Poc ai The Daily Nebroskon Wednesday, February 19, 1958 Editorial Comment Dough Lacking For Boom Tho enrollment bulge might be starting. Statistics released by the University's office of registration and records indicate that the enrollment for the current semester is the sec ond largest second-semester figure since 1950. Dr. Floyd Hoover, registrar of the Univer sity, says that 7,850 students are enrolled now. This is contrasted with a little over 8,100 for the first semester of the year. Hoover to die ales that the drop Is about four per cent, compared with the average seeond term decline of six per cent. A total of 284 fewer students are atieadlng the University this semester. Hoover also stated that the largest secend semester enrollment, not including the imme diate post-war years when World War H vets welled the campus population, was last year's Then 8,094 scholars attended the University. The figure released by the registrar's office doesnt include the students enrolled in. ex tension courses and students in University High. The total University population would be in creased to between 15 and 20,000 students if these were included. Hoover indicated. For the student who prowls the campus only In the day time, an amazing vision is awaiting him if he would walk around at night and see the many classes which are being held in such places as Burnett, Social Sciences and the Tempi. Add to these xeakxts scholars the ranks of the baby-boom which will swarm the campus (supposedly) in the next few years and we bare a problem which is tremendous. TVM there be enough class rooms to handle these people? Win there be a safQceai wpply of qualified educators U teach these people? WIS the state be wfUiag to sapply the added lands needed to support a University doubled, possibly tripled ta sne within five or tea years? The Daily Nebraskan feels that these vital questions must be coped with by administra tors who have foresight, by legislators who have the sense to predict and meet the challenge in education and the people of the state who are willing to shell cut the money which will make the University a bigger business than it already is. But more important than any of these persons are the students in college today who have to live with the present conditions and telescope the problems they are coping with today into tee problems which their children will face in education in a few short years. The student most make up his mind right bow that he will be willing to support drives for new tax bases in the state which can handle the needs of the University. While the University has been an institution franrfTg ewer than 10,000 full-time students, the state has been able to help it adequately. Bat V an the statistics of the department of Heaha, Education and Welfare are correct, the popalaboa of the University wUl leap to first 10,000, then 12,600, then who knows what figure. This number of students cannot be educated with the means offered today, nor by the present set-up in the tax system of the state. No matter what method of taxation is sug gested and decided upon by the Unicameral, the people of the state are going to be hooked. This is one of those "let's face it" facts which cannot be altered by wishful thinking or con tinued excuses to avoid new tax bases in the state. The students of todiy, as the tax-paying ex ecutives and scientists and educators of to morrow, must be aware of the totally inade quate system of public support for education on the highest level. They must be aware that top-notch educators cost more than Nebraska is willing to offer anyone but the most dedi cated of men. They must discount the public bond issues as the sole source of new buildings and get on the necks of their parents, friends and representatives in the Legislature. The University has been fortunate in the past that the needs of the institution have not been altogether overshadowed by the demands the very pinching financial demands which have strangled some private colleges. But unless some very positive action is taken, when the day comes for the University to be a genuine "big business," the people of Nebras ka will find themselves without the means to support that essential enterprise. Union Misconceptions About three hundred University students who attended fte Big Eight Talent Show at the Union Saturday evening got a look at some of the talent that may spring up as tomorrow's top professionals. College performers from Kansas University, Kansas State, Missouri, Oklahoma, Iowa State and Nebraska took part in the show and gave a perform arsce that was above par for any national amateur or variety show. The only disappointing thing about the show was the audience turnout. These entertainers, who represented some of the best talent in the Big Eight, played to only about half of the Union's auditorium capacity. The prior night they played before about 150 students at Kansas. Many University goers get the impression that all the Union does is provide a smoky Crib where coffee is tea cents a cup instead of a nickel, a cafeteria, some meeting rooms, and a TV set where Independents can gather to exchange comments. This is a terribly mistaken impression. The list of constructive activities done by the Stu dent Activities Office is enough in itself to win support for both its director and student work ers. There are numerous student gatherings, parties, shows and movies sponsored by the group. The facilities for good recreation and leisure are available at the Union. And the idea that Union sponsored shows are bad is far out da :ed. From the Editor private opinion . dick shugrue The sbterfraternity CocaeL this newspaper re ported yesterday, has adopted a nytim which & would convey to fee University through the Drrisson of Sadeat Affairs that it wishes to de velop a closer relationship and a greater seder ataivffrg of common problems. Apparently the fctei It atetnay Affairs Commit tee met widi Frank HaTlgren, the associate dean of stair affairs, to discos the iizproremeat and clarification of University rules. Tie report in the Bag said that the most syz- riSeant thing aceompfised fa tfce chats was an agree ment whereby the president of aa organized bouse may accompany any etadest from Lis bocae who is to appear fcr a reprimand. The admia istratioa and the IFC feel that this will e-'mgrate any bad fee&ags that may de velop over djcipErary ae- 'nw Bnrrwr! Finally A regit W n i of social fife lave decided that a asaa has a right U cawasei Whoa be k ca&ed W fee pat est the Mock. t Lad always believed that a una has a right to receive cntmril, so matter who be was cr where be came front shea the question of dis etpCasary action by a state Hr-.Tyin was cv-vok-red. Sew, apperesdy, the IFC aad the Sto deat Affairs office are cocskg aromd to realize thai there are certain tiffsu, soca as pchbc aad speedy trials which are fcaliesablie. ' Kb specific actica Las been tekan. bowerer, re rsrcjz.1 the protJeas tit drirrxg, which, and let's face it, plagues just about every person, facsiy er administrative on this caxpos. Sow if a atodest is drirk g aa alcoholic bev erage while cil I toder the legal age, no matter ..wio be is, be is ncraaly taocgis of as a law breaker. Cotsg a step fanner, if this yoenh is g-xniiag oat ex the woods on a Friday afternoon and is see by a tee-totaler, that t-t has aa ob Egataoa to report the drinker or be is consid ered aa accessory after the fart, So just aboot very sSadeei falls fcso ore category or the other at some time during his college career. If the University disapproves heartily of this drinking oa the sty, that is fine, the school is ful filling ks ebfigatioa as a part aad parcel of the State of Nebraska. On the other hand, if the University does know about the infringements of the law only by hearsay evidence, a question of what action it should take arises. It's my belief that before any disciplinary ac tion is taken, a thorough investigation should be made. Bat the chances are that the only inves tigation will be a vague search precipstased by a desire to conform with the fcnii of the law. This all leads up to a vital need for the Uni versity. And that need is one which will result in the making or the breaking of the student-University relationships. A specific code of conduct pooto-.g out the exact limits of conduct which can be condoned by the state University and where a student may do whatever be is allowed to do is twri'al to We have gone too br-g without such a code. There feave been too many students who believe they have been gypped by justice by the Uni versity administration. The students could weB afford to Omasa a rode of conduct and sappiement their demand, wrfttea intelligently aad toniuonsly to the Chaa ceDor of the University, with explanation to the Board of Regewu aad the nxiubtrs of the faculty- Or.;? throcgh such draic action .3 the ato dest body ever get ary real peace of mind in this evir-cac&jsir-g conflict area. The IFC, or better yet, the Student Council might undertake such a project, tacked up with aa overwfc5rnir.g vote of approval by the en tire Rudest body. tsA you, such a demand is not a demand for drcnking on the campus nor a demand for the condoning of immorality in any way shape or form. But the student has a right to know what, specifically, the rules and regulations are, where they apply and. furthermore, disciplinary ac tion should be part of the public record. EXTT-SEVEC TEAKS OLD Umber? Associated CoHetUie Press latere Oesia to Frets RegreaenUtfve: Nattsoal Aera-thOn Service lacew pirated Fab&tbftd ait Keens 24. Sivdes Talea Iiaeeis, Nebraska 143i A K matt mtmt m ml ma Iifcmn pMMumtC faVw WluuVI Ulrf) Itkf a 4H pntu.;. f in j S. US. liliiiiliriw raw aw StM Efref mm ntmi r mmttm Imrttm. ilnti, mtn at h pmm attic at ( tM , 1SU. Esrroaux stajt rr DV Starr UMM E4ttr ....................... ZimnH Hmtm W n Uw .................... Mac UXUnai . ................ ............ n fr4aae tmM E-OMr .. (cm Mot t tr Wjtmm ..rmrr UaOccn, Ta tar WiOjiiih i imi4 mi, Tioii. Ii iii luwl. tut riaMMtaB, leak Ummm. V mi in no mm tnmmm Mm w mtmmm rcmr. rn fuem . m Tmt rimlm tmnmm mnmtmm M an nrMtk mm4 mmm Mw M tcaM Wnun MirtwH Kmu. ytmnw SarM. T mmhmt mt tmm l-mrtr Hnt f 11. mm Caarta Savta mi lOniaaia w " " mt t laaMo mw m . mm iwn aftam mm mm nium mt urn I at in. .wrmrm tamtfmmmm li ar wiia mt n tniamii t aiai 1 Mxaaw ... . .trtn tatila a Hitaaiat Hwnwi mtnm W tnm trmm mamnm J mm mm 111111111 M nn...T Xcff, 0aa Ki . ai nil mm am mmrt M tmr 'Uni.ilfl mr mm 'milt aaw mt mm tacaHy at mm lami. Tmm Ctraaaataa afaaaaar aaaaaaaBaaBaaTaaavJrrr timmm -Emm) TOLD Y00 A ims to HANS Uf OJHEMYOU CCWEIN! forpeal . things kd J, J TO BE j STRESSED Ch ' A HUNOCEO atVV AMD ONE Nebraskan Letterip Tidings Football Foolishness To the Editor: As the years go by, I have be come increasingly concerned with this problem of athleticism. By that, I mean all this talk of de-emphasis of football. Talk has been growing louder and more insis tent on both sides of the question in direct proportion to the seasonal record of our football team, and its relative merit and lack of merit. Now oa the one side yea have those fiery idealists that claim that the emphasis oa football has warped the college athletic pro gram aad put it oat of proportion, perverted it from its intentions and functions at the time of coaceptioa. They say that is is unfair for young men gifted with athletic prowess to be reworded with edu cation, because there is no direct connection between muscles and minds. They further aver that if any scholarships are to be granted, they should be granted according to scholarship itself, and that if a young man is qualified for a grant by his education, and also, as a maUer of coincidence is a thrasher on the playing field, just so much the better, just so long as the young man in question qualifies under the first consideration of scholarship. And on the other side you have the cold-blooded, facts and figures hard guys who lay the statistics on the table: It's football that keeps us in the black. Look at those gate receipts. You don't have to be an accountant to see that if it weren't few those boys sweating their pants off out there on the field every Saturday none of us would be around here much longer. It's a matter of business and economic survival. I actually agree with yoa nbont the ideals and an that jazz, but we doat have a choice here. Those boys are building mew buildings buying new books, keeping profes sors alive for as. The least we can do for them is to give them an education ia return. Then after these two sallies, die two opposite faction just stand and glare at each other non-plussed. Now I have thought about this and I would like to make a pro posal the application of which will, I think, satisfy both arrangements. With the money we are now devot ing to athletic grants and equip ment, we will buy race-horses and then convert the football stadium into a race track. Now there are many advantages in this: 1. The price of a football player for four years is about the same as a good colt. 2. The feed of the race horse is considerably cheaper than that of the football player and likewise for his accommodations. S. We only get four years work out of the football player, whereas we would have the race horse for his lifetime which might be as much as ten years of racing, and after that we could sell him for glue. But what can you do with an old football player? 4. Once the idea not going, our new gate receipts would be every bit as high as the former ones, not to mention the increase in revenue from bets. 5. This also could provide valu able laboratory facilities for both the mathematics and agriculture departments, not to mention the pleasure afforded state represent atives. (It would also give the ag boys a convient supply of fertil izer). 6. We would set a precedent for educational instituM all over the nation, thereby making a name for ourselves and putting a full measure of truth into the old la gan: "There is no place like Ne braska. 7. We would never have to worry about the race horse flunking out. 8. We might be able to compete with Oklahoma finally. 9. We could confer degrees on Willie Hartack, Eddie Arcaro, Willie Shoemaker and a host of other sport -of-kings notables and get them an ride for use, wearing red and cream silks. 10. The students will still have something to shriek with dehght over on Saturdays. B. P. Wayward Wanderings By Ron Mohl An acquaintance of mine fre quently passes on to me a copy of a fascinating little publication called "Human Events." This pub lication is published weekly ta Washing ton, D. C. by one .- .a - 1 1 I i ' 1 t r ighen (one of FDJl.s men) and carries fiery essays on the top.es of taxes, labor, business and politics. These essays frequ e n t 1 y bear s j c a nm ,n,m : "a f Motl pax at mm q-jeition-beggx.g tilies as, "How We Ed-jca:ed Ourselves Into Ig norance" or "Confessions of A Bu reaucrat." The latter was printed in the January 3) edition of "H j man Events' and was subtitled, "Or: V.tx the Federal Budget GU That Way." "CociesssoM of A Bureaucrat is written in first person under the pseudmyx of "Potomacus al legedly a f-vrr.er employee of a large government agency. The en tire artrle is a masterpiece of persjasive writ-g, touched off by the (r..T.g Katemest: "I was a bureaucrat. What's more I liked it." Potoowus eVserfbes aereaacra cy as a diseate which is incura ble once it gets firmly established ta your system. He then relates bow he became acrassotned to b reaacratJe red tape, aad how he graeaally learned the intricacies of bureaucratic protocol as he was advaaed ia salary aad prestige. He states that one of the first rules of boreaiicracy is to acquire for yourself more duties than yoa can possibly handle duties which involve travel to two or more k ea-.ior-s "Then," he says, "you are never at a loss to explain fail ure to perform any of them." He elaborates on the travel lo gic (curiously apropos in light of the current investigations into the administration of the FCC) and explains that, since bis title was "Organization and Methods Exam iner," be had astbnlled freedom to travel to the various agencies un der his jurisdiction. He was permitted to fly or travel by rail anywhere m the continental United States, all at the expense of Unde Sam. He sums ap his po sition with this statement: "Since I was authorized to fo every where, no one expected me to be particularly aaywbere." Next Potomacus tells bow be ad vanced in positKfl through out guessing, uut-naaneuveriiig aad boodwlr.tir.g his superiors. He found that, whi'e meet of bis asso ciates reveled in the luxury of sec retaries, chauffeurs, clerical staffs, etc., he could gain favor with his superiors by putting on an economy frost. He convinced the upper level that he was so very capable, he could do without the scores of as star.ts required by his colleagues. He outlines the growth of the Federal Budget, starting with the passage of the Budget and Ac counting Act of 1921 and tracing ' it through the Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, and Truxan adminis trations. The Budget and Account ing Act of 1321 was designed to curb and prevent the possibil ities of waste within the various agencies of the government. Here Potomacas ases a shock ing term to describe the situation today he doesn't call M graft; he doesnt can it waste; he doesn't call it extravagance he char acterizes the present sitaaUoa with in the L'-S. Government as "planned extravagance.' The word "planned" (if this essay is correct ia the slightest degree) compounds the problem aheadredfold! Planned extravagance is infinitely worse than mere extravagance re tfulilag from tadiscretton. Potomacus' essay, be it the sad truth or pure anarchist bog wash, is enough to clench the fists and teeth of any taxpayer. Near the end of the essay, be gives his reader the finishing blow with this statement: "There is no telling bow much money is spent overall just because it has been appropriat ed, no telling how much has been appropriated just because it has been requested, and no telling bow much has been requested just be cause the Budget estimates are due, and you've got to get some thing in the estimates or go out of the bureaucrat business." Few will deny the existence at bureaucracy in our democratic sys tem of government, but is it be fcomir.g a threat to the system it self? Will we find the answer in time, or will this leech eventually suck the life out of our economy? From Wy Bock 9rmm hrasafca turn 'Uak; Dm Tbtj fcu" aiembers of the turtle family are among the world's most an cient life forms, having existed before the dinosaurs. Rodgers It's easy to distinguish a liberal in politics. He's the fellow who wants to spend the conservative's money. Many people say there is no dif ference between our nation's two political p a r ties. Others have miscon ceptions as to what the differ ences are. I would like today to take up one of the specific differ ences in the R e p u b 1 i can and Demo cratic parties. ' This item is the party approach to labor. This, I contend, is the difference of the parties in relation to la bor: 1) The Republican support the rank-and-file union members. 2) The democrats support the union labor leaders. Now, it's allright for the Demo crats to support the big labor leaders. But is it only "support?" I think not. The Democrats are facing a tragic situation. I would liken the Democratic party to a coral shell. Into this weak coral shell, a small but mighty hermit crab has crawled. He eats out the insides of the coral and leaves only the crust. On the By Doc Rodgers outside it appears as usual, but it is constantly being undermined from the inside. This little hermit crab I refer to is Walter Ruether. Now, contrary to what you may think, this is not a purely Repub lican viewpoint on the subject. Democrats seem just as concerned about this gnawing animal. For if the Democratic party were controlled by union lead ers, businessmen, farmers and rank-and-file union members alike would vote to defeat them. How serious is the possibility of the union labor leaders dominat ing the Democratic party. Darn Serious. In Wisconsin, for instance, the union political action commit tee operates on a 27 million dol lar budget. They have a daily pay-n-!l of $37,000 to political stooges who organize their campaigns. You say is this legal? I say no! We need concern ourselves little with the Russian threat to our se curity. We have the strongest mil itary in the world. We must in stead concern ourselves with an internal danger. Now, I wouldn't care to imply that Mr. Ruether is a communist. But surely he is abetting them by not letting Ne groes in unions that are affiliated to the AFL-CIO. I suggest that when he stands before that mirror of his combing that red hair, he ask himself just who he is helping. Labor is not Democratic or Re publican it is American! r n) Kith (a 0m Awfbor efRaBt Rownd On Flag, Bofsi? and -tfarefoot Bof ati tacet.1 THE PLEDGE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN Today's eohnnn fa directed at those Toting female nridwpatfo ates who have recently pledged sororities and are worried, poo lambs, that they won't make good. Following is a list of aknpn instructions which, if faithfully observed, will positively tee that you will be a mad saceees aa a sorority girt. First, let ns take np the matter of housemothers. The 1 mother ie your friend, your guide, your mentor. Yon most treat her with respect When yoa wish to speak to her, address her aa "Mother Sigafoos" or "Ma'am." In no circamstanees most yoc any, "Hey. fat lady." Second, let as discuss laundry. Never hang OCT washootha front porch of the sorority house. This is unsightly and ahosw a want of breeding. Ce the Chapter Room. Third, meals. Always remember that planning and preparing meals for a houseful of healthy girls is no simple task. Your cook goes to a great deal of trouble to make your menu varied and nourishing. The least yoa can do is show your appreciation. Don't just devour your food; praise it Exclaim with delight, "What delicious pork jowls f or "What a yummy socpbooeH or "What scrumptious fish heads!" or "What dear waterf" Fourth, clothing. Never forget that your appearance reflects not just on yourself but on the whole house. It was well enough before you joined a sorority to lounge around campus in your old middy blouse and gym bloomers, but now you must taka great pains to dress in a manner which excites admiring com ments fron? all who observe you. A few years ago, for example, there was a Chi Omega named Camille Ataturk at the Univer sity of Iowa who brought goU of glory to all her sorors. Camille hit on the ingenious notion of suiting her garb to the daM she was attending. For nurtAnce, to English Lit she wore a buskin ano! jerkin. To German she wore lederhosen and carried a stein of pilsener. To Econ she wore 120 yards of ticket tape. Her shiningest hour came one day when she dressed as white mouse for Psych Lab. Not only her Chi Omega sisters, but the entire student body went into deep mourning when aha was killed by the janitor's cat. Finally, let as take np the most important topic of aO. I refer, of course, to dating. As we have seen, the way yoa dress reflects on your sorority, but the men you date reflect even more. Be absolutely certain that your date is an acceptable fellow. Don't beat aboot the bush; ask him point-blank, "Are you an acceptable eflown Unless he replies, "Yeah, bey," seJ him packing. But don't just take his word that he is acceptable. Inspect him closely. Are his fingernails clean? Is his black leather jacket freshly oiled? Is his ukulele in tune? Does he carry publie liability insurance? And, most significant of all, does he smoke Marlboros? If he's a Marlboro man, yoa know he's a lot of man. Yon know he has taste aad discernment, wit and wisdom, character and sapience, decency and warmth, presence and poise, talent and grit, filter and flavor. You will be proud of him, your sorority will be proud of him, the makers of Marlboro will be proud of him, and I will be paid for this column. suanaxni o a Tht mater I ef Marlboro telah to announce that Mr. Shulman ha been paid for thia column and trill continue to be paid tor bringing you hi homely philoophy through out the mchool year.