Law College, is a member of
Delta Upsilon.
Spear, a member of Chi Phi,
graduated from the University in
1933. Though he is a former Re
publican state chairman, he would
seek the post on a non-political
ticket, he said.
Third Concert
The third community concert,
"Les Chanteurs de Peris," will
be presented on Sunday at 8:15
p.m. in Pershing Municipal Au
ditorium. The group of singers is part
of the act of Varel and Bailly,
who are considered by many as
France's top song-writing team.
A resume of France's song
history, the Varel-Bailly concert
program touches cn the days of
the Troubadours, who were roving-singing
reporters, then the
Ecrivian Chanteurs who not only
reported and commented, but
also sang the life of their emo
tions. Finally Varel and Bailly
with the Chanteurs gave their
own hit songs in "Today."
Gals Get Spot Behind Rostrum
Women Argue Their Way Inlo Collegiate Debating
More than a few changes
have taken place through the
years on the University debate
squad, as the seven female
members can testify.
From 1901 to 1942 women were
barred from membership on the
debate team because they
"took unfair advantage of their
sex", said Don Olson, debate
The rule was passed in a
stormy session of the University
with Mildred Anstine, the sole
woman debater defending the
rights of the fairer sex. But
from that meeting until the fall
of 1941, no women were al
lowed in forensic activity.
Six women did come out that
year and with the war cutting
into the men's squad, they took
a more and more important part.
In 1943 the University was rep
resented by a squad composed
entirely of women.
Debate began only a few
months after the University
opened its doors. The Palladian
Literary Society, still in existence,
was the first group to sponsor
such activity.
As later literary societies de
veloped, the custom began of
weekly meeting. Some of the
topics under discussion w o n 1 d
still be of interest today.
"That the President of the
United States should hold but
one term of office".
"That the course of Russia in
the coming European war should
be condemned".
"That military instruction in
the United States should be abol
ished." On the other hand, many of the
topics are not likely to face one
of the University debaters.
"That the annexation of Can
ada would be beneficial to the
United States".
"That indecision was the great
est characteristic of Hamlet".
Every effort was made at the
debates to keep the meeting or
derly and heavy penalties were
assessed against those who did
not perform when scheduled. Sec
tion 10 of the Palladian consti
tution listed the fines as disor
derly conduct, 50c; non-performance,
50c. The severity of the
fines is indcated by the fact
that fifty cents was a good half
day's pay at that time.
In addition to the literary so
citiei, debating clubs sprang ep,
flourished a while and then
City YM Wants SC Rep
Lost Four Years Ago
Council Delegate Dropped In Deactivation
Still Provided For In Constitution
In an effort to regain its Student
Council representative, the city
campus YMCA will submit a new
constitution fcr council approval
according to Jim Roman, Y presi
dent. r ,
The new con-
stitution will be C.
presented to .
t h e Council I " f
Wed neday,
Roman indi
cated. Providing for
a p r e s i dent,
four vice-presidents,
a secre
tary, treasurer
and c o u n c i Roman
representative, the constitution will
h-ve to pass through the hands of
the council judiciary committee be
fore final approval.
Roman indicated that the pri
mary concern of the new document
is the reinstatement of the repre-
- 4
Li fixj
Full Workshop
Rush Joh Creates Problems
For 'Ondine' Stage Director
With the stage full of scenery,
the workshop just as full and more
flats to nail together, Dr. Charles
Lown, technical director of t h e
University Theatre doesn't know
where to go.
"We couldn't get the crews to
gether to work on 'Ondine' until
the second semester," Lown said.
That left him a little over two
and a half-weeks to prepare the
three sets for the theatre's pro
duction of the Jean Giraudoux play
the first week of March.
"But the work has been fun,"
Lown indicated. The newcomer to
the University theatre said that
the play is presenting his crews
with some unusual and difficult
"For example, we have some
real technical tricks up our
sleeves. Explosions, birds that
have to fly around the stage dur
ing the play, and a water fountain
are some of the things we have
to create for the play," the for
mer Drake University faculty
member indicated.
In the second act a water foun
tain has to become "ansrv."
"That's possible to do by shoot
ing the water high," Lown said.
But he added that water on the
stage presents problems of its
own, such as where to go with the
overflow. "So we're handling the
water problem with lights."
He said that when the fountain
becomes "angry" the red lights
Intercollegiate debating was
first proirpted by the Univers
ity in 1894 when the University
Debating Association was
formed to control the activity.
Debates were held with the Uni
versity of Kansas, Missouri and
Colorado between 1894 and 1902.
At this time debate was placed
under the direction of Miller
Fogg, who developed a four-year
plan known the "The System."
The Daily Nebraskan in 1902
carried the following description
of a returning Nebraska debate
squad which had defeated the
University of Missouri for the
first time in five years.
"When the train arrived the
debaters were greeted with col
lege yells and placed in a car
riage along with Chancellor An
..'.. - a ::: -rain ;.frfcrtl's i.. ,s
GALS TURN IT ON Debaters Sara Jones (right) and Nancy Cope
land of the University squad show their techniques to be used in
the University Debate and Discussion Tournament today and
sentative on the council.
The YMCA had a representative
until four years ago when the group
became inactive.
The Council constitution, which
provides for a delegate from the
YMCA, was not altered at the time
of the ceactivation of the group,
Roman explained.
"According to the student coun
cil constitution we are still entitled
to a representative," Roman said,
"and we are going to insist upon
"I have reason to believe that
the only way the Student Council
can reject our application is to
change its own constitution," Ro
man added.
Miss Gourlay Comments
Helen Gourlay, student council
president, said the the YMCA con
stitution has been referred to the
Judiciary .committee of the Coun
cil for an opinion.
Miss Gourlay stated that
will carry this illusion to the audience-
Lown, who is either in the class
room, at the drawing board de
signing scenery (he is currently
making preliminary plans for the
theatre's production of "The Lark"
in April) or in the workshop, said
there are two ways to approach
"It's a fantasy which has to do
with man's lack of vision. So we
can show, through the scenery, On
dine's spirit which moves into
man's world or we could show
Ondine trying to enter the spirit
less man's world." Lown chose the
"The scenery is primarily Goth
ic," he said. "It portrays the
closed-in feeling which a sea sprite
would get in a medieval world.
We suggest Ondine's movement
with light," he stated.
Midwest Debaters Raid NU;
Labor's Problem Theirs Too
Over 270 Arguers Load Verbal Guns
To Shoot Off Pro & Con in Tourney
Eighty-five debate teams consisting of students and
instructors from 44 midwestern colleges and universities
will participate today and tomorrow in the annual Uni
versity Debate and Discussion Conference.
A sweepstakes trophy will be awarded to the school
drews, Professor Fogg and the
other victorious teams of the
year. A two-hundred foot rope
was attached to the carriage and
everyone helped pull the victors
to the University. Preceding the
procession of cheering men was
an Immense banner on which
was printed a decrepit Missouri
mule, with blood gushing from
It's nose. About four hundred
men participated in the cele
bration in the city streets."
In 1904 at the Kansas debate
at Lincoln the Daily Nebraskan
said "Never before was Memori
al Hall packed with a crowd that
displayed greater interest than
the one assembled there last
night to witness one of the most
brilliant contests in which a de
bating team from this institu
tion ever figured."
I: - -M
"'. m ,.v
the question has arisen as to wheth
er the YMCA and YWCA are both
entitled to a separate representa
tive. The wording of the council
constitution is such that it can
be construed either way, Mist
Gourlay said.
Miss Gourlay said that person
ally she believed that each group
was entitled to a representative.
Kinnier Explain!
John Kinnier, council judiciary
committee chairman, indicated
that that committee has not yet
reached a decision, but that its
first action will be s ruling on the
new YMCA constitution.
This, he said will not be sub
ject tr a vote of the Council body,
but will merely be a judiciary
committee ruling.
Kinnier said he thought that the
two groups should have only on
Other Reorganization
Under their past constitutions,
the YMCA has had a president,
secretary-treasurer, one vice presi
dent and various committee and
board chairmen.
The constitution alteration will
provide for the following vice-presi
dencies: programs, projects, mem
bership, and ways and means.
No positions except that of the
president and the secretary-treasurer,
Grant Tetsuka, are aow
filled. Other officers will be filled
at the re-organization meeting slat
ed for March 5.
BABW Closes
Filings 1 Today
Filings for Barb Activities Board
for Women close today, according
to Diana Maxwell, publicity chair
man. Application blanks are available
outside Union 309. Applicants are
to sign up for interviews tomorrow.
Freshman, sophomore and jun
ior women who are unaffiliated
and have a 5.5 average may apply
for board positions, Miss Maxwell
Openings exist for six freshmen,
six sophomores and two juniors.
with the best overall record in all
activities. The trophy and certifi
cates for superior individual rat
ings will be presented at 12:30
p.m. in Love Library Auditorium.
The conference opened this morn
ing with registration at Temple
Building. Also held this morning
were two rounds of discussion
along with sessions in extemporan
eous speaking and original oratory.
The subject for this year's dis
cussion is "How can our colleges
and universities best meet the in
creasing demand for higher educa
tion?" Three rounds of debate will be
held this afternoon. The proposal
will be "Resolved: That the re
quirement of membership in a la
bor organization as a condition of
employment should be illegaL"
A banquet in the Union ball
room at 6:15 p.m. will conclude
today's activities.
The final two rounds of debate
will be held tomorrow morning,
with a parliamentary sessioa
scheduled for 11 a.m. in Howell
Memorial Theater.
Schools registered for the con
ference include:
Nebraska Chadron State,
Creighton University, Dana College,
Doane College, Hastings College,
Kearney State, Luther College,
Midland College, Nebraska Wesley,
an, Omaha University, Peru State,
University of Nebraska, Wayne
State and York College.
Colorado Denver University.
Iowa Buena Vista College,
Central College, Iowa State Teach
ers College, Iowa Wesleyan and
Iowa University.
Kansas Bethel College, Em
poria State Teachers College Fort
Hays- State Teachers College,
Southwestern College, Sterling Col
lege and Wichita University.
Minnesota Concordia College,
Gustavus Adolphus College, Worth
western College, St. Olaf College,
St. Thomas College and University
of Minnesota.
Missouri Central Missouri State
Teachers College, Northeast Mis
souri State Teachers College,
Northwest Missouri State Teachers
College, University of Kansas City,
Washington University and Wil
liam Jewell College.
South Dakota Augustana Col
lege, Sioux Falls College, Southern
State Teachers College, Northern
State Teachers College, Yankton
College and Huron College.
mJCWA Extends
The NUCWA membership drive
has been extended to Feb. 28 ac
cording to Charles Keyes, presi
dent. Persons in every organized cam
pus house are selling member
rtwpi, Kejea Mid.